MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 59 Explore

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There is a saying, calm and naturally cool.

Gu Guxu has always been convinced by this sentence. Xu is the reason for making incense, and he has not been so hot since he grew up, even in the mid-summer summer.

Weather forecast said that today is the highest temperature in Baicheng during the same period of history, which is 35 degrees. He waited calmly at the door of the passenger station, wearing a short sleeve, cropped pants, and pale white sneakers, showing a shapely calf.

Describes a man's calf is good-looking, always a little gay, but he is really so, from the flesh to the skin is perfect heartbroken, and full of explosiveness.

In short, a good horse.

"Hey, here it is!"

Gu Guyu waited for ten minutes, and saw the figure far away. There was no way, he was too conspicuous. The girl followed behind a mortal ticket, just like the vacant boy lying on the four beautiful women's shelves, with an inexplicable strangeness and burdock feeling.

Wu Xiaozhai walked forward with his bag on his back, he glanced up and down, and wondered: "How did you go through the security check?"

"No security checks."

She despised it, turned her head slightly, and smiled, "Xiao Qing, come out to say hello."

"咝 咝!"

The words of the words fell squarely, and a turquoise snake head emerged from her left shoulder. She vomited the letter, and then retracted. This snake is also long, but you don't see the slightest clue, but you don't know where it is hiding.

Gu Yan's concern has always drifted away, and he can't help but twitch his lips: "Xiao Qing ... you really save trouble."

"No, it has a big name."

"what is it call?"

"Called bamboo leaves." She was serious.


Aya is speechless, bamboo leaves are green, and she really has a good name!

The two of them teased a few words, then left the passenger terminal and turned to a supermarket. Since the situation is unknown, I do n’t know when to return, and some items need to be prepared.

Gu Gu pushing the car and took a few bottles of water and food, as well as lighters, bandages and the like. Xiaozhai held a pile of things and threw them into the car. Well, salt, sugar, hot sauce, fruit knife, picnic cloth ... it was almost a tent.

He wanted to reprimand each other. After opening his mouth, he didn't plant anymore. Forget it, the girl's family left a little face.

Uh ...

The afternoon was sunny.

Phoenix Mountain has just resumed picking up passengers, and there are only four or five buses parked in the square, which looks very deserted. The attitude of the staff in the scenic area has never been better. The courteous service and full of enthusiasm are just to warm up the tourists as soon as possible.



This is a little-known wild trail. The forests on both sides are deep and quiet, the dust is dim, and only occasionally there are several humming insects, and the faint stream flows. The sun was obscured by the dense forest and shrouded in shade, like a mysterious little world.

In this world, a man and a woman walked on the rotten leaves, which was Gu Yan and Jiang Xiaozhai. They want to avoid others, and they walked on this wild trail in the west foot.

The green snake was swimming nearby, once on the tree, then on the chasing insects, and then on the master's arm. She walked in the city for a few days and returned to the mountains like a silly bitch.

Wu Xiaozhai walked for a while, and seemed to feel too bored around, and suddenly asked, "Hey, why don't you call a squirrel?"

"Last time I saw it looked weird, maybe I knew that place early, but I didn't want to let me pass. I still don't bother."

"What should it do to stop you?"

"Uh, let's talk later ..."

He was obviously afraid of this too, his face was tangled, and he continued to lead the way.

小 This trail twists and turns to the depths of the mountains. The first section is still good, and the middle section becomes steep and slippery, making it difficult to find where to fall.

"It's okay to slow down, don't fall, you ..."

Gu Gu 玙 was afraid that she would fall down in the air, and then she turned back and told her that the result was good. They effortlessly stretched her long legs and flew out in three or two steps.

一 He moved in his heart and remembered that when he caught the snake, the other party could keep up with his own speed, so he couldn't help asking, "Have you learned kung fu?"


Tong Xiaozhai raised her eyes and smiled, "It's not a matter of how to train your body and attack."

"For example?" He was very curious.

"Like ..."

The girl looked around and suddenly pinched her right hand and slammed into the bushes.

If she were an ordinary person, she could not see how she shot. Thanks to Gu Ji's keen senses, I saw those five slender fingers close together into a bird's beak shape, and pecked with a fingertip at a very fast speed, just pecking off a pale pink mountain flower.

He followed, and she handed it over: "Hey, here you are!"


I won, the goods have not recovered from the sigh, but they have fallen into desperation, worrying: "You are always like this, I am desperate, okay?"

"Oh, don't forget."

Xi Xiaozhai took it home and held it for himself, explaining briefly: "This trick is called a blue bird hand, nothing special, just fast. I have practiced this since childhood, so my fingers are special, don't, spirit, live!"

The last four words are so smashing.


The female driver loved who and who loved it. The goods could n’t be picked up, so she coughed twice and forced to transfer: "Uh, how do I feel like you are like Xiaoyao? Anything ~ ~ also Yan Kong, your master must also look good. "


Xiao Zhai didn't bother about this kind of elementary sister-in-law's routine, she only said, "My teacher is very special, and the ancestor's interests are very mixed, and they are very proficient. It was passed down from generation to generation, and added a lot.

When the two met each other, it was much more open than the last time. She went on to say, "Listen to Master, there are twelve methods and twenty-four magics in the gate. Unfortunately, all the magics are lost. Only five of them are left. . "

"What's the most powerful way?" He was super interested.


Wu Xiaozhai glanced at him, and smiled, "The Dragon and the Five Rene Method."


Gu Guxi shuddered, shit, what kind of halo is this tall? Is it popular for girls to export boy milk now?

He cracked up, Xiao Zhai paused, and said, "Yes, I'm looking for you this time, and one more thing. These days I sorted out the manuscript and found something very interesting. We will study it when we go down the mountain. . "

"Okay, I can do it anytime."

He doesn't matter.

The two just walked and talked, and soon reached a place on the mountainside. Gu Xun identified the downward direction, and after another hour, he reached a small vacant lot where the snake catcher was located.

"It should be over there."

He pointed to the northeast, Xiaozhai took a look: I saw that from the mountainside, it stretched far away, and there was a tree that was obviously short and half short, it seemed to be valley.


The two looked at each other, concentrated together, and as soon as they took a step, they heard a familiar cry:


Gu Gu's face instantly crossed, and sure enough, the fat brother jumped down from a tree, and Pia's pestle came to the front.