MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 93

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In fact, Li Ergou always has a feeling that Xia Leina is always targeting herself. Could it be that what Demi said was true?

Li Ergou shook his head and felt that if he liked someone, he would never speak in such a mean tone.

"I'm going back to sleep. You guys can talk slowly. The maid and the attendant are perfect. It's a bit unorthodox to steal food without telling the hostess. Well, it's very unorthodox."

Charlene threw the empty carton of milk she had just finished drinking at Demi's head:

"Demi, I don't want to beat you in the morning, hurry up!"

"Yes, yes, you guys play slowly, I won't disturb you." After Demi finished speaking in a very frivolous tone, she left as if fleeing.

"Noisy little devil."

Looking at Demi's leaving back, Charlene bit her lips and said viciously.

"Children of this age are all the same."

Li Ergou smiled, remembering that there were a group of noisy children in the orphanage where Tom used to be.

"Actually, compared to dull children, I think noisy children are cuter."

"If you and the eldest lady's children are so noisy in the future, I will discipline them well. You and the eldest lady's children must have the appearance of aristocrats."

Hearing Xia Leina's words, Li Ergou sprayed a mouthful of milk.

"Idiot, you?"

"Sorry, your speech is as ridiculous as ever."


Xia Leina's arms crossed her chest, her mouth pouted and her brows frowned, which was very cute. Li Ergou thought that if he had never met Aishwana, he might have a good impression of a girl like Xia Leina. It is a prickly appearance, but it is extraordinarily real.

Li Ergou likes real people, because they are very loyal and worth relying on. Although he will not get along with the eldest lady as he wishes, there is one thing he still needs to ask her in advance.

"By the way, Xia Lena, those female ninjas from Eastern Continent may have come again not long ago."

"Weren't they sent home?"

"It is said to be sent back to China, but who can guarantee that they will definitely return to Dongzhou? Yesterday, I felt the sight of surveillance, and I am 100% sure that they are coming to arrest me again."

"Don't be afraid, you are the eldest lady's person, and I will protect you at the critical moment." Xia Lena stood up and said.

"No, I think I should be able to escape from Xinchuan Fenghuazi's hands now. I'm just afraid that Aishwana will be taken hostage by them. Just imagine, if I miss a few times in a row, they should think otherwise. There is no doubt that Aishwana is my weakness."

"I understand, I will protect her well, and I promise you in the name of Miss Ivy's maid, future master." After speaking, Xia Leina stood up, "Okay, I'm done eating, it's time to practice. ."

Chapter 148 Entering Liege City

At noon, Miss Ivy led her group and Admiral Grouchy to join forces, and then they were going to be stationed in Liege.

Liege is located on the southwest side of the Fars Federal State. It is the closest big city to the front line, with a permanent population of about 150,000. Historically, the city has changed hands several times, so about one-third of the city's population has blood from the Kingdom of Shengluer.

Today, the Fars Federation has sent most of its troops to the northern front, so the eastern front has no time to deploy.

In desperation, out of humanitarian considerations, King Carroll, the royal family of the Fars Federal State, on behalf of the government, designated Liege as an undefended city. The Hague Convention, but whether to abide by the rules of the Convention or not depends entirely on the aggressor.

In the eyes of the people of Liege, the slaughtering of villages and towns by Admiral Grouchy obviously did not possess the spirit of chivalry, so people prayed with fear, for fear that Admiral Grouchy would vent their resentment on them.

After a long wait, the city gate was opened, and with the sound of military boots resounding through the sky, the earth seemed to be shattered. I saw that the leader was General Grouchy, who rode a tall horse and looked at the straight Dao, Yu Guang has never placed it on any common people.

Before that, Admiral Grouchy said to the soldiers around him:

"Don't treat the people of the enemy country as human beings. They are not human, but slaves and livestock. If there is a shortage of rations, I will not hesitate to order them to be killed and used as rations when necessary."

After Grouchy's unremitting efforts, some officers in the army today decided to become the pawns of Admiral Grouchy and gave up empathy in order to go further in the army's career in the Kingdom of St. Luhr.

There were also many officers who expressed their dissatisfaction with the actions of Admiral Grouchy in private. They sympathized with the people in the city from the bottom of their hearts, but because their generals slaughtered civilians indiscriminately, they also had to bear the hostile eyes of the civilians of the enemy country. .

If eyes can kill people, the officers led by Admiral Grouchy must have died countless times.

The city lord of Liege stood humbly in front of the avenue, looking up at Grouchy on a horse:

"Congratulations on your victory, Admiral Grouchy. Please open your eyes and spare the people in the city. This city, as I said before, is an undefended city. According to the Hague Convention..."

"Okay, I know the Hague Convention, which stipulates that I am not allowed to do anything to the civilians in the city, but the premise is that they are indeed civilians. Now is the time of war, if there are soldiers in civilian clothes hidden in the city, Occasionally engage in assassination activities to disturb the morale of our army, so sorry, I can't tell the difference between soldiers and civilians." Grouchy said in a cold tone, "Also, you were not qualified to negotiate with me from the beginning, you It is a bargaining chip for our army to negotiate with the Fars Federal State in the future, in other words, you are only hostages, and the hostages should be held hostages.”

