MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 726 Dalit

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"Roar--" A fox's cry sounded in the enchantment, and Pei Ziyun snorted, the pressure doubled, and the feet couldn't help sinking, and saw the raindrops fall, become thick, and even fell on the ground creeping , Trying to get closer.

The ghost rider, the light armor gradually thickened, and the blade flashed coldly. The speed of Mercedes-Benz suddenly increased by a few tenths, and when it was near, dozens of riders made a rush and rushed, and suddenly there was a sudden howl Hold up the spear in his hand and throw it at Pei Ziyun!

The spear carried a deadly light straight through Pei Ziyun. Almost at the same time, Pei Ziyun's entangled spell chain was flashing and solidifying.

Pei Ziyun was struggling to walk, but he was not afraid. The wooden sword stroked and drank: "Half-moon cut!"

An arc-moon-shaped sword light was wiped out. In a series of crackling sounds, more than ten horses rushed head-on, and even people took horses to break into more than twenty sections, spraying a thick black mist.

"Ahhhh!" Only half of the ghost rider was still dead. He even wanted to merge with the broken body, but a white fire blew out, and suddenly sent a terrible mourning.

Seeing this, Dayue Maru's face changed slightly, and the boy who swallowed the wine had a gaze on his eyes, but he showed a happy look: "Look, Yamada can't hold it."

Sure enough, Yuzao looked forward, and saw that Yamada had covered a layer of white light on his body, like a film, so that the chain could never really touch Pei Ziyun's body.

But when you look closely, when Pei Ziyun just killed Huang Quan's army, the chain, like the poisonous snake, suddenly entered, and actually entangled Pei Ziyun's left arm and meandered.

"Half-moon cut!"

Another large group of ghosts cut down and turned into flames, but Yamada Shinichi's expressionless face was frowned and his complexion was pale.

Three demon surprised each other.

"Yamada not only has to fight with the Huangquan ghost army, but also breaks away from the cursed chains that can't be thrown away, and gradually wants to run out of oil and light, so it doesn't cost us so much."

Seeing that Qianqi only had more than 300 rides, the drunk boy was eager to try, and asked, "Did we go together?"

"Well, let the ghost army continue to consume, and die, we will go again." Yuzao said coldly in front of him: "This way, even if Yamada has more power, it is not much."

"You are indeed a nobleman in the palace, this style of faction." The wine swallow boy glanced and smiled, but his eyes were cold-this is the nobleman, driving the soldiers to sacrifice, and then easily gain victory.

"Before Yuzao, there were some strategies."

Seeing the void, a long charge of horns came out, and the remaining ghost rides formed a cone array, and the horseshoes thundered like a thunder, and the final charge was launched.

"Kill!" Pei Ziyun looked pale: "Half-moon cut!"

"噗" Another group of ghost riders slashed, but the rest of the ghost riders rushed to death regardless of life and death, and the sword light fell.

"噗噗 噗" ghost knife was cut on the body, the white light of the guard appeared cracks, and the chain of the spell finally found the gap, "噗" plunged into the flesh.

"Kill!" Pei Ziyun shouted, his white light skyrocketed, and he killed the past.

"Huh, back to the light." The three demon not only were not surprised, but showed joy.

"It's ridiculous!" I saw a snoring sound. The wooden sword crossed the two ghost riders and fell down. Pei Ziyun's eyes were faint, his senses were divided into two, and he sank into the space.

If anyone can see the changes in space at this time, they will probably be shocked.

It's an exaggeration to say.

In the empty space, I saw that the ghosts were all falling down, and most of them just fell to the ground, which turned into firewood. When it fell to the ground, it almost turned into ashes. In the cracked ground on the ground, black breath was swallowed, and it quickly dissipated.

The shrine is still incomplete, sending out bursts of divine light, the divine light is slowly spreading, everywhere, the black gray cracked ground is instantly healed.

Only a few samurai fell into the shrine and turned into statues.

What's more important is a snake in the sky, with light around it, and lotus flowers blooming on it, all of which belong to the genus of Buddha, Arahant, and Vajra.

But the sky was rolling in dark clouds, and thunder and lightning continued to flash. Every time the thunder light hit a lotus or snake, there was a piece of melting, turning into a bit of red light, golden light. If there is a spirit, it swirls around the shrine, submerged in it, making the shrine Shrouded in white mist.

Seeing this scene, Pei Ziyun was surprised.

"The ghost army has stopped and repaired the foundation, but the so-called cursing power is divine power, demon power, and dragon spirit. As long as it can pass away, it is most important to make up for it, I believe it will definitely make the shrine more complete."

The chain that was wrapped around Pei Ziyun's arm and entangled with it was tantamount to cursing into the body endlessly and unavoidably, but for Pei Ziyun, this kind of thing that cannot be resolved by others is just a resource.

"Zeus has no such authority, what is plum blossom?"

Later development, as Pei Ziyun expected, the cursing power uses the body as a relay, and when it touches it, it is immediately sent into the space. As soon as it falls into the space, it turns into golden Buddha power and reddish Japanese dragon spirit.

"It takes time for these forces to pass, but this does not delay me in killing these three monsters."

