MTL - Pirates: Silver King-Chapter 403 Sauron's opponent is robbed

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   Chapter 403 Zoro's opponent was robbed

All the crew members who wanted to help the Bigumm Pirates were stopped without exception. Some were stopped by the Straw Hats, and some were stopped by the Silver Pirates. stopped.

   They naturally did not allow anyone to disturb the battle between Bai Chuan and Bigu Mum.

   "Bai Chuan, do you really want to be my enemy?"

   Bigu Mum said angrily to Bai Chuan, when facing Bai Chuan, Bi Gu Mum didn't look like he was domineering at all.

   Her Soul Soul Fruit can sense the fear of others, and naturally she can also sense her own fear.

   She hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time. Since she left the Rocks Pirates, she hasn't felt this way for a long time. Even Whitebeard can't make her feel fear.

   Only this guy, Bai Chuan, stood there and didn't move at all, which made him experience the feeling of being forgotten by him.

"Bikumam, your question is a bit silly, since you and Kaido joined forces to attack Wano, you should have thought of what will happen today, when Kaido died, you should have thought of it. , you will die at my hands sooner or later."

   Bai Chuan took out the purple sun and pointed at Bigu Mum.

  Although Bai Chuan's physical skills are also very strong now, but without a sword, he can't kill Bigu Mum.

   "Since you are determined to do this, then the old lady will accompany you to the end."

   After all, as the fourth emperor, Bigu Mum has his own backbone. Although he knows that after this battle is over, she will die, but he cannot retreat here, because she is Bi Gu Mum.

  The sea in the New World has been around for more than 20 years. When I was in the Rocks Pirates, I fought with the Roger Pirates. After I came out alone, I kept fighting with the former crew members Whitebeard and Kaido.

   Even the Golden Lion and Roger Bigumam had a brief fight. Although they lost more and won less, this did not hinder Bigumum's splendid life.

   Then he fought against the newcomers in the sea. Now Bigu Mum has fought with almost all the famous powerhouses in the sea.

   Except for the few who thought, Bigu Mum has been winning again, and there is rarely a time to lose.

   Until another legend appeared on the sea, the red-haired Shanks, at that time, the red-haired Shanks appeared as a newcomer, not only safely retreated from his territory, but also fought as well as him.

But so many people have passed, the longer the red hair is, the more it will enter the peak period, but Bigu Mum has already entered the old age, so even if you don't want to admit it, but now fighting with the red hair, there is an 80% chance of losing. .

   After the red hair, there has never been a person in the world who can challenge him.

   "Very well, Bigumam, I appreciate your spirit, come on, let me fight the last battle of your life."

   Shirakawa also said.

He can clearly feel that Bigu Mum's temperament has undergone a huge change. This change makes Bigu Mum more let go, and it is very likely that he will carry out a life-threatening attack with injury-for-injury. .

   This will be more scary than when she fights Luffy.

   "It's a pity, I can't deal with each other."

  Barrett said something.

   Then he felt that someone was rushing towards them quickly.

   turned his head and saw that it was Bigu Mum's second son, Katakuri, and behind Katakuri was the late Sauron.

  Katakuri would have no way to defeat Sauron for a while, so he could only use the stickiness of his ability to temporarily hold Sauron, and then his body quickly rushed in this direction.

   "You're also very strong, just right, if Bigu Mum can't do it, then I'll choose you as your opponent this time."

  Barrett stopped directly in front of Katakuri.


  Katakuri said with a dignified expression, obviously he is the real Barrett, and he knows what kind of strength Barrett has, otherwise his tone cannot be so dignified.

   "Barrett, get out of the way."

  Katakuri attacked Barrett directly with his weapon, but was defended by Barrett's domineering arms with his arms.

   Katakuri's armament is very domineering, but don't forget who Barrett is, he was a man who could wrestle with the then-peak Rayleigh more than 20 years ago.

   In addition to the more than 20 years of tempering in the advancing city, there are very few who are stronger than him in terms of armament and domineering, at least Katakuri is not the least one.

   "Let's talk when you can beat Lao Tzu, kid."

The belated Zoro cut a cry. He had already seen Barrett entering the state. In this case, it would be difficult for him to step forward and continue to join the battle. Otherwise, he would most likely be regarded as a troublemaker. , was attacked by Barrett.

   "It seems that I have to become stronger."

   Zoro looked at the knife in his hand and thought unwillingly.

   He originally thought that his strength was strong enough, but compared to Katakuri, he was still a step behind.

  If he were stronger, maybe Barrett would not be needed.


  Katakuri secretly said, he is not Barrett's opponent at all, Barrett's terrifying physique and domineering are really not something ordinary people can stop.

   "Are we really going to be wiped out today?"

   Katakuri suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

   "No, how could I have such thoughts, I have to protect my younger siblings, and I must not let them get hurt."

  Katakuri shook his head, and at the moment when he shook his head, he was knocked out by Barrett.

   "Boy, you are still distracted by fighting with me. It seems that you want to die earlier."

  Barrett said with a grim expression, although he knew that Katakuri was not intentionally distracted during the battle, it still made him quite unhappy.

   This blow alone wounded Katakuri's internal organs, and a mouthful of blood was coughed directly from his mouth. In addition, he also suffered some knife wounds when he fought against Zoro.

   Now this can be said to be injury after injury, both inside and outside.

  Sauron, who has no opponents, can only find another opponent, but none of them can satisfy him, because all the powerful opponents have been picked by their people, leaving some garbage, and he can't despise it.

   "What, no opponent?"

   At this moment, Jorah suddenly appeared beside Zoro.

   "What are you doing here?"

   Zoro asked with a cold face.

   "Seeing that you have encountered a problem, so I will help you. I watched the battle just now, and it performed well."

   "No, it's still a long way off."

   Zoro replied.

   "It's not enough. When I was your age, I didn't have the strength as you."

   I have to say that Zoro is really a monster in kendo, not only talented, but also able to endure hardship.

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   (end of this chapter)