MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 41

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Hearing that the opponents were the two with the lowest seniority in the Flying Six Cells, Sachs relaxed a little.

But he still didn't dare to be careless. The reason was that Luo Xing was offered a reward of 330 million by the Navy for the first time. No one knew his exact strength.

Moreover, the number of opponents is several times that of theirs. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, the fourth team will definitely suffer heavy losses.

As the captain, Sage had to consider this.

"Turn on the horsepower of the ship and see if you can get rid of them."

Saqi gave the order, not giving the team members a chance to refute.

"This battle can't be fought if it can't be fought. As for Dad's face, Dad won't care about those false names. He cares more about the lives of our sons."

Saqi said so, what else could others say, so they had to obey the order unwillingly.

Ever since.

In this vast sea area, the warships of the Hundred Beasts and the pirate ships of the White Group started a chasing battle.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the speed of the warship of the Hundred Beasts is obviously faster, and the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

"Fire the cannon and sink all the cowards of Bai Tuan into the sea!"

When the distance reached the attack range of the shells, the Hundred Beasts immediately launched an artillery attack.

When the members of the Fourth Division heard the word coward, they immediately blushed and were furious.

Although Sage doesn't want to fight, but the matter has come to this point, he is not made of mud, so let's start the war!

Bai Tuan also fired back.

A sea encounter between the Four Royal Regiments officially kicked off.

Both sides came and went, and the sound of artillery fire shook the sky.

Peggy Wan said to a minion: "Get me a speedboat, I'm going to the opposite boat."

In the battle with Cracker, Peggy Wan lost face and was deeply ashamed. Of course he wanted to show himself well in this naval battle.

Luo Xing didn't stop when he saw this, after all, his goal was An An Guo, and he could only find it when he boarded the fourth team's boat.

Peggy Wan boarded a speedboat with only a few subordinates and quickly approached the white regiment's ship.

Saqi found out, and quickly commanded his team members: "Concentrate your firepower and sink that speedboat first!"

"Hmph, that's pretty cool, who do you think I am!"

Peggy Wan sneered, transformed into a human-beast form, and swept away all the flying cannonballs with his tail.

Then, he jumped suddenly, and the powerful jumping ability of the animal department allowed him to jump directly onto the boat of the fourth division.

"Whitebeard Pirates, let me test your strength and see if you are qualified to be called the strongest Four Emperors?"

"Arrogant boy, don't be too shameless!"

Even though the Fourth Division is not a combat team, what kind of cat or dog is it to be in the main team on the Whitebeard ship?

Several figures rushed towards Peggy Wan very fast, and their swords were covered with armed domineering.


Peggy Wan uttered a huge roar, and confronted those people without fear of death.

The battle began to change from artillery battle to hand-to-hand combat.

With Peggy Wan's restraint, more and more Beasts pirates boarded the fourth squadron's ship.

Saqi's face was ashen, the difference in strength between the two sides was several times, and hand-to-hand combat was extremely unfavorable to them.

"We can't go on like this, we have to kill several important figures from the Hundred Beasts to scare them away!"

Sage was ready to shoot.

Although he is only a chef and not very good at fighting, but compared to Marco, Joz and others, he is extremely powerful for ordinary pirates.

Saqi set his sights on Peggy Wan, the latter is Fei Liubao. If he can be killed or seriously injured, it will definitely damage the morale of the Hundred Beasts.

Although Peggy Wan was being entangled by other team members at the moment, and his sneak attack seemed ineffective, but he couldn't control that much at the moment.


Before he had time to make a move, suddenly an extremely dangerous premonition came to his mind, making the hairs all over his body stand on end.

Thatch suddenly turned around and looked up at the sky.

A tall young man with black hair and black eyes was standing in the air, holding a strange demon knife, looking down at him.

"Do you want your funeral to be held now, or a few days later?" Luo Xing asked slowly.

Chapter 54 Whitebeard

"This guy, when..."

Sa Qi was shocked, he had no idea when Luo Xing came to the sky above his head.

And what the other party said and the knife in his hand gave him an inexplicable sense of shock.

Sach took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At this time, he must not panic, otherwise the situation would only get worse.

He stared at Luo Xing firmly, and said coldly:

"My funeral? Although I'm just a cook, I've been around this sea for decades longer than you. You're too confident!"

Hearing this, Luo Xing couldn't help showing a trace of pity in his eyes.

"How about we make a deal?"

He suddenly said:

"You hand over all the treasures on your ship, including devil fruits, and I will immediately order my men to retreat."

Luo Xing's goal is Dark Fruit, it doesn't really matter whether he kills Sa Qi or not, since this person won't live long anyway.

"Oh, dreaming!" Saqi sneered and refused without thinking.

Thinking about it, the Bai Tuan and the Hundred Beasts had a deep hatred.

Kozuki Oden died at the hands of Kaido, and as early as on the Rocks ship, Whitebeard and Kaido didn't deal with it very much.

"Well, that's a pity. I wanted you to live a few more days."

Luo Xing sighed, then his eyes flickered coldly, and his murderous aura was revealed.

This place is not far from the white group's territory. Since Saqi didn't cooperate, he had to make a quick decision instead of thinking about increasing the defense.

The second generation Guiche instantly turned into a black sword, and Luo Xing swung a crescent-shaped slash.

Saqi's weapon is a pair of knives, the style is a bit like a kitchen knife, but it is in line with his status as a chef.

He also covered the two knives with armed domineering, and blocked them in front of him.

The crescent-shaped slash came in an instant, hitting his double sabers.

Saqi's expression suddenly changed, the force of this slash was far beyond his previous expectation, it actually made him take a few steps back before blocking the slash.

"What a strong force, this guy's strength is so strong?!"

Luo Xing has only recently become famous, but his strength is like a big pirate who has been in the sea for more than ten years.

However, Sa Qi had no time to be shocked, because Luo Xing had already disappeared from his original position and shifted to his side.

"Ghost Qi, One Sword Style, Purgatory, Shura!"

Sachi seemed to see pieces of pink cherry blossom petals flashing past his eyes, and then there was a huge black and red interlaced sword glow like death!

Sachs really turned pale with astonishment, his face full of disbelief.

He recognized that the pink cherry blossom petals should be the symbol of Liuzakura, and the man in front of him actually mastered the unique skill of Mi Tian back then!

In this short confrontation of a few breaths, Sa Qi already understood that he was not Luo Xing's opponent.

Although he is the captain of the fourth team, but mainly because of his old qualifications and early boarding, he is actually not at the forefront of the white team in terms of strength.

Otherwise, the person in the original book would not have been easily killed by Blackbeard.


Saqi was unwilling, but at this time, he could only mobilize all the armed domineering and strengthen his own defense.


There was a loud roar.

Sage was knocked into the air and hit the railing of the pirate ship behind.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the people around.

Seeing that their captain was injured, the members of the 4th squad of the Baituan immediately cried out, "Captain Saqi!"

Saqi coughed up blood, and there was a long knife mark on his chest, and the bones were faintly visible.

He was so badly injured that he couldn't even stand up for a moment.

"Father, it's not good. The Beast Pirates attacked Saki and the others, and the fourth team is in danger!"

On the Moby Dick, the scouts of the White Regiment ran over in a panic and shouted.


Phoenix Marco, Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Jozi, Foil Vista, and Yi Zang all changed their colors suddenly.

White Beard also tore off the bottle on his body, and asked in a deep voice:

"Where is the place of the battle?"

Only asking where the battle is, not who the enemy is, obviously even Kaido himself, Whitebeard is not afraid.

The investigators hurriedly marked the location on the map.

After Baibeard glanced at it, he stood up directly from the recliner, and gave an order that stunned everyone:

"Prepare the fastest ship, the old man will go to rescue Saqi himself!"

Hearing this order, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

It was Marco who took the lead and said, "Father, if you need to go out in person, I'll do it."

"Yeah, Dad, we'll bring Sage back safe and sound." Ace also said.

The others followed suit to persuade White Beard.

They all knew that their father's health was getting worse day by day, so it was really inappropriate to make a big move.

But the white beard glanced at them with majestic eyes, Cong Yunqie stomped on the ground fiercely, and shouted:

"Do you really regard me as a dying patient? I have a white beard!"

The old man got angry, and everyone immediately fell silent, not daring to persuade him any more.

White Beard continued:

"I know that you usually want to avenge Yutian, but I won't let you go. But Yutian is my brother, do you think I can bear this anger?"

"No need to say much, if I don't show off my power, I will really be looked down upon by Kaido!"

This is the real reason why Whitebeard decided to go out in person.

On the one hand, it was because of the death of Yu Tian that year, and he was still depressed to this day.

On the other hand, the Hundred Beasts Group dared to take the initiative to attack the fourth division of the White Group, and simply ignored his white beard.

How could Whitebeard tolerate it?

On the Rocks ship in the past, his white beard was the top powerhouse of Megatron, and Kaido was just a mere trainee pirate.

Even now that he is old and sick, he will never allow Kaido to ride on his head and show off his might!

Edward Newgate, even when he was dying, would not be afraid of any enemy. This is Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world!

Whitebeard set off, alone in the speedboat.

The captains on Moby Dick were full of helplessness, but at the same time, there was a trace of worry, worried that something would happen to the old man's health.

Marco comforted them and said: "Dad is right, it is indeed time to show off, otherwise people will think that we Whitebeard Pirates are easy to bully. As for Dad's body, you don't have to worry, I will follow and watch."