MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 63 Sixty-third time Raiders:

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"Why is your face so shocked, as if it wasn't you who erased my memory last time."

Lu Jianyan seemed to say something terribly expressionless. As a result, there is no more text after speaking. When Su Yingdi and his eager to see through, he still did what he should do at his own pace.

It's like removing the minions and guards.

When there is such a snake disease as Su Yingdi, the best protection for the host is that the guards do not have protection, so as not to wait until later with Su Yingdi to tear his face, the medicine will not be released without any problems.

It's like manually giving yourself and medicine to each other their favorite snacks and drinks.

After a long stay in the last days, the first thing to come out must be to compensate your taste buds. Do n’t let the end of the world, even for this food and drink!

When Lu Jianyan brought the things over, the medicine was safe and unexpectedly hospitable to Su Yingdi: "You're welcome, please help yourself."

Well, the focus of this remark is on "self-help", and Su Yingdi never thought of enjoying the service from Lu Jianyan in front of the medicine without suffering, nor is it called enjoyment. It is called self-abuse. Speaking of which, Malkavian's disease is really a zu0 \ 'b-i. No matter what you do, you can push it to the condition.

"When I first saw you, I was thinking about a question." After Lu Jianyan had enough to eat and drink, and his taste buds were completely satisfied, he finally had time to solve the puzzle of Su Yingdi.

As the only celebrity Lu Jianyan had liked when he was young, why did Su Yingyan show no interest when he appeared in front of Lu Jianyan? In theory he should like him, doesn't he? Even if he had only liked it before, he should not be in such a light attitude. Sister Lu likes Lolita house dance. Although she is embarrassed and second-tier, if she meets her little sister in a beautiful dress on the street, she will still quietly sprout, and the excitement in her heart will never disappear.

"But when I met you, I couldn't like it anymore." At first, I thought that this kind of violation was a leisurely thing and the fifth incident, but later it was confirmed that it was not.

He hated Su Yingdi because Su Yingdi was the one responsible for erasing his memory. This hostile past, even if the brain has amnesia, will engraving the feelings in the bones, which is enough to offset all the blood and impulse to Su Yingdi in his youth.

The last piece of memory that Lu Jianyan was missing was formally completed after an ordinary afternoon nap. After experiencing his brother's traversal by the missionee and having to engage in German orthopedics, he was finally forced to the brink of collapse. He went to the national station with a broken heart and was ready to break into a live program without care. Proclaim the truth of this world. He couldn't care whether it would be regarded as a neurosis, and he needed something to vent the anger in his heart.

As a result, this most impulsive but also most likely to succeed project was met by Lu Jianyan, who happened to meet Su Yingdi on television and was given a rest.

I still feel uneasy when I think of it.

However, at that time, Lu Jianyan did not know the exact position of Emperor Su Ying. In the days when he could not remember who was erased by any means, he always thought that it was someone sent by the main brain. Just left.

Until later, Father An's solution to Lu Jianyan.

In addition to being able to be selected by the system as the tasker, the people in the small world may also be selected as the monitor by the main brain. The supervisor's job is just like their job title. They are responsible for supervising the systems and tasks suspected of operating illegally, eliminating their suspicions, or getting evidence to prevent them from continuing the trouble.

In fact, this kind of existence similar to a third party can be easily inferred. In addition to the necessary lens surveillance, the main brain will definitely send another force to check and balance the increasingly powerful systems and taskers.

Of course, the monitors will also be responsible for cleaning up the mess for the missionaries in the small world.

Lu Jianyan belongs to the category of "a mess".

The IQs and personal energies of the missionaries are mixed, and it is impossible to run this order for so many years. Only Lu Jianyan was aware of the abnormality of the world. After being aware of it, the Aboriginal people often have to do something. But so far these small worlds have not caused troubles because of these awakened aborigines. Why? Because the inspector had killed the source in time before the danger began.

It's like Lu Jianyan's memory was erased, and at the same time he was implanted with the idea that "if you continue to resist, something terrible will happen."

"The first warning, the second time, really terrible things will happen." Su Yingdi had to correct his name, he did not just frighten Lu Jianyan. Lu Jianyan's previous vigilance is also a very wise move, because ... "The second time, it is not the supervisor who has shot, please be mentally prepared."

The main brain doesn't believe that there is nothing but three. Being able to give it a chance is also considering that there may be some unexpected oolong situations.

"Speaking of which, I am just a first offender now." Su Yingdi smiled very confidently.

But Lu Jianyan and Yaoyao Wu saw through the disguise of his paper tiger at one glance: "If you are not afraid of anything, you don't need to sit here and talk nonsense with us. Accidentally, I knew I might be forgiven once, so I deliberately made it , But there will be completely different sentencing results. "

It is unknown how the monitors are deployed in each world, but the small world of 1114 is clearly in a chaotic period of weak supervision by the monitors. The possibility is nothing more than that the other party is not capable or the other party is intentional.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party is insufficient in borrowing ability, deliberately messing up the small world, and preparing for troubled waters.

That's what Su Yingdi did. In the previous world, although he was an upset singer, he could only lurk in secret and did not dare to act lightly. It wasn't until he finally got the brain's mind to be chosen as the Overseer that he had a fearless decision to stop patience.

The novice internship period is a good excuse, and how much trouble is caused can be explained as unintentional.

"I have checked and Singer An's system has been killed."

Pill Free is a system killer. He doesn't know how many systems have been destroyed in his hands. He has a say in this. Presumably from the beginning, the purpose of Su Yingdi was not to kill An singer, but to kill the system that gave An singer these abilities and make him continue to do evil. Emperor Su Ying forced the singer An into danger again and again, but did not kill the singer An, it is not a resurgence of old feelings, just to force the system to shoot.

At the moment when the system and the tasker exchanged, they defended their actions with "it was only intended to kill the tasker, but failed to kill the system by mistake."

Emperor Su Ying impatiently smoked a cigarette, took the cigarette holder and stabbed the table, instead of asking the question to ask, "What do you want?"

"You are really scared." Yao Wu laughed.

Emperor Su Ying did not refute, yes, he was afraid. There will be no punishment for killing the tasker, because for the main brain, there will be as many as the tasker wants. Every small world is everywhere and belongs to renewable resources. However, if the monitor kills the system when the evidence is insufficient, it will not be easy to get confused. The system is much more precious than the tasker, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the main brain, although there is only one point.

Let's put it this way, it is not that the tasker is using the system as a tool, but the system is using the tasker as a tool.

"The next time I catch the tasker, please kill the tasker and leave the system, okay? This will alleviate a lot of my work." Su Yingdi couldn't help it.

As long as the system does not die, no report will be received by the main brain. It is a bit similar to the soul brand fate lamp in the world of cultivation. If a person is immortal and the light is not extinguished, he will not kill the old one.

"We will do our best." The medicine nodded and nodded, very cooperatively summing up experience and learning lessons. He always thought that the system that could be connected with the main brain at any time was more dangerous, so the subconscious first killed the system and then tortured the taskman. But no useful information has been obtained.

As for how to deal with the system so that it can not be reported, that is the problem that needs to be considered. Obviously, Su Yingdi didn't know, otherwise he didn't need to set up so much to kill An singer's system.

"For singer An, letting him live without a system is the biggest punishment." Su Yingdi obviously did not intend to let the singer go so easily.

"Suddenly, Teacher Qian is very pitiful." Lu Jianyan didn't want to be this righteous partner, but he still talked a lot.

"My next job is to extract other people's memories, naturally including him. Anyway, I'm tired of this love game." Su Yingdi has completely abandoned his initial disguise and revealed Originally, the joy of the good revenge had been greatly discounted by Lu Jianyan and Yaoshou, "Well, are you satisfied? Can you give me back my things?"

"What is it?" Lu Jianyan looked at the medicine.

Medicine innocently spreads his hands: "I haven't got anything except singer An."

"You don't get any information from Singer An." What Su Yingdi refers to is Singer An. He still has to look at him in pain, and his life is crooked.

"Then exchange the information you know with the singer."

"Sorry, he's not as valuable as you think." Su Yingdi rolled his eyes unconsciously. The old love has long been disgusted, and the disgust that wants revenge desperate has disappeared with the death of the real culprit system. Su Yingdi wanted to return to the singer, but just wanted to watch his miserable life in the second half. Presumably, this singer must be able to achieve this when he has no trouble with medicine, he just can't see it with his own eyes.

"But is it worth at least ten questions?"

"Three, no more."

"Closing!" Lu Jianyan didn't even intend to make a counter-offer. Because from the beginning to the end he just wanted to ask one question, "How can I remove the 1114 small world from the list of taskers."

"Becoming a legendary missioner, the master brain will fulfill all your wishes." Su Yingdi obviously did not answer the questions seriously.

Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuyin didn't say anything, they just waited for Su Yingdi to continue. It's obviously a trap to have enough points to make a wish to the main brain, and those who do not realize their wishes until they die are the best proof.

"There are really missionaries who have succeeded, legendary missionaries, but later they didn't know what happened and made him give up his wish." Su Yingdi actively stepped forward to Amway.

Yaowu pointed at himself and pointed to Lu Jianyan's iceberg face: "Are we interested in writing on our faces?"

Emperor Su Ying shrugged, but changed his suggestion again: "Or be a monitor like me. The hometown of the monitor will automatically be on the block list, and the purpose is not to allow the monitor to use the loophole to return to his hometown. "

"In order to get rid of the task person, so I decided to give the master brain a lifetime job, can't I return home?" Yaowu sneered, "Sorry, I have no intention of mocking your decision."

Su Yingdi stared at the medicine without any trouble: "You obviously are laughing at me, asshole!"

"You think it's worth it." Lu Jianyan tried to soften her expression as much as possible, trying to be responsible and slim.

Su Yingdi suddenly felt that it was not worth it.

"I really don't know the rest. I'm just in the internship period. As far as I feel, you are doing a good job at the moment, and you keep improving the level of the world, so there are naturally fewer missionaries. "

But this is not the result that Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang want. They want to completely eliminate the task person and even kill the main brain.

"The second question, I once heard the missionaries say that Lou Yixian is a man called God and can't attack it. What's going on?"

Will Loulou become God, or will his man become God?

"None, presumably your special tasker was marked by a special tasker. Your friend is really fateful, there are singers in front, special taskers in the back, alas. I knew that your friend was marked by the special tasker. Maybe even if I do n’t use my shot, Sing An will die very badly. ”Probably Sing An, who has no brains, and his daring system, dare to touch the people who have been marked by the special tasker. It ’s really not a moment. Stopped and ran on the road to death.

Simply put, the crisis in Lou Yixian has not passed. However, if you think about it, if the so-called **** is the singer An, then the characters that cannot be mentioned can't just be idle.

Prior to Lu Jianyan's third question, Su Yingdi also raised a question. As a courtesy, he always felt that it was a loss for him to answer the three questions in vain: "You have always pretended to be a singer with deep security. Fishing for me? "

Er, in fact, how to say it well, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuxin looked at each other. They were really stunned by the dialogue between the singer An and the system at first, thinking how difficult it was for the singer An, and they were afraid to start.

When it was later discovered that singer An was actually a fool, when the situation was easy to deal with, the situation was in a mess. Lu Jianyan felt that this situation was a bit like before he was clearly remembered. He simply calculated everything and waited silently for a real big boss. To put it simply, Su Yingdi was pitted by an singer. If it wasn't for Sing An's start and the last task, and the high-level task person advertised himself, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wu will not be so cautious.

After squeezing out what Su Yingdi knew, Yaowuwen and Lu Jianyan asked Su Yingdi to take away the singer An, as everyone had the other's handles, but made each other the most assured existence.

Then, Lu Jianyan went to the Lu family next door with the medicine to wake up the sleeping beauty.

Yaowu was disgusted: "Do you think your brother looks like this and is worthy of a sleeping beauty?"

"When you were a kid, Lou Xiaofei was called the Prince of Ice and Snow! What qualifications are there to say that my brother is not good!" Lu Jianyan was actually a very qualified brother, when his brother didn't know.

When Lu Xiji woke up ignorant, Lu Jianyan once again became that unsmiling brother of terror.

"Sorry, I didn't get revenge for you in the end."

Plans always fail to keep up.

After understanding the beginning and end of most things, Lu Jiancang's three views were destroyed, established, destroyed again, and then reluctantly established three rounds. In the end, he rarely showed a kind of sudden wisdom: " Well, at least we got very useful intelligence. "

In August, most of the fine points attack and fine points memory were successfully removed. All the symptoms of ED caused by the memory also disappeared. All of them became independent selves.

Well, okay, Miss Zhu Si probably won't be too happy, because without her memory, her twin lover will not love her so much. The great plan of the **** quickly broke down and waxed her.

Teacher Qian continued to teach in the elementary school, and neither had the messy memories of being invited by the nine groups, nor the memories of the past in the doomsday test. Occasionally when seeing Su Yingdi on TV, Mr. Qian just said to his students: "When the teacher went to college before, he met the Yingdi himself. As in the report, he is handsome and gentle."

Su Yingdi is still active on the big screen, ready to enter the international arena. His acting skills are still so good, there is no flaw, and he has even been on the same stage as Chef Wang who recorded reality food shows abroad, but Chef Wang has not realized that the person in front of him and he are actually working for the brain.

The only thing that made Su Yingdi stand out was probably an anonymous donation of an education fund to the Luopu Elementary School in a small town in the south, indicating that Teacher Qian was the agent of the fund.

And every time when filming in the film and television city, Su Yingdi will definitely take a detour and pass by the primary school built on the mountainside.

However, it is just a glance

The agent also deliberately advised Su Yingdi: "Did you like anyone? Then go after it boldly, the company and I are very open-minded. You have also been so many years, and the fans have changed from girlfriends and boyfriends. It has become a fan of intelligence and strength. Everyone will want to see a win-win situation in your family career. Don't have to be so patient. You deserve the best. "

"Scum like me still don't harm others." Su Yingdi pressed the button to close the window, isolated Teacher Qian who happened to come out of the window, and isolated his last point of goodwill to the world.

Not to fall in love with Teacher Qian is the best way for Su Yingdi to love Teacher Qian.

In August, Lu Jianyan and four others returned to S City. The children of Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi officially began to thrive in the childcare center. Lou Yixian also took the children as an opportunity to reach an understanding with the family.

In September, Brother Lu went to the Big B report as he wished, and owned the first house in his life. Pets are also looking at each other. Today, I think the breed of this net red dog is good, and tomorrow I think that the net red cat is more cute, always half-hearted, and it is not suitable for pets at all.

In October, Lou Yixian and Wu Yi held a grand wedding on the island. Thanks to the relationship between the nine groups, they deliberately sent the invitation letter to the captain Wu Bai and the vice crow team.

The Raven vice team looked inexplicable, scratching their heads and asking their captain: "The marriage between the heir of the house and the fifth heir, why would you ask me?"

"Maybe you fought side by side in another world." Captain Wu Bai can only say this.

"Boss, what you said is scary. What is another world, Huang Quan?"

"Probably." Huang Quan Hell, the end of the world, a tourist spot that is definitely not recommended.

In the end, the person-in-charge, Captain Wubai and the Raven Vice Team also attended the leisurely wedding on behalf of the nine groups. This island was also the place where Lou ’s father and Lou ’s mother had a wedding, and it was Lou ’s dowry. How to say it, from the beginning to the end, there is a tyrannical atmosphere, and before getting off the private jet, this poor feeling that only money is left has come.

Lou Yixian was a bit worried that Fifth Yi would not be able to adapt to his heroic style of spending money on whoever he likes, but Fifth Yi was in a good mood: "Are you 484 stupid? Our children will definitely make a lot of money for the New Year .Remember to bring it to your grandparents' home for more than New Year. "

Lou Yixian: "... you think long term."

"Aiko, you have to think for it. My first bucket of gold is my New Year's money. Understand? Your child's education needs to start from a young age. It will really be over when you grow up like you. With a little more money, your child can have Yu Li failed one more time. "Fifth Yi's cruel education that was unsuccessful then, in his opinion, one more chance for a child is kindness.

"Are we really living in a world?" So far, my mother is still responsible for paying him the wages. I really don't understand this kind of education.

At the end of May of the following year, Lu Jianyan finally completed all the transfer work and granted himself a month's vacation.

On Children's Day on June 1st, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuchun were in a child care center, spending time with Lou and Yiwu to see their daughter's birth.

The random name on the fifth floor is obviously not suitable for the little princess. Fortunately, the fifth name has already prepared an alternate name-Lou Chu.

The child's first name is in Chinese, and the foreign name is in the fifth name. The name is the chubby clothes, the vivid appearance. Fifth Yi said that male Chu Ci and female poems would not go wrong in a way of naming.

In July, the four of them officially moved back to City B with their children still in custody.

Lu Jianyan has a house in City B itself. It is a single-family villa located in the second ring. It is small in size but in an excellent location. It was a gift from his parents when he was an adult. Lou just bought Lu Jianyan's house next door, and Lu Jianyan's house was next to a row of fence walls.

"I have a premonition that a great story is about to begin!" Lou waited and hugged his daughter, ambitious about the future.

Three others: == Who cares about you!