MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 66 Shopping

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It may be inappropriate or even incorrect to disregard these things. But aren't the establishment of a system and the inheritance of ideas all perfected step by step?

This is just a small realm among human immortals. There are gods, earth, and heaven behind!

He reconstructed the Qi-breathing method in the end of the Dharma era, trying to be as clear as possible, without ambiguity, and close to the logical language of modern people. In a sense, it also left a little pen and ink in the history.

货 This product did not sleep all night, but the next day was full of energy, and ran to practice early. Soon after, Xiao Zhai also went up the mountain by himself. The two strolled around for a while before picking Xiao Qing back together.

I waited for noon before the girl got on the bus to Shengtian, leaving those documents by the way.

Gu Gu took it very seriously and took it out every night to read it. Every time, I found some new ba (gua), especially the implied martial arts, which was comparable to the palace drama.

He is like the Xiaoxiao School that Xiaozhai said.

The faction was formed in the Northern Song Dynasty, which is actually a branch of the Zhengyi faction. The two big men in the group, Wang Wenqing had a good reputation, and Lin Lingsu was very fluttering.

货 This article is a rare example of Taoist administration. He used the emperor's pets to reject dissidents, collude with traitors, and indulge in pleasure, which directly exacerbated political corruption. In the later period, he even hanged himself, and even insisted on arguing with the prince. He finally angered the emperor and was reviled.

Lin Lin Lingsu was very dark, but under his influence, the Shenxiao faction became a dominant player at the time. However, it quickly declined, and few people nowadays.

Uh ...

After Xiao Xiaozhai left, Gu Zheng resumed the rhythm of life in the past, practicing, eating, and rubbing incense.

According to the division, he is only in the refining period, and he is still very early. He now wakes up at dawn, first goes to the bluestone on the mountain, and eats the first ray of purple sun.

He then walked through the thorn forest and continued to cultivate under the old tree. Because the journey to the old tree was too far away, he simply brought his own dry food, and it was all day long when he went, all day long.

He couldn't return home until dark, and had to make incense.

Repeatedly, if you change someone else, you have to be crazy for two days. But Gu Min knows that this is the practice of the gas-breathing method. There are no short cuts.

Of course, he also knows how to mediate and soothe. He takes a day off for a while, goes shopping, and buys things.

In the middle of August, the summer heat gradually faded.

The whole city seems to have not changed, as usual, dreaming of his spring and autumn. That Caohe also flowed unclearly, dividing Baicheng into two.

The west is the old district and the east is the new district. The new district has built another real estate this year. Today it is on sale and is busy celebrating.

There was also a stage in front of the yamen. The host and country singers came on stage one after another.

"In the beginning, you had to separate and separate, now you have to coax me back with true love. Love is not something you can sell if you want to sell ..."

Gu Gu stood on the periphery, took a real look for a while, and found it very interesting. The big sister, whose hair was scorched, shouted with blue veins, but her face was full of magical enthusiasm and a bright smile, which is also called ability.

After listening to a song, he left and walked along the road to the left and walked to the commercial street. The street is six hundred or seven hundred meters long, concentrating all the prosperity scenes, and in the middle of the street, a small square is suddenly opened, which houses the largest mall in Baicheng.

He stepped in and didn't go up, but went to the leisure bar on the first floor, called a glass of ice cream, and found an empty seat casually.

Here are two tables, four seats, two girls occupy one, and he is next to him.

Modern people have a lot of rules. For example, you must let your friends eat first before you eat. Gu Yan couldn't avoid the vulgarity, took a photo, and sent Xiaozhai over.

I waited for a while before listening to the phone ding. He was eating ice cream with a teaspoon and a teaspoon. Almost no spray.

The man transmitted a large, uncoded frontal full-body picture: A guy was lying on the ground, half of his body was rotten, flesh and blood were mixed together, and he was carrying white bone residue and yellow fat.

"Where is this again?" He hurt.

"Luzhou Lord Ye Ling, said to be boar hoe."

"The wild boar wants to stab people for hair?"

"Because it came down to harm the crops, many people chased and stopped them, and the wild boars went away when they were angry."

"That's normal, why send it over?"

"Sick you!"


Okay, Gu Yi surrendered with both hands, subconsciously glanced at the cup of strawberry sundae, red, soft, slimy ... vomit!

愁 The sadness on his side was bleak, but the girls were turbulent.

From the moment he sat down, the two kept text messaging. These days, men's color consumption is more serious than women's color, bolder, dare to run into a group photo to see a strange handsome guy.

Of course, they are more reserved. After another interaction, the other person touched the phone with a poke in the dark, taking a selfie on the surface, but taking a sneak photo, pointed him at Gu Di.

Find a good angle, the focal length is OK, and the hue is also suitable, that side face is perfect!

My sister-in-law's heart was overjoyed ~ ~ One click, I couldn't wait to see it, Mom sold it! Really dead, the man shook his head twice, and instantly vanished.

Another girl also got together, and it turned out to be a ghost animal.


Gu Gu pursed his lips, raised his butt, and slipped away.

Uh ...

His main purpose today is to draw a set of travel clothes and a pair of sturdy shoes, all in preparation for going south.

Men's clothing is on the fifth floor. When I took the elevator to the fourth floor, I accidentally swept and saw the sign saying: leisure, billiards video games, fitness Taekwondo.

Gu Gu's heart moved, and he turned to the Taekwondo Pavilion.

As soon as I entered the door, the girl at the front desk pulled a smiley face and said, "Hello sir, please show me your membership card."

"I came here for the first time and wanted to take a look."

"Oh, I'll give you this temporary card, please return it in an hour. We have a teaching lesson today, and you can watch it."

"Okay, thank you."

He took the green card and raised his foot and walked in. There is a lot of space here, the most prominent is a bench, in addition to the practice area, dressing room and shower room.

At the practice area, a few guys in kimonos were teaching to a bunch of little farts. He went quietly, poked back, and listened carefully.

Let's say, Gu 玙 is far from the realm of exaltation of consciousness. He has to rely on illusion for a long time. Then when the aura is exhausted and no illusions can occur, it can only be combated by hand.

His physical quality is absolutely top-level, but he has n’t learned martial arts, and he does n’t understand some play styles and strength skills.

Aunty ran in, but it was all right to see if I could learn something.

(This chapter gives fat tea ... I said I changed the profile !!!)