MTL - Powerful Skull in The Last Days-Chapter 24 Banquet

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During breakfast, Gao Shuo had never dared to look in the direction of Anzilou. Fortunately, the other party was still a person who did not understand things. Otherwise, he really did n’t know how to face it. As Anzilou, He didn't realize Gao Shuo's complex mood at all, and quickly resolved the slightly lighter early on the table, then opened his hands towards Sun Yang.

Sun Yang did n’t even have to look, he knew what the young man wanted, and he put a few packets of candy on the young man ’s hand. Lin Qing bit his chopsticks and glanced at Gao Shuo with a grieving glance. Crying the same, ever since he knew that Anzilou lived in a room with Gao Shuo, his face had been bad.

Gao Shuo gave a cough. He had tried to keep himself from seeing Lin Qing, but the eyes of the blame woman were too strong, as if he had treated the other party last night, everyone on the table saw it.

The man-in-law Cheng Feifei even smiled at him with a playful expression on his face. The look seemed to be saying, when did you leave him in disarray, Gao Shuo felt for the first time that he was a bit unjust, he To Wei Mingyang: "Ayang, come to my room."

After Wei Mingyang followed him to the room, Gao Shuo directly asked: "Ayang, did I have anything strange after leaving the base?"

Wei Mingyang thought about it and said doubtfully, "Nothing strange, except that Lu Jincheng was more cheerful in the team, nothing happened."

"I mean, about A Qing, has anything happened to him during this period?" This Lin Qing, how he looks at the same person, but the personality difference is too great, even if a person wants to change, it is impossible In just one or two months, it changed into that, how to say, twisted and feminine feeling.

Wei Mingyang thought about it carefully, shook his head and said, "Nothing, but A Qing is terrible. After you left, he has been dealing with Lu Jincheng, united the people below to oppose Lu Jincheng to take the position of head, and even left the rest of the base The material caretaker did not let Lu Jincheng fail, but I really couldn't see that he still had such a eloquent time. "

No! Gao Shuo frowned slightly, something was wrong, anyway, it was very wrong, but if he was suddenly identified as a gap because of a person's change, it would inevitably chill the brother's heart.

"That's right!" Wei Mingyang suddenly patted his thigh to Gao Shuo: "On the night when you disappeared, Boss Lin entered a wood, but he didn't come back for a long time. When I found him, he still fainted, There was no injury, but he was unconscious for a whole day before waking up. "

Lin Qing's change should have started at that time. What happened? Gao Shuo tapped on the table, wondering what could happen to make a person change.

Wei Mingyang is an honest and honest man. He doesn't have so many curvy roads in his heart. He thought that Gao Shuo was dissatisfied with Lin Qing, so he said: "Suo, Lin Qing, the kid is a strange temper. People who are strange and weird are all brothers. Don't give him general knowledge. "

"Lin Qing contributed the most to the mercenary group. How can I be dissatisfied with him? Don't worry."

When Wei Mingyang saw that Gao Shuo did not have any angry expression, he was relieved. After he left, Gao Shuo immediately called several of Sun Yang and asked them to pay attention to Lin Qing's actions recently. If there is anything abnormal, report it to him immediately. .

At this time, Lin Qing didn't know that he thought he was suspected, because he had the memory of the original owner, so he didn't worry about being found out that he was not the previous Lin Qing, but forgot to disguise the personality of the original owner for a while, so, so Quickly suspected by Gao Shuo.

He rightly said to An Zilou, who was sitting on the sofa, eating sugar and turning over his handwritten book: "Alou, you can't do this. Even ordinary people must contribute to the mercenary regiment. How can you do nothing? "

An Zilou gave a little attention to Lin Qing from the book. When will he need to do things as the first brother, are all other brothers dead? Especially in front of me, what should I do if my hands are itchy again?

Seeing that Anzilou was not moved, Lin Qing was angry and pointed at him and said, "You know how shameless you are?"

"Shameless?" An Zilou touched his teeth, turned to Lin Qing and said, "My teeth are very strong." After saying "click", he bit a piece of fruit candy, and then continued in Lin Qing's gritted teeth. Read a book.

For a few days, Anzilou had a good time. When he was okay, he wandered around in the stronghold, or hugged a large book, and then he found a new pleasure.

The cold night of Gao Shuo was a big gang. In the last days, there were also some people who did not awaken. They would train every day, and then deal with some junior zombies near the base. To them, these people are fighting in two.

Anzilou thought it was very interesting, and immediately rushed up to have an academic exchange with them, and played a match with these people with his favorite Taijiquan. Of course, the winner is naturally Anzilou, depending on his standard tricks After seemingly slow, but fast, and knocked everyone down, everyone thought that Anzilou was from a certain ancient martial arts family, and they asked Anzilou to teach them to practice ancient martial arts.

