MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Task Team Appears Two

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Qingerei has always been in contact with the antenna body, so from time to time, the lens that appears in the antenna's head has not broken, and she has already been weak because of looking at this close-to-live lens, coupled with the antenna's ability to move the mouth Hum, if it weren't for the broad daylight of the campus, Qin Gelei had been completely taken down by the antenna.

With regard to Qin Gelei's power, she was constantly struck by the antenna's YY scene, and in a short breath, she hugged the antenna and said:

"Antenna, are we progressing too fast, and we realize that it is less than an hour now. Will anyone laugh at us now?"

"I said, regardless of other people's vision and ideas, we have to live ourselves."

The antenna said that his mouth was buckled again, but he occasionally opened his eyes but looked extremely dignified. Now that other teams have entered, he has to prepare in advance.

After a while, Qin Gelei couldn't resist, the endless hi-screen impact in the antenna head, she couldn't bear without personnel, and eventually forced her to return to the bedroom to wash.

When Qinge Lei ran back to school with a blushing face, the antenna knocked on the headset and said to the cute bear trying to control the intensity of the shock wave:

"Now you be careful, your powers are not strong or special, and will not be recognized by other task teams for the time being, but I will know them for a long time at most, and then a little inquiring to know that you and me are a group, in the school They don't dare to do anything to you and me, but they have to be prepared. "

Not far away, Meng Xiong nodded and continued training. The antenna rubbed his face and went into the school with a smile. In front of the gate, Li Qianhuan looked a little unhappy. The antenna stepped forward and asked:

"Sister Qianhuan, what's upset?"

Li Qianhuan said:

"A group of people came just now. The guy named Bill actually ate my tofu. I gave him an energy bomb, but he was smashed by his fists that turned into steel."

The antenna said in his heart:

"Oh, I actually eat your tofu. It seems I must find a chance to clean them up. Do you know what other people's powers are?"

The antenna can have an excuse. His brothers Meng Xiong and Li Qianhuan are already equivalent to lovers. Someone takes advantage of his brother's woman to find a place. It can be regarded as universal in the world.

Li Qianhuan frowned and said:

"This group of people is very powerful. Before they came here, they took a walk around the school. Except for Bill, all the abilities they showed were terrifying. Johnson could be turned into a beast with extreme strength and speed. Compared to Hank It's fierce, and Bol will penetrate the wall. It seems that he has other abilities that have not been shown;

Oba donkey has stealth technology, strong and sturdy but sensitive, it is not easy to deal with it. Milan Sisco shows fire control, but I see his stature as if he has wind power.

The last Barbara has a particularly confusing power. Just when Qin Gelei ran in, she hit the piano on purpose, but the woman was very beautiful, because the fox spirit was annoying. "

This group of people showed absolutely only part of the power, just like the antenna himself, he took out the unique ability to deal with women's unparalleled robbery fingers as power, in fact, his strongest cultivation is not the unparalleled stunt but the joy of zen body protection. Furious, it is estimated that it will not work to resist the sniper rifle bullet, but he will not be able to kill him. The power actor is at least the kind of steel force or Wolverine.

This group of people must have watched the movie, especially Barbara You. This woman actually hit the piano, intentionally. It must be to copy the phoenix power and telepathy of the piano, and what other people have copied some powers. But temporarily unable to know.

Talking to Li Qianhuan in front of the gate, the antenna returned to the room alone. In front of the passage of the room, he saw six people captured by the camera. Among the five men, Johnson was a black man, and he ignored the surroundings indifferently. Crowd, as for the woman Barbara, her blond hair is no less than deep, long legs, and the corner of her mouth with peach blossoms expresses spring;

When Barbara saw the antenna approaching the door and was about to open the door, she shook the big **** pier and walked to the door. The super big mum grunted on the shoulder of the antenna and said:

"Listen to your name, Antenna. It's a cute name. I'm Barbara. Meet me."

The antenna had already opened the door of the room. He did like to treat his sister. Even Barbara looked good. If he could slap it, he would never think about it at this moment.

Barbara had just copied the power of the Phoenix and telepathy of Chingore, and after two new students came in before they got there, their people wondered if they were infiltrating the hostile squad.

Of course, Barbara did not try to detect many secrets when she touched the antenna. Everyone knew that she could not detect any news about the main god. She just wanted to know what the antenna is thinking now.

But under this induction, Barbara almost weakened with powerlessness ~ ~ At this moment, the antenna's mind is fantasizing all kinds of Barbara.

The antenna fantasizes and laughs with Barbara's heart while fantasizing:

"What about Barbara? It's good to know each other. I live in this bedroom. How about you?"

Barbara hurried back more than a foot, and she has always been enchanting others. This time, she felt the high-speed YY images in the antenna head all the time. What kind of result the king is.

"I live in a room with Tina. These are my partners. They live next to you. Let's talk when we have time. We have to clean up the room."

Barbara quickly said and turned to leave. She didn't want to continue to look at the pictures of her being in the antenna. All the pedestrians entered the most corner room. Barbara was waiting to speak. The man hissed and took out an instrument to probe around, and after a while he installed a special device in four corners of the room before saying:

"Without a monitor, the sonic agitation ripples have been activated, and now our conversation in the room is absolutely safe, Barbara, did you get any information from the other party?"

Barbara shook her head hotly:

"The other person is just a hungry demon in the same color. The moment I touched him, I actually sensed in his head that he was dreaming about seven or eight kinds of pictures that would crack me, but I couldn't see anything else."

Bill narrowed his pupils and said:

"It seems that he is indeed a member of other task teams. Our mission to kill the Cowboys is to support the X-Men, kill Apocalypse and members of the enemy team, and notify the members of the enemy team as the first team. A free squad exists, killing any quester can get two thousand experience points, which is very good for us. "