MTL - Positive Energy System-Chapter 70 Covenant in Bay City (1)

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During the remainder of the summer vacation, Zhou Yaozheng took Ji Chen to tour the entire continent where country f was located. It was not until the beginning of school that he returned to China with Ji Chen.

Of course, in the meantime, Zhou Yaodi took Ji Chen to Liu Yunxi for a few days.

I do n’t know what Liu Yunxi asked Zhou Yaoyu ’s brother, Tong Le. In the days when Ji Chen lived there, Tong Le still looked unhappy, but he did n’t do anything particularly aggressive. Something happened. Ji Chen'ai doesn't like Tong Le anyway, as long as Tong Le doesn't mess with him, he will be treated as if he didn't see Tong Le's unpleasant expression.

After the summer vacation, Ji Chen and Zhou Yaozhen returned to China in a storm.

At first Wang Zhixiu was a little worried about their schedule, but after Ji Chen called him every day as promised, she was not so worried.

After returning home, Ji Chen took a good rest for a few days. His physical strength is incomparable to that of Zhou Yaozheng. Moreover, traveling is indeed a tiring task. After returning home to relax, he feels as if he has fallen apart.

During this period of travel, nothing major happened, so Ji Chen only earned a small amount of energy. I do n’t know if it ’s good luck or not. In this trip, apart from the little unpleasantness of going to Grandpa Zhou Yao ’s banquet, Ji Chen hardly encountered any annoyance he felt, and this small amount of energy value It's still Ji Chen's earnings online. Anyway, some people who don't have long eyes spread negative energy on the Internet.

On the day when he got home, Ji Chen hurriedly ate his lunch and fell down to sleep. He woke up only the next day before waking up. As a result, when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Yaozhen sitting at the bed watching him, scaring him. .

Zhou Yaozhen didn't expect Ji Chen to wake up like this, and waited until Ji Chen slowed down before he called his brother softly.

Ji Chen rubbed his eyes: "How long have you been here?"

Zhou Yao shouted, "I just woke up. I want to see if my brother wakes up."

Ji Chen snorted and asked what time it was.

Zhou Yao shouted, "It's only six o'clock. Will my brother sleep again?"

Ji Chen shook his head. He slept for too long. The whole man was stunned, his head was chaotic, and there was nothing in it.

Zhou Yaoyi looked at Mu Mu's dull Ji Chen and suddenly smiled: "Brother is stupid?"

Ji Chen said, "Ah?" His face was still blank.

Zhou Yaoyi was not holding back, reached out and touched Ji Chen's head, and asked him if he wanted to drink some water.

Ji Chen nodded obediently, and said a headache in a muttering voice.

Zhou Yaoyue got up and poured Ji Chen a glass of water, then pulled Ji Chen into his arms, and gently massaged Ji Chen's temple.

Like a baby, Ji Chen could let Zhou Yaozhang play with him. After he drank a glass of water, he finally took it easy and said, "Sleep too long." It felt like the whole world was covered with a veil.

Zhou Yaoyi naturally put his chin on Ji Chen's head and said, "Which university is your brother going to take?"

Ji Chen didn't expect Zhou Yaozhen to ask him this question suddenly. After a pause, he said, "Beijing University." This school is very famous all over the country, but there are not many people who can pass the exam every year.

Zhou Yao shouted, "Will I go with my brother to study there after getting the exam?" He seemed to feel that Ji Chen was admitted to this school as a matter of course, and he shifted his focus directly to what happened afterwards.

Ji Chen said yes. At this time, the whole person was nestled in Zhou Yaoxuan's arms. While talking to Zhou Yaoxuan, while lowering his head and playing with the glass in his hand, he didn't notice anything wrong with the posture of the two.

Zhou Yaoxuan said, "Brother, I don't like Beijiang City. Can you not contact him?"

Ji Chen inexplicably glanced at Zhou Yaoyi and said, "Why don't you like it?"

Zhou Yao shouted, "I just don't like it, brother, you don't know, he is not a good person." When he said this sentence, he was wronged and wayward. With his tone, Ji Chen couldn't help it.

But after laughing, Ji Chen still agreed. He said, "Well, if you don't contact, you don't." In fact, there is no special relationship between him and Beijiang City. Even if he doesn't contact anymore, it will affect his life. It has no effect.

Zhou Yaozhen was satisfied, and kissed Ji Chen's head heavily.

After a few days of rest, Ji Chen started school.

The atmosphere of senior high school is very different from that of senior high school. Moreover, Ji Chen is still in a key high school. No matter during or after class, everyone is immersed in their desks, and even fewer people are talking.

Lu Yuyu has also made some changes. The little girl changed her high school so-called hee-ha-ha, hahaha, completely incarnate, do not even talk, usually only when the school after school and Ji Chen said a few words .

