MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 28 Twenty-eighth Raiders:

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No one, big or small, was arrested by the "kidnapers" and trapped in the side hall on the first floor. The side hall is small and relatively empty. There are several sets of comfortable leather sofas in the middle. Under the sofa are soft carpets, and some doll toys are scattered.

In the daytime, Lu Jianyan and Yao Wushang played here for a while while superhero vs. super villain, like the ending in all stories. Superhero defeated super villain and wiped out all the evils of the world. The episode of the story is that the super assistant Yao Xiaowen took advantage of the superhero Lu Jianyan's unpreparedness and kissed him exactly on his face.

At night, this side hall became their puppet actively fighting "crime." Fortunately, this "kidnapping" was fake, otherwise it would be too ironic.

According to the script designed before the drug problem, after catching the two children and Teacher Li, the next thing is that the “kids” are going to take people away, but they find that they are trapped in the drug house by the reacted druggists. Without drugs lesu0 drugstore. In order to kill chickens and tamarins, originally he wanted to kill Teacher Li, but he "killed" Lu Jianyan by mistake.

Before this important story begins, naturally there must be a preparation process, which may have aroused the suspicion of Mr. Li, and he was named as a “kidnacker” who needed to contact outside responders.

It was a little while before the "kids" found out that they had lost contact with the outside world, and the pharmacist had become an island. Lu Jianyan calmly calmed down the terrible emotion that she wanted to kill Teacher Li directly. He reminded himself repeatedly that it would not help to kill the quester, because the quester would go to the next world to harm other people, and only the real teacher Li died. You must bear, you must bear ...

Can't help it at your Madam!

Especially after Lu Jianyan heard Mr. Li's dialogue with the system and learned about Mr. Li's real mission-to help everyone in need.


That's how you help others? !!

Think about it, it seems to make sense. "Protagonist" Lu Jianyan does not need help, so create "opportunities" to help him. This is probably a bug or a loophole that the system intentionally guided Mr. Li to drill. They first expanded a difficulty that was worth one cent to ten, and helped the other party to solve it, and the return was ten times or one hundred times the original foundation. If Mr. Li sacrifices himself when helping others, the greater the sacrifice, the The more extra rewards you can get.

Because of this, after several tasks, the "smart" Teacher Li explored such a set of discussions that deliberately died in front of others and maximized the points earned, opportunistic and self-righteous.

And helping so-called protagonists and other important people, their own points will be much higher than ordinary people, Teacher Li has always only like to start with the protagonist.

After the task is completed, Mr. Li can choose whether to leave directly or continue his life in the "different world" smoothly for twenty years. Mr. Li ’s plan is to complete his own helping task first, and then take the opportunity to sacrifice himself in the process of helping others, so that Lu Jianyan remembers him deeply, and then use the “holiday” for the next 20 years to get the sky-high price. Lu Jianyan.

The plan has to be said to be ... beautiful.

Unfortunately, Lu Jianyan was completely offended.

Medicine is safe because of this **** mission and is still in a coma so far! A bloodless little face, lingering in Lu Jianyan's heart. Lu Jianyan is a very short-minded person. He can't be afraid of anything. The only thing he fears is that he will affect the people around him. From classmates to younger brothers, to ... Nowadays, even a child has not escaped. How can Teacher Li not die?

Just when Lu Jianyan almost broke power and didn't plan to pretend anymore, Yaowu suddenly moved. At that moment, the whole air seemed to be quiet, as if someone had cast any curse on Lu Jianyan, which made him unable to pay attention to the others, and only hoped that the medicine would be able to wake up.

The medicine was unharmed and fainted on the sofa. "The kidnapper" didn't dare to really abuse him, but just threw him symbolically into a soft place.

Both Li and Lu Jianyan's hands were tied back to the chair, and they were not sitting there rudely. Compared to the real abduction, this treatment is already very good.

Lu Jianyan's eyes looked right at Wuyao, thinking he would wake up.

As a result, the medicine was just shrinking, he looked very painful and wrinkled a white cheek, and the silver-colored eyelashes trembled and trembled, but he still couldn't open it. Under the bright crystal chandelier, the medicine-free skin is transparent and fragile.

At this time there was only one "kidney" in the room responsible for watching them. This person was not a group performance, but a secret bodyguard of the pharmacist. The other side is a black girl with yellow hair shaved into a slender, big eyes and bright, thick and heavy lips, a sophisticated camouflage dress, full of streamlined beauty, bright and beautiful, it is not easy to look at .

[Why is she still here? Shouldn't she go out in general? If she doesn't leave, how can I communicate with Lu Jianyan? ] At this time, Mr. Li still had no time to ask the system in his mind.

System: [... what do you mean by "general situation"? 】

[It's all written in the novel! 】 Mr. Li's IQ is straightforward. Although he has gone through several worlds, this is the first time he has encountered a kidnapping. He is unfamiliar with many things and can only come by imagination.

Lu Jianyan was almost shocked by this absurd conclusion. Amazing for my missionaries, novels are not equal to reality, OK? In fact, the kind of bugs that hate not giving hostages a chance to be alone, letting them cut off the ropes themselves to help them escape, are rarely even written in today's novels? Imagine that when there are people in the "kidney" who are free, why don't they look at the "hostage" and instead give the "hostage" alone time, you explain it to me.

Even if you don't have a head, you should have seen some more logical crime movies? The hostage will be tied to a relatively empty room, it is best to have nothing around it, so that the kidnappers can see every move of the hostage, and do not give the hostage any opportunity to fight against the local material.

Teacher Li just complained that she didn't dare to take the plot of the novel seriously. More often, he has been trying to talk to Lu Jianyan, but unfortunately he was blocked by a white cloth and couldn't really speak. But he did not give up on this, he could not speak, and he could establish eye contact with Lu Jianyan. But still no success.

At this moment, Lu Jianyan can not bear the idea of ​​not directly killing Teacher Li, and it is not easy to cooperate with him.

When the black girl saw Teacher Li's refusal to be honest, she slammed her foot against Teacher Li's calf, and scolded him, as if he was really a violent soldier. A year ago, she was still on the battlefield in a small country, and at this time she was considered a star performer.

Mr. Li was completely kicked by the pain in the heart. How can I hit him? Not even a warning? What did he do wrong?

The black girl looked at Teacher Li dare to look straight at her, and she was even more upset. Raising her hand was a powerful punch. She was hitting Teacher Li's softest belly. If it hadn't been for the ropes, he might have been rolling. The punch didn't end after that. The girl started punching and kicking in a storm, and she focused on the painful angle: "Are you dissatisfied with me?"

The black girl was actually the captain of this operation. I heard some wind, and knew that the Asian man who looked like a weak chicken was in front of the drugstore. Although she did not understand why it was so costly to deal with the other party, and what benefits could she get, but she was accustomed to this behavioral model of obedience to orders, and did not care about "why", she only needed to know " How to do it "is OK.

In fact, this black girl has some careful thoughts. She is on the rise. She tries hard to perform. She feels that Li will suffer more, and the employer will definitely be happier. So she added more drama.

I have to say that the black girl's accidental hits and wrongs did the right thing, and it was a little relief for Lu Jianyan's heart.

Suddenly, Fu Ling was so impressed that Lu Jianyan sobbed in a low voice. His mouth was not blocked, and he wanted to know that the thing was uncomfortable. The black girl would not let Lu Jianyan suffer the crime until she had no choice but to do so.

The black girl was taken aback by Lu Jianyan's cry, but after all, she had seen the world, and pretended to walk to Lu Jianyan full of malice, while screaming "What are you crying for?", While confirming that Lu Jianyan was actually in Fake crying, and then what to do, she knew.

The girl turned around and came to Teacher Li. The backhand was a slap and she slapped at him: "Let him stop crying!"

Teacher Li:"???"

The child cries and hits the adult, so it doesn't make sense, right? However, Teacher Li could only bear the pain and persuaded Lu Jianyan to stop crying. But no matter how Mr. Li persuaded, Lu Jianyan was always doing what he did, even crying more and more.

Black girls became more irritable and violent, and their hands became more and more fierce. She seemed to have reached a tacit agreement with Lu Jianyan, just to jointly teach Teacher Li a meal. Lu Jianyan is not afraid that the real teacher Li will be guilty when he returns, because the medicine has been said before. He has a special ability to heal the department. As soon as the tasker leaves, he will heal the body of the original owner and clear it with one click No sequelae.

Where did Teacher Li suffer from this crime? The body I pass through today is not particularly healthy. I can't be alive again because of pain and hatred. I just want to ask for mercy. But he couldn't even make a sound.

Finally, Mr. Li had a fierce quarrel with the system in his mind: [Why not stop the pain? What about my points? !! Is that what you did to the host? what! Huh! it hurts! You let her stop! If you don't want to do anything, I will complain to you, and I want you to try this pain too! Is this still a woman? !! Ahhhh, don't hit it! 】

The sound of the system remained unchanged, and in this case it was unusually cold: [The pain cannot be turned off for unknown reasons, please be patient with the host. The system is trying to close the five senses again. An unknown error occurred ... An unknown error occurred ...]

Since you want to be kidnapped so much, you need to be mentally prepared for being kidnapped.

The black girl finally closed her hand just before Mr. Li was about to fall into a coma. He looked down and saw that it hurt so much that Mr. Li had lost his generality, and her sister's eyes became even more disdainful. Her own strength knows that this is not the case at all. It is more a matter of mental cowardice. I really don't know how such a person dares to provoke a pharmacist.

Then, the black girl sat aside and slammed, as if hitting everyone's heart. She put her legs on the coffee table casually, and she looked like a veteran hooligan for many years. Teacher Li is happy.

Teacher Li was tortured and had to endure an elbow from a black girl from time to time. It was ridiculous to be frightened like a bow-throat bird.

[You let her go soon! ] Teacher Li's collapse can also be reflected in his inner dialogue.

The system still has the same tone of oil and salt: "I can't control the heart. She can only leave if she wants to leave. Please be patient. 】

[Why am I patient? !! I can't stand it! You either have to find a way to shield my pain, or just call her by pretending to be her, I don't care what method you use to let her go! go! ] Teacher Li's voice in his head seemed to be frightened to tremble. The fear of being dominated by black sisters for a short time is probably inevitable.

Lu Jianyan was expressionless, but was thinking, was this scared? The nightmare is still behind! Aren't you trying to help someone? I will definitely let you help!

From the moment Mr. Li pushed down the medicine, Lu Jianyan changed his plan. He would never let Mr. Li leave the world so easily. He would pay for what he did! The act of overthrowing innocence of medicine itself, the real problem is not how much the surface of innocence was injured, but his psychology. The medicine does not have Malkavian. It is easy to go to extremes and add to the young age. It may be difficult to see what Mr. Li is playing. In case he really misunderstands his fault, he and his partner fail to escape. Little angel medicine character, he will certainly be overwhelmed with guilt.

The need to see a psychologist because of self-harm and self-abuse may actually happen to the drug-free.

Teacher Li is not unaware of the disease, but in order to maintain his image and ensure the success of the task, he did not hesitate to add all the evil to an innocent child. Such a person, such a person ... Is he still human? !!

Mr. Li, who did not know whether he was a human or not, was barely normal after the system did not know what to do.

Lu Jianyan's general punishment for teacher Li's appetizers ends here. After all, the more important thing is that the medicine is safe. Lu Jianyan stopped "crying" and secretly gave the black girl a look and motioned her to see if the medicine was safe.

Black sisters are also very worried that the only son in the employer's family is sick. This is something everyone knows. Well, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it, just take the medicine, the most shining appearance in the crowd, and say he is not sick, who believes. The black eyebrow pretended to be impatient and stepped forward to grab the medicine-free hand, but actually tried the pulse, and then turned the medicine-free eyelid: "Hey, what's the matter with this boy? Pretending? ... No It will die! "

"No illness, please, give him some medicine." Lu Jianyan received the girl's vague hint and gave the other party a step so that she could take the medicine without any problems.

"Spread the medicine?" The black girl can speak Mandarin C, which means that her accent is a bit heavy, and she even has a little Shu nationality, and a chili flavor.

"It's on the table in his bedroom. It's not far away, it's not troublesome, please, sister." Lu Jianyan pretended to be pitiful and didn't really do well. Fortunately, there were many days of demonstrations before the drug meager had no face and skin. It's pretty much the same thing.

"It's troublesome! Wait for me! If I find you still uneasy, don't blame me!"

Before the black girl left, she did not forget to threaten Mr. Li. After getting a reaction from Mr. Li who was scared, she left with satisfaction.

Lu Jianyan waited a moment before he tentatively said, "No problem? No problem?"

Teacher Li wanted to talk to Lu Jianyan, but was completely ignored by Lu Jianyan.

I woke up because the medicine was safe, but I wasn't in a hurry. The silver smoke eyes looked cold like some kind of inorganic industrial works. Lu Jianyan tried to analyze from his expression whether he was in serious trouble with medicine, but failed.

Ben is a person, if it is not the intentional distinction between medicine and disease, it is impossible to tell whether he is a major or a minor.

Then, Yao Wu Su finally had a different expression. At the moment he cared about Lu Jianyan, he smiled, heartless, like a little angel. The rogue generally continued to lie on the sofa and said to Lu Jianyan: "I fell down, only Yan Yan can get up!"

Lu Jianyan: ... lie, brother, why are you still! Let your father out!

There is no doubt that this should be a tenacious student with a small drug, and he should be persistent when he should not be tenacious. His cat-like eyes stared at Lu Jianyan, obviously terrified, but he was still trying to activate the atmosphere, so that Lu Jianyan should not be afraid. Eh, Yan Yan said that this is a game.

"Do you still hurt?" Lu Jianyan reluctantly accepted the reality, and by the way let go of the serious illness of the medicine, not even the younger ones could hold it back.

Yaowu Su licked his gums, which suddenly lacked an incisor, but it ’s okay to say that I really wanted to cry when I said, “I ’m not pretty, QAQ Yan Yan, would you dislike me? "

Lu Jianyan: "..." Your point of interest is strange, boy.

Lu Jianyan took a deep breath and said, "It's just the baby teeth that are missing. Don't worry, you will grow a new one. Will you get up first? I'm **** and can't kiss you. Are you sure there is nothing uncomfortable?"

The medicine sat up and sat up obediently, propped up on the sofa with one hand, rubbed his forehead with one hand, as if it didn't hurt. He continued to smile at Lu Jianyan happily, as if he wasn't really scared at all: "I'm not uncomfortable, Yan Yan." After that, he jumped off the sofa and prepared to run to untie Lu Jianyan.

Teacher Li finally found a sense of existence: "Are you okay and harmless? That's great."

Yaowuwei ignored Teacher Li throughout the process and filtered his words like an air filter. Just as he was about to come to Lu Jianyan, the side hall closed and locked the door, and there was movement again.

Then, Mr. Li watched the direction of the medicine change, and ran around him, placing his hands on his rope.

Mr. Li's reaction to being scared is a bit slow. What is this operation?

The door opened, and the black girl who went away went back. Seeing the situation inside the house, what else does the girl not understand? Obviously, the medicine was pretending to be unconscious, and while the tiger was away from the mountain, it was ready to untie others and escape together. The girl was so angry that she snarled at Teacher Li like an offended lion: "How dare you lie to me? You, a monkey, dare to fool me! I want you to pay the price!"

Teacher Li: "??????" He finally understood that the medicine was not framed against him!

The black girl slammed into the door angrily, and pulled out a jun \ 'da0 from the back of the multi-purpose belt. It was matte and looked bland, but it was iron-cut. She stepped forward without preparing anyone at all. As soon as she raised her hand, she slap again. Black girls like to teach people this way, because such a fight is not only painful, but also has a sense of shame in it.

The black girl is professionally trained and has strong hands. This time, she did not deliberately suppress it. It took the strength of Mr. Li's face, as if he had loosened his teeth, his face was distorted and deformed, and the breakage was generally to one side. As soon as the throat was sweet, blood spit on the carpet.

After hearing a humming sound, Mr. Li's right ear could no longer hear the sound, and his face was hot and painful.

"You dared to lie to me, this child is fine, you are a dog **** who should go to hell!"

Without giving Mr Li a chance to quibble, the black girl's left hand holding the knife had already been hit twice in a row, and she stabbed hard at Mr Li's seat on the chair.

"Ah-!" Even if the white cloth was covering his mouth, he could not stop the fear and despair of Teacher Li from the depths of his soul. He closed his eyes instinctively, waiting for the unforgettable pain.

When the medicine was harmless, he took the opportunity to hide in a safe place. He looked at Teacher Li with an unknown look.

It's about a century long, but in fact it only took a few seconds. Teacher Li, who was scared to incontinence, found that he hadn't really become a father-in-law, and jun \ 'da0 got it right between his legs. He broke his trousers, scratched his skin, and was just a little closer, and he really wanted to say goodbye to his lower body.

All this is so real, dangerous, painful, like a tide, even if it doesn't really poke down, it has made Teacher Li become neurotic again. This time, there is no way for the system to soothe.

The black girl looked at Mr. Li's pants with water stains in disgust. It was really too kind!

As if it was a good match, before the black girl had had time to attack the medicine, the door was knocked, and it was the other "kidnaps" who came, very urgently: "We are surrounded by the drugstore!"

The black girl took a sigh of sullen expression and gave Teacher Li a final kick before leaving with her.

As soon as the girl left, the medicine climbed out again quickly, and the movement was more flexible than just now. He untied Lu Jianyan: "Let's run, Yan Yan."

However, Lu Jianyan was thinking about the biggest bug in this matter. He would give up his ability if he succumbed to death. At this time, he would need to have a serious medical problem to interrupt his ability and force him to log out. However, they did not have a serious problem at this time!

When Lu Jianyan and the drug patient discussed the plan, they also conceived what to do if the drug patient has been leading the body, or how to continue the operation when the drug patient suddenly wakes up. The medicine said at the time that even if he didn't understand anything when he was a kid, the body's instinct would help him remember.

At this moment Lu Jianyan: Why is he so unbelieving?