MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 803 Was approached by parents

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  Chapter 803 Being approached by parents

  Lin Qingju, although young, has a gentle and tolerant body that has gone through the years, and Xinbao really likes him.

  So in the name of Xinbao, he was recommended to enter the Imperial Hospital, to study for a while first, and then arrange later.

   Also because Lin Qingju had other arrangements, the matter of the sound therapy center can be handed over to others.

  Now there are ready-made scores, theoretically, it is enough to know how to play the piano, but it is better to have some medical skills.

  So the most convenient thing is to choose one of the doctors who can play the piano, who is clean and kind.

   This side is busy, and the news spread like wind.

   Everyone is really envious, don't want it.

  Tell me, Lin Tongda is obviously not very tall, why is he so lucky?

   Anything can be done unintentionally!

  Even Lin Tongda himself didn't expect it!

  He thought that at most he would just be acquainted with each other, how could he expect to be able to learn from a teacher!

   And it was obvious that the little princess liked him a lot, so she made a special post to invite people to dinner.

  Invited brothers Yuan Yaogui and Xiang Xiaodong, Wei Fengting, Gan Baibi, and Li Songqing and Shen Zhuocheng beside Xinbao.

Then, under Gan Baibi's suggestion, Lin Qingxu, Wang Kangning and Liu Zhongzheng from the Ministry of Medicine and Daoist were added... Then under Shen Zhuocheng's suggestion, Zhong Limin was added, and finally, under Hao Huashi's suggestion, Cui Dunyi was added, and finally Finally, Guo Dong was added at the suggestion of my wife.

  Although Xinbao feels that Guo Dong belongs to the elderly and is not of the same type as these people, but his wife wants to invite him, so please do so!

  This list is not only inquired by others, but even Emperor Ming Pei wants to keep a copy.

  Children just kiss whoever they hang out with for a long time, so people like Wang Kangning, Zhong Limin, and Cui Dunyi often see each other, and she will really forget them.

   But no matter what, this is Xinbao's own field.

  That's why, like Yuan Xiang Li Tingfang, although Xinbao doesn't hate them, he might like them, but in fact, he won't take them to play.

  The posts were all written by Xinbao himself, and the place was picked by Brother Yuan. It was a courtyard near the palace, and he asked someone to go there in advance and booked the venue.

   Then Xinbao passed away after practicing martial arts and giving Zou Buqun an injection, and the others arrived earlier than her.

  Lin Qingxu and Wang Kangning were waiting for them in front of the door, and said with a smile: "Master Yuan and Master Wei are playing fish chess."

  Xinbao asked: "What kind of chess is Fish?"

  Lin Qingxu smiled and said, "It's the characteristic of this garden, Goldfish Chess."

  It is to train goldfish to form troops and play chess across the bridge. There are very few people with this kind of skill, but there are some who are raised at home, and some are outside, and this is the garden.

  Hao Huashi was very interested, and flew away before he finished speaking, and then Xinbao and his party walked over quietly, avoiding those people saluting, and leaned in to have a look.

The pond is oval in shape, with a thin and narrow bridge in the middle. The foundation is built of stones. The long pole directs the fish to fight.

   I don’t know how the fish was trained. When the head of the club was touched, the fish swam past as if they had received some orders, and quickly drew water lines.

   Xinbao looked amazed.

  Hao Huashi asked someone for an umbrella and gave it to her. He squatted beside her and bent his knees to use it as a stool for her.

  Xinbao's eyes were dazzled, and he didn't know whether to win or lose, so he looked up to both sides.

Usually, Yuan Yaogui and Wei Fengting are not the same kind of suave and suave, but when it comes to this kind of fun, the aristocratic son's vigor of "riding a horse leaning on a leaning bridge, full of red sleeves all over the building" comes out. Yes, it looks different than usual.

  Yuan Yaogui saw her looking at her, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, do you want to try it?"

  Xinbao was a little interested, so he walked over lightly. Yuan Yaogui held her in his arms, gave her the pole, held her hand, and gently touched the pool.

  The goldfish swished past, Xinbao inhaled excitedly, his big eyes glistening.

  Yuan Yaogui smiled, played with her hand, and explained a few rules casually.

  Xinbao is very involved in playing.

   Now that she has strength in her little hands, she doesn’t need to be held by Yuan Yaogui. Sometimes she is slow to close the rod, and she can still feel the fish sucking on the rod, which is really fun.

  The people around were watching with a smile on their face, but they didn't dare to make a loud noise, for fear of disturbing the fish.

Guo Dong was indeed older, sitting in the pavilion drinking tea and waiting, Bai Gusheng also went to the pavilion, sat on the bench with his back to him, chatted with him casually, and casually grabbed the man next to him. Petals, waiting is boring.

  At any rate, the round was over, everyone stopped talking and laughing, and prepared to eat.

  The owner of the courtyard is also a son of an aristocratic family. He came to salute and was about to have a joke, but he glanced aside and exclaimed: "My Yaotai Yufeng!"

  Everyone turned their heads together.

  Bai Gusheng just retracted the hand holding the flower, patted the slender petals on his body, and looked like nothing happened.

  The boss obviously loves flowers, and for a moment he couldn't even take care of the distinguished guests, and rushed to the side of the flower... The flower has been plucked bald by the bones, and only a handful of petals are left on the side.

  The boss shook his hands angrily, and turned his head to glare at Bai Gusheng.

  Bai Gusheng didn't think about it either, and said in a sly way: "I didn't pay attention, I was bored and just casually...then what..."

  Xinbao stared at his big apprentice, stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a kind of panic that "the child was fighting in the kindergarten and the other party's parents came to the door"!

   Xinbao hurried up a few steps, raised his head and said, "I'm sorry, don't be angry!"

She was too small, and the boss didn't pay attention to her at all. Xinbao climbed onto the booth stool twice, grabbed the bone bone, and stuffed it behind her, smiling apologetically, like a bear parent: "Don't be angry! Isn't he Deliberately, Xinbao will compensate you, okay? Xinbao can compensate you with two or three trees..."

  The boss saw that it was her, and quickly came back to his senses, saluting anxiously: "Don't dare, don't dare, the grassroots don't dare, your highness has broken the grassroots."

  He paused: "Caomin admires His Highness extremely, even if this flower is dedicated to His Highness, there is nothing wrong with it, but this..."

  Xinbao hurriedly explained: "He is Xinbao's big apprentice, I'm sorry, he is a little ignorant, it's because Xinbao didn't teach well, don't be angry."

  The boss was stunned: "Could it be that old apprentice who made alchemy in public?"

  Xinbao paused, then nodded: "Yes, that old apprentice..."

  The boss said: "That's why, Your Highness don't need to worry, the grassroots don't care. Please forgive the grassroots' rudeness."

  He repeatedly pleaded guilty and withdrew.

  Xinbao let out a long sigh of relief.

  All Xinbao's friends next to him didn't speak.

  The main reason is Xinbao's mentality as a master, which is too stable... It's not about putting on airs at all, but really knowing that he is the master.

   And the bone has grown a beard, and after getting into trouble, that cowardly look is also a very apprentice...

  So everyone didn't know how to help and rescue for a while.

  Until the boss left, Xinbao turned around, looked at Bai Gusheng, and let out a long sigh...

   Bai Gusheng said: "I didn't mean it!"

  Xinbao earnestly educated: "But it's impolite! Whether it's intentional or not, it's impolite for you to go to someone else's house and destroy their flowers!"

  (end of this chapter)