MTL - Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty-v2 Chapter 1690 His Majesty the Prince

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  Chapter 1690 The Incomparably Mighty Crown Prince

  Liu Yi had to hold his nose and accepted Zhou Tangsheng's report.

  Opening the report, Liu Yi subconsciously raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

  Here, the various crimes of the Portuguese are counted.

  For example, killing the natives of Java.

  For example... robbing merchant ships.

  Another example, show off your might.

   In addition to this, they also invaded the land and raped women.

   Javanese natives, there are countless victims.


  Liu Yi didn't show the slightest expression on his face.

  Because these accusations... seem to have nothing to do with me.

  He looked up, but saw that Zhou Tang and others were filled with righteous indignation.

  With their furious expressions, Zhou Tangsheng even got up suddenly, holding the teacup in his hand as if to throw it down.

   Ke swung his hand up and waved it halfway, but the teacup in his hand was still tightly held by his finger and did not fall down.

This is because...he suddenly remembered a very important thing. In Luzon, porcelain is still very valuable. If this white porcelain teacup were in Ming Dynasty, it would not be worth much money, but Here, the price is dozens of times... save it.

So... and speaking righteously, he brought the teacup back to the coffee table, with flames in his eyes, and said plausibly: "It's unbearable! Can I bear such evil deeds when I read the books of sages and sages?" ? If you don’t know, let’s just forget about it. Now that we know how bad the Portuguese are doing, we are at odds with the Portuguese!”

  Then...the crowd rose up and said angrily: "We can't live together!"

"Expel the Portuguese. The West has always been closely related to China. How can we allow this ghost-faced Franji to get involved? Liu Gong, please play quickly. Please move the army. We will pay for it if we have the money. Contribute to help the imperial court hunt down thieves, and never stop until Java is broken."

  "Liu Gong, don't raise tigers to cause trouble. The Portuguese are operating here. This is the side of my Ming Dynasty's couch. How can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?"

  "This is related to my foundation of the Ming Dynasty. The princes in the court can ignore it, and they can treat it as invisible, but we can't ignore it. If you don't punish barbarians, how can you see your ancestors?"

Liu Yi felt a little headache, but they forced him to do nothing. Seeing them all screaming, he felt embarrassed and embarrassed. He had to pretend to be calm, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of tea. He said in a slow manner: "But... Your Majesty... would you use troops lightly? Soldiers are a major national event, and those who are warlike will surely die in battle. The cabinet ministers, even if they think about it, they don't want the court to work on an expedition, let alone Lu Song Xin By the way, how can you start a war so easily? Everyone, don't get excited, this matter... this matter... take a long-term plan, take a long-term plan..."

  As soon as they followed the long-term plan, everyone couldn't help it.

  Is this okay?

  Do you know how fertile the western land is?

  Do you know how much money can be exchanged for the things that grow in this field?

  Do you know how cheap the manpower is here?

   Java, I heard that the population is more than that of Luzon.

Zhou Tang was so angry that he hammered his heart, as if he was going to twitch with excitement: "Liu Gong, Liu Gong, the court is obedient, we are overseas, and we know the thief's feelings well, how can we be indifferent? I know that your majesty acts prudently, and the cabinet Gentlemen, you are also very cautious. But..."

He blinked, and at the same time when he was angry, a trace of cunning flashed across his eyes: "But His Royal Highness, you are the bravest among the three armies, and you are the most brave. ...What if I wait to play the imperial court and implore His Royal Highness and the Duke of Qi to come and seek justice for the natives of Java? The book...I have read it. When the Java State was Emperor Wen, it also paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty. This is my Daming fan screen Also, after that, the Portuguese occupied Java, regarded it as their own possession, and destroyed the ancestral temple of the Java State. The line of the Javanese royal family has been cut off. But I am Ming..."

   "Wait a minute..." Liu Yi was dumbfounded, he thought these people were crazy.

  These guys... want to run to beg the crown prince, and Fang Jifan, that bastard?

   Have you forgotten who took your land and exiled you here?

  Although the exile is here, it seems that the situation is not bad.

  But now, in order to please Java, the prince and Qi Guogong are actually mixed up... Isn’t this leading the wolf into the house?

  It's just... Liu Yi was shocked to see the resolute attitude of all the gentry.

  He still remembered that just a year ago, when everyone was in Nanjing, they had made fun of the imperial court’s use of troops against the Urals, saying it was useless.

   Just as he was talking, a scribe came in from outside and said, "Grand Liu, thank you for seeing me."

   Xie Gong...

  Everyone subconsciously stood up.

  Even Liu Yi couldn't help standing up straight.

  There are not many people with the surname Xie in Luzon, and those who are qualified to be called public are even rarer.

  Of course, Xie Zhiwen from Yuyao, Shaoxing definitely counts as one.

  This person...was in Yuyao before, not the biggest gentry.

   Arriving in Luzon, the land of the Xie family may not be as good as other great gentry.

  But... the reason why this person can make people awe-inspiring. It's because... Xie Qian, a senior cabinet scholar, came from Yuyao Xie's family.

   And this Mr. Xie is Xie Qian's cousin, dear!

   Liu Yi immediately said: "Please, hurry up."

   A moment later, a person walked in, wearing a long scarf and a shirt, with an extraordinary bearing.

As soon as he came in, before he was greeted, he said: "I can't bear it anymore. In the old man's village, a fugitive from Java has just been accepted. This Portuguese is really deceiving people. They treat the natives of Java as pigs." dog!"

   This heart-piercing look is very much like Zhou Tangsheng just now.

   Liu Yi looked confused.

   "I turn a blind eye to such evil deeds, we wait... How can I be human, Liu Gong, the old man came to see you, just for one thing..."

   Liu Yi looked at Xie Zhiwen with a numb face: "Send troops to Java?"

  This was Xie Zhiwen's turn to be confused.


  After all... Liu Yi is just the governor.

   In his life, he might not be able to return to Middle Earth.

  Because he is too aware of His Highness the Crown Prince, and Duke Qi's idiot temperament.

They come, the security.

  As a fumin official, if there is a conflict with all the local gentry, the future will definitely be difficult.

  Although these people can't offend the crown prince and the Duke of Qi, which family doesn't have many relatives in the court?

   Can't fix Qi Guogong, and can't he Liu Yi?

  So... Liu Yi made a decisive decision and did it!

   There is no time for delay, he immediately prepared the memorial, and after that, he asked the local gentry to jointly sign. For such things, the more natural people, the better.

  Everyone was delighted, as if it was Chinese New Year, only a pair of firecrackers were missing.

  After that...Immediately sent this memorial, and sent it away with a fast boat.

  According to their minds, this matter...cannot go through the cabinet. After the cabinet, according to the temperament of the cabinet members, this absurd report must be suppressed, and there will definitely be no good words in the draft.

  If you go through the channel of the Zhen Guofu, maybe... things will be possible.

  After all...Whether it is the prince or the Duke of Qi, it is because watching the excitement is not a big deal, and nothing can become a big thing, and it is better to turn a small matter into a big one. Such things, if the prince and Qi Guogong are not tossed about, it may not be possible to do it.

  The Clippers sent away the report.


  Liu Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

  Everyone from the Xie family and the Zhou family, all with happy faces, praised Liu Yi for loving the people like a son.

  Liu Yi readily accepted it, anyway, it was useless if he didn't accept it.

  When things got to this point, of course they would not stop doing one thing, so Liu Yi issued another official document, ordering people to send it to the yamen of the commander-in-chief, asking Mr. Xu to clean up the soldiers and horses, so as to prevent it from happening.

In Luzon, this Luzon does not belong to the category of chief envoys, it is more like the capital of a border town. The chief soldier let out a breath.

  After everyone finished talking about the business, they had to sit down and have a chat.

  So... the native maidservants in Luzon began to pour tea and pass water, or rub their shoulders and beat their backs, and someone took iced coconuts, pried open a little shell, and inserted bamboo tubes for everyone to cool off from the heat.


  Fang Jifan has been looking for a prince more frequently recently.

  I feel that at this time... the prince seems to be fighting against Xie Qian, so that the prince has fallen into isolation, at least...

  Many people were complaining about the gentry, although no one criticized the prince by name. But more or less, resentment is still there.

  Therefore, as a good brother, Fang Jifan had to comfort Zhu Houzhao more.

   But Zhu Houzhao didn't seem to care about it at all.

  He was gearing up, as if he wanted to find something to come out, and let out a sigh of relief at the court meeting.

   Even, Zhu Houzhao prepared a passionate manuscript, which he happily wanted to show to Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan stopped and said first: "His Royal Highness can still write manuscripts, admiration, admiration."

  Open one side of the hand to look at it, and then... his expression became unnatural.

  What is this writing about, just this thing, is it a debate? The level is too low, and a few random words from others can crush you to death.

   "How, how, after reading it, do you think it makes sense?" Zhu Houzhao's eyes glowed, and he looked excited, as if he was very confident in his manuscript.

  Fang Jifan blinked, smiled and said: "Well, what you said is very good, what you said is really good. His Royal Highness is very talented in writing, which is very admirable. But... the only fly in the ointment is..."

  Hearing Fang Jifan's praise, Zhu Houzhao became happy and grinned.

Then I heard Fang Jifan say: "If such a manuscript with rich voice and emotion is just spoken out, it will not show its momentum. In my opinion, you might as well bring a thirty-five-jin Yanyue knife with you while speaking, and wave it in front of the hall." , so... is more convincing."

  Zhu Houzhao put away his smile, held his chin, and said very seriously: "Why?"

  Fang Jifan looked at Zhu Houzhao with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded: "Because it will be more imposing, and it will be easier to convince people."

  Zhu Houzhao narrowed his eyes, and the battle between heaven and man began in his mind, as if...he took it seriously.

  (end of this chapter)