MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 76 Sixty-sixth Raiders:

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The story characters of the two continents are the same, but the schools are not the same. There are the same professions and different ones. Before the players have time to ask questions about this, the planning team has already given the answers that have been prepared for a long time.

The various and various martial arts in the game are actually the top ten martial arts branches that are open to the secular martial arts. Many martial arts of different sizes can be traced to different partial peaks in the same martial art. There are five immortals in the eastern and western continents. On the two continents, different schools are opened and scattered. Some schools come from the same peak of the same immortal. They are naturally the same, but most of them are different.

Some schools are simply the main vein of Xianzong, like Lu Jianyan ’s sitting and forgetting, but in fact, the six disciples of the main peak of sitting and forgetting are left when they go out to practice, perfectly retaining the tradition of Xianzong.

Lu Jianyan, as the chief disciple of the outside world, participated in the contest in the martial arts, and was no surprise. The reward was finally announced in Hefu-Lu Jianyan and the other top five were admitted to Xianzong. Supreme immortal opportunity, the opportunity to become a disciple.

Attention, just an opportunity.

If it succeeds, Lu Jianyan will, in the near future, represent the disciples selected by Xianzong and Xianzong in other tributary schools to meet the disciples of the other nine great immortals.

All in all, the person in charge of the planning team certainly did not read Xiuxian novels often, and he should not have a strong sense of vision when changing maps and upgrading streams.

There is Xianzong, naturally there are Sanxian Sanxiu. Players who failed to participate in martial arts or who were too small to participate in martial arts were also completely different and worried, as long as the level reached, they always have a way to cultivate immortals.

The disciples of Gaomen have the methods of disciples of Gaomen, and the method of free-discrete practice. Everyone can feel that they are treated specially. They are the protagonists who are destined to rise on the mainland and wait for a counterattack. ——This is the core of this game.

The biggest difference between the secular sect and Xianzong is that players can freely change the door court between the secular sects. For example, when Fifth Yi retired from the Yousheng Gate and chose the current sect because of too little back; but once the player entered Xianzong, unless you cut the number and practice again, it is not so easy to be able to defect from Xianzong. Even if you can leave, it will cost a great deal, and will be automatically marked by the entire Xianzong as a "teacher to destroy ancestors." Every disciple in the martial arts can get rid of it without worrying about the red name.

As far as the medicine is safe, this option of betraying defection is also a kind of gameplay. If it is not the summoning of the friend and the door, it is too much of his mind, and he probably does not mind playing a betrayal door .

"It's a pity." The medicine is very regrettable.

"You are neurotic." Lu Jianyan sneered with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm just sick, did you know the first day?" Yao Wushuang asked the questioning question.

"Oh, comrades, although you all know it, I still have to remind me that I'm broadcasting this live, pay attention to the impact, OK?" Fifth Yi actually wanted to say that you have been insulting for so long, Why aren't they together? !!

In the barrage, the fans have to sing the opposite: [Don't stop! ], [We are not afraid of impact], [No impact at all! 】

"In short, these are our analysis of the newly emerged unit plot-Xianzong's initial knowledge, and I hope to help everyone in the choice of Xianzong now or in the future. Next, we will go to the martial arts. The martial arts task of winning the queen is here. Come, say goodbye to your male god, and be parting ways. "

The group of four was the task of getting to know Xianzong at the same time, because they all got the first place in the door, and they were qualified to be called by the prospective master in Xianzong. Most players don't have it, so Fifth Yi opened a live broadcast.

Fifth is unexpectedly a Raiders coffee. Don't look at his belly black calculations in the three dimensions, but in the two dimensions, he has always won the praise of new and old players with his "helpful" explosion of word of mouth, and fans who like him. It has to be measured in units of one vehicle at a time.

Fifth Yi himself will also be very careful when doing the Raiders, considering almost all the gameplay and possibilities, this is his joy of playing games-exploring all the branches, and being a data controller.

Lu Jianyan nodded to the medicine, then summoned his mount and went to sit and forget the heart alone.

On the way, Lu Jianyan looked at the introduction about the Zanwangxian. Ignoring the Immortal Sect is hidden in the 100,000 mountains of Kunlun, occupying a rich and possibly even aura-inspiring aura. It is one of the oldest immortals. How long has the old man lived, and now the grandfather only bears the title of the head, and does not care much, the real master is the master's personal disciple.

However, Lu Jianyan was not able to see this master for the time being. He could at best see his master. Master, the main peak of Fengxi Daojun ranked sixth.

You can tell by name. This Daojun is a woman, which is in line with Lu Jianyan's intentions, and was troubled by those who are tasked. Only his alertness to women will be lower, whether it is in the third or second dimension.

Fengxi Daojun is an elegant robe, holding a water purification fairy lotus, sitting on a **** beast capable of rising clouds and fog, immortal and dignified, but a very gentle and easy-going master. She and Cold Landing Jian Yan are two completely different styles of painting, but she obviously likes Lu Jianyan very much, because her brother is like this, giving her an extra sense of security.

Fengxi Daojun is Lu Jianyan who was called in the main hall where Wangxinzhai never let outsiders enter. As soon as Lu Jianyan stepped into the entry bar, he saw the scent of mist, heard the Brahma sounds, and the red umbrella supporting Lu Jianyan. A similar sound was made at the time of opening, apparently belonging to a set of tunes.

"One of my masters that shocked the world at that time was an umbrella that covered the sky. You are also used to umbrellas, isn't it right for you and I to have a master and apprentice fate?" Fengxi Taojun also spoke warmly. Gentle again.

After speaking with Lu Jianyan for a while, he passed on Lu Jianyan's first divisional mission after becoming a service-famous in the world.

The meaning of the translation is that only by finding a way to make a name on the rivers and lakes can we be recognized by the teacher and become a formal disciple.

Feng Xi Daojun didn't finish after Lu Jianyan watched the mission. He continued to explain to Lu Jianyan all kinds of precautions about this mission.

In fact, the content of the task is very simple. As long as you try to keep your ranking on the top of the leaderboard within a limited test time range, the ranking on any of the two lists is not lower than the current ten. Once the time is up, it will be automatic. Tested.

For Lu Jianyan, after passing the test, he can officially become a disciple of Fengxi Daojun.

Feng Xi Dao Jun promised to Lu Jianyan that at least he would be an insider disciple. If Lu Jian Yan's performance during the test can be liked by Feng Xi Daojun or her other siblings, he is more likely to become a direct disciple.

The following news, not all NPCs will tell players.

Fengxi Daojun even confessed to Lu Jianyan. She liked Lu Jianyan very much. She wanted to accept him as her first disciple from the beginning, and she would probably be the only disciple. Because of this intention, she Lu Jianyan will be informed of this hidden benefit just to motivate him to work hard.

If one step is in place, the tasks of the teachers behind Lu Jianyan will save a lot of work.

"Of course, I also know that things in the world are changing fast. Do n’t be too stressed. You are now not only the pride of my Eastern continent, but also a recognized leader in the young generation. Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. What you have to face The test will surely be the biggest. Even if this is not the case, I will know Master and accept you as an apprentice. If your self-esteem is not acceptable, I will give you another chance. "

This means that Lu Jianyan is now the first in the province to take the mock test. Everyone is using him as a benchmark. If he fails to pass the exam due to an imbalance in his mind, or if he is constantly challenged to lose his ranking, he will not be able to enter the originally scheduled ideal. Xuefu, the master in charge of the admissions office in front of him, will find a way to give him a h0u \ 'me: n. Of course, if Lu Jianyan doesn't want to leave h0u \ 'me: n, she will wait for him to repeat it for another year before killing him.

