MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 101 The 101st Raiders:

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Brother Lu accepted the conditions of his parents happily in this way. He happily accepted the selection when the preparatory group of the reality show began to randomly select them, and happily accepted the "invitation" from the reality show. The production of the reality show, and signed a waiver statement happily. Recently, I am happily preparing for various survival training in preparation for the start of the "Killing Game" on September 1.

The reality show takes the name of "Killing Game", which means that in a nutshell, hit the key.

Especially the second disease, but unexpectedly fit the appetite of brother Lu and a casual modern man.

Sister Lu had been waiting for her landing brother to regret it, but she couldn't wait until that day, until the last moment of the reality show, she had to admit that she also miscalculated.

After communicating with Lu Jianyan, Sister Lu was able to successfully find the biggest loophole in her logic-Brother Lu's hobbies, and his other side in the game.

"Think about it, your brother's game is called [One Kill a Day], and you feel like putting him into a game where you can truly kill each other and kill yourself without taking legal responsibility, nor will you let your parents down What will he do? "Lu Jianyan said to her sister on the phone.

At first glance, Sister Lu did not carefully study the status of Brother Lu in the game.

"... He will be very excited." Sister Lu finally admitted that she did a stupid thing, but she also had her own stubbornness, and finally asked, "Isn't he afraid of death?"

"The registration is recommended by you. One of the organizing committees is your fiance. How silly do you think our brother is before we can truly believe that exemption agreement?"

"..." Sister Lu hung up the phone in a minute and went to the Prince's period and "weeped". She seems to have done something special, how should she face her two younger brothers in the future?

The drug patient, who has grown into an elementary school student's body in just a few months, curiously looked over and asked. Now, Yaoyao no longer speaks milky and milky, but the crispy ones are still so nice, like apples, sweet, and rustling, making people want to take a bite: "What did my sister say?"

I don't know when it will start, and Wu Wu Yan will naturally call her sister and brother Lu Jianyan directly to her sister and brother.

Lu Jianyan also had no opinion on this. Following the problem of the small drug problem, she briefly talked about Sister Lu's rare oolong. This was also the only victory that Brother Lu had fought by accident after struggling with his elders at home for so many years.

Lou Yixian suddenly opened his mind: "If our world is really apocalyptic, your brother must be terrible."

Brother Lu is not a born s-a madman, but it is clear that his daily code of conduct is only bound by the existing laws and morals, and more accurately, he is educated from his family. It may seem unbelievable to say so, but Brother Lu is actually very afraid to let his parents and siblings disappoint him. The phrase "I'm not angry, but I'm disappointed in you" will be more effective than really getting angry with Brother Lu . However, the weapon that belongs to the atomic bomb level is not easily used by the Lu family.

And based on this characteristic of Brother Lu, once he is placed in a background of rottenness and happiness, when his family is also threatened with life, he will gradually grow into another horrible appearance.

Lu Jianyan involuntarily tilted his head and glanced at the eyedrops. The little white-haired guy happened to look at him with a bright smile.

Well, Yao Xiaoyuan is watching Lu Jianyan all the time. This is something that cannot be done by Yao Dayuan, because he is easily treated as a lunatic metamorphosis, but Xiaoyao can only look cute and dependent on it.

Lu Jianyan couldn't help but also returned to Yao Xiao'an with a smile, and then rubbed his silky hair. When he took the initiative to reach out and wanted to hold him together, Lu Jianyan also satisfied him.

"At the beginning of man, nature is good" is the theory that Lu Jianyan insists on. He thinks that each person's personality may be different, but the original kindness is the same deep in their hearts. Until they grow up a little bit, they slowly enlarge or kill the goodness. Some people have a high tolerance, but goodness disappears slowly and grows fast; some people have a small tolerance, and goodness disappears quickly, and it is difficult to grow.

So, from this point of view, the medicine innocence and brother Lu are actually a bit similar, but later the medicine innocence met the devourer, so the medicine innocence became the medicine innocence. And Brother Lu is just Brother Lu.

Ah, ah, can't think about it, I think this idea is a bit out of place.

"My brother and I are nothing at all," Yao Xiaohan said, holding Lu Jianyan's hand and reiterating, even if he became younger, he still kept the spiritual rapport with Lu Jianyan, "Everyone is different. When we encounter the same thing, we will have different choices. "

For example, the reason why Medicine innocence became killer is only because of his uncontrollable anger towards the tasker who hurt him. It is a self-protective stress response. He does not enjoy killing. He just does not mind using Terrorist means to let the tasker learn awe and fear.

Brother Lu also doesn't enjoy killing. He likes the kind of stimulation that competes with people and lives on the line, commonly known as death.

These are two things that seem to have the same result, but they are essentially different.

"Simply put, killing is only their means of action, not their ultimate purpose. Lowness is to enjoy the sensory stimulus, and all innocence wants to change the world back to its original state. Your original intention coincided. "Fifth Yi also joined the discussion with her daughter. To put it bluntly, they are not actually high-functional anti-societies, but they are forced to do something similar to what anti-social personality would do.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Yao Xiao looked up, looking at his friend with a friendly expression. The intention of catching customers was very obvious.

Yao Xiaowen didn't know why he always showed a very contradictory character to Fifth Yi. On the one hand, he felt that he should be friends with Fifth Yi, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but want to embankment Fifth Yi. But what about the embankment? Or is there any relationship between Fifth Yi and his lost memory?

Lu Jianyan missed the confrontation between the two, and he was concentrating on thinking about Fifth Yi.

To be honest, after seeing so many routines, Lu Jianyan occasionally wondered what is the difference between him and Yao Wuyao? Especially when Allen provoked alienation, Lu Jianyan couldn't help but think, isn't it a bit similar to the black attacking routine between him and Yao Wushang?

In an accident when I was a kid, I suddenly let Yao Wushang like him or something. It always felt a bit too childish. Even the video that encourages him to be happy when the drug-free disease suffers from torment is not enough to support the subsequent surging emotions of drug-free disease.

Yes, Lu Jianyan finally faced up to the feelings of Wu Wu Yan for him. He couldn't deceive himself and tell himself, it was just out of friendship. At least 80% of the interaction between him and Yao Wushang is impossible for him to do leisurely with Lou.

Now being awoken by the fifth Yi, Lu Jianyan just reacted, what a black attack, he was the one who was brainwashed by the novel and the routine of the tasker.

The medicine-free feelings came so fast because he was sick, really sick, not the kind of swearing. But if it must be said that there is no sense of security, the love of medicine without harm is only due to a mental illness, it is also wrong, because Malkavian's premise is that there must be an initiator and a tinder, and then there will be the potential of the latter. In other words, even if there is no Malkavian, based on that primer, the relationship between Yao Wuyan and Wu Jianyan will gradually develop.

This is actually a closed cycle, like a chicken or an egg, a philosophy that no one can say.

In the end, Yaoxiaoguo finally asked the third family of Fifth Yi to leave. He was really fed up with these unsolicited neighbors. When I grew up, I could n’t agree with the fifth. Are they neighbors?

Once again, why is it so disappointing? !! He is really mad at him.

As a result, when Fifth Yi went away, Yao Xiaowen failed to live with Lu Jianyan as he wished, because the **** operator brought Xiao Tu to the door again.

Medicine problem: "..." These people have nothing to do every day, right? !!

In the face of the **** operator, Lu Jianyan had to deal with the 120,000 points of mental response, because he had previously written a blank check for the **** operator, which made Lu Jianyan, who was remedy-free, somewhat guilty of this mini alliance. Lu Jianyan has sent more people to find Mr. An, because he has 90% certainty. Mr. An is the legendary taskman, the **** operator who they are looking for.

The **** operator and Xiao Tu did not come to ask for the account, but shared with Lu Jianyan excitedly: "You absolutely don't know what I just calculated!"

Xiao Tu has only nodded constantly, not even speaking clearly.

Lu Jianyan pushed the lemonade on the table in front of the two of them, and signaled that they could take a sip first, relax their emotions, and then talk, and then they were not so anxious.

"Ye Bei is coming!" After the grunt, grunt, and grunt drank a large glass of lemonade, he finally revealed the answer excitedly.

Ye Bei is like the backbone of their small group. With him and without him are two completely different looks, so it is not surprising that God and Xiao Tu are so excited.

"Come? Isn't he locked up by the main brain as far as I know?"

"Yeah, he's locked up, but the main brain has become increasingly intolerant of his behavior. According to certain rules we have explored, the main brain has no way to kill the tasker, even if Ye Bei makes the biggest mistake. There is no way for the main brain to start without evidence. According to our previous research, the main brain will not sit still, it will find a way to kill the tasker he does not like. It is like throwing the tasker into an extremely dangerous world. Doomsday, Xiuxian, there are many missionaries, fierce competition ... "

"So?" If the world hadn't had a fruit machine to shoot the females, they would probably meet the requirements, but the point is that the females are dead and the end of the world will not come.

"We have a small program written by Ye Bei in advance, which can make" Killing Game "disguise as a real **** reality show and trick the master's brain." Xiao Tu finally retrieved his mouth. "In this way, Ye There is a great possibility that the north will be arranged by the main brain. After all, there is the threat of killer and there is a reality show. As long as we arrange the script and find a good reason, we can let Ye Bei safely live in this world. Will cause the main brain to be alert to us. "

Lu Jianyan nodded thoughtfully, his brother really had a close relationship with the taskman.