MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 51

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"Ah, that's right." The knight commander looked a little regretful, "That's right, after all, what Your Highness is doing now, it is natural for a noble lady like you to dislike it. It's also his own fault, but in the past he also I used to be complacent."

A sigh made clear the ups and downs of the knight commander. The knight commander could have left early and went to the army to develop. Some people even said that if he went to the army, he might have become a school-level officer.

But whenever he recalled the expression on his face when Prince Louis said "Let's witness the re-rise of the Kingdom of Shenglu" when he was young, the knight commander never accepted a better future, but chose to stay in the palace. Serve the royal family.

Maybe one day, His Highness in the past will come back, but it is also possible that His Highness in the past is long gone.

Therefore, he had hoped that if His Royal Highness Louis married Miss Ivy, it might make him the same as before.


"Forget it, this Mr. Dongzhou looks like a very good person. I wish you all happiness."

Pushing open the gate of the main hall of the palace, the knights all withdrew. The next guides were the servants, maids, and butlers in the palace. They stepped on the red carpet and passed through the majestic Hall of the Braves. They finally arrived at the gate of the palace.

However, they were not allowed to see the king yet, because the housekeeper said that the king was entertaining distinguished guests at this time, and without much thought, they knew that the people the king entertained were probably the ambassadors and military attachés from Dongzhou.

"Then just wait here."

Across the door, Louis XIII, known as the Master of the Western Continent, leaned on the throne with difficulty dragging his chin. Now he is already old and frail, and even sitting on the throne feels difficult.

He once held a sword to kill the enemy and commanded the fleet to bombard the body of the North Sea Parliamentary Fleet, but now it is vaguely exhausted.

Perhaps death is not far away, and then the incompetent son will inherit everything.

"Guests from the East, welcome your arrival."

Although it is a sick lion, he is still a lion. Under his long withered golden hair, he has a face as sharp as a blade. The crown on his head is extremely gorgeous. It is said that except for the blue gem in the center, the rest The gems were all buckled from the crowns of other kings.

His unfurious gaze can become a kind uncle, or he can switch to a murderous tyrant in an instant.

At this moment, he was smiling politely, looking at the elegant man and the beautiful woman.

"Your Majesty the great King Shengluer, your name has spread all over the world, and I only express my greetings to you on behalf of the Dongzhou Royal Family."

Although Cao Shanbing was not born in the military, he was careful in his words and deeds. Although his body seemed weak, he was a powerful magician in Dongzhou.

"These diplomatic rhetoric can be dispensed with. Xizhou is not Dongzhou. I like to speak straight and straight. If you have something to say, don't be polite. Our Shengluer Kingdom and Dongzhou Empire are friends with a strip of water. If there is anything I can do I will try my best to do it. Even if it can’t be done, I will try my best to help you find a way.”

His Majesty the King smiled kindly.

Although he once said the famous saying "After I die, I can't care about the floods", but after all, they were angry words to his son.

If you can win a strong ally for your country, then even after death, the kingdom will live forever, and the Elba royal family can continue to survive.

Therefore, King Louis attaches great importance to these distinguished guests from Dongzhou. Behind them are superpowers, who are enough to rely on.

"Your Majesty, this is Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi, the leader of the younger generation of our Dongzhou royal family, and a close confidant of the next queen, Her Royal Highness Ya Yinyue, this time is for the life-long event of Her Royal Highness Xinchuan Fenghuazi. Come."


King Louis's eyes turned to Xinchuan Fenghuazi, this black-haired girl in a kimono was elegant and refined, with a cold but polite expression, arrogant and unattainable like the Snow Queen.

"His Royal Highness Xin Chuan, why did you and His Highness Ya Yinyue come here?"

For the preservation of his country and blood, the king did not oppress her with a majestic aura, but chose to ask her in the softest and even humbler way possible.

As long as it can leave a friendly or even lowly impression on the royal family of the Eastern Continent Empire, even if they lose their dignity.

Winning allies in Dongzhou, you don't have to worry about the son of a prodigal messing up this hard-won country.

Chapter 52 Meeting in the Royal Palace

"Is there such a thing?"

King Louis was greatly shocked. Through the narration of Xinchuan Fenghuazi, he learned that the prince of Dongzhou had fled to his own country, and that the prince was the betrothed of the girl in front of him.

This caught the king by surprise.

And what the king didn't expect the most was that the prince from Dongzhou was now accepted as a servant by the eldest lady of the Lianqing family, Ivy.

"Your Majesty, I think you are obliged to help us. I was originally scheduled to get married with His Royal Highness Li Zijin at the beginning of this year, but it was because he ran away halfway that I lost the chance to marry him."

"Dear Your Highness Xinchuan," King Louis stroked his beard and showed a friendly expression, "I really want to help you, and His Royal Highness Li Zijin should return to your side, but this is the Kingdom of Shengluer after all, and I have no power. Arresting the Lianqing family without authorization..."

Indeed, if that Li Zijin appeared in Fenglu City as a free man or an immigrant, the king would order the arrest without hesitation, so that he could sell Dongzhou a favor, and at the same time he could not offend anyone.

But if you want to arrest the people of their family in front of the Lianqing family now, it will mean a bad relationship with the Lianqing family.

Today, the Lianqing family controls the territory of the four southern provinces in the entire Shengluer Kingdom. Once the Lianqing family stomps, the entire Shengluer Kingdom will shake.

Therefore, this matter needs to be considered.

"I heard that Ivy is in Fenglu City now, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xinchuan Fenghuazi nodded and said, "I met her at the Grand Budapest Hotel not long ago, and she refused my request at that time."

"Rejecting your request, this child is really becoming more and more ignorant." King Louis said with a frown, "Don't worry, when I see her, I will definitely persuade her to hand over His Royal Highness Li Zijin."

"In that case, thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty," said Dongzhou Ambassador Cao Shanbing, "I will try my best to inform all circles of Dongzhou about your friendly side. I believe that our Dongzhou Empire and your Shengluer Kingdom will become eternal friends and partners, and make progress together with each other. ,Develop together."

"That's natural. I don't want to say hypocritical words. I must establish an alliance with you people from Eastern Continent. Now our Kingdom of Shengluer is the most powerful country in Western Continent, and your Eastern Continent Empire is the largest in Eastern Continent. The great dragon of the world, the world will tremble when we unite."

"Not really." Cao Shanbing smiled.

Today's Xizhou is probably facing a reshuffle.

"My lords, the dog is indeed incompetent, but I don't believe that our Elba royal family will continue to decay. I am your natural ally. As long as the Dongzhou Empire is willing, we can even marry, a cross-continental marriage, an unprecedented marriage. alliance."

However, Ambassador Dongzhou just smiled.

"That's probably not realistic."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi knew that he could not get the promise of arresting Li Ergou from King Louis XIII. It seemed that he was not too disappointed, but just smiled:

"Your Majesty, it is an order from His Highness Ya Yinyue to bring His Highness Li Zijin home, even if it uses coercive means, I hope that the guards of your Shengluer Kingdom will not become an obstacle for us, this man we must take away."

Since the king refused to help, he had to use his own hands to capture Li Ergou. Moreover, compared to easy-to-get things, Xinchuan Fenghuazi preferred to use his own hands to personally take the things that His Highness Ya Yinyue cherished. Something to catch.

Thinking of the wit, sharpness, and a hint of arrogance that the man showed at that time, Xinchuan Fenghuazi couldn't help licking the corner of his lips.

I have to admit that the man is really interesting. If you play the man bad, it must have a different flavor.

Iron chains, detention, training...

Thinking that the man was bound in the dark secret room, struggling and squirming like a bug, Xin Chuan Fenghuazi's beautiful expression showed a sadistic pleasure.

After leaving the lobby, Dongzhou Ambassador Cao Shanbing said:

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, this king is a softie."

"It doesn't matter, it's better to say that this is exactly what I want. Anyway, I have already said hello, and then I will use my own means to bring him home."

As for love, although His Highness Yinyue's elder brother is indeed handsome and generous, Feng Huazi believes that in this world, except for His Highness Yinyue, it is impossible for her to fall in love with others.

Especially dirty men.

Pushing open the door, before preparing to leave the palace, Xinchuan Fenghuazi suddenly saw a group of people sitting in the reception room. Isn't that his future husband, Mr. Li Zijin?

She walked quickly towards Li Ergou without hesitation, her eyes never falling on other people from beginning to end.

"Husband-in-law, what a coincidence, I didn't expect my concubine to meet you here, let's go, come home with me to meet His Highness Yinyue, end our marriage early, our parents will be happy for this. "

The slender hand held Li Ergou's hand without hesitation, the charming smile was accompanied by the snow-white cheeks, and the eyes of the peerless kimono girl were full of love.

However, that is false love.

"Don't touch my hand."

Li Ergou wanted to shake her hand away violently, but found that her hand seemed to be embedded in his own flesh, and it was difficult to shake her palm away for a while.

"Your strength is still so small, like a baby."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi exerted a slight force on the slender and tender palm, and Li Ergou could clearly feel the pain.

"With this level of strength, you can't get rid of your concubine, Li Zijin."

"Aren't you disgusting?" Li Ergou asked coldly, "Doing such a thing to someone you don't love at all?"

"What, His Royal Highness Li Zijin actually suspects your concubine's love for you? How can you do this?" Xinchuan Fenghuazi approached slowly, her cherry lips facing her, "Since this is the case, let me tell you with a kiss, I How much do I love you?"

She does not have any love for Li Ergou, everything she does stems from her loyalty to Ya Yinyue.

However, she did not expect that her appearance could not conquer this man at the beginning, and the end of her unwillingness to admit defeat prompted her to step on this man under her feet, even if she used tough methods.

"let me go!"

"Don't think about it."

However, at this moment, a red origami fan was placed on Xinchuan Fenghuazi's shoulder, and the fiery magic circle was lit up.

"If you violate my orders again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Your Darling?"

"Yes, he is mine."

At the same time, Charlene and Demi also stood up, one placed their hand on the handle of the knife, and the other held a magic wand and was preparing to sing.

"Enough, Fenghuazi. It's time for us to leave." Ambassador Dongzhou released a barrier magic, and immediately dispelled the magic element, "And there will be as many chances to meet His Royal Highness again in the future. Today, we will be the first leave."

Chapter 53 Agree to the Marriage

"Then, Your Highness, save this kiss for the next time."

Of course, Xinchuan Fenghuazi didn't want to kiss Li Ergou, and at the same time she could see that Li Ergou didn't want to kiss herself either.

In this case, as long as you take the initiative, then the winner is yourself.

Looking at Li Ergou's black pupils, there are beasts hidden there.

In Fenghuazi's view, conquering a beast is undoubtedly an interesting thing, which is far more pleasant than conquering a soft egg.

"One day, you will know how powerful your concubine is. Before that day comes, please wait for it. At that time, your concubine will let you understand what is meant by 'extreme happiness'."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi smiled meaningfully, and her slender and slender figure under the black kimono was like a fairy descending to earth.

Before leaving, Feng Mu stared at the golden pupil again.

"Is Miss Ivy? Since you have the consciousness to be an enemy of the Dongzhou Empire, I hope you can become an interesting enemy. If you are too weak, it will be too much for me and Your Highness Yinyue. It's boring."

"I will satisfy you and Ya Yinyue, Miss Fenghuazi." Ivy politely opened the red origami fan, "I hope you don't disappoint me either."

"Each each other, see you then."

Afterwards, Feng Huazi left a black back, and Li Ergou knew that he had to be vigilant in the countless nights from now on.

Otherwise, once again bound by those chains like living creatures, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Darling, I will protect you from being kidnapped by her. Don't worry, as long as you are still mine, I will be responsible for all your safety."

"Wife, I'm also a man for now. What does it mean to be protected by a woman?"

"Don't be shy, Darling."

She caressed Li Ergou's cheek affectionately, her cold palm mixed with a trace of undetectable temperature.

"Okay, His Majesty is now inviting you all."

"It's time, Darling."

Miss Ivy firmly held Li Ergou's arm and did not let go. Li Ergou knew that the current situation was beyond his control.

Although he is really not Li Zijin, it might not be a wise choice to use the name Li Ergou to meet the king now.

Guided by the old housekeeper, Li Ergou and Ivy walked towards the audience hall of the palace.

The king in front of the throne was a blond man in his fifties. At this time, he already had a hint of old age. Li Ergou had learned some medical skills because of his sister's illness, so he could see that the king's brows were somewhat dull. It's not natural aging.

It is very likely that a lot of toxins are accumulated in the body.

"Ivy, my daughter." When I saw Ivy and Li Ergou standing together and walking in arm in arm, King Louis XIII's expression was obviously much ugly.

"Your Majesty, you are the father of this country. Ivy will always remember your back when you came forward to protect this country."

"What's the matter, Ivy?" King Louis XIII's voice sounded majestic, "You are my son's fiancée, but why are you holding the arm of a Dongzhou man?"

"Your Majesty, please be happy for me, because I have finally found a person worthy of the love of my life, and that is Mr. Li Zijin. He is the royal family of Dongzhou, a man with a noble soul and brilliant talent!"