In short, in a group of NPCs with the same disease as snakes, Lu Jianyan was lucky to be able to meet a master like Fengxi Daojun. He touched the roar in his arms again, and sure enough, he released this auspicious rabbit was not in vain.

After the prospective master and apprentice recounted another friendship, Lu Jianyan received a set of equipment sent by the master and made a life card. This is a treatment that will only be available after Xianzong officially joined, but Fengxi Daojun was really worried about Lu Jianyan, so he gave him a h0u \ 'me: n in advance: "If someone insults you, the teacher will Know the first time. "

Well, now the two have been called by Master and Apprentice.

"Although we can't cause trouble during the trials of the Adventists, we can choose to write it down." Revenge in the future!

To put it simply, this is still a small routine in Xiu Xianwen. Even if Fengxi Daojun can't avenge Lu Jianyan right away, he can stay in the future.

Women are indeed a creature that is good at revenge.

Lu Jianyan said he liked it very much.

After leaving the ancient clumsy door, Lu Jianyan was sent to Luoyang City by his master's fairy beast. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, it was considered to have experienced a handful of flying in the air that will only open in the future and no one can enjoy for the time being. feel.

Lu Jianyan's only impression of this is that after the flying mount system is turned on, he must smash out the best.

Because it's worth it.

Lu Jianyan and the other three met at the Yangya Tea House in Luoyang City. This tea house is a name secretly with the Jiuzhe secret location, and it is not just a coincidence or any connection.

The four Lu Jianyan belonged to three different Xianzongs, which happened to be the main veins of Xianzong. Only the fifth Yi luck is still not good. The school of worship is Xianzong's secular branch, but it is connected with Lou leisurely. , Both belong to Ziji Xianzong, and Li Bai greatly did the same.

Lu Jianyan arrived at the teahouse at the latest. His master Fengxi Daojun was indeed the most timid one. He said a lot of things that ordinary NPCs probably wouldn't say.

When Lu Jianyan was led to the second-floor elegant seat by the shop's second child, Yaowuwen and others had been waiting there for a long time, while drinking tea, doing nothing while listening to Bai Xiaosheng on the high floor of the hall on the first floor. The top fifty profiles on the two master rankings. Bai Xiaosheng is one of the NPCs in the game. He usually walks around the flyovers and major teahouses to tell stories, and when he does, he will become one of the official propagandists, saying that everyone will be interested in information.

This time I first met Xianzong, in fact, was closely linked to the subsequent selection of Xianmen.

In order to give momentum to this first round of selection of Xianmen, the game started various arrangements early, and it was considered no effort. The great gods on the leaderboards such as Lu Jianyan are automatically marked as seed players, just like the star draft, and they have been doing various publicity.

Other players who have completed the level before the service actually received the task of getting to know Xianzong, but they have not participated in the door comparison before, or the ranking of the comparison is not ideal, and they will not get a personal biography from Xianzong. The disciples summoned and might receive the treatment of the disciples, but they were also told that they had the opportunity to worship Xianmen, as long as they passed the test.

In fact, compared to ordinary players with little competition, their chances of worshipping Xianmen are bigger than those of Lu Jianyan and others, whose rankings change rapidly.

Because everyone ’s test content is the same, try to keep their rankings in the future for a period of time, as long as they do not fall outside the top ten, even if they pass. And even a fool can tell how easy it is to keep the top ten rankings and to keep the top ten thousand rankings.

Of course, benefits are always with risks.

Lu Jianyan and others will also get the minimum number of inside disciples, while other players will only be ordinary disciples.

At first Lu Jianyan thought that the disciples inside the teacher's door should be the disciples of the outer door (worldly) and the disciples of the inner door. It is only now discovered that there is an ordinary between the outer door and the inner door, and there is an elite between the inner door and the pro-biography.

Ordinary disciples can become elite disciples through hard work, but they cannot become pro-disciples. Only inner disciples can. It seems that there are two parallel appellation systems for disciples, but in fact there are many complicated twists and turns. At present, a great **** has posted an analysis post on the forum to teach the trumpet how to embark on the inner door. If the trumpet is just trained, you can also consider cutting the number and re-training.

Of course, there are also players who like to take the counter-attack route. They always think that the ordinary to the elite is a hidden branch and want to make a break.

Lu Jianyan walked differently than these. He belonged to the type of one-step ascension. After he and a few friends talked about the dissemination of his disciples, only the medicine was safe and the master said so.

It seems that such an opportunity has nothing to do with their participation in the door comparison or the number of places they have won, purely looking at the player's face black and white, and the degree to which NPCs like it.

It's no surprise Lu Jianyan, but the medicine is safe ...

"Don't you say your master is a snake ailment?" Lou took a moment's rest and deliberately recalled the conversation between Lu Jianyan and Wu Jianyan before they came.

"Yeah, I think my prospective master is a snake disease, and he also thinks I am a snake disease, but this does not affect his desire to accept me as a disciple." Those who can appreciate a snake disease must be another A snake disease. It is not unreasonable to collect so many thorny NPCs in the sea with no problem.

Lou Yixian expressed his inability to understand this love and kill.

Bai Xiaosheng's master introduction resumed the second round, bypassing Lu Jianyan, who had just entered the door, and could not hear about his introduction that is currently ranked first.

"[How to see Zu Chan], male, level 62, has been playing since the beginning of the game, and studied from Zan Wang Xin Zhai → Zan Wang Xianzong, known as Zu Zen. The hardest three copies got two first kills and got Numerous celebrities are recognized by NPC; although they are not in the top 10 in qualifying, they have an incredible winning percentage. They are also currently the best in terms of rankings. They are ranked first for the time being. It is said that the game was originally played for friends. Pastime together ... "

After the introduction of Bai Xiaosheng, a strange species dragged to 2.58 million appeared in front of Lu Jianyan and others. Take the chin and look at people, the kind of sulking is more ridiculous than Lu is cheap.

The other person has a golden retriever, and behind them are a group of foreigners with colorful hair, but the other person's appearance is obviously biased toward the Orientals. After the other side spoke, he also spoke fluent Mandarin C, not the machine translation of the game: "You are [see ancestor]?" The man provoked Lu Jianyan and Yao, who wear the same silver half-face mask, innocently At first glance, it was not clear who they were.

Most people in the game can't distinguish between Lu Jianyan and Yao Wu, especially after Yao Yan has changed his hair to black type.

Lu Jianyan and Yaowu looked at each other together, but did not rush to speak, but the momentum made the other person unconsciously seem to be one level shorter, even if they were clearly sitting on the side that needed to look up at others.

"Look, what are you looking at?" The man bluffed, fiercely, "Remember, I am Liu, destined to surpass you!"

Lu Jianyan finally opened his mouth, but turned around and asked the medicine around him: "Do you know the name?"

Of course, you know that medicine is safe. Bai Xiaosheng just introduced it, but what he said was, "I don't know. I'm not interested in people who rank behind me."

Wuyaowu is also a master of double rankings, ranking close to landing Jian Yan, ranking even higher than Lu Jian Yan in qualifying. This Liu is also a master of double rankings. He is well-known in the western continent, but he is not the number one god. He is always pressed by a person named Allen, and the martial art he has established has been pressed all the way by Allen. Today, Alan's gang is still ranked first in the comprehensive ranking of the two continents, but Alan's personal ability is also suppressed by others, and Liu's goal has been replaced by a higher Lu Jianyan.

But Liu couldn't even surpass Allen, let alone Lu Jianyan.

Although Lu Jianyan wants to be the first because of competition and wants to be the first to do everything, as a three-dimensional person, he still feels childish to fight for a two-dimensional illusory ranking. In particular, the opponent's appearance when he proactively acted like a villain cannon fodder was not good-looking or fun at all.

There is actually another reason for Liu Lai Lu Jianyan to lay down the big words— 【Thousands of miles do n’t stay】.

