MTL - Poison Doctor Demon Consort-Chapter 492 , Shantou, the emperor is also a person!

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"Hey! I have a good friend. He is the guardian of the emperor's side, and he is inseparable from the emperor. He knows everything about the emperor. Also, I know Zhao Yuzhuo, the leader of the Yulin army. In fact, I am also a friend of the emperor." Zhu Youhong yelled at the scalp, and he did not dare to say it at this moment. He is the emperor of the Great Yan State.

"You know the commander of the Royal Forest Army and the guardian of the emperor? You are still a friend of the emperor? You are so powerful! So, you can really help me settle things today! But, you said, there is only one queen in the emperor. What happened?" Linghu Shuiyue was a little curious! And she feels very excited.

Zhu Youhong has run a throat and finally has the opportunity to be honored for himself: "In fact, the emperor only loves the queen, and there is no meaning of election. Recently, the queen was too naughty to leave home. The emperor had to wait for her to go out. Going to the Queen. Who knows, the emperor’s forefoot came out of the palace gate, and the Queen Mother immediately filled him with the harem!”

“Is there such a thing?” Linghu’s monthly hearing was a glimpse. The emperor, who was originally terrible, was portrayed by Zhu Youhong, and it was actually a sense of intimacy that became a normal person with flesh and blood.

"Well, it’s true." Zhu Youhong stressed that he nodded. Looking at Shantou sitting next to her, he could not hold her into his arms, this is a kind of torture. This kind of torture does not know when it will be received.

"What happened to this queen? What do you want to run away from home? But it is not surprising. Who can stand the emperor's three-thousands?" I thought that this ancient person may not feel anything, but she is a modern person.

"All said, this harem is filled by the Queen Mother, it really does not matter to the emperor. The emperor's heart is only the queen. The emperor is only a person, a heart, how can you have so many women? Those women are just furnishings, Just like a vase, it is used for decoration." Keke! Zhu Youhong is a face twitching.

"You can't say this. This emperor in history is not the seventy-two palaces of the Three Palaces. The emperor is a human being, but the emperor is not a human being. The emperor is the emperor, high above, the woman is easy for him. The woman in this world is picking with him. The fat man is thin and thin. How can a woman really enter his heart? As long as he sits on his back, the woman picks him up. He regards the woman as a vase. This is a great insult to women! Hey!"

I just had a good impression on the emperor and I immediately resent it.

When Linghu Shuiyue said this, he thought of Duanmu sweating in his mind. After that, she should not feel much after she left. She looked at Zhu Youhong in front of her eyes and thought, if she really wants to choose, she would rather be with Zhu Gongzi than to be the queen of Duanmu.

However, there is no scorpion in the harem of Duanmu, but unfortunately, she really does not feel the sweat of Duanmu. She can't stand herself and be a husband and wife together. Being a husband and wife is the best thing in the world. Can you have a love for a couple?

Zhu Youhong listened more and more headaches. If it was in the past, he would have stunned people at the moment and then brought her back to the palace. If you are too big, you will come to a gold house to hide, and she will be banned in his sphere of influence for a lifetime. He is now the son of Dayan. As long as he likes it, even if the girl has wings, it is absolutely impossible to fly out of his world.

However, at this moment, the month in his heart is still the original gimmick? Lost once he realized that he loved her how deep! Even if he lost his mother, he must not lose her gimmick again, and she did not want her to have a slight twist and reluctance.

If Shantou can't restore his memory, he really can't risk to force her to lock her in the palace. What if she is not happy? What if she is sad? If she wrinkles her face and copes with him, secretly escapes in every possible way?

He licked some dry thin lips and said: "Moon, I just said, I am also a friend with the emperor. So, I have seen the emperor."

"Ah! How is the emperor? Is it a very cruel and ruthless guy? Do you see if he will be soft?" asked Linghu Shuiyue.

"Of course not. He loves the Queen very much. He once said that he and his queen will have a double for the rest of their lives. But he went to the Queen to come back. The Queen Mother made so many scorpions, he had a headache. I don’t know how to be good.” Zhu Youhong’s **** topped the forehead.

"He is the emperor, who can still embarrass him? Since he wants to have a double for a lifetime, he will clean his harem first. He has so many nephews, three hundred and sixty days a year, every day flop It’s not a contradiction to talk about it for a lifetime.

When Linghu Shuiyue and Ning Qianjin played against each other, they were really angry. At this moment, they were tired.

"Moon, you said, if the emperor clears the woman in the harem, will the queen go back to the palace and be willing to be with the emperor?"

"This... I am not her, I know why the Queen is leaving the palace?" Linghu Shuiyue said about the Queen's things for a long time, and some did not like this topic at first.

However, Zhu Youhong continued to ask: "The Queen has forgotten the emperor."

"Amnesia? So clever?" Linghu Shuiyue thought that he might also have lost his memory, and looked at Zhu Youhong slyly. What she was thinking about was whether she really lost her memory. Is the beautiful man in front of her really her husband? Is the child's jealousy in her stomach really him?

Otherwise, why does she feel like she wants to give him a smile every time he looks at him? Even more, she wants him to take the initiative and hold her! She has a strong urge to go home with him! How is his family? He seems to have never said it.

"Well. The emperor misses the queen very much!" Zhu Youhong has some souls. "But the queen still can't remember him." Zhu Youhong said as he looked at the fox, and his eyes were full of instinct.

"Hey!" Linghu Shuiyue stayed a bit! "The original emperor is also so infatuated! However, how do you know this to the emperor? What is your relationship with the emperor? Really just a friend? Can the emperor also make friends?"

"Well, he is just a man."

"Ah! So, I really don't have to worry about today's business?"

"Well, don't worry. I didn't say it? I will help you settle the matter." Zhu Youhong reached out and gently slid on the hair of the hoe, and the slender fingertips bounced.

Linghu Shuiyue feels that his gaze is gentle, that kind of gentleness seems to contain too long and long thoughts, too much love, that is a kind of extreme gaze, just like her It is his treasure! It is his whole world! After confronting his gaze, her eyes are difficult to remove, it is difficult to not sink.