MTL - Pirate in Naruto World-v4 Chapter 275 :transaction

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This time Chiba gambling is right.

As Chiba expected, the old man of the sword is really precious to his own life. If he wants to use his life to change the life of Chiba, he will never agree.

Of course, if the old man of the sword really dares to fight with him, Chiba will really crush his heart.

Don't say anything about **** identity, don't say anything boring after the goods, isn't it killing a five-star? Only allow him to kill me, I am not allowed to kill him? What a joke!

After killing the five old stars, Chiba has 80% of the grasp and can escape from the four general-level combat power, but Kerla and Saab........ Chiba has only 10% of the grasp to save them.

Fortunately, the situation is the same as that of Chiba. The old man of the sword is still the kind of person who can put his life and death out of the way. In fact, like his kind of person who has been sitting in the high position for a long time, few people can put the life and death out of the way.

Throwing the heart, Chiba was relieved in the dark.

"Oh, you know, the decision to secretly take your heart before is correct. I don't know what it feels like to be pinched in the hands of others. You haven't felt it for a long time? Do you want to thank me? ”

Watching my heart be thrown away by Chiba, the old man's face becomes ugly: "Kid, let me go, then you leave your heart!"

"Hey? What do you say?" and Chiba looked at him with amazement. He said with surprise: "I didn't get it wrong, the 'noble' of the 'five old stars', who sent four generals. I have dispatched a naval hero, and I have lost dozens of 'human weapons'. Is it so easy to let me go?"

Wow, screaming, Chiba squeezed the heart in his hand: "Conspiracy!! There must be a conspiracy inside!! You absolutely have a conspiracy!! You are a bright 'just partner'!! How can you be alone? Let me go to this wicked pirate! Oh!"

The heart was pinched, and the old man suddenly bent down in pain, and gasped for a big breath. The wound that was pierced through the chest was torn again, and the blood flowed out of the wound like a stream.

There was no scruples about the face of the five people around him. The old man bit his teeth and said: "In front, there are ships of insurgents. They are being stopped by the navy. As long as you give me the heart, I will never stop. You are leaving!"

Seeing that the old man was so painful that he could barely speak, Chiba released his tight hand and shook his head and said, "That can't be done. Your life can be more noble than our 'people'." If you leave it so simple, then I will not lose money, and my heart is to get more benefits, is it so cheap to give you?"

"What do you want? Money? Right? People? Or what? I can do your best to erase your wanted order, or give you countless money, your pirates go out to sea, not just to find treasures!! I will give you a treasure. !"

Picking up an eyebrow, Chiba looked coldly at the sword old man: "Money? What do I want for money? Right? Oh, for people, my partner is more reliable than anyone else. These are not what I want."

"Don't, then what do you want!!!" The old man gasped and said: "As long as you say it, I can change it with you!"

Knocked at the blink of an eye, Chiba looked at him and said softly: "I want to know, the Navy, why are you so afraid of the Tianlong people?"

When this sentence came out, everyone's face changed wildly, but before they answered, Chiba said coldly.

"Don't say anything about 'the descendants of the twenty kings', that kind of thing can only scare the children," looked at the old man with an ugly sword. The eyes of Chiba had a strong doubt: "Why, the Navy will be like that." With the Tianlong people, what secrets are there?"

"No secrets."

The old man of the sword said coldly: "The Tianlong people are descendants of the twenty kings. It is not an exaggeration to say that the twenty kings have created this world. They must enjoy this right."

Chiba brows and wrinkles, just want to say something, but saw the old man staring at him and said: "This kind of thing, don't want to put it out of my mouth, I won't say it."

After a pause, the old man’s eyes flashed a very strong murderousness: “Or, do you really want to use your two companions in exchange for this secret? If I am dead, you may have a chance to escape, but Two people can't run, they will definitely be buried."

". Oh, is it?"

Chiba looked at him coldly, and a pair of scorpions flashed a blue thunder, and the atmosphere became very condensed.

After a long time, Chiba slowly nodded, and said in a deep voice: "You won, I really will not use their two lives to change this secret."

The old man of the sword gave a slight breath, but the next movement of Chiba made their hearts tighten again.

"Since I can't be satisfied, I will change this one for this condition."

Chiba pinched the heart, put it in front of him, and then waved it, numerous lines rushing out of the ground, aiming the sharp tip at the heart.

Looking at the distance (Li Zhao Zhao) dirty only a few centimeters of lines, Chiba said coldly: "I will put the heart here, but I will control the lines remotely, there is a change, there is no strength of four generals level It is absolutely impossible to block these lines. Of course, if you don't believe the old sword, you can try it."

"How can I be sure that you will not suddenly shoot and destroy your heart."

"The manipulation of the lines is extremely difficult. After more than five kilometers, I can hardly control it," Chiba said coldly. "And five kilometers is also the distance that can ensure that you can't catch up."

The old man looked at Chiba with a sullen look and nodded.

Chiba nodded and said to him.

"As for the second condition, the old sword, I want the sword in your hand, the first generation of the ghost."