MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 96

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The door handle was held and turned gently. He opened his eyes. Li Ergou's long cherry-pink hair came into view. The girl in the maid outfit was panting, as if she had just gone through a long journey.

"Shalena, why are you back?"

"I promised you that I would protect Aishwana well for you." Sha Lena gasped and said with a very proud smile, "Er Gou, do you know that the eldest miss is really cool today. It's a pity you didn't see that after she shot those murderers and rapists, Admiral Grouchy even came to the scene and angrily scolded the eldest lady for making a fool of herself, but guess what? I scolded that old stubborn Grouchy without saying a word, and this is our eldest lady as expected."

Li Ergou felt that Xia Leina was in such a hurry to come back, probably not to fulfill her promise to herself, but to share her inner joy.

But forget it, because Li Ergou is also happy to know that the eldest lady can grow like this.


"It's not only good, the eldest lady will definitely become a big man who dominates the entire Western Continent." Xia Leina looked happy, then looked at Li Ergou and said, "By the way, Ergou, is there any situation tonight? I am with you today. When the eldest lady left the dormitory, she kept thinking that the city is so chaotic today, it is the best time for those fuma ninjas to do something. I'm not worried about you and Aishwana, I'm just… I just promised you that I would protect Aishwana on your behalf, so I hurried back, so don't get me wrong. If the eldest lady's future husband is kidnapped, I will be very troubled."

Li Ergou grinned lightly. Although Xia Leina still spoke coldly to herself on weekdays, she was essentially a very cute and good girl. She was not only 100% loyal to Miss Ivy, but also treated herself The people around her are always cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and they are far more reliable partners than Ivy and Demi.

"Hmph, don't show that disgusting smirk, I actually still hate you very much, and you people from Dongzhou hate it. Back then, my father died under the sword of your people from Dongzhou, and I will never forget this hatred for the rest of my life. By the way, it's so late, do you want to have supper? How about I cook some dumplings for you?"

"You just said you hate me, and you want to cook me glutinous rice **** again, Miss Xia Leina, don't you think it's contradictory?"

"Are you worried that I won't be able to poison? Tell you, if I wanted to poison you, you would have died a hundred times." Xia Lena pouted and said with a dissatisfied face.

"It's not that I'm worried that you're poisoning me, but that the guests have already arrived, so they don't care about supper anymore." Li Ergou locked his eyes out of the window, except for the sound of the evening wind beating against the window, there was nothing else.

"Here? Why didn't I see it."


Li Ergou motioned to Xia Leina to be quiet, and at the same time closed her eyes again.

It is very light, if not exhausting all the mental power, I am afraid that the footsteps will be confused with the wind.

Absolutely them.

Clenching the spear in his hand, thunder and lightning crackled, blue thunder light spread all over Li Ergou's body, and a wolf turned into lightning jumped down from the window.

At the same time, Xia Lena also drew out her sword and looked around with a vigilant expression.

Chapter 156 Battle of Hunters and Prey

After being silent for about ten minutes, the living room was still extremely quiet, Xia Leina frowned:

"I said, you shouldn't be too nervous, did you hear it wrong?"

However, Li Ergou still motioned Xia Leina to be quieter. It was impossible to hear it wrong. He did indeed hear footsteps. Those wolves turned into lightning could provide Li Ergou with vision, but the wolf came outside. Afterwards, he didn't see any traces, but it definitely didn't mean Li Ergou was wrong. He was 100% sure that Feng Mo Ren had come again.

Judging from the direction of the sound just now...

"They're on the roof."

Li Ergou lowered her voice, and Xia Leina nodded understandingly.

At this moment, the ninjas outside the house and Li Ergou inside are like hunters and prey. They don't seem to be in a hurry to take action, and they seem to be waiting for themselves and Xia Lena to lose their temper before launching an attack.

Visually, the distance between the military dormitory building and the barracks is about three kilometers. Now I don't know when Miss Ivy will be able to come back. If Xinchuan Fenghuazi comes to capture her in person, I am afraid that even if Xia Leina joins forces, it should be Also unable to defeat Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

It's not that he is underestimating himself, but Li Ergou has enough self-knowledge. In Li Ergou's view, Xinchuan Fenghuazi and her and Xia Leina's strength are not of the same order of magnitude, and even Miss Ivy can't defeat them. Xinchuan Fenghuazi, Demi should have the ability to protect herself, but Li Ergou can't completely trust Demi at this moment. Demi's usual frivolous character might allow herself to be kidnapped by Xinchuan Fenghuazi because she thinks it is fun.

In the end, the only one who can rely on is his own strength.

Action must be taken.

Compared with defense, offense is the most appropriate behavior in Li Ergou's view. After all, defense means passive, and only offense can take the initiative.

"Xia Lena, protect Aishwana for me, I have to meet them properly, I will be back in just a little while, and I will ask you later."

"No problem, you must not be taken away. If you are taken away, the eldest lady will be sad."

"Don't worry, thanks to you, I have been practicing with you recently, and my strength has improved a lot."

Li Ergou planned to make it as loud as possible outside, in order to attract the surrounding soldiers, so that the ninjas had to leave the mansion.

The only thing to pay attention to is Aishwana's safety. What Li Ergou is most afraid of is that the ninjas break into Aishwana's room when they leave the building and use her as a hostage to coerce him.

Fortunately, Xia Leina rushed back in time, otherwise Li Ergou really didn't know how to deal with the current predicament.

"Charena, thank you so much for today."

Charlene blushed slightly, playing with her cherry pink hair:

"I didn't come back to hear your meaningless thanks."

Afterwards, Li Ergou jumped out of the window, and at the same time, Xia Leina also held a sword in both hands, guarding the door of Aishwana's room with her best sword-wielding posture.

"Be careful, Ergou..."

It was extremely quiet outside, except for the rustling of animals and plants in the wind, but Li Ergou knew that he could not have heard it wrong, and they had already acted.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Ergou landed, a large net made of silver wire immediately opened towards Li Ergou, and dozens of graceful figures in black tights flickered on the roof. .

Seeing that the big net seemed to cover him, Li Ergou immediately inserted his spear into the ground, and the ground immediately emitted a very blue light.

The golden light and thunder fire, crackling, and a string of fireballs burned the net made of silver wire to ashes.

"Ladies, do I remember that you were not deported? Why did you come back?"

"Knowingly asking, of course because I love you, please come home with us, Your Highness Li Zijin, we will take care of you for the rest of your life and make you unparalleled happiness."

The ninja girl named Tsubaki said.

"This is the coldest joke I've ever heard. I advise you ladies to go to bed early. I heard that people who stay up late are prone to dry skin and acne on their faces. The most important thing is that they are prone to constipation. For you For the sake of future health, it is better to go back to bed early."

"After capturing our beloved Highness, we will naturally go to bed early. For our health, please do not take it easy."

"That's not right, Nao. After capturing His Highness, as bedmaids, we should accompany His Highness until very late every night. By the way, don't you want to try our evening service, Your Highness?"

"Sorry, I don't want to."

"Really? That's really a pity, but you have no right to refuse. As the prince of the Li family, you are obliged to inherit the family business, and even more obliged to satisfy your wife, concubine and maids."

There was the sound of the chains rubbing in their ears, and the ninjas released their ninjutsu together, and the chains wrapped around the tree immediately rushed towards Li Ergou like a living thing.

"Ninja, Bound Dragon."

I remember that when I fought with these female ninjas for the first time, they used similar moves. If it was the first time I met, I am afraid that I would really suffer, but the same moves will no longer work.

Li Ergou smiled lightly, and easily shattered the iron chain that rushed over like a boa constrictor with an electric current.

"His Royal Highness is really getting better and better. We are so happy. With your bloodline and the Shinchuan family's ninja bloodline, we will surely breed better children."

The female ninjas jumped down to the eaves together in groups of three. They didn't use weapons, all of them were bare-handed. They seemed to be worried about scratching Li Ergou's body with the sharp blade, so they could only use joint techniques to subdue Li Ergou as much as possible. dog.

