MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 57 The 57th time was attacked:

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The Raven vice team is not just a crow's mouth, it is also a man who can't rest for a moment, and has a fight with Lou. The consequence of sitting together is that you don't have to worry about being bored along the way.

"Speaking of it, are the military planes flying over the city S every day, are these transport planes?" Lou Yixian was curious about everything, because he didn't know anything. Probably because of Lou ’s father joining the army, Lou ’s idle youth was totally disinterested in military ... A weird young rebellion. But occasionally I am curious and can only ask quietly in private.

"Almost. But there must be other uses, such as communications tactical aircraft."

"Communication? Whom do you communicate with?" Lou Yixian talked distractedly while teasing his son, who was snuggling in his arms, and wanted to sleep a bit. About twenty hours of this child's twenty-four hours a day are either sleeping or in the process of sleeping. Although he is very worry-free, he has also worried about his son being too inactive. The only spiritual hours are usually at night.

"It's not to communicate with anyone, it's to broadcast." The deputy team laughed very low, because you can laugh for a long time because of a problem of idleness. "You haven't wondered how everyone received unified publicity through different frequency broadcasts. The content? After all, you also know that radio broadcasts also have coverage, with long and short waves. "

Lou Yi shook his head casually: "I don't know at all." His generation belongs to the generation of mobile phones and computers. Radio broadcasting and so on are limited to car radio stations.

The deputy team said that it was impossible to talk on this day, and could only say stiffly: "In short, the tactical aircraft also has a communication type, equipped with a towing antenna, up to several hundred meters in length. The main function of the service is to broadcast, Psychological warfare, internal publicity and the like. It covers multiple bands such as FM and AM. Operators will play in different local short and medium bands they can search. "

The people will work hard to find broadcast equipment that can receive a wider band. On the one hand, the country will expand its publicity efforts as much as possible to let the people know that the country is working hard and has not given up on them.

Lou casually nodded.

The fifth floor also nodded, not understanding, but sleepy, little head a little bit, especially want to sleep, but his cheap father did not let him sleep!

"Did you know anything about the military?" The deputy looked confused, how could he remember that this was the division's son?

"Does the boy have to understand the military?" Lou Yixianqiang reasoned, "You have such suspicions of sexism. Or do you discriminate against t0ng \ 'x-in \' l-ia: n?"

I have been the fifth member of the background board, and in time I remembered my fiance's identity. I walked upstairs and took a leisurely smile and came over with a wicked smile.

"What ?!" It wasn't the vice team that was exclaiming, but Miss Zhu Si.

Lu Jianyan and others then remembered that Miss Zhu Si had no memory that they were actually participating in a doomsday test. At present, probably the memory of Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi also disappeared.

It's okay, Fifth Yi and Lou will help her remember.

Fifth Yi raised his hand and twisted his idle chin, giving him a firm kiss. Obviously, the two had already discussed in advance, or they had already kissed. Their actions were not jerky or ashamed, but they were fully engaged. I don't know I thought they were really together. If there is no problem with medicine, I think there is still a possibility that the fake drama can really be done.

The fifth floor has closed her eyes completely and finally can sleep, long live ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

"You, me, you, how ..." Miss Zhu Si could not find the proper wording, and couldn't say a complete sentence back and forth. It seemed that she had been hit hard.

Fifth Yi turned his head and leaned on the shoulders of Lou Yi, looking at Zhu Si with a lot of time, even with a little provocation: "What happened to us?"

The other big soldiers should have applauded. Congratulations. The deputy even took the lead to whistle in order to show that it did not mean any discrimination.

"No, nothing." Miss Zhu Si smiled with teeth and blood swallowed. But I was thinking, this is the singer's fault! Let their former lover become what it is today, she will definitely make singer An pay for it!

Watching Miss Zhu Si gritting her teeth, Fifth Yi finally let go of his heart. It seems that when he met singer An, he could use this trick to stimulate him again. Think about it and get old. Ah, I can't wait to see singer An.

The topic came to an end, and the vice team refocused on the only child present.

"I was still worried that when you send this child to your relatives in City B, you will feel empty all of a sudden. Now it seems that I am blindly worried. You have a lover to accompany you."

Lou was idle for a while, unknown, so what is a child's relative?

"Don't you just bring your children to City B, just to bring them with you?" The deputy squinted.

"Not at all." Lou Yi casually followed a little hesitantly.