Long before he had served them together, Liu took a fancy to the acknowledged No. 1 **** milk in Eastern China [Thousands of miles without leaving the line], and launched fierce pursuits on the forum and on Weibo through various channels that can reach the thousands of girls It's a pity that chasing after him is fruitless, and he is always ridiculed by the other party as much as the great Zen master, so sorry to chase him?

Because of this, Liu Bian was so resentful that he almost came to the East Mainland to build a number, and vowed to be inferior to Lu Jianyan. As a result, the rivers and lakes got together, and he saw the gap between himself and Lu Jianyan, and became even more angry. Some people just can't help it.

"In short, give up thousands of miles early, she is not the kind of poor you can only catch up with in the game!"

Fifth Yi was drinking tea and almost sprayed out. Lu Jianyan? Poor? My mother, are there still rich people in this world? What makes him poorer than Lu Jianyan? People now dare to say that they are not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues.

Lu Jianyan didn't even bother to deal with this guy who had no brain on the Internet.

The medicine is innocent but frowns: "Whoever you chase after, but please don't take your own inferior eyes and insult others' aesthetics?" Just [Thousands of Miles No Stay] like that, their family How does Yan Yan see it? !!

Liu was completely blown up. Even if he insulted his goddess, he also insulted him. The other party was almost out of control. Liu said, "Are you trying to fight?"

The medicine was cold and hummed, without a word, summoned the combination of Lu Bu and Diao Chan who he was most used to, and then sat in the place with Lu Jianyan and others leisurely, without moving, watching people. Lü Bu ’s hero, Lu Liu, who was born and killed by Liu, lost one place on the double list before it was considered over.

During the test of Xianmen, players who participated in the test of Xianmen would not count as a red name if they took part in the same test. But you can't fight in groups, it can only be 1V1, it is like Liu Wu without a medicine. Well, for Friends of the Door players, 1V1 is the real group fight, they group others.

If you lose too many times in the competition, you will lose the ranking.

"Even the NPCs I called can't beat, let alone provocation, not shameful enough."

If there is no medicine left, then Lu Jianyan and others who have rested enough left the teahouse and went to level up. Although most players will definitely reach the 80 level once before the test is completed, at least they must be their ancestors. step.

Soon, the first encounter between the East and the West spread throughout the "Online and Online". The medicine won beautifully, and the long face won, and the fans skyrocketed for a while. Of course, Lu Jianyan and the medicine-free CP powder rose even more, and many girls are taking the medicine-free loyal dogs-even the medicine is mostly beaten, but they also want to challenge Zu Chan greatly, hey, It's funny, life doesn't need this kind of ** cannon fodder, thank you.

The second dimension is so wonderful, and Lu Jianyan's third dimension is ... not bad.

After Lu Jianyan changed the number twice in a row, the harassing call finally stopped coming in, but the story didn't end there. Suddenly, Father Lu and Mother Lu also called Lu Jianyan one day and said we need to talk. .

Lu Jianyan could probably guess what his parents wanted to talk to him, but it was for this reason that he didn't even want to talk to them.

In order to avoid his parents, Lu Jianyan even quietly took the medicine and moved to Lu Jianchi's school district. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Father Lu and Mom Lu never expected that Lu Jianyan would hide here.

In fact, even Brother Lu almost didn't expect it.

As soon as the New Year is over, Brother Lu is about to face a brutal final exam week. This is a matter of life and death that is related to his winter vacation and whether he can play games in the future. Therefore, Brother Lu started to study early without saying, but also for convenience In a more conducive learning environment such as a study room, I worked hard to review, and moved to a more difficult school dormitory.

If it weren't for the regular return to look after the pets, brother Lu would surely find that his brother had moved there with the medicine.

The brothers of the Lu family have left enough room for their family members in each other's homes, so there is nothing uncomfortable. Just after Brother Lu thought that there was no one at home, he opened the door and yelled, "Kiss me back, have you missed me, why didn't you come to open the door for me", and saw his big brother sitting in the living room office Later, how much will be a little awkward.

