MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 92

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Seeing the maid who was covered in bruises, the king was a little stunned, while the prince remained unchanged, as if he had long been used to seeing **** scenes.

"Help her wake up."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A basin of cold water was poured on the maid's wound, and the maid suddenly screamed like a beast.

The maid the king knew. She used to take care of the queen's daily life and life. After the queen died, she was so sad that she couldn't eat. Because she was pitiful, the king left her in the palace.

The prince's smile was like a snake and scorpion, leaning down and pinching the maid's chin:

"Auntie Belle, tell me, how much money Machiavelli gave you, and what method did you use to make you have the courage to rebel against the royal family, is it the stupidity and kindness of Louis XIII? Or are you a person with pursuits and ideals? maid?"

"His Royal Highness, I..."

"It must have been fun when you killed my mother, right?" The prince kicked the maid's face with his shoe, "The dignified queen died in the hands of a little person like you, this kind of thing is enough to make you proud for a lifetime. , when you're too old to be a man, you get satisfaction by telling your grandchildren that your grandmother I poisoned the queen."

"No, Your Highness, I..." The maid looked helpless.

"Explain, how many people Machiavelli has placed in the palace, what information do you know, look at this poor king, who was kept in the dark before he died, at least let him go on the road with peace of mind."

"I really don't know anything, I'm innocent..."

"Don't try to lie. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. I already know everything. Do you think Machiavelli has no one around me? If you still have illusions, then you underestimate me, Baron Cain."

"Baron Cain?" Louis XIII stared at Prince Louis in disbelief. It is said that the elusive Baron Cain holds 80% of the wealth of the Western Zhou Continent. No one knows his nationality, origin, and appearance.

But that ghost-like ghost is constantly harvesting huge wealth through a series of methods.

"Little beast, you are..."

Prince Louis ignored Louis XIII, and uttered one name after another in a singing tone, from the servant beside the king, to the personal doctor, to the housekeeper. From the lords of the territories to the ministers and officers, they talked for five minutes.

Each of these names made the maid's face paler, and the meaning behind each name was self-evident.

"Don't say it, I'll explain it all! I was hired by the Duke of Machiavelli, and my son was taken as a hostage in his house. I had to..."

"How could he betray me, and him, why... I treat him well..."

Louis XIII's face became paler and he kept shaking his head, as if trying to deny it, but Marshal Lianqing silently stood aside, tacitly acknowledging that everything Prince Louis said was the truth.

The prince looked at the king coldly:

"So you only have this amount of power, Louis XIII? The enemy won't pity you because you are seriously ill, and it's useless to continue living as a self-pitying fellow, so I advise you to hurry up. Go to hell. Look at what great feat you have done? In the end, you can't protect everything well. You think you are a hero, but my mother was poisoned because of your incompetence. You think you are a wise man The king of the king, but the economy of this country has also become a leek field for corrupt officials. Maybe you will fight, but this will prove nothing except to prove that you are a brainless reckless man. I think that winning a few battles is a hero, but You have no idea what war is about, and you have nothing but **** in your head except for self-gratification and ridiculous glory."

" least protected the country." Louis XIII said with the last of his strength.

"Country? What does your kingdom stand for? It represents the interests of a group of nobles, you fight for the nobles, you win the war, and they accumulate wealth and cause widespread famine. This is the country you protect. How ridiculous, the more you win , the more the country loses, the country needs a big defeat, and the common people need to see what kind of bulls and horses the nobles who control the country are."

Louis XIII stared blankly at his son. He didn't expect this kid to have such a deep understanding of the Kingdom of Shengluer.

"Give me the power of this country, because of your incompetence, this will definitely be a mess, but I can make this country stronger, and this disjointed feudal country will inevitably move towards centralization in my hands."

Today, for the first time, Louis XIII knows the true face of the prince, but unfortunately he is on the verge of death.

Finally, he smiled relievedly and said slowly:

"Well, if you think I'm getting in the way, then I'm going to die. When I die, you'll be Louis XIV. You don't want to call me father, but I wish you all the best in leading this country to what you think it is. brilliant."

Finally, staring at the king in a daze, Prince Louis said in a gentle way:

"Go to death with peace of mind, father, after arriving in that world, protect my mother for me."

"Ah, I will." The king closed his eyes, his son denied all his past glory, but he was a little happy in his heart, he said, "It's good to be able to talk to you like this before dying. "

Chapter 146 Demi Who Gets Up Early Occasionally

Although Li Ergou was very resistant, last night, as always, there were two more girls on the big bed of the tent. They hugged Li Ergou's body tightly. The arms were tightly wrapped around Li Ergou's body, and he had no intention of letting go.

"How can I be..."

Aishwana is okay to say, but Li Ergou feels that he can't handle the eldest lady more and more. Even though he tells her time and time again that he already has Aishwana in his heart, she still keeps saying it again and again. Relentless pursuit.

If she was the kind of woman with a vicious heart, Li Ergou could have kicked her away with one kick, but during the recent march, Li Ergou discovered that Miss Ivy was actually not bad in nature.

Moreover, when she fell into a deep sleep, looking at her sleeping face, she also had a trace of cuteness, which was completely different from the usual elegant lady with a little bit of strength.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Perhaps after the end of his repayment, he would really choose to stay because of the eldest lady, not necessarily.

But then, Li Ergou shook his head again.

He gently held Aishwana's little hand, and kept telling himself that sooner or later he would lead a mercenary team to liberate the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and then marry Aishwana as his wife.

However, the freedom of life in the future depends on whether you can successfully survive the recent crisis.

Although there is no evidence yet, Li Ergou felt the sight of surveillance yesterday.

- Xinchuan Fenghuazi is back.

In the early morning, Li Ergou got up very early, and without disturbing Miss Ivy and Aishwana, he managed to break free from their limbs entangled in his body.

"It seems that I have to emphasize to the eldest lady the truth that men and women cannot be kissed..."

When I came to the grounds of the military camp, it was very rare for Demi to get up early today. She usually only got up at eight o'clock, but now it's only after five in the morning, and I saw the little girl yawning lazily.

"Yo, I got up early today."

"Ah, brother Ergou, what a coincidence. It seems that we are being held by the red rope of fate."

Demi jumped like a bunny and came to Li Ergou's side.

"I didn't expect you to get up early too."

"What, people just get up and go to the toilet, and then they have to go back to sleep. Brother Ergou, can you accompany me? People are a little afraid of the dark."

Li Ergou might have believed her if she had heard her say that before seeing her strength, but since she had seen her overwhelming strength and slightly distorted personality, Li Ergou would not believe anything she said. The girl will be afraid of going to the toilet alone.

"Hey, brother Ergou, why are you ignoring others? Is it because they have small breasts? Don't worry, Demi will definitely be a beauty in the future, so brother Ergou has to make a good relationship with Demi as soon as possible. This is called in the bank. invest."

"You are indeed a beauty, but I will not be so simple that I will fall in love with a person because of her appearance. I will only love one girl in my life, and I will never change my mind, so I have no plans to invest in you."

"Brother Ergou, it's easy to be slapped in the face if you say too much."

Demi pursed her lips, looking a little cute.

Maybe in another four or five years, she can indeed grow into a beauty that competes with the eldest lady, but it has nothing to do with herself.

Looking into the distance, Li Ergou said:

"Come on, I'll accompany you to the toilet, but fast, and then I'll start my morning exercise."

"It won't take long."

The two walked out of the barracks. Since they were stationed in the wild, the toilet was naturally a wilderness.

However, after leaving the barracks with Demi, Demi suddenly smiled sweetly and said:

"Actually, people didn't look for brother Ergou because they wanted to go to the toilet."

"Well, I think so too."

Li Ergou looked around. Although it was five o'clock in the morning, the sky was not yet completely bright. Under the wind, the bushes in the wild swayed, as if there were some living things hidden there.

"Xinchuan Fenghuazi and the others are really here again, aren't they?"

"Yes, my good brother." Demi still said with a smile in her usual tone.

However, Li Ergou's expression suddenly became a little sad, and he said:

"By the way, Demi. Can you not call me brother? You can call me Ergou, but I always feel inappropriate to call me brother. I once had a very doting sister, and I will only have her in my life. younger sister…"

"Is there ever..."

Although Demi looks like a child, she is unexpectedly mature. From Li Ergou's words, she can hear Li Ergou's sadness, and she also vaguely guesses the fact that the little sister who was doted on by Li Ergou has died.

"Okay, then I'll call you Ergou in the future." Demi narrowed her eyes and said, "Let's get down to business, Ergou, Xinchuan Fenghuazi arrived in Liege yesterday, and I'm afraid it's not too far from us. But at a distance of about five kilometers, your Oriental bride is really obsessed with you."

Li Ergou frowned:

"It's really haunted, how did you know that?"

"My magic field can cover the entire Western Continent. On the Continent of Western Continent, there is nothing that Demi doesn't know about. I can even tell you that Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi landed from the coast of The Hague City, and then arrived again in a carriage. Here, by the way, she also seems to have brought something particularly interesting this time."

"A particularly interesting thing?" Li Ergou asked, "What do you mean?"

"Hey, it's not fun to tell Ergou, so I choose to keep it a secret~" Demi said with a smile, "But Ergou, you can rest assured, as long as I'm here, you will never be abducted by Fenghuazi. Yes, after all, you are an important student of Stigma College. If you are kidnapped like this, the college will lose a lot of fun, so I plan to protect Ergou, and Ergou has been practicing hard enough recently, it seems that he is strong again. Not much, even if you are alone, you should be able to handle it. Well, she has a good figure and is quite sturdy."

Demi patted Li Ergou's thigh like a joke, making Li Ergou have the urge to grab her double ponytail.

"However, she is also a lady, and she doesn't plan to do anything until the last minute, so let's remind Ergou this morning, so that Brother Ergou has a mental preparation."

Before they knew it, the two of them had already reached a position far away from the military camp.

"Okay, Ergou. Let's go back the same way. It took you so much time in the early morning. After returning, Xia Leina may be jealous again. After all, the daytime is one of the few times she can practice with you. Don't look at her usually with a cold face, but in fact she likes you very much, but in order to make you not psychologically burdened, she never confessed."

Chapter 147 Shalena's most anticipated time

In the mirror, the girl with cherry pink hair combed her hair, and then tied her hair into a single ponytail. Her skin was extremely white, and she changed into a black maid uniform. Under the butterfly-shaped collar, The snow-white neck seems to be able to bloom.

She also got up very early today.

In fact, everyone has inertia. Before Li Ergou became the eldest lady's attendant, Xia Leina would get up early every day as usual. At that time, what she thought in her heart was to be the help that the eldest lady could rely on, and at the same time to help Xizhou His swordsmanship was carried forward so that his father who died in Dongzhou could rest in peace.

To be honest, Charlene didn't like to get up early at that time, so every night before going to bed, she would set the alarm clock.

But now, she can't use the alarm clock anymore.

"Father, today I will also redouble my efforts to surpass that bastard. Sooner or later, I will take revenge."

Holding the sword handed down from the family, Charena murmured in a low voice.

One day, Xia Leina will defeat the self-righteous Dongzhou man, and then make him fully understand her incompetence, and she will marry him and the eldest lady into a pair of lovers, and she will wait by their side as a maid. Maybe in the future. They will also take on the responsibility of taking care of their children.

Although in Xia Leina's opinion, Li Ergou is not worthy of the eldest lady at all, but if she wants to call Ergou a master in the future, Xia Leina is actually not very disgusted in her heart.

After washing his face, he patted his slightly red cheeks, as always, perfect and unrestrained. Since the sky was not yet full at this time, there was no one in the camp except for a few soldiers on guard. Looking at the empty camp, Xia said. Lena couldn't help feeling a little lonely.

"Is that slacker still sleeping late, huh, just wanting to become stronger like this, it's a fool's dream..."

Since the last time Li Ergou was almost captured by Xinchuan Fenghuazi, his cultivation has been extraordinarily hard. Perhaps it was during this time that he completely relaxed after learning that Xinchuan Fenghuazi was sent back to China.

This can't go on like this. Xia Leina doesn't want Li Ergou to become a waste person. As the husband of the future eldest lady and her own master, you must have a very strong enterprising spirit, so Xia Leina decided to wait for Li Ergou to come back. Give him a good reprimand and let him get up earlier in the future.

Besides, Xia Leina actually likes to mock each other with Li Ergou every morning and practice together.

"The first is to swipe a thousand times in the air."

Charlene held her sword in both hands and started waving it again and again, her maid uniform outlines her proud curves.

At this moment, the footsteps of two people were heard in the distance. Xia Leina immediately cast a sharp gaze and saw that Li Ergou and Demi were walking together.

"Er Gou, why are you so slow today? Don't forget, you are the servant of the eldest lady. For the sake of the eldest lady, we have to become stronger. Come here quickly, let's have a chat first, and then go for a five-kilometer morning run. "

Li Ergou shrugged helplessly, while Demi said with a smile:

"Hee hee, Charlene is really enthusiastic, it makes me a little jealous."


Charlene cast a sharp look at Demi, she admitted that Li Ergou was indeed a beautiful man who was very attractive to the opposite sex, but she never admitted that she had strange feelings for him.

This guy is now a servant who serves the eldest lady together. After marrying the eldest lady in the future, he will become his master. Then, Li Ergou, a man who once defeated his competitors.

"Hey, I just got up and I'm still hungry."

"Hmph, I knew you would say that. Here, this is a sandwich I made with my own hands early in the morning. We'll practice after eating there. You slacker, don't try to run away."

Demi jumped out again:

"Hey, Shalena, what about mine? I want a sandwich too, and Shalena's own sandwiches are super delicious."

"Without your share, who knew you would get up so early today."

The pink-haired maid, who was as cold as a blade, carried a small basket with sandwiches and milk, and motioned Li Ergou to go with her to sit on the bench beside her.

"Hmph, you flirted with brother Ergou early in the morning, be careful I'll sue you for being black."

"It's not flirting, and it's impossible for me to have any strange feelings for this guy. Even if he sticks to me, I dislike it. It's not me, look at Ergou, this guy has such white skin and no beard on his face. , there is no masculinity in a man, just looks like a soft-footed shrimp, I am not interested in this kind of man at all."

Li Ergou was eating and eating, and suddenly felt that the sandwich in his hand was not fragrant. Although Xia Leina's craftsmanship was comparable to that of a court chef, her mouth was really poisonous...

"What are you looking at, eat quickly. Wait, eat slowly, no one gives you a gun, drink milk when you choke, what a fool."