Soon, the army of Shengluer Kingdom took over everything in the city. The city lord's mansion is now the administrative center of the army. In order to prevent the people in the city from sending supplies to the small forces that attacked them before, General Grouchy also A city closure policy was implemented, and curfew hours were explicitly banned.

Twenty-four hours a day, soldiers patrol the streets of Liege.

"This is undoubtedly a glory that belongs to our warriors in the Kingdom of Shengluer." Admiral Grushi was sitting in the office of the City Lord's Mansion, drinking wine leisurely.

"Admiral Grouchy, this group of civilians doesn't look threatening," an officer reported.

"But don't take it lightly. Oh, by the way, our army is mostly male. If you want to indulge in the city, I can turn a blind eye."

In fact, there are already many soldiers who have become restless after seeing the girls of the Fars Federation.

Admiral Grouchy, who has been in the military for a long time, sees this very clearly. He thinks that maybe he is a little harsh to the soldiers at ordinary times, and it is time to show kindness to the soldiers.

The most important thing is that rewarding the army does not need to pay for it. It only needs to let the two-legged sheep in the occupied area fall into misfortune, which can improve the morale of the army and improve their wildness. This kind of business is obviously very cost-effective.

Without the restraint of military discipline, the city soon became a mess, and the security team was useless. Most of the civilians who did not have time to escape in this city belonged to the lower class, so there was no room for resistance.

At first, the soldiers had some concerns. After all, the church once warned them not to do evil, but human desires are unlimited, and soon the wild beasts of desire can no longer be suppressed.

Soldiers in groups took away the property that the civilians had accumulated for most of their lives, and even took away girls. When they saw people who were not pleasing to the eye, the soldiers would drag them to the alleys and beat them up on the streets. Cries can be heard everywhere...

"Grushi is just a bastard. He can also be a noble because of him. Doesn't he have the honor and disgrace of a noble?"

Inside the carriage, Miss Ivy gritted her teeth.

"Don't measure others by your own values, this is obviously an insult to yourself." Li Ergou said lightly.

In fact, before entering the city today, Admiral Grouchy had specially reserved a place for Miss Ivy and invited her to join the city to accept the surrender of Liege, but Miss Ivy refused at that time.

Today, the military discipline is in chaos, and Admiral Grouchy seems to be enjoying it, but when Miss Ivy saw the people in the occupied area staring at the flag of Shengluer Kingdom with hatred, Miss Ivy felt that she was also offended. a feeling of.

And this is all because of Grouchy, because Grouchy is also a soldier of the Shengluer Kingdom, and what he does will make the civilians of the Fars Federation country think of the Shengluer people when they mention the Shengluer people in the future. Savage scum.

The eldest lady was ashamed of this, and she clenched her fists and said:

"Li, Grouchy doesn't care about military discipline, but I do. I can't let my motherland make mistakes again and again."

"Well, you really should take care of it. I agree with your approach very much. If only I could meet an officer like you in Aishwana's homeland in the past."

Li Ergou gently hugged Aishwana in her arms, she drooped her cat ears and bit her lips as if recalling the tragedies that happened in the past.

At that time, Aishwana also fantasized about whether there would be kind-hearted soldiers of the Shengluer Kingdom, but unfortunately, none of the Shengluer soldiers who invaded the Kingdom of Sri Lanka at that time were kind, not even those of the invaders at that time. What he has done is far more extreme than the treatment of the civilians in the occupied area of ​​the Fars Federal State.

Aishwana hates soldiers with bad discipline.

Seemingly feeling a little stuffy in the carriage, Aishwana pushed open the window, and suddenly felt like a dark shadow flashed across the eaves. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the eaves again. There was no one there.

"What's the matter, Aishwana?"

"No, nothing."

Chapter 149 The mission target is Aishwana

Xinchuan Fenghuazi stood on the roof of Liege City, and her eyes touched the slow-moving carriage. The cat-eared girl who opened the window of the carriage just now was the target of this mission—Aishwana Zhangxi.

Although it was the first time to observe that girl, from her green eyes that seemed to be well-behaved and sensible, Xinchuan Fenghuazi spied a little beast ready to go, and her lovely cat ears were like butterfly wings. Fanning, resentful eyes reveal that she is not satisfied with the status quo.

Aishwana unconsciously looked in the direction of Xinchuan Fenghuazi. In order not to be discovered by Aishwana, Xinchuan Fenghuazi used ninjutsu to hide her figure.

Seeing that there was no one on the eaves, Aishwana quickly retracted her gaze, the carriage continued to move forward slowly, and soon disappeared from Xinchuan Fenghuazi's field of vision.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi looked at the distant carriage, and the corners of his lips could not help but rise slightly:

"I've finally met you, Aishwana. Soon, we'll meet again, and by then, you'll be a more beautiful being than you are now."

A small velvet box lay quietly on the palm of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's pure white palm. The small box that glowed with pink light contained the crystals left after the death of the succubus family - the seed of desire, even if At this moment, the seed of desire has been sealed with most of the energy by the small box, but when looking at the pink light of the scattered flowers at close range, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's breathing still involuntarily increased.

This prop can make people lose their minds and completely turn into a beast of desire.

In his mind, the figure of His Highness Ya Yinyue reappeared. The proud and elegant His Highness Ya Yinyue conquered Xinchuan Fenghuazi with her strength. The silver-haired girl in a Lolita dress just frowned. Affecting the entire Eastern Continent Empire.

If possible, Xinchuan Fenghuazi would like to rush back to the Dongzhou Empire now, find His Highness Ya Yinyue, and hug her delicate body tightly. not separate...

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, Your Highness, your shadow really wants to be one with you..."

The light of the seeds of desire became brighter and brighter, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi's black eyes became more and more blurred, but in that instant, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's eyes radiated brilliance again, and his loyalty to His Royal Highness Yinyue was so fleeting. overcome desire.

The blood stained her delicate red lips, and by biting her own lips, Xinchuan Fenghuazi regained her composure.

"What a horrible tool..."

As long as she relies on this prop, Aishwana will be transformed into a succubus, and when Aishwana also indulges in the seed of desire, the day when Li Ergou is captured and returned to the Dongzhou Empire is not far away.

Until that day, he and Aishwana will become Li Ergou's wife, acting like a spoiled brat by that man day and night, but for Xinchuan Fenghuazi, these are not important things, the most important thing is Li Ergou. After Ergou was caught, she could return to Dongzhou and return to His Royal Highness Yinyue in a grand manner.

I really want His Highness Yinyue to show a happy smile and stroke his forehead like a puppy. I really love her...

Before she knew it, Xinchuan Fenghuazi had been in sluggishness for a long time, and when she recovered, she hid the seeds of desire.

In the city of Liege, chickens fly and dogs jump, and the soldiers' atrocities continue to be staged, but for a large city, there are always a few dead spots that are unknown.

Coming to the dark alley, it seems to be empty, but it only seems.

"Come out, Tsubaki."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi came to the alley and said to the shadow on the side.

Then, out of the shadows, a cute girl in black tights came out, she was Tsubaki.

After showing up, she bowed respectfully to Xinchuan Fenghuazi:

"Lord Xinchuan."

"Tsubaki, I have already seen the goal of this mission,"

"Will Miss Aishwana Zhangxi be willing to be one of us?" Chunzi was a little worried.

"She certainly will, because she's not some nice cat, she's a beast."

How can an animal that likes a wolf be a kitten?

"May I ask what mission Mr. Xinchuan has?"

"What we have to do now is to wait for the opportunity, and then I need you to find an opportunity to spare Li Ergou, Ivy and others, and when there is no one around Aishwana, I will take the opportunity to go to Aishwana's side Instead of negotiating for a short time, I believe she will be very happy to become a succubus. But even if she doesn't want to, it doesn't matter, when the time comes, I will force her to take the seed of desire, she has no room to refuse."

"Well, we get it. Are you going to act tonight?"

"If the time is right tonight, then act tonight."

At this time, the lewd laughter of the soldiers came from a distance, and the group of soldiers was slowly approaching a beautiful girl from the Fars Federation.

"Please let me go, I already have a lover..."

"Have a lover? Wouldn't that be better?"

The Shengluer Kingdom soldier's hand was already on the belt, and Xinchuan Fenghuazi couldn't help frowning. After hesitating for about ten seconds, a poisonous needle that was invisible to the naked eye pierced the soldier's neck, and the soldier was still in prostitution. He smiled as if he didn't feel anything.

About a second later, the soldier foamed at the mouth and died suddenly. The surrounding soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this time, Xinchuan Fenghuazi and others had already left.

The carriage of Miss Ivy and others arrived at the dormitory near the military and administrative building. They were going to spend the night here. When they learned that a soldier suddenly foamed at the mouth and died suddenly before molesting a civilian girl, Ivy died. The lady said coldly:

"Death is worthless."

"Lieutenant Lian Qing, what do you need to order?"

In front of her was a group of officers who obeyed her. Most of these officers were civilians, and there were also a few noble officers who were not used to Admiral Grouchy's behavior. They came to Miss Ivy, but they did not rule out the possibility of being spies.

"Even the civilians of the Fars Federation are human. I don't allow our military discipline to continue to be bad. I want you to assist the local law enforcement team and bring all soldiers who dare to violate discipline to justice. If you don't obey the instructions , you can also rectify the law on the spot.”

"But, above those soldiers is Grouchy..."

"What about Grushi? My father is the famous Marshal Lianqing. There are at least 100,000 people in this city. If the soldiers continue to indulge in corrupting the military discipline, the 100,000 people in the city will rise up and wait until then. , how can we continue to be stationed in this city?"

Chapter 150 Reasons for not giving power to civilians

After getting the order from Miss Ivy, the Shengluer soldiers who still had a sense of justice in their hearts quickly acted, and for a while there were constant conflicts in the city.

"Do you dare to punch your compatriots for the sake of the civilians in the enemy territory?" The soldier of Shengluer, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, scolded, with a crying woman behind him.