MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 22 changed equipment

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After being threatened by Yakumo Zi, Chen Yi never went to peep from that day on...

Do you believe it!

Zhao Chenyi's idea is that I can even see the surface of the moon (the time when my eyes exploded), how can a mere distance stop me!

The days go by day by day, the lilies bloom one by one, and Chen Yi also...

As for the scene where Yakumo Zi recovers from her injury and dances with Yuyuko under the moon, Chen Yi said that the temptation is not that great.

Chen Yi, who couldn't even do radio gymnastics well in elementary school, can he be expected to have a talent for appreciating dance? It would be more realistic to just take off your clothes and appear in front of him...

Now that Yakumo Zi's injury has healed, Chen Yi didn't dare to continue with that, and simply stayed there obediently, gathering his strength.

Chen Yi discovered very early on that the power he possessed had the possibility of leapfrog challenges. It's okay to meet weak ones, but when he meets someone stronger than himself, he will be suppressed and beaten.

Just like the current Yakumo Lan, although she is stronger than Chen Yi, she is not so strong that she can win against Chen Yi, but why was Yakumo Lan easily caught her back then?

After sorting out most of the power, Chen Yi also slowly found the reason.

Because of the many power systems in his body, Chen Yi likes the beneficial state of many powers every time he fights, and he blesses all of them on his body. Except for Nian Qi, although Chen Yi's other three powers have similar attributes, there is no need to use them at the same time. What a conflict.

Although doing so can increase Chen Yi's power a lot, it also greatly limits Chen Yi's own performance. Although the power attributes are similar, they are not the same power after all. Although there will be no major problems when used at the same time, they are different. However, the power is naturally offset partly in the process of use.

In this case, Chen Yi is naturally insufficient compared to the top, and more than the bottom. After all, each of his powers has a complete system, and rashly adding other powers will only cause the collapse of the power system.

It's like when Chen Yi was running berserk, he released four different types of awakening skills in a row. Although it was very powerful, if Chen Yi used his natural power to concentrate all his power on one awakening skill, the effect would be great. It is definitely much more powerful than the effect of releasing four awakenings in a row.

These problems were discovered by Chen Yi when he was unable to use other powers and concentrated on using the power of Nian Qi. Originally, Chen Yi thought that in the absence of other powers, his combat power would definitely be greatly reduced. In the case of using Nian Qi to fight against the enemy, the combat power will not decrease but increase.

At this point, Chen Yi also figured it out. Although there were many ways to use different powers when fighting against the enemy, it also destroyed the system of each power. affect its own performance.

If Chen Yi could have thought of these problems earlier, he would not have looked so embarrassed when he faced Yakumo Lan.

Inexperienced, Chen Yi thought.

This is also normal, anyone who suddenly gains powerful power will rashly get lost in the power gained, and there are quite a few people who are completely immersed in the temptation of power.

Chen Yi's originally frowning brows loosened. Although the problem was not discovered early, it was not too late. With confidence, Chen Yi's back was a bit stronger.

Yakumo Lan, who discovered Chen Yi's change, also looked at Chen Yi curiously. Yakumo Lan, who originally felt that she could win against Chen Yi, suddenly felt that it was impossible for her to win against Chen Yi again in the future, and she would even be beaten by Chen Yi. beat…

Chen Yi was in a good mood and started to dig things out. After his strength was increased, he added the bonus of attribute enhancement. Chen Yi could already use some of the artifacts and weapons he had collected...

A flaming red slender straight-bladed Taidao stuck on the ground (Liuguang Meteor Sword), and an extremely thick, black and purple large knife (Zhaodan).

Then Chen Yi took out a half-curved dagger (evil spirit blood-drinking sword) with a blood-red ominous aura, looked at it and put it back, there was no trace, the dagger is not needed now.

As for the blunt weapon, Chen Yi didn't take it out, the reason is that he has no love for blunt weapons, beating someone with a stick is not as fun as beating someone with a knife.

Looking at the extra artifacts on the ground, although there are no lightsabers, it still makes Chen Yi grin. Which of these weapons is not a magic costume that is all the rage in the game?

Especially the Meteor Knife (Liuguang Meteor Knife), which is enduring. Looking at the two weapons in his hand, Chen Yi put away the courage, and he will use the Meteor Knife to cut people first. Leave all other weapons aside for me...

Turning the scorching meteor knife away from the back, the super long blade almost touched the ground.


Yakumo Zi, who recovered from her injuries, came back. For Yakumo Zi who returned again, both Chen Yi and Yakumo Lan discovered the change of Yakumo Zi.

The ferocity of killing for a long time is less, and it is a little more peaceful.

Of course Yakumo Zi, no matter how peaceful she is, will hold grudges, and she remembers Chen Yi's peeping very clearly.

Yakumo Zi who just came back kicked Chen Yi out, saying that she wanted Chen Yi to take care of You Youzi and not let any monks from Xixing Temple approach her, as long as they went to You Youzi's residence, they would all be killed without mercy! And I'm going to sleep, Yunyun...

Chen Yi who was kicked out was naturally very unwilling.

Hurry up and become stronger! Chen Yi thought, he will become stronger after a while, Yakumo Zi, please remember it for me! I must…

A gap appeared, and Chen Yi was kicked again...

Chen Yi: "..."

Sighing, he still seized the time to strengthen his strength. If he keeps doing this, he will be aggrieved!

Came to Youyouzi's residence in Xixing Temple, found a place, and Chen Yi started to stay.

Well! Everyone also knows that squatting is very boring.

It didn't take long for Chen Yi to be unable to sit still, you must know that Youyouzi's residence is very secretive, who would panic and risk their death to come here?

I caught a few small animals, and used the magical skill passed down from my ancestors-drilling wood to make fire, and lit a fire.

After disposing of the caught small animals, pull out the meteor knife inserted on the side to string the ingredients together (Liuguang meteor knife: "... Nima is a magic weapon, be careful of being struck by lightning!).

Ignoring the rules of the jungle that prohibits the use of fire, he brazenly roasted game.

The ingredients on the Meteor Knife were heated evenly under Chen Yi's constant turning, and the smell of meat spread out after a while.

Raising his weapon, Chen Yi looked at a bunch of cooked meat, tore off a chicken leg, and took a bite.

"Ha! I'm still very talented! It's my first time to do barbecue." Chen Yi boasted.

"Why don't you come and eat something?" Chen Yi said to a tree beside him.

"..." Hunpo Yaoji came out from behind the big tree, and sat cross-legged opposite Chen Yi.

"Here you are." Handed a roasted pheasant to Soul Yaoji.

Soul Yaoji did not continue, but looked directly at Chen Yi: "Although the eldest lady (You Youzi) is very happy after meeting you, I hope you will not do anything that intends to hurt the eldest lady! Otherwise, my soul Yaoji will kill you at all costs!"

"Don't be funny!" Chen Yi swallowed the meat in his mouth, "You can't even kill me, and you want to kill someone who is more excited than me, you should be funny!"

Seeing that Soul Yaoji was about to draw his sword to slay people, Chen Yi said again: "Don't worry, Master Zi originally planned to kill Miss Youyouzi because of Xixing Yao, but after this incident, Master Zi will not do it again in the future." , it’s difficult!”

…reinsert the half-drawn weapon back into the scabbard.

"I hope what you said is true! I don't want Missy to suffer any harm, whether it is physically or emotionally, Missy has been alone for a long time!"

Chen Yi also understands these things, because everyone is afraid of Youyouzi's power, so everyone dare not approach her, even Youyouzi's residence is extremely remote and hidden, you can imagine Youyouzi's loneliness.

Handed a baked rabbit that Chen Yi hadn't touched to Soul Yaoji, "Your Miss Youyouzi has never eaten this kind of thing, why don't you bring one back for her to taste?"

Hun Huo Yaoji did not refuse this time, and left with the roasted rabbit. As for Chen Yi staying, she was helpless. Chen Yi didn't want to leave, and she had no choice but to drive Chen Yi away, and his legs were still in Chen Yi's hands. As for killing Chen Yi, as Chen Yi said, she really couldn't kill Chen Yi.


Ahhh! I hate squatting! Chen Yi, who couldn't stand it again, went crazy, looking at the residence in the distance.

Do you want to sit down? Just as a guest? By the way, brush up your favorability or something?

As soon as this idea came up, Chen Yi couldn't sit still anymore, UU reading www. Didn't say that Yuyuko's evil spirit is halved during the day, looking at the scorching sun, it doesn't matter if you go now, probably...

After hesitating again and again, Chen Yi decided to go. As for who will come here? The possibility is really small, plus Chen Yi often forgets to use his perception ability.

Although the wave perception is not available now, the Nianqi perception is not a problem. Chen Yi, who has activated the Nianqi perception, said that the pressure to completely monitor this area is not great.

As Chen Yi approached, Youyouzi could feel it and saw Chen Yi appearing in front of the door.

"You are..." Of course, Youyouzi remembered Chen Yi clearly, after all, he took the lead of Yakumozi and survived under Youyuzi's power before Yakumozi.

"Introduce yourself a bit. My name is Chen Yi. I'm currently a half-shikigami of Lord Zi." Knowing that You Youzi still doesn't know his name, Chen Yi said quickly.

Then Chen Yi looked around again, "You can just call me Chen Yi, and, those skeletons won't come out now, will they?"

Yuyuko also welcomed people related to Yakumo Zi to come here, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they won't appear during the day."

"Oh, then I'll bother you." Walking into the yard, Chen Yi sat directly on the table at the door of the house.

"Aren't you going into the house?" Youyouzi asked when he saw Chen Yi sitting outside.

Looking at Yuyuko with a demure expression and a book on the table in the room.

"Miss Youyouzi is reading a book. I'll just sit outside and look at the sun, so I won't disturb your reading." Under the influence of Youyouzi, Chen Yi, who couldn't sit still, became quiet.

"Please use." After pouring Chen Yi a cup of tea, You Youzi went back to the room to read a book again.