"If they can be successfully killed and annexed, they will be able to ascend in this realm."

"Kill!" Pei Ziyun's eyes were red, and he struck in and out in the dense enemy group.

The three monsters' joy gradually solidified, and I saw the person who constantly had screams, collisions, and burning sounds. Although he saw this person crumbling, he always resisted waves of attacks like hard stones, and every time After the attack, the ghost riders were thinned.

"This is really the unparalleled warrior in the world." Seeing that the ghost ride has been reduced to less than a hundred rides, and Yamada Shinichi's face has darkened, this is a manifestation of the curse gradually deepening, but Yamada showed amazing skills, three feet Inside, no matter how shocked, they will be killed one by one.

"This martial art, even if it is the so-called Four Heavenly Kings, there is a long way to go."

Seeing that the last few riders fell down, there was no body in the entire battlefield, but the tragic atmosphere was permeated, and Pei Ziyun was still unaware that he was waving a knife into the air.

"Haha! Sure enough, Yamada Shinichi is exhausted!" Seeing this scene, the drunken boy couldn't bear it, Haha laughed: "Let me drunken the boy, come to take your first class!"

With that said, he raised his sword and flew towards Pei Ziyun.

"Wait a minute ..." Dayuemaru wanted to shout, but Yuzao reached out and stopped, and stopped Dayuemaru who wanted to go forward and help the boy to swallow the boy.

"In front of Yuzao, what do you mean?" Dayuemaru looked at Yuzao and felt that the cunning fox would not see it. Although Yamada Shino had fallen behind at this moment, it might not have the last strength.

Then suddenly: "You are ... planning to kill someone with a knife?"

Although Dayuemaru was not as good as a boy swallowed by wine, it was only at this instant that he immediately understood the meaning of Yuzao.

Yamada Shinichi has only one, and there is not much divinity on his body. If the three demon come to share, there must be not many of them. You can let the wine swallow boy and Yamada Shin lose one or two, and two can swallow the drink swallow boy!

Moreover, the boy who swallows wine may not be stupid. He would rather take the risk of killing Yamada's people and get the biggest one!

Thinking of this, Dayak Maru retracted his foot.

In the final analysis, he doesn't think much about the monster born of a burglar who is a wine thief.

At this time, Jiu Tun Tongzi rushed to Pei Ziyun.

"Yamada, you're at the end of the crossbow, and you're dying!" The drunk boy was the monster's real body at this time.

Seeing the demon sword falling, Pei Ziyun burst into a smile, the drunk boy could not help but hesitated, the crisis emerged, but there was no time to retreat, I saw a "snap", crawling on Pei Ziyun's chain and pulling, one of them rebounded and got tangled The wine swallowed the boy's body.

"This!" The drunk boy was shocked and wanted to earn.

"Stupid! Even if I exhausted, I can share everything with you!" This shouted, Pei Ziyun showed a red copper color all over his body, and even his hair could not be spared.

And the wooden knife in the hand, when the copper color spread to hold the handle, the golden light flashed, and instantly struck a layer of dazzling golden light.

"Kill!" The wooden sword pierced.

"Hateful!" The boy swallowed hard, the chain crackled and it was about to break, but at this moment the wooden knife was approaching, and when he saw the stab, it bit his teeth.

"Boom!" A layer of black light emerged from the entire body instantly, which was its magic power.

Even if Pei Ziyun's sneak attack was successful, after all, he was exhausted. If he wanted to break through the magic power, it would not be an instant success.

As long as you can fight for a moment, you can fight back.

When he thought about it like this, the shield formed by the black light, under the golden blade, was as thin as paper, and the word "噗" penetrated through.

how come!

The boy who swallowed the wine was guilty of tears, and no longer hesitated, shouting, "Come and help me—"

You can ask for help without any response. On the contrary, you could still support a defense of one or two breaths and disappear with a shout.

With no mercy, the wooden sword slammed into the chest of the boy.

"Boom" a white flame spit out, as if the drunk boy was a huge petrol barrel, and the flame blew out Zhang Xu.

"Why, why ..." The boy swallowed with blood, his teeth creaked, "You ... lie to me ..."

Not far away ~ ~ Seeing this scene, Yuzao laughed in front of her mouth, with a mockery in her voice: "You are stupid to swallow a boy!"

"I was sealed, and Dayuemaru was originally among the ghosts and gods, and has a chance to become a god. You are just the leader of the anti-thief, originally a pariah, and have divine books?"

"This enchantment has been modified secretly. When the eye is dead, it will be a blood sacrifice, and a stronger power will be aroused. For our great cause, Jiu Tunjun, you die!"

When Jiu Tun Tongzi wanted to say something, when Pei Ziyun pulled out his sword, a white flame spewed out of his mouth and fell down.

At the moment of the fall, the enchantment was high in the sky, and a **** thunder rolled. With a warm look in front of Yuzao, he fell towards Pei Ziyun.

Although it is only a thunder, it has a terrifying atmosphere.

"As long as I kill you, I will get ... to reverse the fate of Fujiwara's decline!" Yuzao murmured before.

But at this moment, Lei Guangkan was about to hit Pei Ziyun, but he swallowed the boy's body with wine and disappeared in front of everyone.
