MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 34

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A servant with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes rolled his eyes, and suddenly leaned in front of the black charcoal snake, and said loudly:

"My lord, I understand. Kuang Si Lang must have kidnapped Miss Xiao Zi! The villain has noticed that Ku Si Lang's eyes on Xiao Zi are not quite right before, and he often follows Xiao Zi for no reason!"

The black charcoal snake was taken aback, and immediately his entire face turned purple, and he roared angrily:

"Kuangshilang, you traitor! You bastard! Where did you take Xiao Zi!"

The General's Mansion immediately issued a warrant for Kuangshilang.

Not to mention how angry Heitan Orochi was, and even killed several servants to vent his anger, just talk about the island of ghosts, in Kaido's palace.

Kaido is drinking.

Down below, Runti was yelling at him: "Kaido, quickly allow me a chance to challenge, that nasty guy actually injured Xiaopei like that, I must beat him like a pig's head!"

Peggy Wan and Foz Faw were also in the palace.

Peggy Wan had a helpless face: "Sister, stop talking. Also, can you show some respect to Boss Kaido?"

Runti glared angrily, baring her teeth and claws: "What are you talking about, Xiaopei, my sister wants to vent her anger for you, how dare you turn around and teach me a lesson!"

Cold sweat dripped from Peggy Wan's forehead, and he stammered, "No...don't dare."

Foz Fu next to him taunted:

"Runti, the only reason is to challenge the superiors. How can there be equal status? Luo Xing is now a Fei Liubao just like you and me."

Runti shouted: "I don't care so much, anyway, he hurt Xiaopei, I must get this place back!"

Kaido gulped down a large jug of wine, glanced at Runti, and didn't bother to talk to this brat.

Runti and Peggy Wan are the children of a certain pirate who has some relationship with Kaido. Kaido takes them in and is usually very tolerant to them.

Even if Runti didn't show much respect to his tone, Kaido didn't take it seriously.

Peggy Wan grabbed Runti's sleeve and said with rare solemnity:

"Sister, I have to find it myself. Wherever I fall, I have to get up!"

Peggy Wan's words made Kaido look sideways, and Kaido smiled and said:

"Well, Peggy Wan, only with such ambition can I be qualified to be Lao Tzu's subordinate!"

But Runti is still relentless.

Just as he was about to continue messing around, por por por p, someone's phone rang.

Everyone looked at it, and their pupils trembled immediately.

Because the shape of the phone bug is very strange, it turned out to be the phone number of Charlotte Lingling, the aunt who is tied for four emperors with Kaido!


Even Kaido stopped drinking.

"What is that dead old woman doing calling me?"

Kaido picked up the phone and said a greeting:

"Yo, Lingling, are you still alive?"

"Aren't you still alive, Kaido, you brat!"

Aunt's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Kaido Mama, the pair of enemies, the first sentence they came up with was good wishes to each other.

"Well, I really want to die, but I just can't die!"

Kaido took a sip of his wine.

"Okay, Lingling, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, what can I do with you?"

The aunt said in a screaming voice: "Kaido, my mother's men found a mine island, but it was snatched away by your **** men. If you are sensible, return it to my mother!"

Kaido was taken aback, and looked at Foz Fu.

Foz Fu rubbed his chin and thought about it: "It does seem that there is such a thing. That mining island is full of metal mines, which are necessary raw materials for the production of weapons."

Kaido's eyes brightened when he heard that, weapons are my favorite.

"Hey, Lingling, you are also a pirate. Pirates are respected by their strength, why should they be said first come first? That mine island belongs to Lao Tzu!"

The aunt was furious.

"Stinky boy, do you want to compete with the old lady! Don't forget, you still owe the old lady a huge favor!"

Kaido's mother is an old friend, and she was also a crew member of Rocks.

The fish fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon form that Kaido ate were actually gifts from Big Mom.

In this, ghosts would not believe that there is no adulterous love.

But Kaido doesn't care about these, he only needs weapons, Kaido grinned and said:

"Lingling, I have long forgotten about human feelings and inhuman feelings. In this sea, only strength is the foundation!"

Big Mom was so angry that she went crazy, and the volume was raised a thousand times, which made the eardrums of Foz Fu, Runti, and Peggy Wan ache.

"Kaido, you brat who is overconfident! Since you say that, don't blame me for being rude!"

Porphyrin, hang up the phone.

Foz Fordao: "Boss Kaido has completely **** Big Mom off, Big Mom will definitely send a large fleet to retake the mine island."

Then Foz Fowler volunteered.

"Boss Kaido let me go, I will let the Big Mom Pirates know how powerful our Hundred Beasts are!"

