MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 76 Male and female

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Pu Shengtian has four railway stations in the southeast and northwest, and the north and south stations are the core hubs, connecting almost all the major traffic points inside and outside the customs.

In the evening, the two rushed to the North Station. When they passed the security check, Xiaozhai was in front and Gu Yan was behind.

She threw the bag on the conveyor belt, her little hand shook behind her back, and when Gu Ji made a move, she shot at the poor security inspector girl.

"Please line up and go through ..."

Suddenly, the girl holding the detector was about to sweep Xiaozhai's body. Suddenly, she felt an uncomfortable feeling. She frowned, and swiped casually, and a passenger frowned.

Suddenly the next second, that feeling disappeared in an instant, it was weird.

"Oh, maybe I didn't sleep well yesterday."

The sister-in-law said secretly, swept around Gu Gu seriously, and let the alarm pass before seeing the alarm.


货 The two goods were unspoken, and pursed away.

The waiting room inside the is extremely wide, with a high hemispherical ceiling, horizontal and vertical supports, and a unique structure showing a dome-like atmosphere.

Every ticket gate was filled with people, young and old, men and women, all in the extremely chaotic sound.

They found a circle without seats and simply stood outside. Both were carrying big bags, neatly dressed, and poked with four long legs.

趟 This train is a regular express, which will take more than ten hours, and will arrive early tomorrow morning. After a while, I listened to the radio and shouted, "Ticket **** from Shengtian to Jiangzhou has begun to check in ..."

"Let's go!"

Gu Gu greeted him, followed the team and checked the ticket into the station.

Because the route is long and there are many passengers, the platform is full of people. They were the No. 12 car, four-seater, sitting on their side, opposite a couple in their fifties.

"Let a let! Let a let!"

哎 "Hey, step on my feet, you're leaving!"

"Let that bag help me ... oh, thank you!"

闹 Noisy in the carriage for a while, until the train started, it stopped a little.

The communication between Gu Gu and Xiaozhai suddenly decreased. There were all people around and they couldn't talk about anything. But some parents were short and not the kind of shattered mouth.

Simply, they leaned back together and closed their eyes to rest.


The old couple was very strange. The young couple looked very good, and they looked good. The journey is long, and I still want to talk about the sky, but it turns out to be cold, and I'm afraid to be close.



The train was quickly out of the realm of heaven and earth, and its speed gradually increased, giving a special sound. This is probably one of the most familiar voices of ordinary people. Millions of people either go home, go to school, or go on a business trip, or look for, or lose ... Each story has its own story.

Of course, there is also the standard selling of "beer drink mineral water, peanut and sunflower seeds eight treasure porridge".

In this noisy and harmonious atmosphere, night came quietly. The city was not visible outside the window, only a desolate and barren, the lights in the carriages were lit, reflecting a dim shadow.

After sitting for several hours, the feeling of exhaustion sprang up naturally, the passengers were quiet, and their faces were tired. The old man seemed to be hungry. He found a bag of peanuts and ate it with beer and stewed eggs.



I don't know how long it took, I just felt that the train stopped, but it was at a small station. The flight attendant stood at the door and shouted, "Stop for five minutes, and think about it as soon as possible, don't delay!"

"Go down and smoke."

"Bring me a tea egg."

"The bag looks good!"

After talking for a while, many old men went down to breathe, and then came up again.


Gu Gu, holding a water bottle, was looking bored outside, and was suddenly stung by Xiao Zhai. As soon as he turned his head, he watched a flat-headed man walk into the carriage with his bag in his hand.

This person is very ordinary, but the bag is a bit strange: it is very large and very drum, but the feeling of it is, uh, fluttering.

He followed closely, followed by another, short and lean, his eyes twinkling. They didn't seem to know each other, and they were behind the carriage.


Gu Gu and Xiao Zhai looked at each other and shrugged at the same time.

Uh ...



It was late at night, and the train continued. Staying in the car overnight is the hardest part, regardless of whether you are a hard seat or a sleeper. The vast majority of passengers were drowsy, and only a few were still using their phones.

After a routine inspection by a flight attendant, the flat-headed man and the short man suddenly got up.

The flat-headed man stood under the luggage rack and pulled away his big bag, which turned out to be empty, with only a few stacks of waste newspapers. He had been optimistic about the target, and as soon as his left hand was stretched out, he pulled a small backpack not far away and quickly stuffed it into an empty bag.

Idle their jargon, this is called "drawing core."

By contrast, short people are extremely technical. This buddy naturally walked along the aisle, and every time he passed a target, with a slight swipe of his hand, his cell phone and wallet fell off.

And when he wiped his body, things disappeared. As for the passengers, they are still shaking, completely ignorant.

行 In jargon, it's called "pick it down."

Nonsense said that any industry is classified, stealing by hand is junior, using a blade is a master. Of course, there are more hanging, such as the car thief, which is considered a giant in the industry.

A pickpocket like this train usually buys a short-distance ticket to get the horses out. They are all veterans and know how to choose. After stealing a few people, they immediately turn around and want to hide in other cars.

As a result, the short man had just taken two steps, and it seemed like one came.


He cursed, struggling to get up, but his back was aching again, and the whole man fell forward and was on a passenger's leg.

呼 "Who ... 唔 ... Who?"

胖 The fat man was snoring, looking up, and opened his eyes when he was excited, and then saw a man buried in his head ...

"What are you doing?" Fat man screamed.

When the flat-headed man saw that his condition was not good, he turned and ran, and the result was even worse, and Pia was directly on the aisle.

"what happened?"

"Is anyone fighting?"

Everyone was awakened and probed the various threats of the brain. There was a girl with sharp eyes and suddenly pointed at the short man and called, "Thief!"

The passengers took a look, and sure enough, the man showed three mobile phones around his waist. OK, the atmosphere in the cabin boiled instantly.

"Isn't this my phone?"

"Stop, my wallet is gone!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"

"Hold them down, don't run away!"

The mess was a long time, and the police rushed over. As the evidence was conclusive, he immediately contacted the station in front of him and prepared to be escorted and detained. The flight attendant also ran to the compartment, apologized and comforted, and then asked, "Who the thief found just now?"


Everyone's eyes are staring at the fat man.

"No, I, I ..." The fat man sweated down.

"Thank you, thank you! Can you leave a name and phone number, you must publicize and praise!" The steward can ignore it and hold his hand up.

"The young people are really good, but fortunately they haven't lost anything."

The old couple also watched the excitement, and the old man was satisfied with the crowd. Looking back, he just wanted to continue the whole hour, and suddenly he was blinded: "Hey, what about my peanuts?"