Ji Chen'e left school one time and found that Lu Yuyu was holding a small book on the way to school, and she could see that it was really hard work.

As the summer passed, the weather began to cool gradually. Ji Chen was about time, and told his parents that he could walk freely on his legs.

When Wang Zhixiu heard this news, she cried and fell into Zhou Yumian's arms. She never thought that her son's leg would have a day of recovery. When she saw Ji Chen standing up without a cane, she walked freely. At that moment, her tears flowed across her face, crying like a child.

Ji Chen looked at this appearance of Wang Zhixiu, and felt sad, he shoved Wang Xixiu's shoulders heavily to give his mother a comfort.

However, although Ji Chenxue told Wang Zhixiu that his legs could go, he still went to school on crutches because he could not walk for a long time.

Wang Zhixiu originally hurt Ji Chen, and whatever he said was good, so Ji Chen continued to use his walking stick to disguise the disabled to give everyone the illusion that he was really thin and could be bullied casually.

Zhou Yaozheng didn't know what he was busy with at this time. Ji Chen asked him, and he didn't say. It wasn't until the end of December that he told Ji Chen that the man who had thrown him out of his house had been arrested.

Ji Chen asked who it was.

Zhou Yaoyi said that it was his aunt who greeted Ji Chen at the banquet. Zhou Yaozhen was very calm when he said these words. He had no feelings with the family originally. Now that he knew the truth, the only remaining skin was also torn completely. The family is upset about it. The grandfather Zhou Yaoyi meant that this matter could not be left alone. Zhou Yaoyi ’s grandfather did n’t say anything, and it looked like he was miserable, but Zhou Yaoyi ’s grandmother could n’t bear his daughter ’s suffering and went to Zhou Yaoyi ’s mother and asked Zhou Yaoyi.

Ji Chen asked what to do in the end.

Zhou Yaoyi said that he didn't know, and he didn't want to control it either, but he didn't want to pursue the matter in the past, but now if those people dare to reach out to him, he won't be polite anymore.

Now Zhou Yaoxun, when Ji Chen first arrived, he has completely judged them. Although in front of Ji Chen, he was still the younger brother who coquettishly behaved, but in front of others, he was almost equal to Yan Yan.

When people grow up, they will always change, whether it is Ji Chen or Zhou Yaoyi.

As we approach December, we have finished our high school curriculum and started a comprehensive review. After the monthly exam, Lu Yuyu's results became more and more fierce, and once he played exceptionally and even passed the top 100 in the grade.

Their school has a total of more than 2,000 people, and the book rate reaches 77%, which means that they can enter the top 100, so the national key universities are definitely no problem.

Ji Chen's performance has been very stable. Without relying on Primary Seven, his best monthly test score is grade 74, which is almost a stable copy.

Before the rebirth, Ji Chen's grades were not bad. Although he had a small seventh after the rebirth, he did not pull down the study, otherwise he would not dare to supplement Lu Yuyu with math.

In fact, Ji Chen's family didn't care which school he went to. Wang Zhixiu even hoped that Ji Chen would take a university close to his home. In her life, Ji Chen has no great achievements. As long as Ji Chen lives peacefully, she will be satisfied.

At the end of December, near the college entrance examination, Ji Chen received a long-lost call. The call was from Beijiang City. His voice was a little husky. He said, "Zhou Yaoqin, how are you?"

Ji Chen'er accidentally received a call from Beijiang City. He said, "It's not bad, what's wrong?"

Bei Jiangcheng said, "Can you come out and have a meal together? I really appreciate you." When he said this, his tone was a little strange.

Ji Chen said, "I'm going to school now, I'm afraid it's inconvenient ..."

Beijiang City Road: "When do you leave school, I will drive to pick you up."

Ji Chen said: "I'm going to the college entrance examination, the time is too tight ... maybe not ..." He didn't know why Zhou Yaozheng opposed him and Beijiang City, but since Zhou Yaozhen rarely asked him to say so, he was not necessary Against. Moreover, although he has a good impression of Beijiang City, they will eventually be two people in the world. That being the case, there is no need to keep in touch.

The other side of Beijiang City was silent for a long time. He said, "I want to tell you something, can you meet without eating?" This sentence is almost begging.

Ji Chen hesitated, "What happened to you?"

Beijiang City did not answer, but just repeated the words just now: "Zhou Yaoqin, I will only take up very little of your time."

Ji Chen heard the urgency and helplessness in Bei Jiangcheng's tone. He hesitated for a moment and agreed: "Well, I will leave school at five forty, and you will pick me up at the school gate at six."

Beijiang City made a heavy hum, and then hung up.

Ji Chen looked at the phone that was hung up, but felt that the state of Beijiang City was a bit strange, but at this time, class was just happening. Ji Chen didn't think about it any more, after taking out the paper, he began to listen carefully to the teacher's homework. 2k novel reading network