Kaido laughed, but he didn't agree with Foz Fu's request.

"No one knows that dead old woman better than me. She is not that stupid. It is impossible to send a large number of troops to fight with me."

The fight between the Four Emperors is not a joke, it will cause the whole world to shake.

And no matter who wins on both sides, it will inevitably be severely damaged.

In this case, the navy and even hostile forces may take advantage of it.

Although aunt is crazy, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing for a small mining island.

Kaido continued:

"But with that old woman's style, she definitely won't give up easily."

He glanced at Peggy Wan suddenly, and said with a smile:

"Peggy Wan, aren't you very unconvinced by Luo Xing's defeat? Well, I will give you another chance, go guard the mine island with Luo Xing, and meet the subordinates of that dead old woman, let me see your ability!"

Peggy Wan was so excited that he prostrated himself on the ground: "Thank you, Boss Kaido!"

Runti shouted, "I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Peggy Wan held her back: "Sister, this is a competition between me and Luo Xing, and I don't need anyone's help!"

Runti saw that Peggy Wan was not joking, but had really made up his mind. It seemed that losing to Luo Xing was a big blow to him.

Runtie hugged Peggy Wan's head with a whimper, and whimpered:

"My poor little brother has really grown up and doesn't need my sister's help."

Peggy Wan cried out inwardly.

Hey, don't treat me like a child, Boss Kaido is still watching, shame on me!

Peggy Wan broke free from her naturally dumb sister and fled in a hurry. A voice came from afar:

"Wait for my good news, Boss Kaido!"

Chapter 46 It's all about hard work

New World World, Cake Island.

The aunt was really mad by Kaido, and she yelled in a sharp voice: "My old lady's fish fruit back then is not as good as feeding a dog!"

The huge volume pierced the sky, and the people on Cake Island only felt their ears buzzing, and they were almost stunned.

As the second in command of the big mom group, Charlotte Katakuri, the leader of the four generals who is more important to the big mom group than the big mom herself, stepped forward and said:

"Mom, don't need to be angry, I'm going to take back that mine island."

The eldest son Perospero shook his head when he heard this.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Katakuri's strength, but that Katakuri is too important to the nations.

Because once something happens to the mother, such as eating cravings, only Katakuri has the ability to stop the crazy mother.

Moreover, a small mining island is not worthy of a second-in-command like Katakuri at all.

Especially since the Hundred Beasts are on the opposite side, the scale of the war should not be too large, otherwise it will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Perospero found an excuse and said to the aunt:

"Mom, let the crackers go. The cookie soldiers in the crackers are the most suitable for this kind of island war."

Big Mom, as Kaido said, is crazy but not stupid, and agreed to the proposal of the eldest son:

"Then let Cracker go out, remember to tell Cracker that I must give my mother a hard time beating up those **** of Beasts!"

Perospero was overjoyed in his heart, and his long tongue reached under his chin:

"Yes, Mom, I'll order the crackers."

at the same time.

Wano Country, Kuri.

Luo Xing was shirtless, standing in the middle of the training ground, motionless.

The sun shone on his bronze-colored muscles, and the blocks were distinct, like the most perfect statue.

His eyes were closed, and his breathing maintained a certain rhythm.


A breeze blew and the leaves rolled on the ground.

Luo Xing suddenly opened his eyes, his right arm instantly turned black, and the black was covered with a layer of fluid red armor.

Luo Xing waved his fist.

The fist obviously didn't touch the big tree in front of him, but the big tree shook violently.

Then, instead of snapping in half, the tree shattered from the inside with a bang.

Luo Xing was overjoyed, Liuying was becoming more and more proficient in his grasp, and soon he would be able to unshackle Yamato's wrists.

"Lord Luo Xing!"

Billy suddenly ran over sweating, panting and said:

"Master Peggy Wan is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Peggy Wan's figure appeared not far away.

Luo Xing glanced over, put on a coat, and said lightly:

"What are you doing here, Xiaopei, is Boss Kaido coming down with any mission?"

Peggy Wan twitched.

Xiao Pei, still call him Xiao Pei, abominable guy!

There was nothing he could do about his sister Runti calling him that.

But he couldn't bear to be called that by others.

Peggy Wan didn't respond to Luo Xing's question, but just walked up step by step, and every time he got closer, he could feel more and more unwilling anger suppressed on him.

Billy looked at Luo Xing, then at Peggy Wan, who had a gloomy face, swallowed his saliva, and left in a hurry.

The atmosphere between the two Fei Liufu adults is not right, isn't he courting death by staying here?

After Billy left, Peggy Wan stopped, stared at Luo Xing closely, and said loudly: