MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 77 Seventy-seventh Raiders:

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Father Lu and Mother Lu are sitting side by side on the sofa in the small living room. Looking at Lu Jianyan and the medicine on the opposite sofa, it looks like a pair of latex paint lovers are preparing to meet their parents. They are sweet and nervous, and there is nothing to say. Come excited.

"I knew that this day would come sooner or later. From the moment when Yan Yan took the innocuous hand and carried the small schoolbag together to enter the door, I knew it." Mother Lu, who was wearing a more casual home clothes, had both hands Putting it together on his knees, his face was heavy, but what he said made Lu Jianyan feel a little bit confused.

"He should have reached this age," Dad Lu patted his wife with one hand and saw the back of his hand, even if the maintenance is good, and then said seriously to the two juniors. Does mom know? "

"..." Lu Jianyan thought he knew what his parents were going to say, but was not so sure at this moment.

Why should this matter involve parents with no medicine? Aren't they going to say his parents?

The medicine was intact, but he played in minutes, and on the brain circuit channel of Lu's parents, he said excitedly: "They can know now." After speaking, he even acted like this to his parents Call.

"Come on, don't bother." Sister Lu held a cup of hot cocoa filled with marshmallow in her hand, and the sweetness burst into sight at first sight. She pierced a meatball head that was not in line with her age and identity. She wore a little shawl and came in leisurely, but she didn't sit down, just watching the medicine innocuous. "Mind to go to the flower hall and say I will Is it childish? "

"We're just kidding--" Mom Lu shook her fluffy curly hair she just cut short recently. She and Lu Jianyan are both self-rolled. Compared to Lu Jianyan's kind of roll, it is not very obvious, but Lu Lu's is very rolled. Great, especially after she cut her short hair.

"——Easing the embarrassing atmosphere." Father Lu and Mom Lu and his wife have been tacit for many years.

Three big question marks still flashed on the top of Lu Jianyan's head. He already understood that his parents were just kidding, but what kidding?

He knew that Lu's parents were joking, but he still expressed his proper loss and lowered his white hair, which seemed a bit listless, as if he had lost the color in his eyes, but he still cooperated very well with Lu. The sister's invitation went with her to the neighbourhood, and along the way, I could hear them talking far and wide.

"You are getting better and better."

"Yes, you can walk for hours now without relying on mechanical prosthetics."

"But still pay attention to protection, not careless."

"Well, the prosthetic limbs are in the trunk of the suspended vehicle and can be taken out at any time."

Lujia's floating car has not been on the market, but there is always the ability to drive to a concept car, just like the Parker Peak of the year.

Lu Jianyan brought the medicines with him, apparently not because they had a relationship to be inseparable, but Lu Jianyan wanted to borrow the medicines to be innocent. The guest was using this as an excuse to dispel the parents ’recent mention of him. Everyone knows each other. The idea of ​​Duming's things, even if it is already an elephant in the room, is well known, but Lu Jianyan still hopes that everyone can continue to maintain a tacit silence.

Unfortunately, Jiang is still old and spicy. Lu Jianyan has no problem with the medicine. Father Lu and mother Lu have sister Lu. She easily helped her parents to prescribe the medicine without problems.

Today, only Lu family parents and their sons who have grown up to look up are left in the small living room.

Lu's main family of five, Lu Jianyan is undoubtedly the highest among them.

Mother Lu is a typical southern woman, petite and exquisite. Although many times, it is easy for everyone to forget the difference in body shape because of her strong personality and vigorous style; Father Lu is not a typical northern man. He wears it more than Lu mother The high heels are still high, but that's all. Mother Lu's base is not too high. Brother Lu is very much like his parents. He is not high or low among his peers, and the row of seats in the school is always in the middle.

However, Lu Jianyan and Sister Lu are two different kinds of Lu family. From childhood to big, they stand out in terms of academic performance and other aspects. They are slender and tall, and the golden ratio is so pleasing.

It always comes. Mother Lu told herself in her heart that this time, without joking or evading problems, she has been doing psychological construction for months. She can, she is a mother, and she needs to give her son a truth. Regardless of whether the truth is good or bad, she has no right to decide for her son whether he should know about it or not. Her son is the one who has the right to make a decision.

Mother Lu changed her sitting position, took a deep breath, and spit out the turbid air with the last bit of timidity in her heart, and decided to speak to her son: "Presumably you have a hunch, or you have heard some gossip recently, I won't Circled with you ... "

Father Lu put his hand on his wife's fragile back, and wanted to be a source of her dependence and strength.

But Mother Lu was still very nervous, even if she was sitting beside her most trusted husband, facing her favorite child. It's not like her, she shouldn't be so forward-looking and frightened. She thought she could do better than she does now. Until the moment came, she didn't realize that she couldn't do it. Her voice was like being poured into cement, it had solidified, and no syllables could be heard.

In the end, Father Lu noticed his wife's abnormalities and decided to ignore his previous agreement with his wife and speak for his wife: "We called you because your mother has something about your identity that I want to tell you ..."

"You're not your father's son, it's me and my ex-husband!" Mother Lu finally took the word and blurt out the key information, all in one go, but she couldn't relax. Because this is not the hardest part to confess to her son, she still needs to explain a lot. There are too many, she is too short to breathe.

Mother Lu had prepared a lot of manuscripts about her past, her entanglement with her ex-husband, why she chose to hide it, how can she confess it today, and most importantly, although Lu Jianyan is not in everyone's expectations Born, but he is her and her husband's favorite, no doubt about it. Mother Lu belongs to the type that either doesn't say it, she will definitely say it clearly, she doesn't want to give any dog ​​blood a chance.

Just telling the son about those pasts is like re-opening the wound that she had apparently healed, which is too painful. When her parents were alive, she told her that one day she would take the past as a joke and tell it with a smile like a story.

But for now, it's not this "morning and night". She is still very painful and fragile, and she has become her most hated look.

Just before Lu's mother was still thinking about how to continue speaking, Lu Jianyan interrupted her: "I know."

He knew everything, and Mother Lu didn't need to go on.

But mother Lu didn't seem to hear her son's words clearly. After grabbing her own hair, she said as she said, "I understand. It must be very difficult for you to accept the news at first. Yes, I also It ’s hard to accept. If I can, I hate to take the other half of your blood and turn you into my and your father ’s son completely. In fact, you know what? You are! Bloodline can't represent anything ... etc. ,what did you just say?"

Father Lu and Mother Lu looked at Lu Jianyan in astonishment, with exaggerated expressions that even the wrinkles on their faces were flattened. Lu Jianyan know? How much do you know? How long have you known?

"It's been a long time, no matter what complicated emotions you think I will have, don't worry, because I have already been tangled and walked by myself." Lu Jianyan was not comforting his parents, but was just calmly narrating One fact, he already has such a shocking secret about the taskman, and it is not surprising that there are a few more, "I know our family is a reorganized family, the sister is the daughter of the father, I am the son of the mother, only It is lowness that sheds your common blood. "

"How can you know?" Mother Lu was completely panicked and started to stumble. She never said this to Lu Jianyan. In fact, she never even thought of telling Lu Jianyan.

"First of all, you and Dad are actually very obvious."

Lu's father was very happy with Lu Jian Yan Qian, and Lu's mother condoned her sister. The couple instead ruthlessly restrained the youngest man. why? Because although their love for the three children is the same, they are not sure that the children's love for them will be consistent. They are too afraid to lose their children, so they will be more disrespectful to the bloodless one. They want to spend money to buy love, even if this is ridiculous, they can't control it.

You do n’t have to be so polite to Brother Lu, you should fight, you should scold, because they know very well that they are their blood-lined children. They treat him harshly, and they will not be misunderstood by him as not loving him.

But it is not the same for Lu Jianyan and Sister Lu. They are afraid that a wrong look will cause the child to rebel.

"Second, my grandfather and my grandmother told me this as a secret before they died." Obviously, this is the last wish of the two old people. It is the most reassuring thing in their hearts, and it is also the end of their lives. The last thing a daughter of her life can do for their baby.

