MTL - Pirate: I, The Fourth General, Am Eight Years Old This Year-Chapter 108

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is all! !

Ben Beckman, **** Bu, Laqiru and other red-haired pirates are strongmen.

Marko, Vista, Joz, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Xuanyue Hunter of the Blackbeard Pirates, Lafitte and so on. q.o

At this moment, everyone on the pirate side understands that this is the chance to break Xia Tian's invincible defense!

Can't break this time, then once Xia Tian starts to fight back, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Therefore, Blackbeard Titch didn't care too much, and shot together!

The death of the white beard father is the same as Xia Tian's death! They all have the ability to shake the fruit, and it doesn't matter who they rob!


A scene that shocked the scene and the whole world was staged.

There are more than 20 cadres of the two major pirate groups, including Jinping, Sand Crocodile, Beckman, Blackbeard Tiki, Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion, Red Hair and other six legends and emperors.

A total of eight emperors!

Everyone has used an extremely powerful big move!

The target, who chose to fight hard and smiled... Xia Tian!

Chapter 153 Compared with him, Lockes is nothing

The domineering collision and entanglement of the domineering color, and the domineering clashing sound of the armed color.

The sudden appearance of ability, all of these, greeted Xia Tian with a bang!

All the attacks were on his body, even if Xia Tian wanted to stabilize his figure again, he would be trembling all over, and the armed domineering and useless defense could not withstand so many attacks, some power had been infiltrated.

Then, the first half of the square exploded and shattered!

The entire Marin Vanduo was separated by a huge gully.

Under the fierce collision of various abilities and domineering, the dazzling light burst out, coupled with the dense domineering domineering arc, except for the attacker, everyone can't see clearly the thirty meters of Xia Tian...

The vision of heaven and earth is still going on, and the shaking and tsunami are still going on!

Everyone in the navy saw that sweat was dripping down, and everyone looked nervous.

In front of the live broadcast screen, there was a sound of throat and... silence.

All people, all over the world!

No one dared to say that Xia Tian would not survive, and no one dared to say that the pirates were going to win and succeeded.

Everyone was extremely nervous, their hearts were jumping into their throats, waiting for the final result, staring at the screen.

In this unprecedented offensive, what happened to Xia Tian?

Until, everything started to calm down.

The sea area returned to the way it was before, and the vibration gradually disappeared.

A huge tsunami surged towards an unknown place.

The clouds in the sky were still a distorted spectacle, bursting with thunder.

First of all, the marines at the scene opened their mouths wide and looked down in surprise.

Newgate with the white beard, Shiji the golden lion, Lei Li and all the people on the pirate side all retreated a hundred meters out of breath, looking at the direction of Xia Tian with throbbing eyes.

Surprised, shocked, unbelievable, unimaginable, etc. all kinds of complicated expressions appeared on their faces!

Even a man with a heart like White Beard couldn't help but look horrified.

Summer, stand off the ground! There is a bottomless abyss beneath your feet!

The sea water is constantly rushing in through the gap...

Xia Tian's small suit was already tattered, but of course there was a smile on his face with his eyes closed.

On the shoulder, a lot of blood flowed from a wound.

"A lot... a lot!"

Shocking everyone, the breathtaking Xia Tian is now in ecstasy!

It is not ineffective to resist the attacks of these guys!

The hints of the system have appeared densely in Xia Tian's mind!

"Gain stamina boost..."

"Get a power boost..."

"Gain knowledge-colored domineering boost..."

"Gain armed domineering boost..."

"Get the domineering boost of the overlord color..."

"Obtain the complete stage of Beckman's body art template..."

"Obtain the complete stage of the white beard body technique template..."

One after another, just a simple glance makes Xia Tian feel like laughing out loud!

It's just this one time, it's worth opening most of the main templates!

The improvement brought about by this is really too great, cool!

Xia Tian opened his eyes, licked his lips, and glanced at the wound and blood on his left shoulder. Not only was he not angry or unhappy, he even smiled in relief.

"Is this the limit of my current armed domineering!"

The whole body was bombarded, and under the gradual disorder, Xia Tian was repelled, and was even cut by Cong Yun to break through the armed domineering defense!

