MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 61

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The undead named Louis.

However, he is not Louis XIII. If it is Louis XIII, even if he is infected with a serious illness, he will pretend to hold his head high.

The person who walked in was the unfinished son of Louis XIII, Prince Louis who was not favored by anyone.

I saw Prince Louis's eyeballs twitching, and after a glance, he narrowed his eyes and revealed a fox-like smile.

"Hey, Vitaro Sylph Lianqing, my brother, why did you bring your woman?"

"Keep your mouth clean, this is my wife Shia."

Looking closely, the elf man was wearing a marshal's uniform, while the elegant and noble woman beside him was wearing a bright red dress. From the scarlet pupils, it could be seen that this woman was a half-blood.

Once, elves and vampires were mortal enemies, but I never thought that the holy elves in the world's impression would be combined with vampires who worship darkness and blood, and a freak like Ivy was born.

"You broke up with my daughter?"

"Isn't this what you want, my brother Vitaro, as a parent, who would want to marry his daughter to a scumbag?" Prince Louis laughed mockingly.

"You made a decision on your own like this, and you didn't even say hello to me."

"Do I need to say hello to you? Don't forget, I am the future king. If the king wants to do something, does he need the permission of his ministers?" Prince Louis looked at Marshal Lianqing, one of the three great marshals of the kingdom, with contempt.

Ivy's mother, Shia, who is a half-blood, raised her hand slightly, and the bright red light immediately bloomed. She did not intend to hurt the prince, but the prince's attitude really made the woman who loved her husband quite dissatisfied.

At least he should teach his father, Louis XIII, how to respect the prince.

However, a bullet that came in from the window extinguished the magic light. There was no one's breath outside the window, but the bullet broke into the hall abruptly. The bullet hole was so deep that it could even penetrate the magic shield. The weapon that fired this kind of powerful bullet should not have appeared in Xizhou, but it appeared here abruptly.

"Sorry, I know I'm rude, but I have the capital to be disrespectful, don't think about me, if I snap my fingers, the snipers will take it as an assassination order and wipe out all potential for me Danger."

Prince Louis walked to the long table and sat on it, while wiping the silver pistol with the iris logo, he said absently:

"Brother Vitaro, I need to trouble you recently and let your daughter go to the front line. She is too young and needs a proper experience."

Lianqing and his wife stared at Prince Louis in a daze. He was so casual and indifferent, as if the sky had fallen and it had nothing to do with him.

The white-haired old man stroked his gray beard:

"Prince Louis...So this is your true face."

"Master Holgerst, people have to learn to survive. In order to survive, I can be a gangster or a philanthropist. There has never been my true face in this world, and my true face has been changed to maximize benefits. Various faces."

Prince Louis poured a glass of red wine:

"Night with red wine, elves with blood, perfect."

"Prince Louis, Lianqing and his wife called me tonight, saying that there is an important person who wants to see me, right? But I'm just a magician guarding the palace, and I don't plan to get involved in any conspiracy. The meaning of my existence Also, just to keep the Shengluer Kingdom going, not to be a loyal dog for someone."

The old man stroked his gray beard, his eyes extremely firm.

"Soon, the Duke of Machiavelli will launch a coup, and I hope you will not be on his side. As for whether you are on my side or not, it is your freedom, but if you are on his side..."

"Will it cause you trouble?"

"No, I just don't want the kingdom to lack a magician who can defend against foreign enemies and make the Shengluer nation stand up."

Prince Louis sneered evilly.

After that, he looked at Lianqing and his wife again:

"Continuing what you just said, two loving couples, please let your precious Ivy set foot on the battlefield as soon as possible. As the daughter of the marshal, what would it be like if she didn't go to the front line?"

"What are your plans?" Marshal Verota Sylph Lianqing couldn't understand the emotions hidden in Prince Louis' eyes.

"It's nothing, it's a battle destined to fail, I just hope your daughter can fail once, it's not a good thing to be too arrogant, I need to make her understand that she is not a competent careerist at all, She is actually just a little girl playing a game of knighthood, and she can become a good nobleman who obeys the king if she recognizes the reality early."

This is Prince Louis' plan. In fact, for him, Miss Ivy and Li Ergou do not go to the front line of the battlefield before, and the result is doomed.

It's just that he needs to really stimulate Ivy, so that the girl who is full of national glory and supreme sovereignty understands her powerlessness. In this way, the ambition to achieve hegemony will dissipate, and after he inherits the throne, he will be reduced to obeying orders. Royal chess pieces.

That's all.

To this end, he gave Li Zijin, the prince of Dongzhou, a mercenary group, so that the man could gain enough strength to resist Ivy, and the ultimate goal was also to crush Ivy's pride.

"To be honest, I'm a careful man, and it's a shame to think about being divorced, whether it's with your head or your ass. For this reason, isn't it right to destroy her self-esteem?"

"Bastard..." Marshal Lian Qing gritted his teeth, doting on his daughter, he didn't want to see her daughter show a painful expression.

"Great Marquis, your daughter is so proud that she can't match her strength at all. You don't want her to be in any danger in the future, right? Besides, in about half a year, Stigma Academy will start school. In order for your daughter to graduate from that college alive, you should respect me more, right?"

Chapter 75 Arrival at the Chief Sorcerer's Castle

The palace's chief magician's home is not within the prosperous city walls of the royal capital Fenglu City, but needs to go out of the city to the outer suburbs far away from the city.

The carriage driven by Uncle Luen slowly drove through the soft path. The early summer season was full of vitality. Demi opened the window of the carriage and stuck her little head out of the window, breathing the fragrance of the fields and humming a cheerful song.

Shearena said that since Demi came to Miss Ivy's mansion, she hadn't returned to her hometown for a full year, so she was naturally extremely happy.

However, except for Demi, the atmosphere in the carriage was inexplicably weird, and no one spoke.

Miss Ivy looked at her feet high, and glanced coldly at Li Ergou and Aishwana. Under Miss Ivy's gaze, Aishwana was as low as a child who did something wrong. Nodding, Li Ergou held the book in his hand as usual with an indifferent expression, and Xia Leina frowned, as if trying to figure out what happened between them.

"Cough cough..." Charena pretended to cough twice, as if to break the awkward atmosphere, "Demi, how far is it from your house?"

"As far as you want." Demi's playful smile looked a bit awkward.

"Gives you a chance to reorganize the language."

"Uh, I'll see my house in about ten minutes."


Xia Lena breathed a sigh of relief. It would be too torturous to continue sitting in silence in this strange atmosphere.

As if to find a topic, she hugged her chest and said to Li Ergou proudly:

"Hey, you're going to become a magician next, but you can't neglect your physical training. At that time, I'll see how far your strength can grow after you learn magic."

"No problem," Li Ergou casually flipped through the book, "It's my honor to be able to compete on the same stage with Miss Charlene, and to be honest, I prefer your straight-forward personality to someone else's. ."

Xia Leina's face was a little red, while Ivy's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

"A straight character is indeed better than beating around the bush, what do you think?"

"But it also depends on the score. When you are under the fence, you can't have any opinions on the benefactor who gave shelter, right? Even if there is, you have to hide it in your heart."

"It's so uncomfortable to hide in your heart. If you have anything to say, it's better to tell me. Your Highness Li Zijin, please remember that I am someone you can rely on at all times."

Li Ergou scoffed at this.

"Got home!"

Demi screamed with excitement, and everyone's eyes were also attracted.

In the distance of the valley, the gothic-style brown and black castle is still elegant and majestic, with towering castles and ancient black walls, Li Ergou thinks it is not surprising that there are Death Eaters there.

"Brother Ergou, this is my home, isn't my home big? Isn't it amazing?"

"Uh, that's awesome."

It's hard to imagine that a child with Demi's character would be born in this rather gloomy castle.

The carriage stopped, because it was a cliff to continue forward, Demi jumped out of the carriage, raised her wand high, and chanted a spell she couldn't understand at all.

About 30 seconds later, a pontoon emitting a silver light appeared in front of the cliff. On the other side of the cliff, in front of the old castle of the Holgerst family, a huge tree suddenly rose from the ground, standing like a living creature. .

"Don't be nervous, that's our family's defense."

Demi smiled, and then chanted the spell again, and the two ancient trees immediately returned to normal and continued to sit in the courtyard.

"Brother Ergou, this is magic, isn't it amazing?"

Lolita, who raised her little face, looked at herself as if taking credit.

"It's amazing." Li Ergou smiled perfunctorily.

I remember that Miss Ivy said before that she seems to have the talent of thunder attribute magic, and the wolves she summoned before also seem to belong to the category of magic.

However, even if one day he is truly invincible in the world, Li Ergou will always remember that it is Miss Ivy's credit for becoming stronger.

Thinking of this, Li Ergou couldn't help frowning, but Miss Ivy still looked at her with a faint smile, and her delicate body also came close to her:

"Even if I meet an amazing man, I will be heartbroken. Please do your best this time. After learning magic, I will give you any reward you want."

Li Ergou subconsciously avoided Miss Ivy, ignoring the teasing and hints in her words:

"Miss, after becoming a magician, I will fight for you, and at the same time, I will repay your life-saving grace at that time, but when it comes to feelings, I hope you will not be so obsessed with people like me."

"Sorry, I met the right person, if I don't hold it in my hand, I will definitely regret it in the future." Miss Ivy smiled sweetly, "So don't try to get rid of me easily, I am a very difficult person. Tangled woman."

While speaking, the carriage arrived at the gate of the castle on the other side of the cliff. Just as everyone got off the car and prepared to enter the castle, the two giant trees that had just turned back into ordinary trees suddenly turned back into aggressive treemen again. There was a roar like a wild beast, and the sturdy tree roots swept straight towards Li Ergou.

"Huh? What's going on? I clearly used magic." Demi looked a little flustered, apparently thinking that under her magic, the two ancient trees were no longer aggressive.

But now the tree's attack seems to be merciless. Seeing that the sturdy tree roots are about to smash Demi into meat sauce, Li Ergou quickly raised the spear in his hand, and Xia Leina, who was also holding a long sword, blocked the Demi's smashed roots.

"Yo, looking at you, your skills don't look unfamiliar."

"The same is true for you. Compared with the last duel with you, you have become stronger."

Although Xia Leina still always casts hostile glances, the hostility is not taken lightly, but there is a faint recognition of Li Ergou.

"Demi, what's going on?"

"I-I don't know either..." Demi shook her head, looking innocent.


The two ancient trees were still showing their teeth and claws, and they had obviously regarded Miss Ivy and her party as intruders.

"You take care of the one on the left, I'll take care of the one on the right, okay?"

"It's easy, it's just a warm-up exercise before learning magic."

Li Ergou and Xia Leina attacked the two ancient trees.

On the top floor of the castle, a white-haired old man and a noble couple in magic robes are witnessing the scene in front of them.

"Is that young man from Dongzhou Prince Louis' collaborator? It can be seen that your daughter seems to like that young man very much." The white-haired old man looked at the noble couple beside him and said.

The noble couple's eyes were also fixed on the black-haired young man holding a long spear, for fear of missing a detail.

Chapter 76 The Elders

The two ancient trees that launched the attack were very monotonous, and they were huge in size and slow to move. There was no threat to Li Ergou and Xia Leina, and even the sudden attack was not very different from the usual training.

About ten minutes later, Li Ergou seized the opportunity, propped up his spear and jumped to the top of the tree, giving the ancient tree a fatal blow. After Li Ergou successfully pierced the core of the trunk part of the ancient tree, the tree finally stopped. action.

"Tsk, since you have taken the lead." Xia Leina's expression was a little unwilling. Facing an almost equally powerful ancient tree, Li Ergou ended the battle before her, which made Xia Leina quite unhappy.

"Do you need me to help you?"

Li Ergou grinned and walked slowly to Xia Lena's side to ask.

"Go away! No need! Look at the trick!"

Unwilling turned into strength, the golden sword turned into a ray of light and stabbed in the past...

Unfortunately, the seemingly beautiful slash did not cut the core part of the trunk.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Xia Leina had to admit that the current Li Ergou was far superior to her.

Not allowing her to stop it, the black-haired man with the spear rushing towards the ancient tree easily avoided the splitting treetops, and easily pierced the waving vines with the tip of his silver spear. At this moment, Li Ergou seemed to merge with the wind. as one.

"So fast. Wait, who asked you to help me? Come back to me, that's my opponent!"

"Let's wait for the next time, don't let Miss and the others wait." The black-haired man's mouth showed a wolf-like arrogant smile, and the turning spear wiped out dazzling lightning for a moment.


The ancient tree that was supposed to be dealt with by Xia Leina fell down.

Applause immediately sounded, and the gate in the depths of the castle was slowly pushed open by the servants of the mansion. The old man in a magic robe slowly walked out of the gate. Behind the old man, there was a couple who seemed to be in a relationship. the nobility.

Li Ergou looked at the old man and the couple. The old man had a mysterious and ancient aristocratic temperament. The smiling ancient face looked amiable but majestic. From the luxurious magic robe and golden epaulettes, Li Er The dog guessed that he should be the person he was going to meet on this trip, the chief magician of the Shengluer Kingdom's court, the old man Charles Albus Holgster.

As for the couple behind them, they should not be Demi's parents or relatives, because Mr. Holgerst is a complete human race, and the male of the couple is a blond elf, and the female looks like a Vampires or half-bloods, those scarlet eyes are the most distinguishable feature of vampires.

The dignified elven man and the graceful and luxurious woman look like a half-blood.

Speaking of which, Miss Ivy's parents seem to be...

Turning back subconsciously, Miss Ivy looked unbelievable, and she slowly stepped forward: