MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 30 Hanged

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"God brother!"

The woman shook her hair, climbed to bed with her hands and feet, scared her head empty, and kept asking, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"



He Hetian had already fainted with pain. Where can I hear it, I felt that the thing was about to burst, an unbearable pain rushed from the lower body to the whole body, all the nerves were beating madly.

"God brother!"

"God brother!"

The woman yelled again, and did not dare to reach out to touch it. After a while, she suddenly remembered it, picked it up and dialed it.

喂 "Hey, the guest room ... Yes, it's me! I don't know what's wrong, but suddenly it doesn't work, you hurry up ..."

She hung up the phone, looked at He Tian with a pale face, and wiped her forehead, only to find that her body had just taken a shower, and she was sweating again.

But this is the Prince of the New Century. If something really happened, he had to be poured into a cement pier and plunged into the canal.

She was afraid and panic, sitting on the chair trembling, it seemed to take quite a long time before she heard the pounding of the door.

The woman immediately went over to open the door, just pulled a slit, and when the moment, the hotel manager rushed in with a person, one by one, uneasy. No way, this hotel is the property of the He family.

"What happened to President He?"

Manager Yun went in and looked, his voice was a little shaken: "You didn't give him any medicine?"

"No! We just started, Brother Tian suddenly did this! President Zhang, you have to believe me, I really didn't do anything ... you have to believe me!" The woman cried.

"It's okay, not when it comes to this! Old Liu, have you contacted the hospital?"

"Contact now, their director is rushing from home."

那就 "That's good! Hey, you two, put a piece of clothes on Mr. He, and then carry him downstairs."

The manager is still a bit brave, but unfortunately there is no egg. He Tian clutched his lower body and twisted his pants. Several people spent a lot of time trying to put on a pair of pants.

In the end, I had no choice but to use a big quilt to carry it to the stretcher. The goods kept screaming in the quilt, just like a pig being pulled to slaughter.

Everyone took the elevator downstairs. The cart was already ready and went straight to the hospital. After a few red lights, I quickly rushed to the place, and the hospital was ready to go to the emergency room.

At this time, He Tian's symptoms seemed to be relieved a little, not so loud. This hospital has a close relationship with the He family. The attending physician is almost all there, and the cause is quickly and orderly checked.

The manager and the woman were waiting outside, and they were extremely eager in their hearts. They looked at each other from time to time and had nothing to say. You know, He Tian is behind He Tian. How much blood is on that hand? Who knows in Shengtian City?

They dare not even run, they honestly explain that they have made up for their power, and still have a chance to live. If you run away, there will be no dead body in minutes.

The night is deep.

Time passed a little while, at the stall where the two were suffering, when the elevator door opened, a rush of footsteps sounded. Immediately afterwards, a man in his fifties with very thick eyebrows appeared.

"Hey, hey, he Dong!"

The manager immediately got up and stammered greetings. The woman trembled, but she couldn't tell a word.


He Hezun waved his hand and turned to the woman, his dark face showed a mighty power, and said halfway, "Let's talk, don't let one thing fall."

"Oh, oh ..."

The woman did not dare to be vague, how to open the room, received the old dog's phone call, was furious, then swallowed up and down, and suddenly passed through, and originally informed the other party.

He Zunzun said nothing, but frowned. After another moment, they heard a "ding", the red light turned green, and the two doctors pushed out the door.

"He Dong!"

"He Dong!"

"How's Tian?"

"The pain is basically relieved, and the situation is relatively stable now, that is ..." A doctor paused and said, "He Dong, please speak over there."

Immediately, the three entered the room next to him, and the doctor locked the door, his expression still hesitating.

"You don't need to worry about it," He Zun said impatiently.

"Well, let me explain it briefly. The general situation of He is that the cavernous nerves are damaged and convulsed because of prolonged sexual **** and abuse of stimulants."

"This is not a day or two thing. It takes a long time to accumulate. According to blood samples, President He may have taken another medicine today, and then he will have sudden spasms and even severe pain."

Yeah well!

He Hezun heard this, resisted his anger, and asked, "That's all?"

"And still ..."

Another doctor said busyly: "From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, President He should be dysfunction of red pulse. Red pulse is mainly about blood and reproduction. Can cause genital injuries and affect fertility ... "


He exploded instantly, dragged the other side over, and said, "You say it again?"

"He Dong! Calm down, he is only talking about individual cases, if you take good care of it, you can still recover." The doctor urged quickly.

"Can I recover?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You believe in our medical technology!" The doctor opened his eyes and talked nonsense.


He Hezun let go of this, he has countless women in his life, illegitimate children can also line up to play soy sauce, but He Tian is one of his favorite. At this moment, it will actually affect fertility and naturally anger.

同时 At the same time, Lao Tzu hated iron and steel, and his son was romantic. He didn't pay attention to maintaining himself.

He reluctantly controlled his emotions and warned: "Remember, these words must not be leaked out!"


The two men nodded desperately.

He Zun snorted, and turned around to go out ~ ~ After taking a few steps and wiped it back, he asked, "If it is someone who is under the hood, do you think it is possible?"


The two of them were tangled for a while, carefully, "then he must act at least one year in advance, because President He's body is chronic accumulation, not an emergency without a reason."


He Hezun nodded, and then opened the door.

After hesitated, he went to the ward and looked again. He Tian did not know whether he was asleep or faint, and was lying peacefully in bed. Without interruption, I turned to the corridor after a few minutes.

The young boys are guarding everywhere, the manager and the women are still on the bench, they dare not move.

He was too lazy to just stand at the window, his mind was irritable, and he called again later: "Lao Han."

"Are!" A middle-aged man quietly appeared.

"Tell me all who the boy has contacted in a month."

"Yes!" The man retreated.

This is He Zun's style. The first reaction to an incident is not to consider the reason, but: Who is going to harm me?

Because of where the status is, there are indeed too many enemies.

But something like He Tian, ​​how suddenly you think about it, there is no clue. Also, there are many masks found in the hospital. Ah is that extravagant virtue, but it is stronger than the usual clinical response.

Alas, it is this "some" that has become ambiguous on both sides, and dare not confirm.

Even the most powerful people have been infected by modern society since their childhood. The first thing they think about is "illness", "poison", "lifestyle", but not other aspects.

This is thinking inertia.

Of course, the He family father and son did not know. Just a few hours before He Tian was sent to the hospital, the Li family was in a mess, but the situation should be eased a bit.