They all expected what would happen today, so they decided to pave the way for her daughter before she died, so that she could tear her wounds without too much pain.

Love his son, for his far-reaching, but so.

The grandfather and grandmother told the story of mother Lu from different angles, which is enough for Lu Jianyan to understand the whole picture, and even he felt that he might have more details than mother Lu knew.

As we all know, Mother Lu had a failed marriage. What is unknown is how cliché this marriage is.

As the only female heir of Wu Jun Lu's mother, Lu's marriage has become a top concern for family members when she was very young.

Family members are mainly afraid of the future son-in-law against the guest, invading Wu County Lu.

The grandfather and grandmother of the Lu family were afraid that their pearl would not get everything a normal little girl deserves, happiness, family, marriage, and so on.

So in the end, the grandparents listened to the fallacy of others, and did something that sounded like a prank-they adopted a boy who looked very good from the orphanage, named him Liu En, let him He became the child's husband to their daughters, plugged in, or spared the tires, whatever they called the relationship.

Before adopting, grandparents made it very clear to Liu En. They adopted him and gave him the same life and bright future as the little prince. These are conditional, that is, Liu En must be unconditionally loyal and love Holding their daughter.

If mother Lu grows up like Liu En, then they will marry and share everything in Lu Shi of Wu County. If mother Lu grows up and do not like Liu En, then Liu En will send her mother to pursue her happiness and forever Waiting for her in situ in case her future marriage is unfortunate.

All in all, Lu Jianyan's grandparents naively wanted to create a perfect relationship for her daughter.

But if human feelings are so well controlled, there will not be so many tragedies in this world.

The grandparents did not have the difficulty of being strong at first. Before the adoption, they gave all the conditions to the adopters. At the time, not only were the children of Liu En, the others were also excellent, there were men and women, but some people rejected this Conditions, and some people chose to accept, Liu En is the latter.

"This is one of the most stupid decisions I have ever made in my life," she said to Lu Jianyan in tears before she died. The old man who has never cried in his whole life and was speculated that he probably straightened his spine even when he was sleeping. On the bed, relying on the ventilator, he cried to his grandson who was still at school like a confused child. What I regret most is that my stupid decision did not hurt me, but my only child. "

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Jianyan understands Du in the game, and he has experienced similar things many years ago.

In the afternoon when he didn't need to take a self-study class early after school, his maternal grandfather revealed to him this secret that had been hidden for many years.

Perhaps the most painful thing for a short guard is to make him realize that it is his self-righteousness that has hurt his favorite person.

"Don't look at your mother now. In fact, she was the most obedient, gentle and quiet, like a restrained water lily, the most beautiful thing you can see in the world." This was before the grandmother died. He recalled with Lu Jianyan, "It was not because she was my daughter that I added a filter to her, but she was really that kind of good-natured and never had a rebellion."

Mother Lu's obedience is not only manifested in her studies, friends, and filial piety to her parents, but also in a different romantic style from most ancient times. He fell in love with any overbearing president, just as her parents expected, hoping to fall in love with her childhood friend, Liu En.

At least, Mother Lu thought she knew everything about Liu En.

Liu En came to their house when she was very young, and has always treated her well, just like treating a princess, and she likes to be treated so preciously.

Who knows that Liu En is a betrayal and a villain who hides misfortune for many years and has been secretly hooking up with others without telling him, but also wants to evacuate the Wu Jun Lu family who has been in the West. He even had some words, thinking that he was the victim. He was also an individual and had his own feelings. Why did he have to be tied to a young lady who was a little girl all her life and become a dog around her?

However, Liu En completely forgot that the person who chose to go on this road was himself, and no one forced him. Even the Lu Jia's grandparents could choose several people at that time. He was only through hard competition. Got this place.

Liu En used to cherish this opportunity so much. He liked the huge and ancient Lu family, and the sweet and pleasant mother Lu, but people's hearts changed, and so did Liu En. He is no longer grateful for everything he has obtained, taking it for granted that all the Lu family owes him. He should not only get everything, but also revenge on the Lu family.

