MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 50 The taste of mice

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Bibibo didn't know what Tang Ye said, and in an instant, Tang Yi threw all the arrested people into the isolation cabin, ejected a syringe from the wall and hit him on the neck of locked Lewis. Bo hurriedly cried:

"Don't stop telling me this way, I said everything."

Tang Tang shook his head and said:

"I won't do this to you, don't worry, they should wake up too."

In the laughter of Tang Yan, Lewis and others woke up one after another and saw Tang Yan outside the isolation capsule. Lewis blinked his eyes and looked around. The weapons in the hands of the two soldiers were still there.

"Mr. Tang Yun, if you accept our appointment in the United States to participate in the test, we will give you a luxury green car villa and a beautiful woman. We can provide as long as you want."

"Green card dollar luxury car beauty?"

Tang Yan sneered, how much he wanted these things. For him now, he lives freely and strives for stronger power. This is what he wants. He has no interest in enjoying life. When wealth is like a cloud to him, people's pursuits are completely different.

Lewis saw a little disdain in Tang Yan's eyes, but he motioned to the two soldiers who raised their guns and aimed at Tang Yan not to act arrogantly. How they got here is still unclear. As the director of the war room, Lewis must understand the situation and say .

"Mr. Tang can get us all, I don't know what happened to the Hamilton?" Lewis tried to ask.

Tang 铨 Haha laughed:

"It has exploded. It was your own missile that exploded. It was spectacular. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture. You want to know where it is, and if your senior executives know that you have been captured, right?

I'll show you where it is, so you don't have to worry about it, there is still a good show in a moment. "

The spacecraft took off above the Earth-moon orbit, Tang Ying released the isolation capsule again, and Lewis and others saw the distant earth and the moon not far away moving slowly.

Tang Tang smiled as he watched a group of people floating in the isolation cabin:

"See, you are in space, it may be difficult to contact them, and the surrounding signals are shielded. No electronic product can send signals."

"How did you do that?" Lewis asked still still.

Tang Tang took a look at Lewis's eyes. The bloodshot in it was expanding rapidly with the weightlessness. He retracted the compartment and looked at the people who fell into a ball and said:

"You take me as a test product, and dare to chase and intercept along the way to kill me, then I will let you try how scary the zombie virus will be."

Before Lucis and others had stood up, the virus in Lewis had broken his mind. He was constantly trembling, and the two soldiers hurriedly yelled:

"General, are you okay?"

"嗷 ..."

Lewis roared and turned to bite one of the soldiers' necks. The people around him hurriedly pulled away Lewis and the soldiers, watching his eyes quickly turn into dead gray Lewis. Bibbabo rushed to the glass wall and slammed:

"Please, let me go. I don't want to be a mouse."

Tong Tang looked expressionlessly at the soldier who was bitten and became a zombie and began to bite the person next to him. He murmured in his mouth:

"This is what it feels like to be a mouse, do you know now? If I didn't have serum control in my hands in this world, I would even release the virus across the United States and make all Yankees become zombies."

Bibabo was lying on the glass wall in despair, but the crowds who had become zombies would care so much. Four zombies rushed behind him, gripped their necks, and even Lewis hugged his feet. Bibabo spewed blood from his mouth, but his eyes turned into zombie as despair disappeared and he began to hit the glass wall.

Without a live mouth, Tang Yue started the cleaning laser net in the isolation cabin to cut all the zombies, and even after they were put into the incinerator to burn to ashes, the hidden base of the moon was established two days later, and five hundred automatic vacuum decomposing vehicles began to set off. This kind of automatic decomposing vehicle does not only decompose helium III. These dusts contain more than a hundred kinds of minerals. As long as they are decomposed, various raw materials that are initially purified will be obtained. Re-purification in the base will result in high-purity materials.

Twenty-five vehicles can sweep 5,000 square kilometers every day. Tang Yan plans to maintain it until two years later, when the resources he needs will be almost the same.

Do a good job of the safety measures of the base and the auto-decomposer. Tang Yan drove the stealth battleship directly out of the city near his hometown. He bought an off-road vehicle in the city and got the license plate. After the pile of things, he drove in the direction of his hometown.

For most of the day, Tang Yan drove down the provincial highway and turned to the township highway. He finally entered a village road that was only three meters and five meters wide from the halfway, avoiding pedestrians all the way. Qibali Road drove for half an hour and reached the village entrance. In front of the village committee, Tang Yan pressed the horns for a while, and an old man smoking a leaf smoke came out a short while. UU read a book When he saw Tang Yan who burst out of his car, the old man laughed. :

"Erhei, your kid is back. I often clean up your house and house."

Tang 铨 laughed:

"Uncle Niu, thank you very much. I went to your house for a drink at night. By the way, I called Uncle Liu and San Ye."

The old man is Tang's neighbor and the boss of this village. He has no oil or water in this remote country. There are many things every day. He patted Tang's car and laughed:

"There is a car, yes, but your third-father can't drink anymore. This year's grave has grown three feet long. He also said that he plans to drink your wedding. Who knows that your kid won't come back for a few years, this is not your sixth uncle. Chopping bamboo up the mountain is also a waste. Your six and three are tired. "

Tang Yan shook his head. This is the inside of the mountain ridge. There are limestone formations all over the ground. It is said that there are coal seams and pyrite tens of miles away. But those jobs are also changed. A dozen people in the village work in coal mines, although the wages are high. Xiaoyanglou was repaired, but his body collapsed.

There are also many people who are unwilling to go to the coal mine, so most of the young people have left the mountain village to work outside. Tang Yan is one of them, but he did not take long to find a way to get his passport to Africa, and he studied hard. Hard-working spirit, he worked hard from skirmishes to form a small team. In a few years, he still got millions of dollars. In addition to returning some to his hometown, some were originally intended to go home and build a house to find his wife and have children. of.

Unexpectedly, someone was asked to pay a high price to Las Vegas to teach the method of manufacturing air bombs, and then everything changed. He learned from Bibibo that he had entered the brain waves of a taxi driver and found himself. The secret thing is that I have seen myself as a taxi driver on a parallel plane.