MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 95

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"Why did these Shengluer people have civil strife..."

A certain hawker in Liege looked puzzled.

"It seems that the people of Shengluer are like us, not a bunch of beasts who have destroyed their conscience. Thank goodness."

The pious old woman put her hands together.

"Hmph, but they still committed monstrous deeds. The people of Shengluer Kingdom will be punished by heaven. I curse them not to die."

The man holding his daughter's corpse had scarlet eyes and a look of grief and indignation.

In the city, many people have been bullied and kidnapped by the soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom. They clenched their fists and gnashed their teeth.

A soldier fell in a pool of blood, because he just insisted on venting the evil fire on the female students of the Magic Academy of Liege, which caused the gentle and kind-hearted professor of the academy to pierce the soldier's body with magic. The professor was also beaten into a sieve with a flintlock gun.

In order to save the last food and savings in the family, the man begged bitterly. For their family to not have those food and savings, it was equivalent to a death sentence. As a last resort, he cut the neck of the soldier from behind with a knife.

The aggressor and the victim, the murderer and the killed, mourning, prayers, and cries can be heard in every part of the city, as if it had become a **** on earth. The officers who are loyal to Miss Ivy are in the minority. The soldiers of civilian origin are more reckless after obtaining permission to loot at will, and the people of justice who maintain order do their best, but it is only a drop in the bucket and not worth it. carry.

Even Miss Ivy couldn't get out of her body at all. She was in the temporary prison in Liege at the moment.

"Yo, isn't this Lieutenant Lian Qing? Let me go quickly, Admiral Grouchy has acquiesced to us."

The shackled officer didn't seem to have any sign of repentance, and his tone was full of sarcasm.

"Let us go quickly, what you are doing is just self-righteous hypocrisy. People like you who were born with a golden spoon have never been hungry and don't understand the taste of poverty." Another soldier said.

As Grouchy said, the people who burned, killed and looted this time were indeed a group of civilians...

Suddenly, a loud slap slapped the defaulter in the face, and an indignant officer said:

"Fuck you. Mom's hypocrisy, Lao Tzu is also a commoner, Lao Tzu's father starved to death, and his mother was just a female worker in a weaving factory. What does it mean to never starve? What does it mean to not understand poverty? You are just for yourselves It's just an excuse for greed."

"Hehe, then you are really a great man." The soldier whose nostrils were bleeding from the slap said in a frivolous tone, "But great men are always only a minority, and we are the majority."

Miss Ivy looked at this group of unrepentant soldiers and couldn't help clenching her fists, but she was helpless at this time, because what he said was true, there are far fewer people who maintain order than those who disrupt it.

"I still believe that human nature is inherently evil, Miss."

Before Miss Ivy left, Li Ergou told Miss Ivy about an interesting experiment called the Stanford Prison Experiment. The content of the experiment was to play students who have nothing to do with each other as "prisoners" and "prisoners" Prison guards", at first they were at peace with each other, but after gaining power over others, "prison guards" abused their power and began to abuse "prisoners".

Abuse of power...

Miss Ivy remembered the face of Admiral Grouchy. He came this way because he believed that civilians would abuse their power when they gained power.

Human nature is inherently evil, but as long as there is a specific guidance, the masses will also move towards good, but now it is too late, because as soon as Admiral Grouchy occupied the city, he immediately said that you can do evil.

Soldiers, as a mass, have blind obedience and are used to obeying the first person who speaks, and the voice of reason is often made after thinking twice, so it always seems a little small.

But even so, Ivy did not intend to remain silent.

Just before leaving the officers' dormitory, Ergou emphasized to Ivy again:

"Silence and you lose, Miss. In order to let more people hear your voice, you must do something that can shock most people. If it's just a verbal warning, others will treat your decision as a child's play. , for this, I think a small amount of bloodshed is necessary, even if they are your compatriots, you must use their blood to establish your prestige."

With a kind smile on her face, Miss Ivy, who had made up her mind, ordered the soldiers loyal to her to **** the violating soldiers to the most crowded central square in the city. At the same time, she thanked Li Ergou again in her heart for her guidance, which was able to guide the masses. The way is to shout louder than anyone else.

In this case, the sound of Grouchy's tacit connivance was far less than the sound of gunfire.

Next, it was like a performance. The civilians of Liege City stood under the stage in the central square. Some officers and soldiers of Shengluer Kingdom applauded and some were silent. Miss Ivy was wearing an officer uniform, in front of everyone. The human face proclaimed the sanctity and justice of the Code of Louis of the Kingdom of Shengluer, and finally began to declare the crimes of the violators:

"First of all, I don't care who is on top of you. If you broke the law today, don't think it's easy. Bring them all to me."

Under the shoving of the soldiers, the violating soldiers were **** and pushed to the front of the stage.

"Everyone, from left to right, have committed murder, rape, and robbery. According to the Code of Louis, they will be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, and imprisonment for three to ten years."

"Lieutenant Lianqing, are you crazy? In front of the enemy, you turned the gun on your own people. You are just..."

The sergeant who killed a family of three with a knight's sword had just opened his mouth when the barrel of the gun was stuffed into his mouth. Then he pulled the trigger, and his head blossomed.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Lianqing, I don't dare anymore, I..."

The man who was so frightened that he **** his pants had killed a florist girl earlier, and the girl had been tortured to the point of being inhuman when she died.

After his indictment was read, the merciless bullet also pierced the soldier's head.

"Say I kill my own people? It's interesting, are you worthy of being called your own people? Our army of Shengluer Kingdom doesn't need you unorganized wastes like you. We are soldiers, not bandits. Now admitting mistakes, I can let go of the past. But continue to be unscrupulous, then I, Ivy Sylph Lianqing, will never agree."

There was applause and cheers from the audience.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi was also witnessing everything in front of the crowd. According to the information, Li Ergou and Aishwana were in the officers' dormitory, while Ivy and Xia Leina were in the central square. In other words, now would be the best time to act. .

Chapter 154 Want to be a bad girl

With the end of the dance, the hands of the clock have already pointed to eleven o'clock. Even Aishwana, who loves dancing so much, is completely exhausted after dancing for nearly two hours.


The girl leaning on Li Ergou's shoulders closed her eyes happily and giggled, her tail raised high and swaying non-stop.

"Go take a hot bath and go to bed early."

Gently caressing the brown hair with her large and generous hand, Aishwana immediately opened her emerald green cat's eyes, nodded obediently, and then jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

"What a sticky kitty."

Li Ergou leaned lazily on the sofa, and even he felt a little tired under the high-intensity dance.

Recently, Li Ergou found that Aishwana is more and more like to choose some hot dances that require the body to be closely fitted together, such as dances similar to tango, or face-to-face dances. Although she is shy, she still uses them as much as possible. Her soft limbs pressed tightly against Li Ergou's body, full of provocation, and her purpose was self-evident.

Perhaps in Aishwana's view, she is a piece of wood without any sentimental feelings, but she has no idea that every time Li Ergou dances with her, Li Ergou must recite "color is emptiness" countless times in her heart, Aishwana She looks cute and pure on weekdays, but unexpectedly has a strong aggressiveness and purpose when dancing. Every time she turns in circles and every dance step, she is like a queen in power, trying to control everything about Li Ergou and make it only for herself. Playing with a marionette.

The sound of running water suddenly came from the bathroom, and Li Ergou had the urge to peep.

In fact, he knew that even if he entered openly, Aishwana would not be angry. On the contrary, she would hug her happily and show off her graceful body, but Li Ergou suppressed the impulse for the time being, for fear He was sunk under her lingering affection.

"La la la la~?"

Aishwana sang the songs of their hometown in dialect, like a mermaid singing on the island to lure sailors on the sea, Li Ergou closed his eyes, and all his mind was the image of dancing with her, the dance with passion, The intertwined limbs, as well as the graceful and graceful body, all made Li Ergou drool.

"Second dog, can you help me get the bath towel? I seem to have forgotten to get the bath towel just now."

"Wait a minute, it's here."

Hearing Aishwana's voice, Li Ergou immediately jolted, then picked up the bath towel and ran over, standing at the door of the bathroom, he first opened a crack in the door nervously, then put his arm in and tried to hand it to Aishiva Na, the eyes didn't dare to look inside.

"Second dog, I can't reach it like this."


Aishwana's slightly wild wheat-colored skin and deep and moving facial features appeared in Li Ergou's mind, and her heart beat faster and faster.

"I'm your fiancee, Ergou. Why can't you just open the bathroom door and look at me? Or do you not like me?"

"How come, I like you the most, Aishwana, just..."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Li Ergou closed his eyes tightly, opened the door in the dark, holding a bath towel in one hand, groping for the wall while walking towards the interior of the bathroom, he didn't dare to open his eyes at all, for fear of seeing something he shouldn't see.

Suddenly, he felt that his shirt was hit by the soft touch, the wet water droplets wet his clothes, and the girl's arms wrapped around his neck. Maybe she just forgot to take the bath towel on purpose.

"The second dog is so cute, I really like the second dog."

In the foggy bathroom, Aishwana rubbed Li Ergou's chest with her small face stained with water droplets.

"Aishwana, don't do this, I..."

"I remember Ergou told me in the prison cell of the slave arena, you used to hang around in the Fengyue place, and you are no longer a virgin. Why did you come to me, and you still refused to touch me? It's because Do you hate me, or is it because my skin is too dirty? I'm sorry, I also want to try to wash my skin white, but no matter how I wash it, it's this color..."

"Fool, what did you say? Well, I lied to you before, because I was afraid that you would look down on me, so I said that I was not a virgin. I didn't expect you to be a foolish girl."

Recalling the period of his life on earth, it is not that Li Ergou has not met a girl who gave her arms to her, a blonde in Paris, a bikini long-legged beauty in the Caribbean, and a Yamato Nadeshiko from a Chinese family in Kyoto. It was a hint or an explicit statement that he wanted to develop further with himself, but at that time, Li Ergou, who was only thinking about his sister's happiness, didn't accept any girl.

"Then what happened between you and the eldest lady? The eldest lady told me that you had done it with the eldest lady at night, what about me? Why are you willing to touch the eldest lady but not me? Start saying that the person you like is me."

"Who did that guy with Ivy, what an international joke!"

Although that night, he was indeed tossed to death by the blood magic used by the eldest lady, but he did not hit the home plate until the end, and his rational idea was to marry Aishwana in the future, so he could not fail her no matter what. But that night was indeed very dangerous, and it was really only a matter of time before the eldest lady succeeded.

Under Li Ergou's repeated explanations, Aishwana was still suspicious, and the arms around her neck seemed to work harder.

"Okay, let me go, it's very late now, the good girl should go to bed earlier."

"I don't want to be a good girl anymore, I want two dogs..."

Without seeking Li Ergou's consent, the girl's lips were directly attached to it. The fragrance on her body was like a hallucinogenic drug, making Li Ergou dizzy. In the end, he quietly narrowed his eyes and saw her. The almost perfect wheat-colored body, although this child has not yet fully opened, but already has the aptitude to attract crimes, the cat's ears are gently flapping, and Li Ergou will always be inadvertently attracted by her ears when kissing , the furry looks very cute.

Finally, she seemed satisfied and let go of Ergou.

"It's almost twelve o'clock now. If you don't sleep, you'll have no energy tomorrow."

"Ergou sleep with me. I want to be sticky with Ergou tonight, can you, Ergou? I've really been looking forward to it for a long time..."

she said in a sweet voice.

However, Li Ergou just wrapped her delicate body with a bath towel and gently wiped the water droplets on her body:

"Go to bed early, don't catch a cold. I'll be watching you by the bed until you fall asleep."

"Sure enough?"

"Three years later, when we leave the eldest lady completely free, I will fulfill all your wishes, but before that, my kitten needs to continue to be a good girl."

"Another old-fashioned excuse, but forget it, even so, I like Ergou..."

But in the end, Aishwana nodded.

However, there was a small note written in Dongzhou script hidden in the clenched palm.

good girl?

Aishwana couldn't help showing a carnivore-like smile behind Li Ergou.

She doesn't want to be a good kid anymore, she wants to be a bad girl now.

Since Ergou doesn't plan to take the initiative, he can only be forced to accept the love from Aishwana.

Chapter 155 The guest is here

In the middle of the night, a delicate little hand grabbed Li Ergou's palm. The girl's charming and naive appearance had a tender and pitiful temperament, and her drooping little head was smart and cute. At that time, Li Ergou's heart felt as if it was tightly clasped in her hands. .Huan;:Welcome\".Enter?!Enter?[,!Hi;Er\";'s:Picture:.?Book.\'Gallery;:]:.7;4?.6?.:0,9 :\"4!0:7\";6?

This child, sooner or later, will grow from his own girl to his own woman, but unfortunately not today.

"Even if Ergou doesn't accompany me to become an adult, please accompany me until I fall asleep, okay?"

"no problem."

Li Ergou sat on the chair again and glanced at the night sky outside the window with her eyes. Aishwana, who was curled up in the bed, blinked and kept staring at Li Ergou's face, her curled eyelashes like light The trembling butterfly wings are dark and long, and their eyes are full of dependence and admiration.

"If you keep looking at it like this, you won't be able to sleep."

"But I just like to stare at Ergou all the time. Who told me to like Ergou so much?" She smiled madly.

Once, her younger sister Xiaochu also said something similar. Whenever she couldn't sleep at night, Li Ergou would accompany her until she fell asleep completely.

But in the end, it often just backfired. She was smiling like the moonlight at night, but she refused to sleep. At this time, Li Ergou would hum a lullaby beside her.

Right now, facing Aishwana's affectionate gaze, Li Ergou hummed a familiar melody again. In the dark room, there was only the gentle voice of a man. Under his gentle voice, the kitten's eyelids finally couldn't. Withstanding the drowsiness that hit, he quickly fell asleep.

"Even asleep, it's like a kitten."

He lowered his footsteps and left the girl's bedroom.

It's almost one in the morning, and the eldest lady still hasn't returned. Presumably what happened tonight is enough to make the eldest lady grow up like a butterfly that has broken its cocoon. Although she may become an enemy who prevents her from leaving the Kingdom of Shengluer in the future, but For some reason, Li Ergou still hopes from the bottom of his heart that the young lady can grow into a great person.

At least, she has to be a woman who makes Shengluer Kingdom and even the entire Western Continent tremble, so that her repayment will be meaningful.

Right now, Li Ergou could no longer think about the eldest miss. A slight chill came from the mithril spear in his hand, which made Li Ergou's sleepy brain suddenly clear.

Tonight, in order to rectify the age problem in Liege City, the eldest lady will not be able to come back until very late, and such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Fuuma Ninjas of the Eastern Continent Empire, so I stand in the enemy's position. , Li Ergou judged that they would have a high probability of launching a surprise attack to capture them.

Especially the woman who wears a black kimono and calls herself his wife, is an existence worthy of vigilance. Not only is she excellent in physical skills, but her speed is ridiculously fast, and she also has a lot of ninjutsu that cannot be prevented.

I remember the last time I was knocked unconscious by her poisonous kiss, and then pulled into the world of shadows. If Marshal Lian Qing hadn't arrived in time, I would have been kidnapped, and I would never see Aishwana again. day.

If that woman strikes again, be absolutely careful.

And those subordinates are definitely not fuel-efficient lamps.

With his eyes closed like ink, Li Ergou fell into meditation with a spear in his hand. Although he closed his eyes, Li Ergou's mental power had reached an unprecedented level, and he could even hear the sound of the air flowing in the room.

- very close, very close...

It was footsteps, and they were quick.