MTL - Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious Doctor is a Young Beastly Wife-Chapter 3076 Don't you ...

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The big beauty's face was flushed and her eyes were watery.

When she rushed into the arms of the man who was holding her up, the man was almost boned!

The big beauty is also a rich owner. When he plunged into the man's arms, he also smashed a heavy money bag, some golden leaves fell out of the money bag, and the golden light shone in the light.

It stands to reason that you can't use a gold leaf to come here with a head card, but now this beauty has thrown the entire money bag to that person.

"Ah ... good ... girl, it's not practical for so much money ..." The man holding her was still very professional.

Besides, such a big beauty is happy if they are free!

After all, they have experienced a lot of wind and moon occasions, and they still have some knowledge. Seeing the expression of Ji Shenyue, she knows that she has been prescribed medicine ...

I don't know which wicked ghost gave such a beautiful girl this medicine, but it was cheaper for him ...

The man half-embraced the big beauty and walked into his room: "Don't be afraid, girl, the villain will save you and make you comfortable ..."

The other men in the building had envious red eyes, and could go to Wushan with such a beautiful beauty, and have money to take ...

Such a good thing is hard to find with a lantern!

Still someone noticed that there was a flash of red light around the big beauty's waist, and she couldn't help but remind her, "What's shining on her waist?"

The man half-embracing the big beauty glanced down and wondered, and was about to reach for it. The mutation happened at this time!

A dazzling blue light flashed before his eyes!

He hadn't waited for his response, and his arms were suddenly light, and he flew him directly with a strong force!

"Oh!" He banged directly on a table, his back hurt, and he was dizzy. When he finally got up, he found that the beauty was gone, and only his companion was there in the hall. Stand up.

What about that girl? !!

Everyone looked at each other, and no one could see how the girl disappeared. If it wasn't for the sack of gold leaves still lying there quietly, everyone almost thought it was a dream!

"Well, what smell?" Someone whispered.

"It smells good!"

After a while.

The little cormorants stood in the hall with a confused expression.

"What happened? Why did we run in the hall early in the morning?"

"I don't know, oh, here's a money bag! Ah, so many golden leaves!"

"Probably which guest came here accidentally, okay, okay, let's go back to sleep, all right."

After such a moment of work, they have forgotten that the beautiful woman came to find a man just now, and yawned and went back to their respective rooms to sleep and go back to sleep ...


"Hot, so hot ..." Ji Shenyue was completely controlled by the drug. Her final impression was that she received a red note from the process of breaking into Xiaodailou, but she was already unconscious and confused at that time. After getting confused, I don't remember anything, I just remember that I was desperately throwing a man in the arms, and I had torn other people's clothes ...

Langzhong, she seemed to change her arms, and smelled a touch of cold plum fragrance in her nose.

This fragrance made her feel irritable and felt wronged, and pushed her subconsciously: "Release ... Release me ... not you ..."

The hug hugged her tightly, and then a sudden bite in her ear!