The object of revenge was the innocent and nasty mother Lu at the time.

No one will be born strong and hard-hearted and unemotional. Many times they are so, just because they have to be so. The painful past has made them understand that they can only rely on themselves.

After discovering Liu En's conspiracy, it took only one night for Mother Lu to grow up instantly.

Liu En thought that mother Lu would always be a good little girl in control. Even if she knew the truth, it was not based on them. They were married, and mother Lu didn't care about the company's business. What could she do?

Facts have proven that there are many things that mother Lu can do, and she doesn't have the so-called foolish idea that the other person is married.

Never underestimate a Scorpio's revenge.

Mother Lu simply took a photo of Liu En's derailment and proposed a divorce. He also secretly collected evidence of Liu En's economic exchanges, preparing to confront Liu En in a public court, and Liu En was embarrassed.

If it weren't for Liu En ’s lover abroad who helped him in the end and took him out of the country overnight, Liu En ’s end would only be worse.

But even if Liu En was rehabilitated, it didn't make any sense to the worse-off Wu Jun Lu family. Mother Lu was too late to wake up. But she still has not given up, and has been actively contacting, trying to save the family in danger.

It was at this time that Lu's mother met Lu's divorced father. Lu's ex-wife abused his biological daughter so much that Lu's father was so scared of a creature like a woman that he never dared to find someone to deal with. But it ’s not good not to find anyone, his parents are not as spoiled as his mother's parents.

At a banquet, father Lu and mother Lu just hit it off.

At that time, mother Lu decided not to believe in any more marrying words of love, and father Lu needed a perfect, brainy marriage partner. At that time, they had no feelings for each other. They were more like two partners who were still satisfied with each other. They wanted to revive the already decaying Erlu. How can they hide their parents even after the wedding, so that they can continue Each future has its own plans.

As a result, while everything was moving in a good direction, Mother Lu's life was once again made a great joke by God, and she found out that she was pregnant.

Obviously it was from the ex-husband, and probably everything happened too fast before. When Mother Lu was struggling, she also lost a lot of weight. She didn't realize the changes that happened to her.

This made the mother's confidence that she had managed to build almost collapse. She didn't know whether she should leave the child or kill him, pretending that nothing had happened to marry Father Lu. She hated her ex-husband so much and didn't want to have any more relationship with him.

Mother Lu found so many for herself that she should kill the child, and don't let him ruin his life.

But in the end, when the day was bright, Lu mother who had thought about all night still decided to stay with him.

Even if her future will become more difficult, even if she hates the other half of the blood provider of this child, but he is her child and it is her responsibility.

As long as the thought of the life of a little angel like Lu Jianci is in her hands, she can't be hard-hearted anyway. She has always and always remembered Lu Jianci, a young boy, crying and asking her why my mother doesn't love me. Would you like to be my new mother?

At that time, Mother Lu didn't know how to answer Lu Jianci, why your mother could be so cruel to you.

But now she can answer, at least she won't be another cruel mother.

So, in the bad situation that was already surrounded by mothers, Mother Lu made a decision that she was crazy in the eyes of others-she wanted to terminate the marriage contract and leave the child.

But after knowing the truth, Father Lu appreciated the mother Lu more. He felt that mother Lu formed a stark contrast with his ex-wife who fed his child an annoying ya0 just because the child was noisy. Therefore, Father Lu said to Mother Lu: "I did not see at all that this forthcoming child has nothing to do with our marriage."

Mother Lu is a lunatic, and Father Lu can only be crazy than her, even if Father Lu looks so sane.

"Do you want to be a dad so much?" Mother Lu was still trying to persuade Father Lu to dispel this idea. He was a good person, so she couldn't even pit him.

"To be honest, yes, seeing Tsz will like this child, she needs a little partner to accompany her out of the shadow of the past."

As a result, the marriage contract between Father Lu and Mother Lu added a supplementary agreement. If Mother Lu can guarantee to treat Lu Jianci as if she had done so, then Father Lu will also love Lu Jianyan to the bones.

Mother Lu just hurriedly held a wedding with Father Lu.

Everyone knew that they were married by Feng Zi, but they didn't know that the child was not Lu's father. Only Lu's parents and Lu's mother knew this, so Lu's pair of stereotyped parents would rather leave Hanoi Lu's sister to Sister Lu, without mentioning Lu Jianyan, the grandson.

Although the grandparents later thought about amending the will to allow Lu's younger brother to inherit Lu's family in Hanoi, at that time the Lu family was no longer able to speak.

Sister Lu witnessed the birth of Lu Jianyan throughout the whole process. In order to cover up the child's month problem, mother Lu was a child born abroad, obscuring the information for several months. Sister Lu knew that this brother was not her brother, but what about it? At that time, it was another family like that, Lu Jianyan, who had no blood relationship, gave Sister Lu a sense of security, which was already a little careful. She is the sole heir of her father.

Father Lu and Mom Lu were good to each other's children in the beginning, just an exchange, just like their marriage.

But the human heart is really difficult to grasp something. When habits become natural, the more they pay for their children, the more they will truly like the child who has nothing to do with them. They finally fall in love and become Really happy couple.

"I will not forgive the scum man who abandoned our mother and son," Lu Jianyan firmly assured his position to his mother. He knew very well who was calling him continuously during this time, because he knew, That ’s why I ’m even more disgusted. “He ’s not my father, at best he ’s a sperm provider. My parents are you, and you are always the only one. No matter what he wants to do and what excuses I wo n’t listen to. "

"Thank goodness." Mother Lu was happy. She meant that she didn't want her son to see the scumbag, but the other party suddenly returned to China, trying to establish contact with her son, hitting Lu's mother by surprise, for fear that his son would be brought to rhythm.

Lu Jianyan said: "I thought you were going to persuade me ..."

"I'm not that Virgin." Mother Lu would never forgive Liu En in her life.

Lu Jianyan couldn't laugh or cry, if he knew his mother's attitude, what else would he hide before. He can harden anyone's heart, he can bite and deny Liu En, the only thing he is afraid of is the softness of his parents, and he begged him to forgive Liu En.

Fortunately, his mother was always so unusual.

Mother Lu would not pretend to say to Lu Jianyan, that person is your father after all, you should recognize him or whatever, she will only put everything in the past in front of Lu Jianyan and tell him I hate Liu En. This feud is not common, and it is impossible to unravel in this life. You want to see him, I won't stop you, you have this right, but I must say, I don't want you to see him, I will never think about it.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Lu Jianyan was happy to stay at home with medicines for a night. Mom Lu was undoubtedly the happiest one at the table. The whole person exudes a sense of relief.

Father Lu kept pushing his glasses, trying to hide something.

In the evening, after everyone went to rest, Father Lu rang the holographic cabin that Lu Jianyan was playing. Father Lu and Mother Lu also have holographic cabins, but they do not use them often. When people are old, their acceptance of new things will always be slow. Now these two holographic cabins are used by Lu Jianyan and Yaowuwu to play rivers and lakes.

"Dad?" Lu Jianyan started from the holographic cabin, and the ice-blue nutrient solution covering him had dried up instantly, as if it had never existed.

"Do you mind if we just talk like this for a while?" Father Lu moved his chair and sat next to the holographic cabin, looking at Lu Jianyan who sat up.

"Okay." Lu Jianyan nodded, totally unprepared for what his father was about to tell him, because he thought that Father Lu would definitely not participate in this matter. He was saying, after all, in this matter, Father Lu's identity was awkward, and it was not appropriate to say anything. It's as if Mother Lu never interjected when talking about Lu's ex-wife, she would never say in front of Sister Lu that Sister Lu's biological mother was not, because she was afraid that Sister Lu would be sad.

Sometimes Ms. Lu prefers to convince Sister Lu that Sister Lu's biological mother actually loved Sister Lu. Because this is her princess, how can anyone in the world not like her? nonexistent! She is so good, so smart, so capable, so perfect, everyone will like her, no exception!