At that moment, the entire transport bay was quiet. The other big soldiers are all looking at the question mark, "What are you going to do with your child?" The question mark is to bring the child at the end of the day q-ia: ng 林 d-ia: n Rain will look very handsome Or how?

"Just just want to bring a child?" The deputy team asked again unwillingly. If you dare to say yes, I dare to question your urge to be a fool.

Of course, it's impossible to just bring children. Dare to ask you to get an item with unknown purpose at the beginning of the game. Would you just drop it casually? Definitely not, because you think that this thing may not be of any use in the future customs clearance. The fifth floor is just like this. But for this reason, Lou could not say anything at all, and he would be completely treated as a fool when he spoke. So he could only choose silence.

The atmosphere was not embarrassing next, because they were notified that the tactical aircraft was about to land temporarily.

Miss Zhu Si glared at the Raven vice squad for the first time. The vice squad also knew the nature of its flag madness and quickly shook her head to prove that this time it was definitely not because of him. In addition to airdrops on their trip, they also had a mission to land on the way back. They also had to pick up other very important key figures.

But, alas, the landing place is obviously farther than they expected at first, and it would take an hour and a half if you saw the car in the past.

"An hour and a half drive ?! Are you crazy? No, I don't want it!" Even the loud roar of the plane couldn't cover Miss Zhu Si's screaming, although she knew it was her brainless side. Disguise, but still a little bit upset, "There is no runway near here, how do you land!"

Of course you can land.

In fact, one of the characteristics of tactical aircraft is to facilitate field operations, which can be applied to a variety of bad terrain runways, including gravel. The four turboprop engines are designed to start on unprepared runways with insufficient thickness. drop.

"Maybe a little bumpy, please be prepared." The vice squad roared loudly in the radio headset.

Everyone sitting on both sides of the transport cabin has very professional safety straps, which is sufficient to ensure safety, but it does not guarantee the comfort of the hips. When the tactical aircraft landed on a more suitable location, it almost felt like the people's internal organs should be turned out, not to mention the next few hundred meters of dirt road taxiing. Lu Jianyan and others seriously suspected that the plane had no three-point landing gear that absorbed shock. Even if it's a little bumpy! It's especially bumpy!

The blast of smoke and dust covered the tactical aircraft with a tan coat of wind and frost. The noise is loud, I believe that all the zombies will be told soon, and your takeaway is here.

The crowd did not rush out, but waited to scan a wave of zombies, and then made plans.

Probably they stopped too far in the wild countryside, and there were not as many zombies around as expected. The fast, accurate and fierce battle soon ended. But Lu Jianyan and others were still not allowed to go out, and most soldiers would not go out. Only a small number of soldiers who have changed their biochemical suits are ready to carry □□.

The upper and lower hatches slowly moved up, the upper hatches retracted inward, and the lower hatches lowered a **** outward. The soldiers' coordinated timing was rushed out before the lower hatches were fully lowered.

Use □□ to clean up the scene and check for defects.

Those bugs are parasitic in the human body, and they have advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that they have a body that they don't know how many times bigger than them. The downside is that they have been with this body ever since. When their parasitic brains are shot through, they can no longer act, nor can they parasitic.

But just in case, the army pursued a strategy of cremating these zombies.

When the professional soldiers were busy, the people at the hatch were not idle, and under the leadership of the deputy captain, they collectively performed ... silence. The atmosphere was very dignified.

Even if Miss Zhu Si had so many questions, she didn't dare to ask at such times. For example, what are you mourning?

The atmosphere is easy to infect people. Lu Jianyan and others who did not plan to see the outside scene would not feel anything, and they were not consciously affected to some extent.

Those zombies who died outside were once born, they are not thorough monsters. Killing them is a last resort, to protect the safety of the people who survive, and to give them more respectability. It's been half a year since the last days. When these zombies start, no one will be soft and shaken. After all, a soft heart will probably kill more people. But that does not mean that everyone can take these former compatriots as downright monsters for granted.

Their silence was not in silence, they killed a zombie, but in silence, another life died in the end. This is a belated tribute to those who should have died as human beings.

"Every time I kill a zombie, I tell myself, in fact, this is revenge for someone, and kill him for the murderer who made him look like a human, a ghost or a ghost." But just like the general revenge movie Like the ending, after the revenge has been reported, in addition to being happy, somewhere inside will feel uncomfortable. Because even if the killer died ten thousand times, the person you love will not return.

"Wish to go all the way!" The vice team said.

Everyone repeated: "May it be all the way."

When a signal came from the soldiers outside, confirming that the scene was cleared, they went out. Wu Bai, who had been in the front cockpit before, explained the situation to Lu Jianyan and others.

"We were supposed to land in the film and television city in the town X in front, but on the way, we received a distress signal from a communications tactical aircraft near here." Considering that the two are not too far away, As well as not knowing the number of people and materials needed for rescue, Wu Bo decided to stop the plane here.

"Why ?! I don't agree! This is something outside of the task. You have no right to discuss or discuss. Put our lives at risk! You are so selfish, do you know? In case we There is a good deal, see how you explain! "Miss Zhu Si's voice was incredibly sharp.

"So, I mean to ask for your opinion ..."

"Of course we won't agree!" Miss Zhu Si looked at Lu Jianyan and others, "Right?"

Lu Jianyan and others:

"It doesn't matter."

"It's better to save more people."

"It's not that there are no more seats on the plane."

"Let's move quickly, the soldiers on that plane are still waiting for us."

Miss Zhu Si almost broke down. What about Lu Jianyan, who is known for his indifference? What about the ruthless fifth hand? What about Malkavian? Lou Yixian has always been such a mother-in-law's character, not surprising. But what happened to others! When is consciousness so high? !!

"Would you like to stay with the pilot on the plane?" Lu Jianyan said her voice softly to Miss Zhu Si.

Lu Jianyan can actually understand Zhu Si's panic. After all, this is her life, and she thinks that this precious life she has is not disobedient to the command. To say a few words, they all know that this is just a test, and it can naturally show bravery and courage, but even Lu Jianyan would not dare to say too much. If this is the real end, what would they choose.

Therefore, Lu Jianyan took the initiative to make Zhu Sihui feel more at ease: "We all know the physical strength of the girls, and I promise we will return as soon as possible."

"The fifth floor and I are also left." Fifth Yi took the initiative to say that he can stay to see the children, without hindering everyone.

The plane is here, and people must be retained. Wu Bai originally meant to let Lu Jianyan and others stay, and he would also leave half of them in charge of taking care of them. Who ever thought that Lu Jianyan had never thought of staying. They also want to do what they can. If Lu Jianyan and others follow, the manpower will definitely increase, no matter what the situation is to rescue, more manpower is always good.

When Zhu Si saw the disparate contrast, she regretted it again and wanted to follow along.

Wu Bai also looked in the direction of Fifth Yi, uh, or looked at the fifth floor? His eyes are really hard to say. Fifth Yi still did not leave and took the initiative to explain the fact of his physical slag. The fifth floor was probably awakened because I hadn't slept a little longer, didn't laugh, expressionless ... Moe.

This kind of creature is like a child. No matter what it does, it will look cute.

Wu Bai finally glanced at Fifth Yi before getting on the cockpit of the military car and directing everyone to leave. Lu Jianyan and Yao Yao gave each other a glance, and the child really had a problem.

Lou Jiqiu said, "Who is the one who is in love with Fifth Yi ?! So reluctantly!"


There is no cure for the drug: Sure enough, the fake drama was really done.

The mountain road is rugged, the convoy stopped and stopped, and many zombies were eliminated along the way. No matter how troublesome, it must be determined that these people were cremated every time. After silence, they will be on the road again.

After walking for about forty minutes like this, they heard a cry for help in a forest beside the dirt road.

"Don't go!" Miss Zhu Si, who was silent all the way, suddenly spoke, stopping the convoy that had stopped.


"Don't you think it's weird? Today, half a day after the last day, there are still people calling for help in the wild mountains? Maybe it's an ambush or something, and we're deliberately fooling us."

As I was saying, there was a man holding a child and riding one ... The donkey ran towards the convoy in a dusty way. There were two other donkeys of different colors behind the donkey, one on each. child. After the child is a big army, not fast, but never know the rest.

The only adult man was excited when he saw his relatives and waved his hands after seeing the army green that belonged to the army. "Wait, wait."

"He brought three children by himself? Don't be kidding, where are so many children! There must be a problem! Hurry up!" Miss Zhu Si said again.

Then, the slow-moving convoy stopped completely.

The soldier in charge of carrying the machine gun shouted at the man with a loudspeaker and shouted, "Bypass! Bypass!" While the men and children turned quickly, the zombie's stiff body could not follow the time difference in time, a few shuttles After the bullets passed, there were no zombies that they could not solve.

Zhu Si's expression is a bit distorted, why should I save it! She's analyzed so clearly!

The Raven Vice Team, who had been giggling before, calmly said to Miss Zhu Si: "As long as there is a possibility, we will save people! Because we are soldiers!" The soldiers have a duty to protect the country and people.

Must there be no children in the wilderness? At the beginning of Doomsday, the situation was messy. People who ran around like headless flies did not know how many. Later, because of airdrops, it was impossible to drop to a certain point. It was just an area, not to mention people nearby. No matter how distant, some people are in danger to survive. It shouldn't be strange to see anyone appear anywhere.

Of course, there should still be vigilance. Didn't you dare to relax for a moment without looking at the machine gunner on the car?

When the soldier holding the □□ went down to clear the scene, the man finally took the three children into the car. The other person was gray-faced and embarrassed. He didn't know how much tape and red thread were wrapped around the legs of his glasses, but he still couldn't fix it. He wore it crookedly. However, the appearance of the opponent made Lu Jianyan familiar, and after several confirmations, he was very similar to one of the six offenses that were previously found by the nine groups.

After seeing the familiar vigilance in the eyes of Miss Zhu Si, Lu Jianyan and others could finally be identified. This is one of the six people who appeared later.

He introduced himself as Qian. He was a teacher. The school was nearby. The three children were his students. Teacher Qian came out to look for students. Several children rescued a group of crew who had fled from the film and television city before, which caused the already dangerous food stock to be completely inadequate. I was run a few words by other children. The three high-spirited ran out on a donkey while everyone was still asleep in the early morning. I wanted to find the airdropped materials according to the location of the radio, without dragging everyone down.

But the children did not expect that a large number of living people ran out of the film and television city, and naturally also brought a large number of zombies. Once again, this area, which was already considered a safe area with few zombies, became dangerous again.

The donkey died, and when the children thought it was finished, Mr. Qian found them at the moment.

"There aren't many horses in this country, there are only donkeys, but they are also very good means of transportation." Even if no one can ride at first, they will fall when they go up, but now it is half a year after the end of the day and it should be a fall.

After Mr. Qian saved the child, he ran all the way. He wanted to call someone in the nearby school to help.

As a result, there were children with sharp eyes, and when they saw the green military vehicle in front of the army, they gave it a try and tried it. I did not expect to be really a soldier.

"Thank you very much indeed." Teacher Qian held the crow vice team and did not spread. He was not afraid, but just in front of the students, he could not be afraid of being a teacher. After waiting for the crows and others to ask, Teacher Qian said again, "Are you here to pick up those two pilots? Finally, I hope you are here, and they are in school. I will show you the way in a moment. "

"You also saved the pilot?" Zhu Si's expression was very strange. What is going on at this school? I can't eat enough, and I'm going to save people everywhere.

The three children finally eased from the fright, and after Teacher Qian went to the front, he intermittently added Teacher Qian's words.

When the Doomsday came, in fact, there were not many people in the school, only Teacher Qian and a few young support college students. The others were hiding in their own homes in the village. Who knows that those zombies will spread so quickly that no one can support them alone.

After a series of chaos, quarrels, and even death, people's will to survive helped them twist into a twine.

At a critical juncture, it will make you see a person clearly, and also make humans realize that only unity can overcome difficulties. It's not who's sentiment must be high, but everyone has a mind. You can temporarily protect yourself by pushing it out. Who will cooperate with you in the future? When you are excluded by the ethnic group, after you place your order, you are not far from death.

However, children who are still growing up in learning are different. They do not have as much thought as adults, but just subconsciously imitate the behavior of adults. Be united and help each other.

When they went out to do something within their ability, similar to the work of mushroom harvesting, when they saw people in need, they naturally reached out to help.

This is a virtuous circle infused with hope, which is very good in itself, that is, there are more people saved, it is inevitable ...

"We don't know the teacher is already trying to figure it out." Several children were guilty and anxious, their eyes were red, tears were swirling, but they didn't really cry. As early as the end of the day, they cried enough. They also want to help, but the more they help, the more they kill a donkey, which is a very important partner in the school.

The way Teacher Qian thought was to work with the pilot to temporarily fix the radio call for help on the crashed plane, waiting for Wu Bai and others.

It seems that these "gods" are not without good people.

Soon, the primary school finally arrived after less than ten minutes' drive. It was a school built on the mountainside. The car could drive up, but the zombies with less flexible movements were difficult to climb, easy to defend and attack, and had an exterior wall. Without waiting for a closer look, they were already welcomed.

Sing An and Su Yingdi are there.

Lou casually looked at Zhu Si around him, alas, just enough for a table **.

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