MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 78 Auntie with headache

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"Manman, I was wrong, you give me another chance!"

"Man, don't you know my mind, only you from start to finish."

"I really have nothing to do with her. I said it broke up a few days ago, and I sincerely beg your pardon!"

In a small shop near Minjiangzhou University, a clean-skinned boy holding a rose, begging a girl to entangle himself. The girl was called Wang Manman. She was not tall but had a good proportion. She was long and round and tender, and her **** were also expected.

Old drivers know that such girls are the most comfortable to fall in love with.

But at this moment, she was flushed with anger, and said, "Yang Guang, do you still have conscience when you say this? Who was carrying the woman walking around in front of me? Who broke up with me? Now They dumped you and you came back to me? "

"Manman, I was confused for a while, don't you know me yet, just playing a little bit, your heart has been with you."

The buddy is so thick-skinned that he still giggles up. Wang Manman didn't want to tear up in public, he would go out with his feet raised, but he was blocked by it.

"You leave!"

"I won't let it!"

"Step aside!"

"Manman, I know I'm wrong!"

The dude was a bachelor, kneeling on one knee, holding the rose and saying, "If you don't forgive me, I won't get up!"


妹 That girl is soft and doesn't speak hard words, this will even shake her body. There are still a few people eating melon in the store.

"Forgive him, everyone is on his knees."

"That is, knowing wrong can improve Mo Dayi, open the room directly!"

抿 Yang Guang pouted his lips, and secretly smug himself, and he got the character of his girlfriend and chose such a way. Eyes squinting for success, he suddenly heard the sound of an engine outside.



The shop door was knocked open, Jiang Xiaohuan rolled in like the wind, and Kaka was a flat meal.

"Go to your mother, don't look in the mirror, and dare to harass us!"

"Ah, I am!"

Yang Guang was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground.

The other one kicked the other, and the boots were long and hard.

The rose fluttered in pieces, he stood up and crawled out of the door again, pointing at Xiao Xiong: "Okay, you have a seed, wait for me!"

"Wait for you MLGB, get out!" She smashed a chair.

The buddy didn't dare to stay long, and walked away.

The others are already scared, and the attributes of women outside the customs are soaring and shining. Wang Manman was stunned and said halfway: "Xingjing, you are so good!"

"It's not that I'm terrible. It's because you're too enthusiastic. If the girls are stiff, half of the men in this world will be less."

She kicked the flower aside, and said, "Okay, let's go now. I can't find that grandson."

I said, the two girls got on the car and were about to go to Xiao Jing's rental house to avoid it. As a result, he just turned over a street and found a car behind him.

"Come fast!"

She glanced at the rearview mirror and stomped on the throttle, trying to get rid of it. However, the other side was also very sophisticated, clinging to it, chasing two streets in this way, walking to a quiet place, and suddenly a car got out in front of it, crunching it.

She had no choice but to stop in the road.

Fifty or six people got off the two cars, including Yang Guang. He was also lucky. A group of buddies were eating nearby, and a call was called to help out.

"Zixing, what should I do?"

King Wang Manman clutching his girlfriend's clothes, her heart was almost out of bounds.

"You secretly report to the police, I will delay time."

Although Xiaojiang Xu was impulsive, her head was okay, and she got out of the car after being instructed.

"Oh, have the courage! I'm wondering if I should smash your broken car!" Yang Guang's body still hurts, his teeth grinned and he wanted to play a show, and it looked very funny.

"Ha, I criticize education at most. You must be detained if you hit a car."

Xiao Xiaojing scorned and said, "Don't pretend to be a hooligan after watching a few confusing guys. I'm standing here today. What can you do to me?"


The scene was very embarrassing.

I am right, they are college students, there are local and foreign, their heads are temporarily blocked, but then?

Yang Guang turned his eyes and took the rhythm in time: "Don't stop us, you kicked me for nothing, and you want to go like this? Not so easy!"

