MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 29

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"You always make me unhappy today, and I will continue to teach you a lesson."

The mace danced again.

Luo Xing shook his head and laughed, Yamato would really play tricks on little girls sometimes, but this is also quite cute.

As long as he doesn't call himself Kozuki Oden, Yamato seems to Luo Xing to have strengths all over his body, especially his chest.

The two fought again.

But both sides restrained the strength of the fight. After all, with their strength, if they really fought, the cave would collapse soon.

And the movement will be very noisy, and it will be easily noticed by other people on the island of ghosts.

Luo Xing does not want his relationship with Yamato to be exposed for the time being.

The two of them practiced this time, but Yamato was just a step away from being a top powerhouse. He still caused moderate damage to Luo Xing several times even though he kept his hand, and raised Luo Xing's defense to 1,500. One hundred and fifty.

"If you keep fighting, it will be dawn soon, so stop."

Luo Xing looked at the slightly whitish sky, and said:

"It's time for me to go back. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I have already grasped Liuying, and when I master it more proficiently, I will be able to untie the shackles on your wrists."

For Yamato to become the general of the Wano country, first of all, of course, he must be able to leave the Onishima Island, and untying the shackles on his wrists is a top priority.

Of course, if Yamato took the initiative to tell Kaido about this matter, Kaido would definitely be happy, and Yamato would no longer be grounded.

But with Yamato's personality, asking her to take the initiative to succumb to Kaido is harder than reaching the sky.

"See you next time, Yamato."

Luo Xing waved away.

"How many times have I said, call me Joey Boy!"

Yamato yelled vigorously, but he didn't know if Luo Xing heard it or not.

She looked at the direction where Luo Xing left, until she could no longer see Luo Xing's figure, then touched her soft waist, as if someone's big hands were still wrapping around it.

Yamato muttered softly: "What a bad guy."

Author Jun: Ask for a reward for a paragraph, and you can find it by long pressing the paragraph. Only 2 starting coins can add fan value to the book, thereby greatly increasing the exposure of the book. Thank you, big readers!

Chapter 39 Food

Luo Xing returned to Jiuli and asked his subordinates to bring up the food.

Hundreds of catties of food were eaten by him alone.

Correspondingly, the injuries on his body healed completely.

Luo Xing rubbed his belly, it seemed that he was not full yet, although it was great to recover from injuries by eating, the food consumed was really a bottomless pit.

Luo Xing brought back more than 500 million Baileys when he went to sea this time, and even robbed the warehouse of the Navy's G5 branch. There is no shortage of food and money for the time being.

But according to his way of eating, he can only last for a few months at most.

Of course, after becoming Fei Liubao, the food ration given to him by the Hundred Beasts Group is not comparable to that of the team leader, but compared to Luo Xing's needs, it is still a drop in the bucket.

The environment in the main Wano country is too bad, and there are only a few plots where safe food can be grown.

Most of these safe foods will be sent to Oni Island and Flower Capital for consumption by Kaido and Kurotan Orochi.

There are very few people left behind.

It is not for nothing that the people of Wano Country are so poor and starved to nothing but skin and bones.

"With my current status and power, the food I need can be grabbed by my subordinates outside, but if I want to fill the entire Wano country, I can't do that."

Whether it's Luo Xing's original plan, or to help Yamato with his administration after becoming a general, it is imperative to reform the current situation of the country of Wano.

The key to this is food.

If it can't solve the stomach problems of the people of Wano country, all that is empty talk.

When the Kozuki Clan or the Straw Hat Clan arrive, the people of Wano Country will still join forces to rebel.

"We must let the land of Wano Country be able to grow food again!"

The environmental pollution in Wano Country comes from two aspects, one is the debris of man-made devil fruit, and the other is the waste water produced by the weapon factory.

The former one is a good solution, just collect the fruit debris and don't throw it around.

But the latter one is quite tricky, because those weapons factories are what Kaido wants to build.

Kaido, who was born in the kingdom of Volka on the great route, showed terrifying fighting talents when he was a child, and was regarded as a threat by the navy.

In order to pay the heavenly gold and the right to participate in the World Conference, the Kingdom of Volka sold Kaido to the navy, and Kaido has since embarked on the path of the strongest creature.

Speaking of which, Kaido was also short of food back then, so his method was to be deliberately caught by the navy, using the navy as a temporary canteen, which is very creative.

Kaido, who has gone through so many hardships, now has the only purpose to start a war of the highest level in the world, involving the Celestial Dragons, the royal family, civilians, navy, pirates, everyone, no matter high or low, into the war!

Only war can test whether a person has the value of survival!

Kaido wants to build a world of pirates with supremacy and anarchy, and he is the only One Piece!

In order to achieve this goal, Kaido used Wano Country as a base to continuously manufacture the weapons needed for future wars.

So how could he allow someone to move his arms factory?

Luo Xing thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good solution, unless he defeated Kaido, but this was too far away and impossible in a short time.

"Let's let Yamato have a headache about this matter. After all, Yamato is Kaido's daughter. If she makes a strong request, it might be effective."

Kaido said that he was cruel to Yamato, starved Yamato when he was a child, locked her up again, and threatened Yamato that he would kill her.

But how should I put it, hasn't Yamato lived well for so many years, and has also mastered the thunderous gossip and overlord's entanglement, and at the same time ate a phantom beast fruit, if there is no Kaido's teaching and release of water, Luo Xing wouldn't believe it even if he killed him.

