MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1700 look like a gentleman

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  Chapter 1700 I don't look like a gentleman

  Emperor Hongzhi was speechless after hearing what the merchant said.

   But he still didn't quite understand. Just as he was wondering, he saw the merchant looking at him with a look of disgust, as if he was eager to buy shares.

  Xiao Jing saw that the merchant was bold, and was about to reprimand him.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "I do have some shares here, how about selling you thousands of shares?"

  The merchant's eyes lit up suddenly, and he stopped moving. Then he glanced at Emperor Hongzhi and smiled.

  Nowadays, whenever someone sells stocks, it is my uncle, or my dear.

  The merchant immediately said: "Brother..."

Emperor Hongzhi looked at the noisy scene and pulled him aside. Looking from the corner, the exchange was still crowded with people, which was terrifying. People shouted hysterically about the ever-rising prices. Do not desperately maintain order.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "I still don't understand why...why the stock price is going to skyrocket when the crown prince ascends the throne, please enlighten me."

   Merchants took a look at Emperor Hongzhi, and felt that Emperor Hongzhi was really a little 'two'.

Seeing that Emperor Hongzhi was willing to sell shares, he cheered up: "This matter is not simple. Do you know what it was like before the Zhenguo Mansion? Maybe you were not from Beijing before, so let's not It is said that at that time there was no new city, no exchange, and no new policies in Baoding, such ordinary merchants could not do business at that time."

   "Can't make a deal?" Emperor Hongzhi was surprised and frowned subconsciously, but he still couldn't understand.

The merchant said: "To do business, how can it be so easy? Just think about it, how many checkpoints do you need to pass along the way for a carload of goods to go from the capital to Nanjing? Inspection Department. Many places are high mountains and the emperor is far away. If you cross the border, if you meet someone who is talkative, you can pay a little money. , and there will be a lawsuit. Therefore, those who can do business are all on top..."

  He pointed to the smallpox.

  Emperor Hongzhi understood this, and he said in surprise, "Chaozhong..."

"Yes, the royal relatives in the court, as well as the ministers of civil and military affairs, only their domestic slaves, carrying their name cards and carrying the goods to go out, will not be embarrassed at the checkpoints and counties along the way. "

  Emperor Hongzhi's face suddenly turned pale.

In fact, at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, he thought of taxing merchants because of the emptiness of the national treasury. It was not that the imperial court did not collect taxes from merchants, but that Emperor Hongzhi discovered that the merchants were all rich enough to rival a country, and they could be collected by the court. The tax that came was pitifully small, but immediately, the ministers stopped him. Some people excitedly shouted that the emperor should not compete with the people for profit, and some people told the emperor earnestly that if taxes were collected, he might suffer huge losses. disaster.

  And now...Emperor Hongzhi understood.

In fact, in the past, there were no so-called merchants at all, and the names of merchants were all fake. In fact, if you really want to do business, if you manage it, it may not be enough to take all your wealth into it. , If you compete with others in the business you do, you may be dead without a whole body.

Seeing Emperor Hongzhi's surprised look, merchants thought that Emperor Hongzhi had never seen the world, smiled, and continued: "But the Zhenguo Mansion is here. In order to encourage merchants to transfer their fortunes, the Zhenguo Mansion has set up personnel everywhere to investigate this checkpoint. To make things difficult for merchants, if such a thing happens, immediately report it to the Zhen Guofu, and His Royal Highness will directly send a knife to those bold guys, and it only takes a moment to scare them to death."

"In this way, the goods can be circulated. Merchants start trading, reducing unnecessary risks. Of course...these... are just one of them. There are so many transactions in this capital, which one is not brought by Xishan. After that, everyone will follow Take a share behind His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Duke Qi. In this capital, there are merchants of all kinds, including Jiangxi merchants, Fujian merchants, Guangdong merchants, and even Hu merchants, but... you know, there is also a Xishan merchant The Xishan merchants are not referring to Xishan’s own business. Most of the Xishan merchants are the large number of refugees that the prince and Qi Guogong took in in Xishan. These refugees, His Royal Highness and Qi Guogong taught them to study and gave them land Farming and taking care of them, they were the first to see the world in Xishan and knew the benefits of doing business, so they became independent and did business everywhere. The refugees recruited by Xishan are only tens of thousands of households, but there are many merchants with such backgrounds. Thousands of people, all kinds of business, they talked about their hometowns, never said their origins, only said that they came from Xishan, once they came and went, they became Xishan merchants."

"Think about it, these refugees were hungry and cold back then, they couldn't even eat, and those who couldn't read Chinese characters almost starved to death, but because of the shelter of the prince and Duke of Qi, they took out land in Xishan and gave them Let people teach them to read and write, and explain the truth, and they have soared into the sky since then, not to mention becoming the top of the world, but they have a lot of money. Among all the merchants in the world, they are the same as other Jiangxi merchants, Compared with Fujian merchants, Shanxi merchant gangs, and Shandong merchant gangs, they should not be underestimated in terms of strength and quantity."

   "Look, His Royal Highness and Qi Guogong are not the God of Wealth. If anyone gets involved with them, they will definitely make a fortune."

  Emperor Hongzhi didn't know...there was such a thing as the Xishan Merchant Gang in this world.

  In his impression, he thought that there were only Xishan Jianye and Xishan Qianzhuang.

And these Xishan refugees who broke away from the Xishan system and went out to operate may be because they are near the water first, or they have received newer information than others, plus they are refugees themselves, willing to endure hardships and stand hard work... many conditions add up , rapid fortune, but also understandable.

"Over the years, those of us who do business have benefited from the New Deal and earned a lot of money, but...before the Hongzhi Dynasty, how could merchants have a good life? Wearing money, but I have never felt at ease in my heart...Don't look at everyone daring to wear silk and satin now, but this is just a superficial scenery, because no one can tell when, what will happen to this court. The year before last Didn’t the Duke of Qi almost be assassinated at that time? And His Royal Highness the Crown Prince… Didn’t many people spread the word that the Crown Prince doesn’t look like a gentleman?”

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned, but suddenly realized that this was an indifferent merchant just now, but now his eyes were red.

The merchant wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and immediately sighed emotionally: "Hey... To be honest, before that, the more money I earned, the less at ease I felt, and I couldn't sleep overnight. Throughout the dynasties, people like us It will not end well. Officers and soldiers are coming, and they want to blackmail. Bandits are coming, and they want to plunder. If there is any trouble, we will be the first to die. The rumors that the prince does not look like a gentleman are true. How did it spread? It’s not that some people hope that His Highness the Crown Prince will not be able to inherit the rule. It’s better that the Crown Prince becomes an abolished Crown Prince. People who are usually good people, maybe, those people are already in the court."

  Emperor Hongzhi's face became colder and colder.

  He squinted his eyes, deep in his eyes, there was a gloomy look.

  He didn't make a sound, and continued to listen carefully to what the merchant said.

  Xiao Jing was at the side, but he was terrified when he heard it. This merchant...knows too much! How dare the factory guards dare to talk nonsense!

I saw the merchant continued: "Now, the old emperor has abdicated and the new emperor ascended the throne. Our prince is in his prime, and he may be in the world for decades in the future. Now that he is on the throne... let's talk about villains, little ones." People's hearts... can be regarded as being at ease. As business people, we dare not trust anyone's words, but in this world, there are only two people. I believe what they say. Now... the crown prince is the emperor, and the Duke of Qi has entered the country. Ge, our good days are coming soon. To be honest, which of the merchants in Beijing did not do business on the surface, but actually hid a large amount of money? Don’t they know that the money is taken out? You can turn money into money, profit begets profit? No, they know this truth better than anyone else, but they don’t dare to sleep if they don’t hide a sum of money. They are afraid that one day, the court will change the rules, and the big guy will die There is no place for burial, but now... Finally, we don't have to worry about it. With the crown prince and the Duke of Qi, we can do business with peace of mind. The future New Deal will inevitably increase a lot of demand. In addition, there are so many people hiding Private money, you just have to take it out, if you don’t earn money, what kind of business...haha..."

As he said that, the merchant laughed, as if his daughter-in-law had become a mother-in-law for many years, and said: "You see, this exchange is like this. The big guys have confidence in His Royal Highness and the Duke of Qi. If they take the position, we will You can make a fortune together, the workshop should be expanded if it should be expanded, and what should be invested should be invested. To be honest, I have been in business for so many years, and I don’t worry about not having the means to make money. There are so many business opportunities in this market.”

  Emperor Hongzhi was silent for a moment, and said: "But the current emperor, people say he is a holy king..."

The merchant thought for a while and said: "The current emperor is a good emperor, but...too benevolent, although there are many good governance, but he always looks forward and backward... Ha... You can't say these things, you can't say these things, you will be beheaded if you say these things .Forget it. Keep your shares for yourself. To be honest, this stock will definitely skyrocket. It will definitely make money. I won’t buy yours either. Goodbye, goodbye.”

   Merchants looked at Emperor Hongzhi's 'stupid' look, as if they couldn't bear to make trouble, so they simply waved their hands and immediately squeezed into the crowd.

  It doesn’t look like a gentleman...

  Emperor Hongzhi stood where he was, murmuring in a low voice.

   This idea, he had also thought about it, of course, this is a father's worry.

  But now it seems that there are many people...stirring the flames behind.


  I had something to do yesterday, I owed a more update, I am a little tired today, I still keep updating, and I will pay back at the third watch tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)