MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 290

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Groups of cows moo on the road, which is a major feature of Sri Lanka. In the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, cows are sacred animals. Legend has it that the goddess came to the Kingdom of Sri Lanka riding a cow.

In addition, monkeys, elephants, wild dogs, wild cats, peacocks and other animals can be seen.

Most Sri Lankans are vegetarians, even if they are dying of starvation, they will not eat meat.

"It's Kutak-sama is back!"

On both sides of the street, Kutak heard someone calling his name.

The civilians of Gulangit City ran to Kutak one by one.


Kutak greeted them in his native language.

He was amazed at the transformation of the people in his hometown. In the past, many people believed in religion and thought they were descendants of the Communist Party. They didn't even dare to step on the shadows of others.

But now, they have gathered around.

Kutak is happy to see such a change. If a country wants to rise, its people must be confident.

"Everyone, I'm back, and it's a pleasure to see you again."

Kutak excitedly shook hands with the people one by one, even if he had dark skin and was discriminated against for generations, Kutak did not show the slightest disgust.

He looks at the city:

"My father really put in a lot of effort."

Civilized people, well-built cities, and contact with international columns, secretly supporting the Restoration Movement.

Such a father makes Kutak very proud.

It's a pity that he couldn't see his father in the end, but Kutak felt that as long as he saw Gulangit City, he could see the shadow of his father's efforts. Next, Kutak should take this city as his own. love like a father.

"Now let me meet the legendary Tom, Mr. Hiicura."

"Just ask me to believe," Nobu Hiimura said kindly, "In the beginning, I did set foot on this land for money, but after seeing the injustice in the world, I realized that I wanted to stay. Here, in the column, most people want to try to fight for justice and ideals."

"Then I should probably call you comrade more appropriate."

Batu on Kutak's right hand said with a friendly face.

"Yeah, just call me comrade." Heimun Xin was a little surprised when he saw Batu, "I didn't expect the eldest son of the Dawu La family to join our team, it's incredible."

"The pursuit of justice and truth is human instinct."

The students who followed Kutak came from all over the world, from all races and classes.

"If Big Brother Tom sees you bring so many outstanding talents, it will be very gratifying."

The Gurangit Arms Factory is located in the castle of the Chandra Bose family.

Weapons far more advanced than today's world are being manufactured bit by bit and put into the hands of enlisted column soldiers.

Kutak saw the black man more than two meters tall standing next to the assembly line, picking up a brand-new rifle and shooting at the bullseye.

Chapter 116 The International Column Never Disbands

"Are you Kutak?"

Tom put the brand-new rifle aside, his tower-like body filled with a terrifying pressure.

But seeing his expression, he was immediately attracted by that friendly smile.

"I'm Kutak, Tom."

"Well, Brother Zijin told me you were coming." Tom held out his big dark hand, "My name is Tom Bryant, and I'm Li Zijin's friend."

"I'm also Li Zijin's friend."

"So we should be friends too!" Tom patted Kurtak on the shoulder and said in a slightly sad tone. "Your father is a respectable man."


In fact, both Tom and Kutak are the type who are not very good at communication.

The reason why Tom has a very high status among the mercenaries is not because of his strength, but because he has a sincere heart.

Several times in distress, Tom stepped forward.

And Kutak is also the kind of person who likes to prove himself with actions, so after the two said hello, the atmosphere seemed a little stiff.

"Brothers, why don't we find a place to have a drink!"

At this time, Batu and Benito and other students who came with him played a key role.

For the request for a drink, the male students all raised their hands in agreement, and most of the people present loved drinking.

So the group walked towards the 24-hour tavern.

"Come on, everyone, let me give you a toast!"

Tom took a big draught of beer and drank it.

Looking at the grades of the students, Tom was shocked.

Tom's level is now sixty-one, and he saw that most of the students present were between fifty and sixty, which was regarded as the top power in the mainland.

And there are more than 20 students above the 60th grade, and Tom can't see through their strength.

Among them is Kutak.

"It's really terrifying..."

Kutak didn't mean to hide it, and said to Tom:

"Tom, my current level is 70. I am good at space magic, and I also have a lot of experience in scimitars. If there is any action, please call me."

"Level 70 space magic..." Kutak looked at the cat-eared youth who was about the same age as Li Zijin in shock, "I heard that after level 70, you will master a lot of amazing magic, you should be able to use it. Teleport magic to teleport far away?"

"Yes, but only a small number of people, and the distance is not far."

"Enough is enough, with such magic, we can easily decapitate the enemy. On the battlefield in Sri Lanka, I have seen many scum and scum, who slaughter the people for pleasure, and the most of our international column. The main target is those people." Tom said, "But it is worth noting that there are also our people in some enemy troops. Whether it is the Kingdom of Shengluer or the Parliament of the North Sea, there are a group of people who have sympathy for the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. , officers with unshakable conscience, we often try to stagger our actions with them, tacitly."

Standing behind Tom, the tall and dignified female elf magician Shandon said:

"Currently on the battlefield in Sri Lanka, there is a three-pronged situation. Although we only occupy the territory of Gulangit, we have the most sophisticated weapons and the support of most of the people, so our situation is not imagined. so bad."

"These days, I found that although there are games and fights on the battlefield, there are also people with sophistication." Tom brought himself a large beer and said, "I once spared the life of Leclerc in the Kingdom of Shengluer. Later, our The army was surrounded by him, and he even deliberately left a gap for us."

"Also, General Grenfeth of the North Sea Parliamentary State is also a gentleman. He is different from the officers who slaughtered the people." Ami Acha said.

In Sri Lanka, various forces are intricate and complex, and they are not monolithic.

And according to the gossip, the Shengluer Kingdom and the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom don't seem to have such a big idea about the Sri Lanka area.

Louis XIV even publicly claimed that if he gave up Sri Lanka and spent a lot of military expenses on the development of people's livelihood, more civilians in the Kingdom of Shenglu could be lifted out of poverty.

Edward VIII was devastated by the loss of his beloved son, and the wizards of the North Sea Parliament claimed that it was the slaughter of civilians in Sri Lanka over the years that led to the death of Prince Langton.

But the reason why the two countries did not leave is because the two countries are in a difficult position to ride a tiger, and they finally spent so much military expenditure, but in the end they were empty. This is undoubtedly a great shame for the monarchs of the two countries.

"In short, my suggestion is to try not to put on an attacking posture. The longer it drags on, the better it will be for our international column. As long as it drags on for a year, we will be invincible."

"You are right, we have weapons that are far ahead of our time. Once replenished, the enemy's flintlock will be useless."

Kutak agrees.

Sitting in this tavern, for the first time, he felt that the distance from returning to the country was so close.

And all this is given by Li Zijin.

"By the way, Tom, what are your plans when the war is over?"

"In the next step, I plan to rescue my friend. Although he does not allow me to save him, with his character, being under house arrest is definitely more uncomfortable than killing him."

"After the war is over, I plan to invite Her Royal Highness Aishwana to return to the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. If she is willing to become the queen, then the throne will still belong to her. If she is unwilling, I hope she can represent the royal family and return power to the people." Kutak looked at Tom and other mercenaries with bright eyes and said, "At the same time, I also want His Highness to give you the title of hero and become the eternal guest of honor in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka."

"The war isn't over yet. It's too early to think about that." Tom smiled.

"You said you were mercenaries, but the international column won't be disbanded because of the end of the Sri Lanka war?" At this moment, Batu suddenly stood up, feeling a little excited.

"I do not know either."

"Don't disband, Brother Tom, please don't disband the international column, there are still many places in this world to fight." Batu blushed brightly, looking completely drunk, "We have to completely smash everything. Inequality, build a country that can make everyone happy, the international column is an ideal organization, a noble organization, I have only one request, after this war is over, we can still fight side by side and call each other comrades."

"We will." Tom nodded in agreement, "but we can't be a war for war's sake, that's the only thing to be aware of."

Chapter 117 Missing Him

Olina can't be officially called the queen now, because the Pope has not yet coronated her, although she now has the same authority as the emperor in the Azure Empire, but only after the Pope crowns her, her queen The title has legitimacy.

Now that the Pope has set off, he will soon arrive at the Azure Empire on the Western Continent.

The Azure Empire has also sent invitations to various countries to invite representatives from various countries to attend the coronation ceremony of Queen Olina.

"Let me participate in Olina's coronation on behalf of the Kingdom of Shengluer."

After the news spread, Ivy immediately recommended herself to Louis XIV.

"I also have this idea, we should send a friendly signal to the Azure Empire as much as possible, then it's up to you." Louis XIV readily agreed to Ivy's request, "But there is one thing I have to remind you. "


"Ya Yinyue is in the Azure Empire."

"how do you know?"

"Through the intelligence network I built."

Not long ago, the information of Li Zijin came to my mind, Ya Yinyue went to the Azure Empire, if Ivy and Olina reunited, Ya Yinyue would probably capture them all and take them to the Dongzhou Empire.

But Louis XIV didn't care much about it. If Ya Yinyue captured both Olina and Ivy in the Eastern Continent Empire, then it would be a good thing for Louis XIV.

He believes that Olina is a more difficult opponent than Dritz, and Ivy is also an ambitious girl, who may be difficult to control in the future.

If the two of them can be kidnapped by the hands of Ya Yinyue, for Louis XIV, it is nothing but a matter of celebration.

"Anyway, the information has been passed on, and I have done my best." Louis XIV sat on the throne and asked with narrowed eyes, "Even if this is the case, do you want to go to the Azure Empire?"

"Yes, Olina is my rival and my friend, I must go."

"Then you can go. If you come back, remember to bring me some souvenirs. The fire-roasted pork knuckle, dark beer and sauerkraut of the Azure Empire are famous all over the world, please."

"If you want to buy it, you ask others to buy it. I am a diplomat attending the coronation ceremony, not a takeaway."

"That's a real spoiler."

After leaving the palace, Ivy returned to her parents' mansion in the royal capital. After expressing all their thoughts, the Lianqing couple also agreed to Ivy's visit to the Azure Empire.

"But is it too dangerous to go alone?"

Madam Shia worried.

"Ivy is no longer a child, wife, she is an amazing soldier, you don't have to worry too much about Ivy."

"Mom, let's go with you." Mrs. Shia held Ivy's hand and said, "Mom still has lingering fears about what happened on Saint Prince's Island."

"Mother, it really doesn't matter."

"No, I have to follow along, or I won't worry about it."

Madam Shia said while holding her daughter's hand tightly.

"Ivy, why don't you go with your mother, anyway, she's idle at home, so she's traveling abroad." Marshal Lian Qing paused and said, "If it weren't for the fact that the army still needs me To deal with it, in fact, I also want to go with it, after all, it is Ya Yinyue, to be honest, I am not very relieved."

"Father, aren't there Charena and Demi by my side?"

"That's right. Besides, this is Xizhou Continent, so even if Ya Yinyue wants to make trouble, there is no way to make trouble."

"Then we'll leave tomorrow, my father."

"Okay, be careful on the road, oh yes, remember to bring roast pork knuckle, imperial stout beer and sauerkraut when you come back, these things I ate in the small towns around the empire when I was in my thirties, they really deserve to be called It's delicious on earth."

"How come even the father..."

"Ah, what's wrong with me?"

"Forget it, nothing."

Ivy did not expect that my father and Louis XIV would say such similar words.

"Anyway, I remember it, and I will bring it to my father when I come back."