MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 515 I already said

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Tang Yan's ears moved. At this time, news has been heard from the Red Queen. Hundreds of millions of battleships and countless masters of the avenues and heavens are besieging his warships, but he said without anxiety:

"Small robbery, really can't avoid it? Then don't avoid it. I never care about finding someone who is dead."

He did not need to worry. His warships were like a few powerful men in the state. Those attackers came as many as death, but he knew a little bit about the meaning of the robbery. Mr. Shenji counted almost all the great forces in Hongmeng. Will come to besiege him, if he goes to take revenge one by one, perhaps it will kill hundreds of millions of times those who attack.

Tang Yue mumbled and didn't take any shots, but sat down on his knees, looking at the four powerful statesmen in Phantom Valley. He shook his head and patted his mind, and the light of billions of laws rose to the sky to form a world. Beam of light.

"I have the Tao, depriving the four Taoist practitioners of the law, energy, sentiment, and any practice."

Tang Yue said in a loud voice, that the face of rebirth and death was a change, because at the moment when Tang Yue talked, a strange power like a magical monument that devoured the sky had wrapped them.

There is a peak, depriving everything. As long as he is a practitioner who understands the law, whether it is Hongmeng or Chaos, Tang Yue can arbitrarily make the practitioners below his level do nothing.

The law of energy in the human body such as desperate life came out like a dyke, and a few people had exhausted their lamps and dried up, and the revival trembled:

"What is it?"

Tang Yan said with a smile:

"There is no way, there is a way, there is a way to the top. As long as I am lower than me, I can wipe out the entire Hongmeng monk at any time. You should be glad that I am not a killer, or I will besiege my ship. None of the people and their forces will remain, now it depends on how long they can persist. [] "

Indeed, it all depends on how long those who come to attack can withstand. After the red, they control the battleship to attack with full force. Every second, thousands of powerful people die. And those battleships have already been completely destroyed. Billions of people have died.

The resurrection and desperate eyes looked at each other, and the two protectors lowered to them could not bear the strong pressure of the floating island and crushed the body of the ordinary person. At this time, the soul deprived of the true spirit had fallen into the water of Xuanhe River. As for offending the reincarnation masters of Hongmeng, what will happen to them? Only in Xuanshui will they know what it is like.

"Kacha ..."

Two crackling sounds, the resurrection and the desperation died at the same time, and four thunderous thunders were heard continuously between the heavens and the earth, and then the whole Hongmeng began to pour down a **** rain.

Demon and Saint disappeared, because it was self-banned and there was no sign of horror, and death was swallowed by the magical magic monument. There is no sign of horror. Now Tang Yun has killed four powerful statesmen. Although there is no power to blow the dust, it is because he was killed. Yes, the signs of the disappearance of the state of affairs appeared, plus the four thunders before, the masters who were besieging the Tangyu spacecraft took a moment to start and escaped.

"Master, we can release sub-ships to chase them down, and we can catch up even if we escape from Hongmeng."

After the red voice came, Tang Yan looked through the floating island. After a while, the battleship had destroyed most of his opponents. The whole land on the edge of the holy mountain city blew into a river and a body and debris fell around. , Burning battleships still illuminate the surroundings in the blood rain.

Tang Yan appeared in the spacecraft and said:

"Forget it, I won't play killing and killing, I won't chase them, this is the second kill of Hongmeng."

"Where are we going now?" Hou asked.

"Back to Earth ..."

In Tang Yu's voice, the entire spacecraft disappeared into the Hongmeng world. He caused the robbery this time, but few people saw it, and no one even knew his name.

Earth, an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean. In a basement room, Tang Ying and his statue face each other. The statue gradually turns into a powder in Tang Yan's eyes, and a hint of aura flew from the powder into Tang's body. Dissipated, he opened his palm and whispered:

"Fusion ... There is a way after there is no way. There is only a way to destroy Hongmeng. One turn, two turns, three turns, and one party can break through. I am Tang Yan ... The source code is actually myself. It ’s just that I came out of the first calamity, the second calamity was caused by me, and the time of the three calamities was great. ”

"the host......"

In the coquettish voice after the red, Tang Yan smiled and walked to the stone house next to him. There is a huge white light ball in the stone house. The red back pointed at the light ball and said:

"There are a lot of fun things in this **** god space. The mushroom ranger is the most fun. The fat pineapple actually absorbed the real dragon to train in the **** god space in this **** god boxing. It is very bullish, but the laughter is so **** and actually puts Kong Ci gave Lily and let Nie Feng carry the pot. "

Tang Yan went up and glanced at him with a smile:

"The Mushroom Rangers have developed well. Seeing that they trust each other and that their combat skills are not bad, it is occasionally that some individuals are too inferior ..."

"Well, I don't know how they grew up, hey ..."

After the red said, she was suddenly shocked, and Tang Yan nodded his head with a glance:

"This is also their chance. The Lord God World will also create a future for them. Maybe I should lurk in and feel the life of this team."

"Then you also take a title?" Houhou giggled.

Tang Yan nodded and said:

"Of course, isn't pineapple terrific? I just don't care about pineapple skin ..."

In the laughter, Tang Yan didn't just arrange to enter the world of the main **** he set up ~ ~ he also had a bigger task. After a break, he must start Hongmeng's third round of robbery .. ....

Tang Yuan is Tang Yuan. When he achieves the Heavenly Way, the existence of Tang Ye will never appear on the billions of planes. The statue he merged with before is Tang Yuan himself. This is what he has cultivated to himself. There is no more power to condense after the breakthrough, and then the true spirit reappears and grows on the earth.

Being arrested to study the source code activates the power in the true spirit, which can cross the plane and practice again. This time he once again surpassed the state to break through the way, but he found that he was still unable to break through this level.

Tang Yan flicked his fingers into the world of the Lord God, and he murmured in a dim space with a touch of his palm:

"There is no way, there is way, and the way is broken. It seems that Hongmeng's third killing has to be released, but it is no longer interesting to continue playing through the planes, then I will go to the future Star River era."

Tang Yan's figure flickered into the secret room of the island, and after looking up, she looked up at her head and said to herself:

"I don't know how many sisters he will get back this time. Right, and the avatars who entered the world of the Lord God, hey ..."

End of book

(Refers to the text of the source code of this plane, the plane plane source code is connected to the plane plane trouble king, the third round of robbery is the Promise Xingyuan Road, three vests write one, and the first two books are Hongmeng The content just paves the way for Promise Xingyuan Road.

Next, I will write the extras connected with the troublemaker king. It does not affect the previous content. You can watch them at will, but if you want to watch, you must connect with the troublemaker's fanview. Although they are independent, some content is connected. If it is The Promise of Promise Xing Yuan can be finished, and the third related fan is also expected to write. The three books together are the stories of Tang Yan. ).

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