MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 52

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"Your Majesty, I came to Fenglu this time to beg to break off the engagement with Louis." Miss Ivy's voice was as clear as an oriole, "So Your Majesty, I implore you to satisfy your daughter's request."


A crack appeared in the armchair handle of the throne.

"My daughter, are you insulting the royal family?"

A gloomy voice resounded in the lobby.

"Since you say that I am your daughter, why do you have to sacrifice your daughter's happiness for your son's life? Your Majesty, you have grown up with me, do you have the heart to let me marry Prince Louis? "

The girl's voice suddenly became louder, and King Louis XIII heard what she said, but could not refute it.

It is true that his son is not worthy of Marquis Lianqing's daughter. It is like putting cow dung in flowers. How can his son be worthy of Ivy?

However, where will the face of the royal family go?

"Ivy, I'm too impatient. I should congratulate you on finding the love of your life, but what about my son?"

"If it's a matter of face, Your Majesty, you can ask Prince Louis to break up the engagement with me. In this way, the person who was kicked out of the royal family is me, not me who unilaterally dumped Louis. This is the best way to preserve the face of the royal family. already."

"But, he is from Dongzhou." King Louis XIII looked at Li Ergou, a handsome man of about 1.8 meters tall, with ambition in his eyes.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Li Ergou since just now, even when he crushed the armchair handle, the young man never showed the slightest fear.

He is a man worthy of respect.

"Your Majesty, he is a noble of Dongzhou. My marriage to him will mean that we have obtained the powerful ally of the Dongzhou Empire. Even if we look at this marriage in terms of interests, it will be beneficial and harmless."

"Are you Li Zijin?"

"That's right, Your Majesty. I have seen Your Majesty before Li Zijin."

Li Ergou bent down slightly and saluted like Miss Ivy.

"Are you Xinchuan Fenghuazi's fiancé?"

"No, but my family did order me to marry Xinchuan Fenghuazi as his wife." Li Ergou said indifferently.

Today, it is impossible to deny this matter. When they were one step slower than Fenghuazi, the preconceived notions were deeply imprinted in His Majesty's mind.

"Why did you leave Dongzhou? Once you and Ivy get married, wouldn't I offend the royal family of the Dongzhou Empire? To tell you the truth, your fiancee has come to me just now, and she will take you away."

"Your Majesty, you have to think this way, if I was really taken away by Fenghuazi, then you would completely lose the chance to form an alliance with the Dongzhou Empire. After all, you are neither relatives nor ancestors. When I married Ivy, it was an established agreement. The fact is, even if the Dongzhou royal family is unwilling to accept it, they will have to accept this fact." Li Ergou smiled, "At that time, once I am in danger, my family will definitely go all out, and at the same time. I am also the cousin of His Royal Highness Ya Yinyue, so she will definitely not sit idly by me."

King Louis XIII frowned, feeling that Li Ergou was right.

If it is a fait accompli, then the Shengluer Kingdom in the Western Continent is really married to the Eastern Continent Empire.

This is what King Louis XIII wanted to see.

It's just that the price is that it is very likely that one day, the Elba royal family will disappear from the stage of history.

"Well, for your mutual happiness, I will fulfill you. However, please be loyal to the royal family whenever you are."

"This is as it should be, Your Majesty." Miss Ivy smiled slightly.

Chapter 53 Punishing the Prince

After agreeing to Li Ergou and Ivy's marriage, the king's hand has been trembling slightly, and he doesn't need to think about it to know that the king must be in a very bad mood at this time.

The so-called king is the head of the aristocracy, the supreme commander in control of the state power, but unfortunately, the power is now at the bottom of the mountain, and he doesn't even have the power to choose a princess for his son.

Although the royal family will propose to terminate the engagement with the Lianqing family in the end, this is only due to affection, in fact, it is because Ivy does not look down on her unsatisfactory son.

"Cough cough." King Louis XIII coughed laboriously, his body was getting worse day by day.

After that, which young lady will take a fancy to her son?

In the end, can the son succeed in continuing the prestige of the Elba family?

Looking up at the palace hall, countless people knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of their hands in the splendid hall. That period of war seemed like yesterday, but the glorious years are long gone. The king who led the country to defeat the powerful enemy. already old.

"I'm really old." King Louis XIII seemed to be muttering to himself, "When I die, I hope there will be no civil strife in the Kingdom of Shengluer, I don't want to see people with the same blood cannibalize each other. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, although I broke the engagement with your son, I promise to help him step by step to make the Kingdom of Shengluer become brilliant."

"is that true?"

There was a sad look in his blue eyes.

Since his body has become what it is now, he is no longer the arrogant he once was, and even when he speaks loudly, he will feel tightness in his chest.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, I will be loyal to the Kingdom of Shengluer. The same is true of my orders. He even told me that the East Continent Empire and the Kingdom of Shengluer are his mother."

"Mr. Li Zijin, did you really say that?"

King Louis XIII's eyes turned to Li Ergou.

"I said, Your Majesty. I do love the Kingdom of Shengluer. This love comes from Ivy. She is my lover and my savior. All my life belongs to her. For her, I Even willing to go up the mountain and go down to the sea of ​​fire."

Li Ergou slightly bent down and saluted, his eyes were humble but not mean.

The king's eyes tried to see through what the young Dongzhou man was thinking, but unfortunately, apart from his flawless serious face, he couldn't see any other emotions.

Then his eyes swept across Ivy again, her fair cheeks were stained with a touch of rosy, is this marriage really out of true love?

Even now, King Louis XIII does not wish to cancel the engagement with the Lianqing family.

But since the two are true love, they have to be united...

Those who break up their true love will fall into **** and never turn over. Church scriptures say this explicitly.

"Okay." King Louis XIII glanced at the long standing attendant beside him, "Go and call the prince."

"Your Majesty, the prince may not have woken up yet."

"Didn't wake up? What's going on?" King Louis XIII glanced out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and it was almost noon.

"That's it, Your Majesty..." The attendant leaned down and said in a low voice in a voice that Ivy and Li Ergou couldn't hear clearly, "Last night, His Royal Highness the Prince and the bar's stripper, dancer and girl got together, as if they were messing with each other. sleep late..."

The fist was clenched, and there was a crackling sound of bones, and the king's face became paler, and then there was a cough.

"Hahahaha, is this renegade child a punishment from heaven?"

He suddenly felt that it was an extremely correct thing for Ivy to break up the engagement with his son. That trash had no value in using political marriage, and was a complete **** who couldn't support the wall.

If, in the end, his son-in-law marries Ivy, the consequences will only harm the Lianqing family. Ivy grew up by himself and harms this excellent child, and King Louis XIII will have a troubled conscience.

"After I die, who cares about the flood? Elba's glory seems to come to an end. I'm sorry for my ancestors, I blame me for giving birth to this waste..."

In his extremely depressed eyes, he seemed to see the final demise of the family, and saw the capital of Shengluer Kingdom being planted with the crown lion flag of the North Sea Parliamentary State, the double-headed eagle flag of the Azure Empire, and the law. Tricolor flag of the Commonwealth of Nations.

The iris, which symbolizes the kingdom of Shengluer, will eventually wither.

"Go, go and shout that dog thing up, **** it." Although as a king, it's really inappropriate to speak foul language, but he couldn't hold back after all.

He was holding a whip in his hand, and it was unknown how many whips he had broken.

The aggressive king pushed open the door and walked straight towards the deep palace.

"Come on, Darling. Let's go to a good show together."

The arm holding Li Ergou is very soft, and it is even close to the scent of Ivy's body. I have to say that Miss Ivy's fiery offensive, I am afraid that if it were another man, I would have already fallen.

But Li Ergou is still only holding the attitude of playing on the scene.

"What's the matter, Darling?"

"I just didn't expect that it would be so easy to break up the engagement. Logically speaking, this is a great shame. The king should be angry, but I didn't expect..." In fact, what Li Ergou thought just now was about "30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi" , don't bully the poor" plot, but the king readily agreed, which made him completely unexpected.

"First of all, we Westerners have different values ​​from your Easterners, and secondly, you underestimated the king's disgust for his own son. His Majesty the King was wise, but in the end he became a laughing stock because of such a son. For this son, perhaps His Majesty the King may be a laughing stock. At the beginning, there was a father's love, but now, after countless expectations have failed, that father's love has long since turned into endless hatred. For a person who cannot revitalize the family's glory, the king has not exiled his son. In love."

In front of them, everyone finally arrived at the door of the prince's bedroom. Across the door, they could still smell a faint smell of alcohol, cigarettes, urine and other rotten smells. These mixed smells were just smelling. It makes one want to retreat.

It's not that the servants and maids don't want to clean, but that Prince Louis brings a girl for in-depth communication almost every night, so he has never had the opportunity to clean.

The king kicked the door open, and the king, who was still sick just now, seemed to be returning to light.

- snoring, snoring...

The sound of kicking the door did not wake up Prince Louis. He was naked, hugging the eiderdown, and even a large spot of sperm could be seen on the bed.

The prince slept very peacefully. In fact, he was not ugly, but his life was too loose.

"Looks like he's about to wake up." Miss Ivy put a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

The king has raised his whip.

Chapter 54 Refusal to Break the Marriage Contract


The whip carried a whistling wind, and a whip hit Louis's chest.

It was a whip with all his strength and no mercy.

"Grass, what kind of motherless thing dares to beat Lao Tzu?"

However, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the anger of the king who hated iron and not steel. Louis XIII picked up the long whip and whipped it again.

"Waste thing, I'll let you sleep, I'll let you not ask about the real business, I'll let you know how to do these cowardly things all day long, you're just a disgrace to your family, and you're ashamed to be thrown at home! Why did my Elba family come out? You are such a piece of crap!"

With another whip, a deep blue-purple welt was left on Prince Louis' pale skin, causing Prince Louis to grit his teeth in pain.

But it seemed that the pain had aroused a bit of hardness in Prince Louis, and he grinned:

"Hey, isn't this Dad? You're not dead yet? If you want me to say that you can die quickly, you're an old man who occupies the pit and doesn't poop. Wouldn't it be better to make way for me earlier?"

"Nizi, you really **** me off!" Another whip hit the prince, the **** whip marks were terrifying.

According to common sense, a **** should be a master who will beg for mercy when he is beaten, but Prince Louis is surprisingly tough:

"Come on, go on, push harder, haven't you had breakfast, old thing?"

He is a hob meat, and it was not the first time that the king had whipped him, but no matter how he beat him, Prince Louis' mouth never softened, and he even grinned with a mocking smile and contemptuous eyes.

Even in pain, he didn't want to bow his head.

"Do you know how embarrassing you are? If you fight a little more, you won't be..."

"What? Does the son have to live up to his expectations? Does the son have to live according to the wishes of Lao Tzu? What are you and him? Why should I live according to the wishes of an old man like you?" Prince Louis's laughter filled the whole bedroom, "I It's me, I'm willing to be a waste, that's my own choice, and I'm willing to be a wise king and have nothing to do with the Elba family!"

The embarrassed king glared fiercely at the prince. Although the prince was a **** who couldn't support the wall, his debating ability always made the king unable to refute.

"Parents are like this. When they see that their children are not up to their standards, they will go to anger. If you are so good, why don't you have another son? Or, why don't you shoot down the entire Xizhou so that I can enjoy the country? Now the deadline is approaching. When you feel a crisis, take your anger out on others. Are you an immature baby? Come on, old baby, keep pumping me, keep going…”

With a mouthful of blood in his mouth, the prince laughed fearlessly, the pain couldn't bring him to his knees, he was even laughing, and the whip kept lashing, and there was a rhythmic sound.

Whip after whip, as if it would never end, I am afraid that if you continue to whip it again, Louis will die.

But even so, he still did not beg for mercy.

If he begged for mercy, the king would immediately stop. Although he was full of hatred for this unsatisfactory son, he was also his own flesh and blood.

But the prince was still smiling, even if it was death, he was still young. He gritted his teeth, and he had to win over this incompetent father no matter what.

Finally, the whip stopped.

"I..." The king's cloudy eyes had not seen tears for a long time. "As you wish, I may not live long..."

"So what? Are you in a hurry? Ah, the great kingdom of Shengluer, she is about to be destroyed. The glorious Elba family is about to be reduced to a second-class family." Prince Louis said loudly, "and My son is still a piece of shit, sad and gratifying."

"You obviously know everything, why don't you live up to your expectations... You are my son..."

"Hahaha, enjoyment is the priority in life. I don't want to die for the country before I even taste the taste of women and wine." Prince Louis showed a bright smile.

"Ivy wants to break up the engagement with you, do you know?"


Prince Louis didn't look surprised or angry at the news.

The scarred prince looked at Ivy and Li Ergou, who were standing a little further away, with smiling eyes:

"Hey, my fiancee, why are you holding another man's arm? Do you no longer want to be a princess, or do you dislike my organs and can't satisfy you?"

"Dear His Royal Highness Louis, it's great to see that you look good. Also, please don't call me your fiancee, I'm not your fiancee anymore."

"No? Did I allow it?"

"Do you need your permission?" As she spoke, Ivy pressed her **** tightly against Li Ergou's arm, and rested her head on Li Ergou's shoulder, "an animal like you who thinks with your lower body, Do you understand what love is?"