MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 428 Is it still the normal world?

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"These pills, red make you dream of Dehua, white dream of Alan, green dream of conditioner." Looking at the medicine bottle Chen Yi brought, Yonglin looked at the pills of different colors inside and nodded, "No If you take it wrong, just eat it as I said just now.”

"Wait! Although the effects you mentioned are miraculous, why are they all men!?" Chen Yi looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and asked in confusion.

"Because this was used for Lingxian's experiment before... Trouble, I suddenly remembered that the medicine may not be powerful enough for you. Give it to me first, and then get a new medicine later." Shaking her head, Yonglin responded, "You first Let's go and see the princess, you can't just let her indulge in the game, you should do your duty, otherwise... hum!"

Hum your sister! quack! Chen Yi turned his head and walked out.

Looking at the huge floating fortress in Gensokyo, a banner with a length of 100 meters fluttered in the wind, Misaka Castle! ?

**! Who is so talented!

Shaking his head, those who believed in the Misaka sisters to conquer the world before, let it go! How could such a thing be done! It's so jarring!

Chen Yi directly took out a 'yellow talisman' and slapped it on the forehead when Meihong used to live in the small broken house.

"Doctor, I'm here to get the medicine!"

"Princess doesn't play games now?" Yong Lin asked after glancing at Chen Yi.

"This is the consequence of not letting her play games!" Chen Yi pointed to the five bloodstains on his face.

"Didn't you fight with that Penglai man?"

"This is what happened to me when I stepped forward to persuade the fight." Chen Yi pointed to the long hair that was half burned off, and then pointed to the clothes, "I just changed it, and the internal injury is already healed. By the way, give me some, stop it." Pain tablets."

"Still hurting all over?" Yong Lin gave Chen Yi a strange look, "Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing shouldn't have happened to you, right? What secret weapon hit it?"

"How do you know that I almost demolished the Moon City?" "A letter from Sister Mianyue, warning you to be careful in the future."

"...Cut! I have a handle, so what are you afraid of!" Chen Yi grinned, swallowed a lot of painkillers that Yong Lin handed over, and instantly relieved the pain, "Where is Ling Xian?"

"I went to sell medicine in the world, here it is for you, it still has the same properties as before, but I changed it a bit." Yonglin handed the prepared sleeping pill to Chen Yi, "Red makes you dream of Youxiang, white dreams of Youyuzi, Green dreams of Yakumo purple."

"I'll go! This is too good... Cough! It's inhumane! What effect will it have if you eat them all together?"

"MM" Yonglin paused for a moment, she didn't seem to expect Chen Yi to ask such a question, she thought for a while before saying, "You will see four seasons!"


Looking at Chen Yi who turned and left expressionlessly, Yonglin said again, "By the way, these pills are still under experimentation, so there may be a possibility of losing control when you are dreaming.

Confused, he glanced at the transparent medicine bottle containing various pills in his hand, this is worse than a nightmare! He said that he never got any normal potion from Yonglin, so he turned his head and glanced at Yonglin who was waving goodbye to him with a bright smile... "Bayi quack, you did this on purpose!

"Lan, tell me, we really lost a few months unknowingly?" Yakumo Zi shook the phone in her hand, looked at the date on it and asked the fox girl beside her.

"Oh? Master Zi, why do you ask that? The time here is normal, isn't it? It's only a few months, and it won't have much impact on us." Yakumo asked in confusion.

"Really? Ah~ forget it, there's nothing unusual anyway, don't worry about it, let's go to bed first, Lan won't wake me up." Yakumozi yawned and threw the phone in her hand into the gap that she opened casually , lifted the quilt covered with photos of Yuyuko..."

"Master Zi! Winter hasn't arrived yet! Don't sleep for another few months, we have enough soy sauce!" Yakumolan yelled at first, and then his voice became lower and lower...

"Huh? Has Lan been under a lot of pressure recently? You can become a naked sky fox... Aha, I don't mind."

"I care!" The shiny girl with poor **** stared at Yakumolan's **** resentfully, they were all monsters!

what! Forget it, don’t think about it, just treat it as being tricked by the main god, looking at the gloomy sky, the original August day suddenly turned into December, and no one else behaved abnormally at all, before Chen Yi I thought it was caused by the time difference, but after asking many people, Chen Yi finally confirmed that it was the fault of this world...

Chen Yi shook his body, it seems that there will be a heavy snow in the near future, in the face of the passers-by on the street looking at the bad boy, Chen Yi walked on his own, and then saw a road suddenly sticking out in front of him. A gap with a bow tie for some bad taste.

Chen Yi was startled, I'll go! In the case of so many people, dare to open a gap! ?

Fortunately, the gap disappeared quickly after spitting out a mobile phone, and passers-by did not see anything unusual.

"Huh almost, almost, "." Chen Yi looked around, eh? Sky?

Looking at the suddenly distorted sky, Chen Yi rubbed his eyes, still looking gloomy...

When he came to a supermarket, Chen Yi looked at the dazzling array of goods, and immediately became entangled, his childhood was gone forever, what should he buy! ?

I clearly planned it on the road! Why do you not know what to buy when you enter the supermarket..., OP.

"Why such a moaning look?" As soon as he entered the door, Chen Yi saw a green-haired girl sitting on the sofa with her legs curled up holding a Mr. Cheese doll, "Quickly close the door, it's very cold outside."

"I went to the supermarket just now." "I know, you said it."

"Then I went in and forgot what to buy. The waiter almost thought I was mentally ill and called the police... Chuan

Glancing at Chen Yi's white hair and red eyes, it's okay to say in other places, in this kind of place, it's a minor offense, like her, "It's very possible, then what?"

"Then I bought ten kilograms of melon seeds." Chen Yi said and put a huge bag on the table in front of him.

"Can you be more boring!?" "By the way, I bought all the snacks, and then the salesperson almost called the police."

"Still in a mental hospital?" "No hold","

There was the sound of a car crowing outside the door.

"The delivery truck is here, I'm going to collect things."

"I'm back... **! A lot of things!" Meihong, who had just returned from Gensokyo, looked at the various snacks that almost filled the living room, and couldn't help screaming.

"Thank you very much." Sending away the numb delivery man, Chen Yi turned around and clapped his hands to look at the room full of snacks, piled up like a mountain of garbage.

"Have you smoked again?" Mei Hong touched Chen Yi's forehead, "You have been out of order since you came back from the Moon Capital. Could it be that you were beaten into a fool? If I knew it earlier, I would have been with you."

"The only thing I didn't know was that I didn't know what to buy after entering the supermarket, so I just bought everything back."

The original concern on Mei Hong's face immediately faded, "Can you still be bored? Can you finish eating so much?"

Isn’t there someone else? Reimu will definitely not reject these foreign foods. Even if most of them are called junk food, Marisa, who often goes to Reimu’s place to hang out, will definitely eat them, and then hide in Bo The haunted succubus at the Li Shrine will definitely be wiped out, Cuixiang's physique will be fine no matter how much she eats, plus..., and then..., um! It's easy to eliminate these snacks! "

"I always feel that you are using six points plus six points to hide something out of conscience." He leaned back on the sofa and pulled a bag of potato chips from the snack "Shan" behind him.

"Aha! How is it possible! In fact, not only can you eat it, but you can also play with it, isn't it..." Chen Yi took a bag of puffed food full of air and slapped it vigorously... and it hasn't finished yet!


"Chaos! Lei did a good job!" Chen Yi ate a Langweixian that fell from his head, and looked at him, "Fire, Lei, someone is one step ahead!"

"Then come again.

" Lei said and pulled out a bag full of snacks from the snacks that can be seen everywhere.

"Hello! We're here to play... a lot of snacks! Misaka Misaka is also coming to play!" With an excited smile, the last work looked at Chen Yi and Lei who were taking snacks with each other, and jumped down the stairs directly , Suddenly there was another burst of explosions.

"I said, do you usually live like this?" Accelerator asked while leaning against the guardrail on the second floor.

"Ah~ I just went to the supermarket and didn't know what to buy, so I just..."

"This is the third time you've said this. I want pizza." Sitting on the sofa downstairs watching TV, he turned his head to look at Chen Yi on the second floor, who threw down a box of pizza very readily.

"I didn't expect that you guys could do this. What would those crazy scientists do if they found out that the world and the world can still be connected?" Accelerator looked at the playful last work below. Said.

"You can't do anything in the madness, which door did you come in from?" Chen Yi looked at Accelerator, "Sun Flower Field is definitely impossible, and it is even more impossible for Yonglin to attack someone with superpowers at Yongeong Pavilion. You definitely won’t go to the Mengguan, you can’t go to the Baiyulou, what’s the matter? Have you been blackmailed by Lingmeng?”

"You knew it long ago, why are you talking so much!? If I remember correctly, you should be lying on the bed unable to move and howling!"

"What are you afraid of if you have painkillers! By the way, what are you doing here? Traveling?"

"I don't have that much time to That kid just wants to see a different world." Yifang Accelerator pointed to the last work downstairs.

"That's still tourism, why? Want me to be a guide?" I can't see any good places to visit in this world that is no different from the world I live in. "

"Don't be so indifferent, isn't there Gensokyo!"

"One hundred thousand! You can't lose a penny, and don't even think about passing here!" Chenyi heard Reimu's voice bargaining as soon as he arrived at the Hakurei Shrine.

"Isn't one hundred thousand just a broken door? It will cost so much in a while, why don't you grab it!" Then there was a burst of crackling electric discharge.

"It's faster than snatching it. Hurry up and give the money... Look at Doriso, you guy who can discharge electricity." Reimu, who collected the money with one hand, pointed to Grezia who led her mistress through the space passage, while Looking at the wad of banknotes in his hand with a painful face, more than half of them were swallowed by a gap.

The purple old woman who squeezed the hard-earned money of the people!

"Wait, our currency doesn't seem to be in circulation?" A blond girl wearing the same style of uniform as Mikoto looked at the girl in the red and white armpit-baring maiden costume in front of her. It will feel like being killed in seconds!

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm a professional, you just need to pay me." Reimu shook the big bow on the back of his head, turned his head to look at Chen Yi, "Ah, it's really bad luck, it's you." (To be continued )【】. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )