MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 231

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Immediately after the connection was made, Tom's anxious voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Brother, I heard that the ocean-going fleet led by Ya Yinyue is resting in Calcutta. Are you also in Calcutta?"

"Yes, I'm here."

"How long are you going to rest there, we will definitely rescue you!"

"You don't have to save me. If you want to save me with your strength, it's like throwing yourself into the net, understand?" Li Ergou said very seriously, "Let's not say that Ya Yinyue has a strength of level 70 or above, Even his subordinates, Xinchuan Fenghuazi and the others, are not ordinary people, and those naval officers, each of whom has a strength of rank 50 or above. Such strength is no longer something that an army armed with modern guns can settle. Now, most importantly, I don't want my team to suffer any losses."

Tom was silent for a long time.

"But brother, you have lost your freedom, you are under house arrest, I understand your character, such a life is definitely better than death for you, and now we are so close again, if we don't save you, I am in my heart. uneasy..."

"You're too weak, Tom, it's not easy to face your own weakness, but sometimes we have to learn to be rational. Have you ever heard a story like this? It's an American, a French and a Jew being put in prison. ?"

"Have not heard."

"It's like this, in this story, three people were taken to prison together, and the warden asked each of them to make a request. The American asked for three cases of cigars, the French asked for a beautiful woman for company, and the Jew asked for Just a phone that can communicate with the outside world. Three years later, the American rushed out and kept shouting 'give me fire, give me fire', it turned out that he forgot to get a lighter. The French held a child in his hand, beautiful The woman was holding a child and was pregnant with the third one. The Jew was the last to come out. He clenched the prison director's hand and said, "I have been in contact with the outside world every day for the past three years. My business has not stopped, but has grown." 200 percent, I'm going to give you a Rolls-Royce as a thank you!'"

"Brother, you are not imprisoned for three years, but imprisoned for a lifetime. In the words of your country, your story is chicken soup."

"Yes, it is indeed chicken soup, but there is a certain truth. Now the international column is my company. Although I have lost my freedom, I can contact you by phone at any time. Although the current company is weak, I believe that it will eventually I can be the strongest, I believe in your ability, and I believe in my own ability. When you really have enough strength to save me, I will never be polite to you. I will let you put it in an order. I was rescued, but not now."

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time." Tom said very unwillingly.

"In short, don't worry too much. Right now, the Shengluer Kingdom and the North Sea Parliamentary State are at war. We have to take advantage of the fisherman as much as possible, and soon, the international column will absorb new blood. I am very optimistic about the future."

In less than a year, the student council president Kutak will graduate successfully, and a large number of third-year students will definitely join the international column.

Talents from all over the world gather in one team, how powerful will this be?

Suddenly, Li Ergou's cell phone vibrated, and it was a message from Pu Xiaoxiao with a file attached.

"Wait a minute, Tom."

Li Ergou temporarily hung up the call with Tom, and then switched to Twitter.

"Mr. Li Ergou, I did it. Dad really got a lot of weapon blueprints through his relationship, so please praise me."

"I didn't expect you to actually get it. Thank you so much, Xiaoxiao."

"Hey, Mr. Li Ergou asked me for help. I will definitely help. After all, Mr. Li Ergou helped me save my life."

"It's not a life-saving grace. It was my job to save you from the kidnappers at that time."

"For Mr. Li Ergou, it's work, but for me it's the first love." Pu Xiaoxiao asked, "Mr. Li Ergou, do you want to go to work together?"

"I'll talk to you later, I'm talking about work now."

"Alright then, I'll wait for you, and Mr. Li Ergou tell me the account password, I'm already in the first rank, and we can't play double row together again after I move up the rank, I'll give you a score. ."

Checked Pu Xiaoxiao's record.

Good guy, one page green.

The winning rate is as high as 78%, and the only games that have been lost are also SVIP.

In terms of games, she is simply a god-like existence.

After handing her the account password, Li Ergou immediately began to look at the blueprint for the production of weapons. Although some academic theories are needed as a basis, Li Ergou can generally understand it, and even if there is something he doesn't understand, he can use the Internet. It is very convenient to search on.

With these technologies far surpassing contemporary weapons, repelling intruders is a snap.

However, the establishment of factories requires funds, and some raw materials for making weapons also require trade to maintain. Although the weapons of the international column are very advanced, it is not like the game world can have unlimited bullets.

When the invincible international column runs out of bullets, it is difficult to continue to maintain its advantage.

So the most urgent need right now is to build a factory that can supply weapons continuously.

After explaining his ideas to Tom, Tom agreed.

However, the funds to build the factory are somewhat stretched.

Li Ergou thought about it, and finally decided to call the man. Among the people Li Ergou knew, no one knew money better than him.

That man was Louis XIV.

Chapter 189 A Gift with a Clearly Priced Price

Since the Fars Federation defeated the Shengluer Kingdom, according to the terms of victory, they naturally replaced the trade line between the Shengluer Kingdom and the Eastern Continent Empire, and became one of the Western Continent countries with the most frequent trade with the Eastern Continent Empire.

In the maritime trade between the East and the West, the most in short supply is not the silk, porcelain or tea of ​​the Eastern Continent Empire, but a flower called tulip.

After the introduction of tulips into Xizhou Continent, they completely detonated the market of Xizhou Continent in a short period of time. Many dignitaries and dignitaries will put tulips in the most conspicuous places as ornaments and luxury goods to show off to others and attend ballroom parties. They would also pin tulips on the jacket pockets of their suits. This ethos first appeared in Fenglu City in the Kingdom of Shengluer. This capital advocating glitz and luxury made the seeds of tulips rise rapidly to a very high price. s price.

After defeating the Shengluer Kingdom, the Fars Federation, which took over the maritime trade, naturally also got the tulip trade. Since tulips are unusual for the nobles, the price of tulips is also getting higher and higher. The Fars Federation The people of the country have become fanatical about this plant. Gradually, when people buy tulips, they no longer consider the value that tulips can bring.

In just a few months, the price of tulips has rapidly climbed from the price of high-quality cheese to the price of a horse. After seeing the price of tulips soaring, speculation made the merchants of the Fars Federation decide to stock up on tulips. The seeds of tulips, and after profiteers hoarded the seeds of tulips, the prices skyrocketed even more uncontrollably. In the stock exchange of the Federal State of Fars, there are many people who sell their properties in order to invest in tulips, because it turns out that as long as the investment is Tulips can make you rich, and it is this kind of words that make countless civilians in the Fars Federation rich.

"We defeated the Kingdom of Shengluer, so we deserve to get riches!"

Prices have been completely out of balance, and tulips have doubled again.

Today, a rare tulip seed that has been carefully cultivated can already buy a mansion in a good location in the capital Netherlands.

But what they don't know is that the tulip dream of getting rich is about to be shattered, and an unprecedented disaster is waiting for them.

Louis XIV was sitting on the throne of the Royal Palace of Fenglu City, flipping through a book in his hand. Suddenly, he seemed to see a sentence that he thought was good, and he read it aloud:

"She was too young at that time to know that all the gifts from fate had already marked the price in secret."

"What book are you reading, Your Majesty?" asked the girl standing behind Louis XIV.

Looking back at this girl from a commoner who lost her parents, Louis XIV said softly:

"A book called The Beheaded Queen, my dear Lotte."

"I'll take a look when I get a chance."

"Well, I also recommend that you read more books, not just military and economic books, they are too boring, and occasionally you should read some novels that can calm your soul, read their stories, you will feel that you have changed An identity, a different gender, and a new life in another world."

Louis XIV looked at the girl tenderly.

Lotte lowered her head shyly, as if she did not dare to look at Louis XIV.

"Your Majesty, are you really not marrying other girls?"

"I love only you, Lotte."

"But I am a commoner, and the nobles who want to marry you are aristocrats. Marrying them is of great benefit to your dominance. People like me will only bring shame to your nobility."

"If I marry a **** a utilitarian basis, I think that would be a shame to my nobility."

"His Majesty…"

Lotte hugged Louis XIV tightly and smiled happily.

In order to deal with Duke Machiavelli, she once collected information as a chaperone.

In order to conceal his own purpose, Louis XIV also had excessive indulgence, but in fact Louis XIV was not close to alcohol at all. After becoming king, Louis XIV would go to the bar for a few weeks to occasionally drink two glasses of wine. He was very restrained and never drank. drunk.

In terms of government affairs, Louis XIV made great efforts to rule, and established a great prestige in the military, political circles and civilians.

At this moment, James Child, the chief financial officer with the nationality of the North Sea Parliament and the president of the Central Bank of Shengluer Kingdom, walked into the hall of the palace.

"James, welcome!"

"Your Majesty, when you deliberately let the Kingdom of Shengluer lose to the Federation of Fars, it was really a bad move," James said on one knee, "My brother Nathan in the North Sea Parliamentary Kingdom is ready for the next move. "

"Very good, next, we should burst the bubble of the Fars Federation. When they are proud to think that they can show off their power in the Shengluer Kingdom, they should expect that this is a gift with a clear price. ."

The Shengluer Kingdom lost the war, but took this opportunity to put the economy of the Fars Federation into crisis.

The next step is to acquire a large number of high-quality assets of the Fars Federal State after the fiscal deficit of the Fars Federal State.

This is the ultimate goal of Louis XIV.

In the war, he lost to the Fars Federal State, but in fact, the Fars Federal State had to pay a more painful price than victory.

"Do it, don't be merciful, in this world only money is the eternal truth, and he is even more loyal than the hound."

A few days later, an unprecedented collapse shook the market in the Federal State of Fars, the seeds of tulips were sold in large quantities, and the public immediately began to panic. The price of tulips fell as fast as they were on a roller coaster. The price of tulips has dropped by 90%, and the price of common varieties of tulips is the same as that of a cabbage.

Immediately following the wave of bankruptcy, the market collapsed, and the civilians who originally had a room and a living room became homeless in an instant. People who hoped to make a lot of money from tulips even jumped off the building to commit suicide, and they even sang and danced a few days ago. The crime rate in the streets of Shengping Guotai Min'an is increasing.

And all of this is the result of winning the tulip trade right after defeating the Kingdom of Shengluer.

After seeing that the economy of the Fars Federal State was completely withered, the capitalists in the neighboring countries in suits and ties rushed to the territory of the Fars Federal State and looted those high-quality assets, especially the wealthy aristocrats of the Shengluer Kingdom. It is even more dominant. In the Fars Federal State Stock Exchange, the scene of capitalists from various countries snapping up the wealth of the Fars Federal State looks exactly the same as the hyena eating the meat of the elephant.

Louis XIV was particularly satisfied to see the astronomical figures in the account.

In his eyes, money is the eternal truth.

Chapter 190 Trying to Negotiate

At night, Louis XIV glanced at the bank account again and felt very satisfied.

Since this economic crisis, the Fars Federation has been trampled under the feet of the Kingdom of Shengluer, and will never be able to turn over.

This country was no longer a threat to Louis XIV.

Looking at the map, Shengluer Kingdom currently has a total of five neighboring countries. In terms of size, only the North Sea Parliamentary Country and the Azure Empire can be called rivals. The rest of the countries are small countries and can be ignored.

"Your Majesty, are you still resting?"

Lotte, who was wearing a maid uniform, stood respectfully behind Louis XIV and asked cautiously.

But Louis XIV was still pacing in front of the map.

"The war in Sri Lanka is so exciting that I can't sleep."

"Your Majesty, do you have to obtain the gold mines of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka?"

"Yeah, unless the gold in this world becomes as cheap as sand and stone, I will not give up, or I will win the kingdom of Sri Lanka."

"How can gold be as cheap as sand and stone? You told me, Your Majesty, that we all adhere to the gold standard all over the world, and gold is money."

"Actually gold has no meaning, in fact its actual value is not as good as a piece of bread, a piece of clothing full of patches, but we still hold gold high because it is scarce, irreplaceable, easy to trade, if it is everywhere It can be seen that people will no longer have to fight for gold, just like we will not fight for sand and gravel." Louis XIV said calmly, "Lotte, my purpose is not gold itself, I want to use gold to finally get the weight that defines the value of each country’s currency. I want to use gold to manipulate the exchange rate of a country, so that the world will become a puppet in our hands. The rich are not powerful, the real power is India. money man."

Looking at the blond man, Lotte's eyes were filled with admiration and love.

"One day, Your Majesty will succeed."

"Of course, in this world, I will never lose to anyone."

Even though he is too weak to practice martial arts, and he cannot practice magic without the source of magic, he still chose a path that suits him the most.

"In the battle for Sri Lanka, we will definitely win. Marshal De Gaulle, Admiral Leclerc, Catroull and Tassini are all good generals who can be trusted. As long as we fight steadily, the North Sea Parliamentary State will surely win. Driven out of Sri Lanka by my army!"

Louis XIV drank the awake red wine and carefully read the battle report recently returned from the colony. It was time for the Royal Army of Shengluer, who was ridiculed by the Western Continent countries for losing to a small country, to wake up again.

At night, Louis XIV closed his eyes, and he used to go to bed before one o'clock, because often the next day, as a king, he still had many government affairs to deal with, and as a king, he had almost no freedom to enjoy life.

But he did not feel sadness and pain.

This is the path that Louis XIV himself chose.

After falling into a deep sleep late at night, a strange music appeared in his mind, this kind of rhythm he had never heard before, and the sound seemed to be calling him.

"who is it?"

Louis XIV knew that he was dreaming, but he still asked aloud.

"it's me."

A familiar voice came from Louis XIV's ears. Although he was busy with work after becoming king, he had to see countless people every day.

However, when the prince with an excellent memory heard the man's voice, he immediately identified the owner of the voice.

"Isn't this my half-brother? I didn't expect that I would dream of you in my dreams!"

"This is not a dream, His Majesty Louis XIV."

This voice sounds ethereal, but it seems to be close at hand.

Such a wonderful feeling is not a dream?

Louis XIV did not believe it.

"What is it if it's not a dream?"

"I used magic to get in touch with you."

"I see, I didn't expect you to master such a powerful magic, Brother Li, it's amazing."