MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 29 Twenty-ninth attacked:

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From this point of view, there is no major problem in the medicine, and the progress of the plot seems to be stuck.

For obvious reasons, on the one hand, Lu Jianyan did not believe in the operation of Yao Xiaowen, and on the other hand, Lu Jianyan did not want to "die" in front of Yao Xiaoyan, leaving him a psychological shadow. He was saying that he couldn't always accuse Teacher Li of doing wrong, and at the same time felt that he could be forced to go by himself at the critical moment, right? That's too hypocritical.

Lu Jian Yan Ning was struggling to find the clues that was discovered by Teacher Li, and he was unwilling to give any painful memories of dog blood. Because if you really do, even if you explain all this after the fact is false, you can't erase the harm that the medicine suffers at the moment when you believe it to be true.

Therefore, I can only give up.

Unfortunately, this is the right choice. Lu Jianyan said to himself like this.

At this time, Yao Xiaojuan was like a minister to the country and the people, and bitterly "Emperor" Lu Jianyan ran away. The exquisite little face seemed to be saying that the enemy forces were about to enter the Forbidden City. We must hurry and run, Your Majesty, and leave the mountains behind, not afraid of no wood burning!

Teacher Li is shouting and screaming hysterically with the system. He has been scared of a complete cure by the black girl and the melaninized medicine that have not been licensed according to common sense. He wants to leave here, no, he must leave this world! He doesn't do any **** task, he has to give up the task, get out of here as soon as possible, and never come back! This world is not normal!

The system did not want to give up on this, obviously they have come this far! It impatiently said to Teacher Li: [Can't you bear more? Will it die? Why are you humans so arrogant? 】

The machine is naturally difficult to understand what is going on with the pain.

Teacher Li is still crying, he can't hear too much.

The system, however, decided on its own and cut off all the recordings about Mr. Li from this moment. In order to ensure that there are no illegal operations in the process of the Raiders, all tasks and systems are recorded throughout. But you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, and the recording is just recording. No one will listen to it all the time. There is only one keyword capture. It is like if Teacher Li collapses and shouts that he will give up the task After leaving the world, there will be a warning on the top as many times as possible, and if the system does not fulfill the host's wishes, it will be found.

There is also a case where the recording will be heard, that is, after the accident, only someone will return to pick up a section to listen to for investigation.

In other words, as long as Teacher Li successfully completes the task, leaves the world, and does not make a complaint, the system will directly cut off the illegal operation of the host recording so that it will not be found. In fact, Mr. Li has not yet known that he still has the right to complain about the system, and the system does not intend to let him know.

After doing all this, the system said even more boldly: [I told you long ago that medicine is not a good thing. Who keeps you from listening to me? 】

[When I pushed him, you didn't stop it! ] Teacher Li and the system once again had a fierce dispute and began to blame each other.

Lu Jianyan was hurt by their noisy brains. This kind of dog biting a dog's mouth is really ridiculous.

At this critical moment, the characters who pushed the plot finally appeared.

With the sound of Kata, the window that should have been locked in the hall opened automatically. The hollow and carved windows were carefully pushed away from the outside by half, two.

Something is coming in!

First, two empty bottles showing a perfect parabola, dropped on the ground and jumped twice, the sound was crisp and abrupt, but did not attract much attention; the other was a padded cushion that would emit a heavy muffled sound when it fell, It looks very soft; in the end, it is a skill ... a less-sturdy person is struggling to chop the window frame and wants to turn in, but the movement is slow and stiff, and the window has been turned for at least a few minutes. It almost slipped twice in the middle. To waste as much firewood as possible, to be as magical as to be magical.

Anyway, the style of the whole person is not right.

The visitor didn't need to show his face, just looking at the empty bottle thrown in and the loose skin on the window frame as if he could pull the skin again, it was enough for everyone to distinguish his identity-Father An.

On the normal historical line, Father An was killed at the last minute. However, as early as that time when Lu Jianyan ran the medicine and ran to Lu's house, Father An had already appeared, attracting the attention of most of the most brutal kidnappers. With this kind of restraint, Lu Jianyan Fang escaped to Lu's house without any problems.

At that moment, Father An finally turned in hard, and carefully closed the window again. When he sat firmly on the cushion under the window, Lu Jianyan's memory was finally complete.

Just as the great medicine said, Lu Jianyan was indeed capable, but he did not remember the process of getting it. On the day Lu Xiaoyan and Yao Xiaonian were almost abducted, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wunian escaped from the birth day. After staying at the Lu family, someone came on the moon later. Send Lu Xiaoyan a gift.

Undoubtedly, this gift-giver was Father An. After the gift was given, it disappeared without a trace. Together with this memory about him and the gift, it was hidden in Lu Jianyan's brain.

In fact, Lu Jianyan should have completely erased this memory, but any gift has been given, even if it can only play the most basic role, it is enough for Lu Jianyan to retrieve this memory in the future.

At that time, Lu Jianyan's ability was really weak, so to this day, he can't remember all the details, but only has a general impression:

He was lying on the bed, looking up at the smiling pleated grandfather, asking him inexplicably, "Why do you give me a gift?"

Mr. An answered this: "I'm also entrusted and loyal. You should treat me as a courier. Hey, this year's courier brother is no longer making money, and he has changed to be a takeaway brother. Now, — "

This old man is always so eclectic, just like the way he does tasks, he is unrestrained and careless. Under the trend that most of the taskers are pursuing shortcuts and high points, Father An prefers to work diligently and step by step. Even if the points are lower and slower, it does not matter. Anyway, he is completing the task according to the requirements. Both ordinary and unusual. What he said was always too wild, making people laugh and cry. But behind the discourse was as soft as his heart.

"——I can assure you that you will need this gift and will even like it."

Since then, it has been proved that likes or dislikes are not necessarily, but Lu Jianyan really needs this gift.

When he was in high school, Lu Jianyan's gift was fully awakened. Previously, the various diseases that could not be detected were only the slow self-adjustment of the body, so that he could completely accept the gift in the future without harm. The name of the gift is [Eye of Reality]. Ability like the name can see through everything.

Well, it's not all real, but it can see all the external forces that are placed on the system, whether it is the dialogue between the tasker and the system, the points exchanged props, or the strangeness that the tasker gets from the system. The capabilities are all in the scope of seeing through.

It can be said that with this ability, Lu Jianyan can no longer be fooled easily by any system or task person.

It was also Lu Jianyan's good luck. The first strategy for him began when he was in school, just in time for his ability to awaken. Seeing through the scam that wants to become a friend of the same classmate, he has become a terminator in the way of many missionaries since then.

[Eye of Reality] is not the best ability, but it is the most suitable for Lu Jianyan, avoiding many cups that he can meet.

Grandpa An is such a grandfather Lei Feng who is good at doing things and does not like his name.

Because of this, Father An knew from the beginning that Lu Jianyan in front of him was not a real child. He had been trying to avoid confronting Lu Jianyan, and even thought that this kidnapping did not require him to intervene. As a result, Mr. Li was too fond of death. Father An observed in secret for a long time, but decided to show up, and he was ready to tell Lu Jianyan the truth.

"I know you have a lot of questions, I can tell you, but not now."

The old man didn't say it very straightforward, but Lu Jianyan understood it, not [now], it seems that old man An has found a way to return to the real historical line. That ’s right, they are missionaries for many years. Who ca n’t play? On the appearance of Grandpa Chong'an, which is very safe, Lu Jianyan always unconsciously feels that **** is still old and spicy.

In this case, Mr. Li is useless.

Lu Jianyan was surprised, and decided not to be patient anymore. He was holding the medicine-free hand tightly at this moment, for fear that the medicine would be bullied in places he didn't notice. What just happened on the lawn can be regarded as a profound lesson for Lu Jianyan. He did not expect that Mr. Li could do that, but that could not be the reason why he did not protect his medicine.

Lu Jianyan said to Father An, "You are right, let's go."

After that, the three of them were really ready to leave. This original road is naturally the route that Father An came in. He firstly investigated the situation outside the window, and then threw the cushion out again. People are old and their bones are brittle and they have to be nice to themselves.

Father An was so anxious that he would go out first, but instead reached out and asked Lu Jianyan and Yao Wujuu: "Which of you first?"

Teacher Li was still waiting to be rescued, but found that the reality was not the same as what he thought. Father An had no sibling love at all, and he was only going to take the child away. Mr. Li was in a hurry, and hurried out, "Well ..."

Oh, by the way, he couldn't say anything.

Lu Jianyan walked from the light-readable floor to Mr. Li's eyes. He clearly needed to look up at Mr. Li, but he just saw the sense of overhead. He said, "What do you want to say? Bring you? I thought you I really enjoy staying. After all, you will stay without hesitation, and I will certainly fulfill you. "

"!!!" If Mr. Li just felt despair just now, then his heart at this moment is completely fallen into hell.

Teacher Li felt that his neck was strangled by an invisible force, and even the simplest breathing became a luxury.

The system also screamed: [Liu Jianyan all know? No no no, how could it be, he was still a child? !! Ahhh, it really is my male god! 】 I don't know if it's excited or idiot.

Lu Jianyan still looked at Teacher Li expressionlessly, his voice was not fluctuated: "Of course I know it, because I saw it all."

What else would it take for a person who thought he was a great performer to find that he was just being watched as a monkey show from the beginning to the end, and torture him?

Compared to the torture on Lu Xunyan, Lu Jianyan obviously prefers mental attack.

Father An was on the side and was not prepared to express any opinion on Lu Jianyan's move. After all, he was the first to be cheap. Although he was the same tasker as Teacher Li, he disagreed with many of Teacher Li's actions, even in After being kindly reminded, he was still treated that way, and he was a little offended with dissatisfaction. Some people just owe it!

Father An shook his head at Teacher Li: "What have you done? Don't blame me for disregarding my fellow villagers and unwilling to save you, but you should also learn something."

After speaking, Mr. An waved his hand and did not know what he had done. The voice of Mr. Li's system stopped abruptly at the next moment.

Lu Jianyan then remembered another thing. He seemed to have never heard Father An's dialogue with his system, and did not know what kind of character Father An's system was. Presumably the system that can be paired with Father An should not be too bad, right? Anyway, it is an environmental protection system. At least it should not be worse than this helping system of Teacher Li.

"I temporarily closed your system so that you ca n’t log out and leave at will, and you ca n’t use your abilities anymore, so you can experience the life of a normal person. After all, you were just a normal person. When the time comes, the system Automatically restored. I have already seen it in advance, there should be no killer in the vicinity. Your life is safe, but a small punishment. "After finishing speaking, Father An did not look at Mr. Li, or beg for mercy, or curse, Or bitter, he doesn't matter. Because he only did what he thought he should do.

Father An first helped Lu Jianyan to go out first, but his arm strength was a bit weak, but his accuracy was good, so that Lu Jianyan fell to the mat without any crime.

Then, Father An passed the medicine to Lu Jianyan. Although Lu Jianyan is a small child and has little energy on his hands, he still wants to help the medicine as much as possible.

In the process of being picked up, Yao Wusang always looked at Mr. Li from an angle invisible to others, as if he was looking at a dead person, and his silvery eyes had the coldness and ridicule that Yao Xiaoshang would never have. He looked at Mr. Li's eyes from unsolved to the sudden thought of something to the desperate fear of calling for help, just like enjoying a perfect symphony. Now the high tide is finally coming. He just needs to raise his hand gently and say goodbye to Teacher Li.

Goodbye in the afterlife!

Unknown terrorist forces have gathered around Teacher Li, just like the hungry beasts, approaching and teasing their last supper a little bit.

The medicine is innocuous, but it is like a child who is completely unknown about it. After being sent off, he clings to Lu Jianyan.

Anyway, he is now a drug abuser, he lost the drug abuser's face, and there is no psychological pressure. He once again said his previous line: "I fell down, only Yan Yan can get up!"

Lu Jianyan was helpless, but he gave Yao Xiao a kiss perfunctoryly, and thought that the child didn't get sick again. The child's heart was quite big.

Mr. An was the last one to leave the side hall. He looked back and did not know why Mr. Li was so shivering. He didn't quite understand how Mr. Li would have to play extra at this time. They told him, there is no danger, just punish him, no matter what he does, he will not relent.

Looking at Mr. Li at this time, he was still thinking about playing tricks on the engraving insects. Old Father You Tiao gave the final blow: "Have I never told you before? I am the person who hates two things. First, see the strong bully the weak; second, see the younger self-righteousness in front of the seniors. "

Teacher Li didn't know if he should be talented or not, all in high school.

Mr. An left the last sentence "please ask for blessing" and a less chic back, and completely left the sight of Teacher Li.

As soon as the window was closed, a sense of depression and pain blocked by the white cloth came out of Mr. Li's mouth. He had never felt so clear that he was going to die, the legendary total death of a torn soul, there would be no next world, no future, just an endless darkness.

How regretful he was at this moment of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

After moaning, there were no living people in the side hall.

The good medicine that ran outside was harmless, and a puppet that suddenly had no origin, the whole person fluttered towards the lawn again. Even if Lu Jianyan was pulling, the medicine was still intact, and I didn't know how well he was related to this place today. For a moment, it seemed as if all things were pounced towards the medicine, regardless of the fact that he had penetrated into his body regardless of the pain and brought the pain that ordinary people could not bear. Fortunately, the medicine has been taken for many times, and it is not really impossible to deal with it, it is just some pain.

"No problem?" Lu Jianyan immediately panicked.

Mr. An is still reliable. I don't know where to get the medicine that is suitable for the medicine. Ordinary red pills are definitely not working anymore, just go over orange and change to yellow.

But after feeding, it did not relieve the pain of the medicine. The white hair was wet and pressed against his forehead.

Father An was anxious while watching. He simply clamped the two children one by one, exhausted all his strength, and ran away in the dark. He thought that this kidnapping was real, and only wanted to stay away from these horrible mercenaries. No matter how strong the missionaries are, they are afraid of guns, thank you.

No matter what happens to the medicine, they should first take the safer Lu family as their first responsibility!

During the run, Lu Jianyan finally returned to IQ and said to Father An, "Don't run, the pharmacists are all acting. Now that things have been resolved, why do we have to toss here? Going back to the normal timeline is not good ?"

Father An, an emergency stop, what? acting? It's a bit big this time. However, what made Mr. An notice more is: "Can you go back? Then why didn't you just say?"

Lu Jianyan: ... Ha? "I thought you could go back."

Father An is still such a fairy-tale bone, a particularly reliable face: "It can't be."

Some people have a magical attribute-handsome is less than three seconds. Father An is one of them. His system used to love to hang around with him, calling him a host of shame. But even if he was so stupid, so unbearable, and no shortcut to kill, his system never thought of giving him up.

Yao Suai closed his eyes as if enduring something. He didn't dare to open his eyes because there were too many things to say in those eyes.

"Then what do we do now?" Father An held the medicine intact, and put down Lu Jianyan, rubbing the child by the way.

"Go back from the main entrance!" Lu Jianyan calmly made a judgment. He still thinks that the medicine is disease-free. Naturally, the first thing to do is to administer the medicine without disease. The pharmacist who takes him to have the most treatment equipment is undoubtedly the best choice.

When the group performances saw Lu Jianyan and others "Self-throwing the net" for the second time, they were all stunned to die. What the **** is this show?

The black pearl girl rushed out the first time, took the medicine in the hands of Father An, and ran towards the medical room on the first floor. A professional doctor is already in place.

The pharmacist secretly directed all the people in charge to stand up and told everyone that they had to close the job in advance.

Lu Jianyan was protected by another secret drug bodyguard beside him. Although they did not know where Master An's accident came from, they didn't ask much.

Father An said in Lu Jianyan's ear: "What's next?" He is really an lonely old man who can only pick up bottles, and can't do it every day.

Ah, wipe, he forgot to take his bottle! I just picked two on my way!

Although Lu Jianyan wanted to go to see the medicine was harmless, he did n’t have much use. He might as well continue to study how to let Mr. Li let them go back. This was a quick pass to the painless period of medicine.

"Go to Teacher Li! No matter what way, let him end his ability!" There are too many accidents, and the plan can only be stopped, or use the most direct.

Lu Jianyan couldn't care less about the other, just wanted to get better without any problems.

"Can you get the original owner back? Or do you know what to do?" Lu Jianyan walked without forgetting to ask Father An.

Father An did not speak, because he did not know how to tell Lu Jianyan that the original owner was already dead.

As the door to the side hall opened, a strong light illuminated everyone's eyes. Lu Jianyan raised her hands to block it in vain, and closed her eyes subconsciously.

When Lu Jianyan woke up again, he had returned to the top of his duplex in City S.

Lu Jianyan glanced at his hands, which belonged to adults, without blinking. He unconsciously pinched the tiger's mouth again, and it hurt. He is really back! why? !!

"Don't hold on anymore, beware that Auntie thinks you're too stressed and starts to **** again."

A joke sounded from above Lu Jianyan's head.

Lu Jianyan immediately entered a state of alert. What he couldn't stand is such a "surprise". There should be only one person in his room!

Looking up, the familiar white hair first came into view, then those eyes that looked a little scary. The white hair and white eyes are so unique that the medicine may be safe, and the medicine is safe when grown up. This time, the medicine has no need for a wheelchair, a pair of long legs, upright and straight, he is standing in front of Lu Jianyan's bed, his hands in his pockets, smiling.

When the medicine did not interfere with Lu Jianyan's eyes, his expression finally changed differently, the spring breeze turned rain, and everything melted.

Under the bed, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuyuan seem to be separated by time. In the memory of yellowing, the little Yao medicine overlaps with the big Yao medicine. With just one glance, it seems to have experienced the entire growth of medicine.

The little angel is him, so is the ferocious beast.

He said, "Don't you want to kiss me before you get up?"