The silly rabbit kissed him and continued to ride on his sweeping robot to inspect the territory back and forth. When he passed by Brother Lu, he also gave him a "You 484 silly" contempt look.

Lu Jianyan also felt that his brother was probably stupid: "You asked the rabbit to open the door for you?"

"Oh, kidding, kidding." Brother Lu converged and his attitude was not correct enough. It was like a schoolboy who was being reviewed by parents. He sat honestly opposite Lu Jianyan. "Brother, why are you here suddenly?"

The scent of rice was also heard in the kitchen. Obviously it was going to stay long.

"Why? Not welcome? Or do you want to tell?" Lu Jianyan closed his notebook and raised an eyebrow at his brother.

Brother Lu shook his head like a rattle when he stood. No, how could he betray his brother? He just, uh, how to say: "Oh, my family has always been strange recently. If you see it, don't be surprised. Call me at any time."

Brother Lu was more afraid that his brother would be scared after he lived here.

Lu Jianyan was confused, but before hearing more details, Brother Lu was called to the school again by a phone call. It is said that there was something to be done with Brother Lu over there.

Brother Lu is now a sophomore, with the steps of his siblings studying in the same year. He has also joined the student union and is working hard to be the chairman of the student union when he is a junior.

Brother Lu came here in a hurry, and left in a hurry, leaving a word that was confusing. Because Brother Lu has been snoring and doing something unreliable since he was a child, Lu Jianyan didn't take it seriously, but he just sent his relatives back to his special room, and the meal was about to be prepared right away. He would n’t want to have a medicine See kisses.

Brother Lu is also a neurosis who loves pets to the limit. Others live in cages with rabbits. They live in bedrooms and have been specially decorated. Beds, desks, and things that humans should have. This gray mini fold ear has .

Lu Jianyan even found a mobile phone in his dear room.

Without seeing the anxious little eyes, Lu Jianyan took the mobile phone and went out. Standing at the kitchen door and playing with the hanging screen mobile phone, the medicine was harmless: "Well, it ’s like getting ridiculous to raise pets. I used to He always sees pictures of his pets on his Weibo, and it looks like he wants to become a new pet blogger. Now that he has a mobile phone for the rabbit, why doesn't he have a holographic cabin? "

"How do you know he didn't?" Yaowuxin saw two holographic cabins when he cleaned up the house, which was puzzling.

Lu Jianyan laughed, but did not go to see the contents of the mobile phone. He thought that the mobile phone was his brother. If it is not a major event that affects his brother's behavior, Lu Jianyan always respects Brother Lu's **. He put a new mobile phone like a ring on the coffee table in the living room, and then helped Yaowu to bring the cooked meal to the table. The two of them sat happily for a delicious lunch. Lu Jianyan had the best food, and the cured beef was cured two days in advance.

After learning to cook, the drug has once again found a loophole in most of the food, which is the preparation of semi-cooked food. The protagonist always says to do it, and you can make ten dishes and one soup without preparation at all. Not so open.

Before the meal was finished, the two heard a loud bang from their dear room.

Lu Jianyan didn't think much, and wanted to look up when he got up.

The medicine did not hurt, but he took the baseball bat placed in the living room by his younger brother, protected him, and broke into Lu's room together.

Then, they unprepared to see a handsome young man with red-naked body, long and pointed ears, and folded up and pulled around his head.

The baseball bat landed, and Wu Wuyan covered Lu Jianyan's eyes for the first time, insisting: "That's nothing to look at, it's ugly."

Xiao Tu Fangya: Believe it or not I'll send you a rabies vaccine trip? !!

What is going on here, we have to start from a few months ago.

Xiao Tu had a lot of hardships, and finally got in touch with the same liar who also came to this small world and was also in City B. The scammer is a guy who can count on some small skills. With his help, Xiao Tu mastered The perfect way to do it.