Father Lu thought the same about Lu Jianyan. This is the best son in the world. Everyone should like his son.

Even a scumbag like Liu En.

"I must let you know that Liu En didn't know that your mother was pregnant when she left." Strictly speaking, Liu En abandoned Mother Lu, not mother and son. If he knew the existence of Lu Jianyan, he would not know how to choose anyone. Only recently did Liu En know that Lu Jianyan was his son, so Liu En chose to return to China and desperately wanted to see his son.

"... This is not like what you would say." For a long time, Lu Jianyan thought that the topic had ended, and he did not expect that Father Lu would suddenly continue.

"It's not like it," Father Lu sighed. "If possible, I don't want your identity to be known to you more than your mother, and even hate Liu En even more than your mother. I'm afraid he will come and take you away from me. . "He devoted countless hard-earned sons, why should he let him do it?

"I'm not an item. I have my own judgment. I won't be snatched away." Lu Jianyan couldn't help crying or laughing, but was still happy because his father's straight family loved him.

It is really fortunate that their father and son could not be separated by this sudden jump out of Liu En.

"I know. That's why I want to tell you these things that my character would never say under normal circumstances. I don't want you to regret that I didn't open these mouths today."

Mother Lu can take Lu Jianyan for granted, I hate your biological father. He is a mean man, but father Lu cannot.

"Why should I regret it?" Lu Jianyan couldn't help crying.

"Liu En is about to die." Probably the wicked will end up with bad news. Father Lu and Mom Lu who are the same as Liu En's peers are still alive and well. At best, they are middle-aged, but Liu En has terminal illness. Daily I did n’t even have the strength to sit up. I had to breathe five times in three sentences without exaggeration or acting. Dad Lu specially changed several channels to ask about the same thing, just to verify the truth.

Lu Jianyan laughed: "There are so many people in the world who are going to die every day because of terminal illness. Why should I regret a stranger who is about to die? I sympathize with those who have terminal illness, but that's all. I am not God Lights don't need to be responsible for the wishes of others. "

Father Lu was also laughed at by Lu Jianyan's metaphor, but he continued to say what he had done in the draft: "He threatened me that if you don't let you know the truth and don't go to see him, he will reveal your identity regardless of everything. "

"I don't care!" Lu Jianyan thought without thinking. With his status today, how could he care about that little gossip in identity.

"But I care!" For the first time, father Lu abandoned the personable side of the past, his palms were about to scratch himself, "I care, I hope in the eyes of others, you are my son, just me and your mother Son. "Even if he knew it was just a vanity, it was because of the complex relationship between them that Father Lu would care more about the vanity.

"He's so disgusting!" Lu Jianyan was finally angry. He didn't care about Liu En, but he did care about Lu's father.

"I know." But it was precisely because Liu En was so desperate that he disregarded him, so that Lu's father realized that maybe Liu En also cared about Lu Jianyan's son very much. In order to see Lu Jianyan, Liu En could be at any cost. If Liu En only threatened Father Lu, he would not easily compromise, because Father Lu was afraid that Lu Jianyan would be harmed, but if Liu En was not malicious to Lu Jianyan, then ... "If it were me, I would probably make the same choice. . "

Lu Jianyan didn't quite understand his father.

"Because you are so good. Even if it is said to be despicable, or to be scolded or disgusted, who would want to lose your such a great son?" At least Father Lu did not want to.

Lu Jianyan reluctantly met Dad Lu. He knew that Dad Lu was the softer one of his parents. When he was a kid, he was even more timid than his mother. There is a prairie above his head, and he can come to persuade his son to see his biological father. You are such a holy father, does my mother know?

"She knows." Father Lu saw Lu Jianyan's thoughts at a glance. But if it wasn't for the character of Father Lu, he wouldn't have married Mother Lu back then, and he has a happy and happy family today.

In the end, Lu Jianyan could only compromise, just as he had feared before, and his parents were his weakness: "I will meet him, but this is the case, not the case."