Of course, Teacher Kai's teaching may not be intentional, he may not even know that he has the top teacher level in the sea, and Pluto Rayleigh is a scumbag compared to him.

Generally speaking.

In the pirate world where weird parents are everywhere, Mr. Kai is already a barely passable old father.

While thinking about it, Speed ​​came over and said respectfully:

"Lord Luo Xing, General Orochi invites you to attend a dinner party at the General's Mansion in the Capital of Flowers tonight."

Black charcoal snake?

Luo Xing frowned, hearing this name, he had already thought of a hundred ways to die about this person.

Now that Yamato has figured it out, why waste food by leaving this waste of charcoal Orochi?

As for Heitan Orochi who invited him to the dinner party, there was nothing surprising about it.

Because today is the day when Jiuli's Taoyuan Farm sends food to the Flower City, and Luo Xing is now the deputy manager of Jiuli area, the actual ruler, and it is impossible for Orochi not to want to have a good relationship with him.

"Let's go."

Even though he and Yamato worked hard last night and stayed up all night, Luo Xing was still full of energy and didn't feel tired at all.

Luo Xing first came to Taoyuan Farm, which is the only unpolluted land in Jiuli, where safe food can be grown.

Such an important place is of course heavily guarded, including pirates from the Hundred Beasts and Orochi's subordinates.

However, after Luo Xing came to power, he had already driven away all Orochi's subordinates.

Big Snake's subordinates were still very dissatisfied at first, but Luo Xing's one look scared them so much that they scrambled and left.

Now Taoyuan Farm is completely under Luo Xing's control.

Luo Xing told Speed: "Leave half of the packed food."

Speed ​​was surprised: "This is General Orochi's demand, and there is a fixed amount every month."

What would a waste eat so much grain for? If it wasn't for the timing, Luo Xing wouldn't even give a grain of grain to Heitan Orochi.

Luo Xing said in a calm voice: "The thieves from Toushan often come to steal, and this year's harvest is not good..."

Speed ​​blinked and blinked, and there was a gleam of admiration in his eyes.

She understood Luo Xing's implication, and carried out the order with excitement on her face.

When everything was ready, the convoy set off for the capital of flowers.

Luo Xing rode a mighty lion and walked in the front with pride.

The City of Flowers is located in the center of the Wano Country. The entire Wano Country is mainly divided into six areas, namely, Kuri, Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Ringo, Hakumai and the City of Flowers.

Luo Xing passed the border of Ximei, and was as poor as Jiuli.

The common people were dressed in rags and had no food to eat. Looking at the convoy full of food, their eyes glowed green, and they swallowed desperately.

"Mom, I saw food. I haven't eaten for a few days. I'm so hungry. I want to eat..."

A dirty little girl with shofar braids pulled her mother's clothes and said beggingly.

The mother was extremely thin, with a disheveled face, obviously suffering from long-term malnutrition.

When she heard her daughter's begging, she trembled all over, covered the little girl's mouth, and said anxiously:

"Don't say it, don't say it, you will die!"

This conversation was overheard by a pirate minion, who suddenly showed a grin on his face, rode towards the mother and daughter, drew out the big knife at his waist, and shouted:

"How dare you think about the food of General Orochi, something that doesn't know how to live or die! If you want to eat it, go to **** and eat it!"

The minion brandished a big knife to hack the poor mother and daughter to death on the spot.

The people around were so frightened that they no longer dared to look up, their bodies bent over and trembling.

The mother knelt down directly: "Don't kill my daughter, it's all my fault, kill me, kill me..."

After hearing this, the smile on his face only became more cruel.

However, his knife could not be swung down after all.

Because a cold and stern gaze was directly on his face.

This minion was terrified for a moment, followed that gaze, and immediately frightened the three souls and seven souls, and the six souls disappeared, and rolled to the ground with a plop, tremblingly said:

"Lord Luo Xing!"

Luo Xing looked at him coldly, then at the poor mother and daughter, but finally rode away on the lion without saying anything.

Minor thought he had saved his life, and with an expression of the rest of his life on his face, he was about to mount his horse again and follow the convoy.

A figure now came up to him.

The minion was stunned: "Master Billy?"

Billy is Luo Xing's follower, and as Luo Xing's status rises, so does his rise.

This person is a spirited guy, he knows how to read his boss's mind best, that's why Luo Xing didn't send him away.

Billy looked at that guy and said:

"You, you, how do you grow your brain? Don't you know that Mr. Luo Xing has already made a rule that you are not allowed to harm the people casually?"

Minoru looked bewildered.

"If your brain doesn't work, don't take it."

With a flick of the knife, the light of the knife flashed, and then turned into scarlet blood.

This guy was actually beheaded by Billy.

After Billy finished this, his face immediately turned into a flattering expression, and he chased Luo Xing's back, shouting:

"Lord Luo Xing, wait for the villain, the villain has already killed that short-sighted fellow!"

The convoy gradually moved away.

The people who left Ximei were stunned.

They are completely incomprehensible and incomprehensible to what has just happened. could it be that the one from the Hundred Beasts is dead, and the mother and daughter are fine, it doesn't make sense?

The little girl with the shofar braids was the first to come to her senses, clapping her hands in tears of joy:

"Mom, it was Master Luo Xing who saved us!"