MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 17 5 rivers

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Gu Gu's bag is waterproof. Even so, he still made several layers of protection to prevent the material from getting wet.

Come out of the market, then go all the way to the passenger station, step on the five o'clock car. The seat was in the last row, and it was full with two empty seats. He leaned against the window and looked at the city at dusk, like a giant elephant full of tiredness.

The car slowly started, and he blinked suddenly, and the glass window was covered with a few drops of water. Just when I left, the heavy rain that had been lingering for a day finally arrived.

The weather forecast didn't flicker. The bus drove all the way from the urban area. Only the thunder was heard and the rain increased. As soon as I got on the high-speed port, the outside was filled with water mist and blurred.



Gu Gu listened to Yusi's publicity, but couldn't help feeling a little worried, and the other passengers stopped talking, leaving only a few whispers.

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, the phone sounded, but Jiang Xiaozhai sent a greeting: "Are you on the bus?"

"Just left Shengtian, did you get off work?"

"I'm preparing to go downstairs."

"It's not good to wait for the bus at this time, the subway can be more convenient."

"It's early, I'll go to the park first."

"Where are you going?" He wondered.

当然 "Of course I'm going to pick flowers, aunt can't wait for me."


Gu Gu immediately hesitated, not knowing what to return. Followed by, there was another one over there: "Don't you think it's good for me to pick an osmanthus flower in the rain with my umbrella?"


He hit the ground with five bodies and quickly typed three big characters: "Sister, steady!"

Then there was no movement. About ten minutes later, the girl sent a photo. It was a branch with water vapor, pale yellow and pale white laurel.

Holding the branches of flowers, his hands are slender, the flesh is well-proportioned, and the beauty is not lost.

He suppressed a trace of surprise, a trace of longing, a trace of throbbing, joking: "It is beautiful, but it will teach the little pot friends."

"Then I donate a sapling to the park, even if I regret it."

"Give me two. Donate two."

"Farewell, my own pot backs on my own. Hey, you don't think you said that ..."

"Special routine!"

"Special routine!"

Gu Gu pursed his lips and pressed Send. These three words appeared on the screen at the same time. Immediately, there was a big yellow smile over there.

The two men were chatting like this, Xiaozhai's intermittent conversations were sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

瞅瞅 He occasionally walked outside, barely observing the road. At normal speed, it takes four hours to get to Baicheng, but it has to go slowly on rainy days, and it is less than half in two hours.

Unconsciously, the bus got off the highway and started to take a rural road, walking through some villages and towns. After another ten minutes, the conductor shouted, "Wu Daohe has arrived. Have you got off the bus?"


An old man got up with his pockets in his pocket, and he has even seen the beekeeper in the medicinal material market.

Wuwu Daohe is a town under the jurisdiction of another county. It is closer to Baicheng, about 70 to 80 kilometers away. Waiting for him to continue, the vehicle continued on, and soon entered a mountainous area.

The sky has been completely dark for a long time, and the black seems to be devouring everything, except that the headlights are faintly faint.

Xiao Xiaozhai had something to do with her busy work, and Gu Yan leaned back and felt a little sleepy. Stupidly, he heard a "creak" and the car stopped.

"what happened?"

"Maybe there is a traffic jam."

"Oh, better not a car accident."

乘客 In the passenger's discussion, the driver went out for a lap, ran back and scolded, "The paralyzed road is closed, I don't know what the accident was."

I won! Whatever they feared, everyone immediately suffered bitterly.

It was useless to call, everyone waited for a few minutes, and suddenly someone knocked on the door to get in the car, but it was a policeman in a raincoat. He pressed his hand and said, "Be quiet, there is a landslide in front and the road is blocked. Now this section of the road is dangerous. In order to avoid secondary landslides causing injuries and deaths, all vehicles are now returning."

Well, it exploded.

"It's almost here, let's go back again!"

"It's midnight to get back to Shengtian. Where can I live?"

"Oh, today's idea is too much!"

The policeman was quite qualified and did not take any breath. He persuaded: "I understand everyone's mood, but it's all for personal safety. Let's make a trip is better than being injured and killing us. Besides, now that the road is blocked, no one can pass . "

In fact, everyone knows, but can't accept it for a while. After a long pause, the police turned to the next one. The driver couldn't help but slammed his jacket: "OK, don't make a noise! ​​Do you still want to live in the mountains?"

As soon as I spoke, the car stopped.

After a short while, the police began to divert traffic and directed a U-turn. The bus followed an SUV, and even the exhaust was full of resentment.

Gu Guyu was also depressed, wondering where to go for a night. Shengtian's consumption is too high, even small hotels have to be one hundred and eighty yuan, or go to Internet cafes overnight?

Xi Zheng was thinking wildly, but suddenly there was a crowd of people in front of him, and the lights were indistinct. He paused for a moment and asked, "Master, is there a hotel in Wudaohe?"

"Yes, I have lived before." The driver was determined.

"Stop in front of that."

"Aren't you going back to heaven?"

"It's too far, I can make it all overnight."

"That's OK, please hurry up from where to Baicheng ~ ~ The driver was kind and ordered a few words to park the car on the side of the road. Gu Yi jumped down, just as the umbrella opened, I heard it crackled Like a cannonball.

Good guy!

He held the bag in his arms, held the umbrella in one hand, and went deep into the town. Wudaohe is a small place. It has two streets, one horizontal and one vertical. Most shops are closed and only a few restaurants are still on.

The driver was not ambiguous. He really found a hotel, pushed in the door, and raised his eyes to the counter, with a wooden bed behind him. A middle-aged woman crooked on the bed, watching TV boringly.

"Is there a room?"

"Live yourself?" The woman glanced at him.


"There are 40 and 60, which one do you live in?"

"Can I see it?"


The woman's attitude was blunt, so she took the key and went upstairs. Gu Yan shook his lips and followed to a room upstairs. That room was extra small, two board beds, an old broken TV, and no bathroom.

"This 40, the toilet is in the corridor, 60 still look?" The woman asked.

He touched the bedding, not a tide, and said: "No need, just this one."

"100 yuan deposit, come down to register."


I waited until everything was done, Gu Ji went back to the house to lock the door, checked the medicinal materials first, and it was dry.

倒 He fell on the bed, and tuned to the TV one by one. He wanted to talk to Xiaozhai about the torture experience tonight, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to be close to this level.

The reason why I ran to Wudaohe to live was that he was unwilling to travel back and forth, and the second thing he heard during the day made him curious.

(The cover was changed, but I didn't move it, it was amazing ... this chapter is for the leader.)