After Gao Shuo heard the news from Sun Yang, when he came to the training ground, he saw that Anzilou was standing in the middle of the training ground with one glance, hitting his favorite Taijiquan, and watching the action, it was really that point In a stance, a member of the team with the best fighting skills stepped forward with Anzilou after a few strokes and died under his Taijiquan.

After finishing the fight, Anzilou successively changed his boxing skills such as tiger claws and snake fists to fight with everyone. Sun Yang laughed out without restraining the "pump". He pointed at Anzilou: "Look at his posture, if It ’s not that I know exactly where he saw these things, and I definitely think he came from a certain ancient martial art family before the last days. "

"Let him see something weird in the future!" The young man in the crowd of Gao Shuo Chao recruited him, and the young man saw him from a distance. He immediately made a fist-removing action, jumping in place, volleying. A big turn over fell in front of Gao Shuo, and his black eyes flashed with joy, and said to Gao Shuo, "Boss, I have a good training for your little brother today."

Already accustomed to the idea of ​​young people doing things, Gao Shuo praised the young people directly: "Well, you are very good, and you are indeed my little brother."

Anzilou was very helpful for this kind of compliment. He silently rewarded himself for eating an extra piece of cake. When he delivered the cake, Sun Yang had a moment and began to worry about the snacks in his space. What should I do when I finished eating? What if this strong pervert guy is unhappy in front of me? Shouldn't there be a crisis in the skull base?

"Come on, change your clothes, and take you to a banquet later." Gao Shuo took the young man back to the room, took out a suit of clothes and compared it on him. After determining that it was suitable, he passed it to the young man to let him Put it on.

Anzilou split it into six pieces, drilled out of his clothes, and drilled into the clothes that Gao Shuo gave him. After wearing them, his bones twisted and turned into human figures. He thought it was a trouble to wear clothes. It ’s not too convenient, but unfortunately it ’s uncomfortable to put on a suit or a suit. He just pulled it a little, and his sleeves broke. Gao Shuo had to find another one for him.

After Gao Shuo came back, the forces in the base shuffled again. Considering that Gao Shuo is one of the few fourth-order powers in the base, the small forces that had been robbed in the fire after Gao Shuo left were respectful and respectful. The benefits returned, and Lu Lin, the base's ruler, automatically gave up a lot of benefits.

In addition to the deadly opponent Fang Lixuan, the rest is currently the fourth fastest rise of the flame mercenary regiment, the leader of the flame mercenary regiment Wang Lang integrated many small forces at the fastest speed, even at this time After hitting Leng Ye's head, Gao Shuo focused on investigating Lu Jincheng before and after the betrayal, and found that he had been in secret contact with Wang Lang before.

After an in-depth investigation, it turned out that Lu Jincheng's betrayal was caused by Wang Lang's provocation. Adding Li Xuan and Lu Jincheng together, the three parties united, and the latter happened.

Today, a member of Lu Lin sent an invitation to say that it was to celebrate the gratifying event of adding a fourth-order ability to the base. By the way, he was dusted by the wind. This old fox must be fighting another ghost. note.

The banquet started at eight o'clock, but due to various problems during the clothes change in Anzilou, when Gao Shuo and his party came to the place of the banquet, there were already many people in Lulin's cottage. After seeing the appearance of Gao Shuo and his party, some of the leaders or power masters in the Light Base looked at it either darkly or brightly.

However, when they saw the young people walking around Gao Shuo, their eyes changed slightly. It was long heard that when Gao Shuo returned, they brought a young man with a beautiful appearance. It looks really exciting, but considering that this person has a master, his eyes are very vague.

"Captain Gao, you are here. You can't hold the banquet without me. Everyone wants to exchange ideas with the second-tier fourth-level ability in our base." A hearty laughter from It came from the villa, and then a person wearing a military uniform came out, and he was Lu Lin, the largest authority in the light base.

Lu Lin is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is full of soldiers' fortitude and coldness. Even without abilities, no one dares to belittle him. As commander of the military district in city a before the last days, after the last days He immediately led his soldiers to establish a base here, and in the chaos in the early days of the last days, many ordinary people could survive here.

I set up a research institute here, researched the first device to evolve water after the end of the world, and used this device to exchange a large number of materials with other bases. So even if there is no power, it can make a lot of The power person is willing to serve him, showing his unique personality charm.

"Commander Lu is polite. I delayed a little bit, so I was late, and I ask you not to see strange people." Gao Shuo smiled indifferently. For Lu Lin, he was very respectful, even if there was no power. However, Lu Lin did a lot of things that the psionicist did not. 2k novel reading network