He turned back again, and said, "I'll just have to fight a few, I'll take care of it."


Xiao Xiaojing's heart was not good. She was blocking them, but she overestimated each other's discipline. Sure enough, the helpers listened and immediately relaxed.

"Just let you succeed in sneak attack, but now you are not so lucky."

Yang Guang squeezed his fist and laughed: "But you can rest assured, I have a sense of fairness. As you said, at most you criticize education, and you won't lose some medical expenses."

I'm finished, I'm finished ...

I planted it ...

Xiao Xiaojing watched him step by step, secretly screaming bitterly, and he couldn't work hard, how could he get an old man anal? She regretfully expressed: Well, just not impulsive just now, if I give me another chance, I will be calm.


若 If the words are heard by my sister, Zhun Bao sniffs. How many times have I grown up, blame, regret, blame again, regret ... The reason why bear children bear is because of repeated teaching!

"Isn't it quite arrogant before, why did you persuade me? I beg you now."

Yang Guang stepped forward, all kinds of ridicule.

Xiao Xiaojing stared at him, his hand naturally touched his pocket, there was a bunch of keys, and a pair of small scissors on the key. If it does, she is ready to slap.


光 Yang Guang is really rotten at home. As soon as he raises his hand, he will fan his face. Some of the latter applauded, some frowned, but did not stop.


Wang Manman covered his mouth in the car, let alone knowing what to do.


He seemed to be flying from a distance, impartial, and was hitting Yang Guang's face. Ya was hit hard, and the whole person was lifted up, like a salty fish, in the air.

He didn't even call out his screams, fell to the ground fiercely, and fainted.

"Aguang! Aguang!"

"Who did it? Stand up!"

The scenes of chaos were chaotic at once, and some went to see Yang Guang; Xiao Jing's eyes were sharpest, and she jumped and shouted, "Sister, sister!"


Everyone looked at the sound, I saw behind the vehicle, I do not know when there are two more. Because he was carrying light, he could not see his face, he was tall and thin, and seemed to have two shadows.

I must be a group! The few people looked at each other and complained a little bit about Yang Guang.

"Go together!"

Twenty-five people hurried and rushed over, there was no rule, and they depended on one more person to chaos.

Opposite the opposite, one of the shadows stepped out of the aperture, showing his face like a Taoist illusion. It was Gu Yan. He had a branch in his hand, which had just been picked up by the road.

"Boy ~ ~ You asked for it!"

He rushed the fastest, hitting his face with a fist. As soon as Gu Yan raised his hand and fell, he knocked on his head.


The man's fist was still halfway, and he was baffled somehow, it was stupid and painful.

Followed closely, Gu 玙 avoided another one's fetters, and the tree branch moved forward a little, and he also held his chest in doubt.



I saw him walking in the courtroom, walking around, knocking around like a mole. Obviously looked very slowly, but could not escape.


艹 "Oh, what the **** are you ... oops!"

The swarm of people rushed up, and another swarm of bees rattled. In the end, a guy learned to be good, squatted with his head in his head, and shouted, "Brother, don't fight! Stop!

I looked around and squatted in a panic, complaining:

"Brother, don't fight! How terrible it is!"

"Brother, we serve, we serve!"

Gu Gu then stopped, and asked, "What should I do?"

The organic spirit immediately said: "We, we will never ask her to trouble, in the future to avoid, she will definitely not appear where there is her!"

"Let's go." He waved a tree branch.

诶 "Oh, thank you brother!"

"Thank you!"

The group of guys set up Yang Guang, and Ma slipped.

King Wang Manman saw them leave before he ran out of the car and dragged his girlfriend: "Xiao Jing, are you okay? I'm scared to death!"

"It's okay, that dreadful guy can't entangle you, rest assured."

Xiao Xiaojing patted her, then turned her head and ran towards them. She knew she would be scolded, so she didn't say hello to her sister and went directly to Gu Yan:

"Wow, brother-in-law, you are amazing !!!"