However, to subdue Li Ergou who has been practicing diligently without using weapons is tantamount to insulting Li Ergou. Li Ergou used a spear to defuse the palms of the ninjas that stretched out to his arms again and again. Also with the warning:

"Go away, I don't want to kill women, but if you push me too hard, I don't mind setting a precedent."

"His Royal Highness is really gentle, but we like this kind of Highness, so we decided to capture you even if you die."

One of the charming and **** female ninja cast an affectionate gaze.

"The backward West Continent does not match your noble status. Please go back to East Continent. Everyone will take good care of you."

Wearing glasses, the ninja with a sense of intellectual beauty is making a seal. After the seal is completed, the chain that was broken just now is spliced ​​again into the shape of a flying snake.

After a few more rounds of confrontation, Li Ergou remained uneasy at all times, because the strongest female ninja had not yet appeared.

Where is Xinchuan Fenghuazi?

While guarding against the chains twisting like a serpent, he guarded against all directions.

According to Li Ergou's understanding, Xinchuan Fenghuazi will definitely launch a surprise attack when his defense is at its weakest, capture him in one fell swoop, and then, like the last time, pass himself out with a poisonous kiss and imprison him in the shadow.

"My lord, you have been looking left and right, are you looking for a concubine?"

Suddenly, her sweet and tender voice came from her ear, and Li Ergou's hair stood up immediately.

Chapter 157 Teasing Li Ergou

At the beginning of the battle, Li Ergou had been vigilant and guarded against Xinchuan Fenghuazi. He thought that being so careful could completely resist Xinchuan Fenghuazi's sudden attack, but he did not expect that her speed was still outrageous, as if she suddenly appeared out of thin air. Like ghosts.

The arms wrapped in black kimono cloth hugged Li Ergou's neck like a snake, as if he wanted to wrap himself in his arms and lock his throat. At the critical moment, Li Ergou squatted down at the fastest speed in his life. Only then did he barely escape the embrace of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's "love".

"It's amazing, my lord."

Li Ergou sneered at Xinchuan Fenghuazi's admiration:

"Stop doing this. If you didn't deliberately whisper in my ear just now to give me time to react, I'm afraid I've already been subdued by your joint skills, so how much do you look down on me?"

"How could that be, Lord Husband. Compared with you, Lord Husband, my concubine's body is not as good as the earth. My love and respect for you are like a mediocre mortal looking up at the silver moon in the sky. It is precisely because I love you so much, The concubine couldn't hold back the joy in her heart and made an unnecessary voice, I didn't expect this joy to make you run away from the concubine again, it's really a sin."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi giggled, her eyes were charming and tender, exuding a peerless temperament. Although the female ninjas behind her also had the looks of the country, but beside Xinchuan Fenghuazi, they also only can become a foil.

"However, the concubine did not expect that your husband would escape my embrace. Compared with the past, you have become much stronger now. You have made such progress in just a few days. It's amazing, as expected. Your lord."

"Miss Xinchuan, I don't want to be trapped by your shadow anymore when people go to high places."

"Don't want to have a second time? That's not good. You are an important concubine. According to the tradition of the Dongzhou Empire, husband and wife must love each other."

"Can you please don't say it so misleadingly, the last time I was just imprisoned in the shadow by you, what a ******."

"However, Sir, do you know that the shadow of your concubine will only accommodate you in this life, and since the last time you were brought into your body, the shadow of your concubine has completely changed into your shape, so please take the responsibility of your husband. , come back to Dongzhou with me to marry."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi's beautiful and cold face looked a little red in the night, which made Li Ergou a little surprised, because according to Li Ergou's impression, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's feelings for him did not seem to be enough to make her blush. right.

But forget it, it's too late to think so much now. There is no doubt that I am in a crisis, and the best way to solve the crisis is not to defeat the group of Dongzhou ninjas, but to delay time. Just now, Li Ergou used thunder and lightning. The magic caused a loud noise, which probably attracted the soldiers stationed in the city nearby.

"Hehe, Mr. Husband is procrastinating, right? According to the distance of the barracks, I am afraid that within ten minutes, the soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom will surround this place, and then we will have to leave here again. "My lord, the little abacus in your heart is very clear about your concubine's identity."

Li Ergou did not speak, his face was solemn, his hands clenched the barrel of the gun, and he was on guard against Xinchuan Fenghuazi and the ninja next to Xinchuan Fenghuazi. Although they would not use weapons with sharp blades on themselves, they were like living creatures. The chains and unpredictable ninjutsu are really difficult to deal with.

"My lord, why don't you enjoy the beautiful moon with your concubine tonight?"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi doesn't seem to be in a hurry at the moment, there is a glamorous smile between the corners of his lips, his eyes are like a poisonous snake looking at a bird that can't fly. It was not until he kissed him that he suffocated, that he yielded, and that he doubted his life.

The night breeze carried a touch of damp air, and Li Ergou did not dare to relax, because he knew that facing an opponent of Fenghuazi's level, as long as his consciousness was a little slack, the outcome would be decided in the next second. .

Suddenly, Bai Bu Xinchuan Fenghuazi's fragrant shoulder fell, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi took off the black kimono that seemed to be inconvenient to move with lightning speed. Inside her black kimono was a The white kimono that was thinner and shorter than before, and the legs that were liberated were like powerful whips, stepping on the clogs to launch an imposing surprise attack on him.

Not daring to slack off, Li Ergou held a spear in his hand and shot lightning.

Li Ergou used his spiritual power to summon a deafening lightning, and the fireball ignited the lawn of the courtyard under the lightning.

Since the speed of the enemy is too fast to catch with the naked eye, it will attack with a wide range of magic.

"Miss Xinchuan, I don't want to kill you."

This is Li Ergou's sincere words. After seeing the passing of Xinchuan Fenghuazi in the shadow world, he really does not want to kill a girl with a miserable childhood unless it is a last resort.

However, Li Ergou also has a happy life to pursue. Aishwana has been waiting for the wedding in three years, so even if Li Ergou sympathizes with Xinchuan Fenghuazi's past, he will not be willing to let go of his sympathy because of his sympathy. .

If it's really a last resort, even if you risk your life to make Xinchuan Fenghuazi injured or dead, you must escape from them.

But despite this idea, there is still a big gap between them in terms of hard power.


The large-scale lightning magic that took a lot of mental energy failed to hit Xinchuan Fenghuazi's body, and the surrounding ninjas had already arranged silver threads like a net, waiting for Li Ergou to throw himself into the net.

The space for action is constantly being compressed.

The slender white and tender hand caressed Li Ergou's cheek, licked his lips and said:

"My lord, your skin is just like a girl's, and you can't help but want to wreak havoc under your body."

"Go away."

However, the spear did not stab the body of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, she was like an erratic ghost.

"Do you hate concubines like that, my lord?"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi stood on the tip of Li Ergou's spear, tilted his head and asked with a smile.

"I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. Leave me. I already have the girl I love. Please don't bother me anymore."

"That's not possible, inheriting the lineage with your concubine is your obligation as a prince of Dongzhou."

The shuriken collided with the tip of the spear, sending out dazzling sparks.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi finally took out a weapon with a sharp blade, but she didn't seem to have any intention of hurting Li Ergou's body. She just kept hitting the long spear in Li Ergou's hand with a shuriken just out of a playful mentality. It looks like a cat after catching a mouse. It first pretends to let the mouse go, then catches it, and plays five or six times in turn, until the mouse is exhausted and desperate, and the cat will swallow the mouse in one bite.

"Why is it still like this..."

Li Ergou was not reconciled, he had already worked hard in his cultivation, but when he faced Xinchuan Fenghuazi, he still had a deep sense of powerlessness. Xinchuan Fenghuazi was captured alive.

"Give it up, you have worked hard, from now on, entrust everything to the concubine, the concubine will protect you well and let you live a very happy life. From now on, you only need to be like a waste. The concubine can struggle hard in her arms."

Read Patriarch is Taking Concubines Again!