MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 215 messenger on the raft

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That was about...a few days ago.

Great route, new world!

As I said before, it is an extremely dangerous sea area.

The sea conditions are changing almost all the time, and the so-called "calm and calm" has become a rare spectacle that very few people can see.


At this moment, the sky began to slowly become gloomy.

Under the thick clouds in the sky, it was as heavy as steel.

That's a sign of a storm.

A pirate captain is standing on the deck, one eye is staring at the record pointer on his wrist, and the other hand is holding a chart, daring not to relax.

"Left full rudder, let's go back and step back beyond the clouds!"

Such an order naturally caused confusion among many crew members.

The deputy captain was a little surprised: "Captain, we have been sailing for three weeks, and we are about to find the uninhabited island where the treasure is hidden. Why are we returning now?"

The pirate captain glanced at his co-captain and pointed to the thick cloud above them.

"It's been more than ten years since I switched from a navigator to become a captain, what kind of wind and waves have you never seen before?"

"Do you know what this astronomical phenomenon is called now?"

The deputy captain shook his head and said he didn't know.

"This celestial phenomenon has a common name on the great route, called 'runaway hurricane'!"

The pirate captain said in a deep voice.

But this explanation did not make the deputy captain understand, what is so terrible about this astronomical phenomenon.

A 'out of control' hurricane?

Are hurricanes still out of control?

The pirate captain gritted his teeth, and while commanding the crew to return at full speed, he explained:

"The so-called 'out of control' does not mean a hurricane, but that this kind of hurricane can make the ship in it seem to be out of control, and it can't grasp the direction of progress at all!"

"At that time, where our ship will be scraped, we will have to resign, understand?"

"oh oh!"

The deputy captain nodded again and again.

It's a pity that this reckless man who only knows how to fight with a knife cannot fully understand this special weather phenomenon.

But the pirate captain did not intend to explain too much.

Looking at the current situation, it won't be long before the deputy captain will be able to experience it for himself.


After about half an hour.

An out-of-control hurricane hit, slightly affecting the pirate ship on the edge of the storm.

But even so, it was still a gust of wind and waves!

The deputy captain grabbed the railing with one hand and felt the hull shaking violently, his expression still a little dissatisfied.

He frowned slightly and said, "Captain, are you too cautious? Because of your relationship, our pirate group has broken through a lot of wind and waves!"

"We don't know how much we have experienced this kind of small-scale weather. The big deal is drifting to an unknown place. Let's explore it again."

The co-captain put it lightly.

Hearing this, the pirate captain sighed softly, and directly slapped the chart in his hand on the deputy captain's face.

"You **** who only knows how to fight, show me who's territory is around here!"

The deputy captain took a look at the chart from his face, and his face suddenly became ashen, and he still reacted in his heart, why his own captain was so cautious.

The pirate in command of the nearby waters is one of the four emperors, [Beasts] Kaido!

This time, the deputy captain finally understood why his own captain was facing the enemy.

In case the out-of-control hurricane took their ship all the way and accidentally strayed into Kaido's territory, it would be too late to cry!

——Even if they are just ordinary treasure hunt pirates.

Among the Four Sovereigns, [Whitebeard] and [Redhead] are very moral people. As long as there is no confrontation, the threat is not too big.

And the two guys [Aunt] and [Beasts] are one of the many taboos in the new world.

Very few people can escape safely after breaking into their territory and being discovered, and they have to pay the corresponding price!

Such a terrible thing, Captain Pirate certainly didn't want to happen to him and his crew.


The deputy captain took a breath and immediately turned to command.

Their ship is not yet fully out of control of the hurricane, so there is still a risk of being caught.

But at this moment, the lookout above the mast suddenly made a noise and said loudly: "There is a situation at seven o'clock!"

As soon as these words came out, the captain and co-captain's heart suddenly shook.

Is it the ship of the Beast Pirates?

No, is it really so unlucky?

The two quickly pulled out the binoculars around their waists and looked in the direction the lookout said.

It doesn't matter at this point, the two of them suddenly felt a little less fear, and then a little more doubt.

What appeared in their eyes was a "boat".

No, it's not so much a boat, it's a simple raft that goes out to fish near the sea!

On the raft, there was only a guy in a black-gray robe, and his face could not be seen clearly.

At this moment, the man in gray robe was sitting on the raft, drifting with the wind.

The victims?

Ordinary people who go out to sea? Or the pirates after the defeat?

Even an adventure group whose main business is treasure hunting is a pirate group after all.

Their hearts are not good enough to take the risk to rescue a guy whose identity is unknown on the territory of the Four Emperors.

What's more, they are all people who have been in the new world for a long time and know the rules of the new world.

The more "special" a guy is, the less he can rashly approach!

That kind of person has a terrifying "unknown" No one knows what kind of guy they are, what kind of character they have, and what kind of powerful strength they have.

So if you're at sea—especially in the New World, you'll just have to ignore it when you encounter such a puzzling situation.

A very simple way to deal with it, but very effective.

Therefore, the pirate captain gave an additional order not to make other moves to let the weird guy on the small raft notice them.

However, there are still people - even the pirate captain himself, who couldn't help but pick up the telescope in his hand and began to secretly observe the strange guy sitting alone on the small raft.

Who is it that can sit safely in such a violent storm?

Even if he has the ability to stabilize the raft in the strong wind and waves, isn't he afraid of being dragged into the territory of the Four Emperors?

Suddenly, the pirates discovered that the gray-robed man sitting on the raft had moved.

He got up from the raft and seemed to be looking up at what?

Such a scene naturally caused the captain and co-captain to break out in a cold sweat.

Did he notice us?


Soon, the two pirates discovered the difference.

The direction that the gray-robed man was facing was not the pirate ship on their side, but the depths of the storm!

What exactly is there?

Everyone turned to look.

Vaguely, it seemed that a fleet broke through the storm and rushed out!

And when they saw the black flag hanging on the fleet, they suddenly fell into an ice cave!


The pirate captain murmured.

After that, he exhausted his life's strength and shouted and ordered: "Run, get out of here at full speed!"

The black flag flying on that fleet represented a pirate group.

The Beast Pirates!

Purple Pen Literature