Take the most vulgar line of faith.

Brother Lu is not about to become a new pet blogger, but has already become a well-known pet blogger, a new online celebrity, and has a million fans. The love of rabbits on the Internet by relatives of rabbits helped Xiao Tu break through quickly and gain the ability to turn into a human form.

But probably because the network is still too nimble, Xiao Tu's transformation is not stable, sometimes he can maintain the human shape for several days, sometimes he can't control himself to change into a rabbit, or change from a rabbit to a che: n-g person. Fortunately, Brother Lu's ability to accept is very strong, or his nerves are thick, and he has not been scared by his pet ’s life-changing rabbit. Instead, he is very happy. .

These are the intimate photos and videos sent by Lu Brother Yan to Lu Jianyan, and even Lu Jianyan can make fun, let alone others.

The main thing is that Brother Lu never advertises and is not prepared to make a fortune on his pet.

He has money.

Brother Lu did not hide the identity information of his three sons of Lu family. He became a pet blogger's Weibo, and used his daily Weibo directly. Fans can also convince him of this statement. Even the fans are not good, many girls are already crying and shouting that they want to accompany Brother Lu to be a **** shovel officer.

"It's cheap but not like the four or six?" Yaowu frowned. He really didn't like Lu Jianyan's younger brother.

"Probably, there are more and more people setting up on Weibo recently." Lu Jianyan can only say so. His brother understands that if this type of setting is not popular recently, his brother would never be so flattering It's almost annoying.

Well, after all, after Brother Lu moved to school, Xiao Tu was usually at home alone, but in fact he could take care of himself.

Brother Lu occasionally returns, not to take care of pets, but to check whether Xiao Tu has become a rabbit and cannot control himself to help him solve some problems.

As a result, Lu Jianyan's sudden arrival without greetings completely disrupted their daily lives. Although Xiao Tu repeatedly wanted to be patient, he still showed the prototype in front of Lu Jianyan.


Xiao Tu shook his head.

"Oh, monster." The non-fake ears on that head would not make Lu Jianyan think that it was artificially disguised. If you contact Brother Lu with no thoughts, Lu Jianyan soon realizes that his brother always has the ability to provoke some strange creatures.

Xiao Tu recognized the species with humiliation.

When the medicine was harmless, he took out the clothes directly from the closet and threw it on Xiao Tu. "The monster is not the reason for your fruit!" He Guoguo said in his eyes, be careful, I will go to the nine group to sue you Finished!

Xiao Tu was aggrieved.

It seems that Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang have accepted the rabbit's fantasy life so easily, but it makes Xiao Tu unbelievable. This is not a novel, but he changed from one species to another. How could Lu Jianyan accept such a frank and natural nature? Can it be said that it is truly a systematic male god?

Lu Jianyan even helped Xiao Tu to make suggestions about how he continued to absorb his trust.

It is not enough to rely solely on the Internet. Today, with the new media leading, the power of the old paper media cannot be forgotten. After Lu Jianyan and Lou said hello, a report of a gray fold ear rabbit named Qinren became popular on the Internet in Country C, and even on overseas social networks, and quickly circled. A batch of foreign devil powder.

Xiao Tu officially became a famous rabbit.

Lu Jianyan asked the 9th group's investigation of Xiao Tu also got results. For the time being, Xiao Tu is really just a silly rabbit essence. There is no big problem with the kind of rabbit essence that even the brother Yu can not eat.

Yao Tuo silently monitored Xiao Tu, and he always felt what big fish this guy could be involved in.

After solving Xiao Tu's fluffy little problem, Lu Jianyan and Yao Yao moved out again. They lived in Lu Xianjian. It is not a long-term thing here, but it is the last stubborn struggle. Father and mother Lu.

In the coldest winter of January, Lu Jianyan returned to Lujia's Mid-level Mountain Villa with the medicine intact.