There was such a small incision on the shoulder, which seemed to be bleeding, but in fact it was just a broken skin.

But no matter what, I was finally injured!

"This... this is too exaggerated!"

"Xiamen, what kind of reincarnation is it!?"

Warring States, Steel Gu Kong, Garp, and the three generals were all amazed, and they all looked at Xia Tian's direction dully.

How many powerful attacks are there?

Shanks's domineering look that blends into the sword light straight? Not broken.

Raleigh's Hades Slash? Did not break Xia Tian's defense either.

In the end, it was everyone who attacked Xia Tian that made the armed domineering look weak, and let the white beard Newgate's ability plus domineering slash hurt Xia Tian!

"The strongest in history, he is already the strongest in the history of the navy, not just the general..."

Sora said in admiration and shock.

"My brother..."

Even Huang Yuan was dumbfounded, it's not fair, his younger brother is so strong, he seems to be unable to fight! ?

The two stars who were hiding in the dark opened their mouths, wanted to say something but didn't say anything, except for the shock, the fear in their hearts completely enveloped their minds.

This scene is unprecedented! The records of the strong are enough to leave records that no one can surpass.

Eight years old, the position of general, fighting against the strongest man in the world and so on. Eight top powerhouses and more than 20 cadres joined forces to attack, but... the skin was broken. q.o

Be it the revolutionary army or the underground forces, as well as the major kingdoms and so on.

While everyone was stunned, they realized that this was normal.

This is just another thick stroke in the legend of the eight-year-old general Tongdi.

"He, is he invincible!? Why is there such a monster!"

The Golden Lion Shiji has collapsed. He has lived most of his life and is only a hundred years old. He has never seen such an outrageous person.

Rocks! ? Rocks is nothing compared to Xia Tian this monster!

"It looks like we're having a hard time today..."

Lei Li shook his head, looked at Xia Tian with lingering fear and said.

Maybe he won't be able to leave, this eight-year-old general has no solution at all.

The defense is broken so hard, so why fight?

"You seem to be shocked, but it's actually not bad."

Suddenly, Xia Tian laughed.

When he took a step forward, the terrified black-bearded Tiki backed away in fright, sweating profusely.

"I really want to thank you for attacking with all your heart and soul. None of you kept your hands away. Otherwise, I really don't know. My armed force is not strong enough."

Xia Tian raised his right fist, which immediately shocked the Red Earl, Barrett and others.

This guy is going to make a move!

Just what he said made everyone feel a little... Speechless.

But in fact, Xia Tian really felt that he was not strong enough!

At least just now, the domineering characteristic of the armed color was broken, and the shock disappeared.

"It's up to you, see if you can take it, my punch!"

With that said, the black arrogance of Xia Tian reappears!

Under the ragged little suit, including the arms and neck, those mysterious lines appeared!

The terrifying momentum erupted!

The color of the world suddenly changed! It seems to be covered with a layer of gray mask!

Everyone on the pirate side looked ugly and surprised, and they began to mobilize their forces to resist!

Xia Tian looked at them unhurriedly, raised his fist, and struck out!

"Seventh Form... Kill Hell Alive!"

Chapter 154 One punch down, Oaks Square... gone

for a moment.

A terrifying sense of depression enveloped the hearts of the pirates!

Marco, Bista, **** Bu and others all had their hearts beating wildly!

The air gradually thickened, making them feel the rising resistance.

The temperature also rose sharply!

In the outside world, those who were watching the live broadcast were in the sight of the navy.

The pirates who got close together to resist seemed to be covered by a round white translucency!

This cage is facing Xia Tian's fist!

"The air is compressing like crazy!"

Beckman's eyes were full of horror, and he could even feel his blood boiling with pressure!

"Not good! This is an air cage!"

Seeming to have thought of something, Pluto Raleigh began to exclaim.

Just think of that punch that Xia Tian wrapped himself up before! ?

Only this time, it was them who were enveloped!

The extreme sense of crisis spread in the hearts of everyone. Even if they put up their strength to resist, they would be a little panicked at this time!

"Blast this cage!"