MTL - Pirate: I Shock the World From the Top-Chapter 283

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"Come in, Kakashi."

Namikaze Minato was taken aback, Kai turned his head abruptly.

In their perception, there is nothing outside at all. On the contrary, it was Jiu Xinnai who looked at Jiang Liu curiously.

After about two or three breaths, Kakashi walked in wearing an Anbu mask.



After saluting Minato and Kushina first, Kakashi looked at Eryu again.

The man who made his heart palpitate when he met for the first time seemed to become stronger and more terrifying now.

He had obviously restrained his aura extremely, yet he was still discovered.

"Uncle Shuiliu."

Jiang Liu grinned and pointed to the side: "Sit!"

"You won't refuse to join our family, Kakashi."

Kakashi's body trembled, his eyes flickering outside the mask.

"No, my current identity is."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Liu had already pulled him onto the seat.

"Stop talking nonsense, now your identity is just a descendant of the Bofeng family."

Kakashi's eyes changed, and he seemed a little awkward, but in the end he chose to remain silent and sat there quietly.

Next to him was Kai, who looked very excited to see this familiar opponent, but became cautious again because of the presence of adults such as Jiang Liu and Minato.

Today's Kai, Kakashi, is about thirteen or fourteen years old, and he is just a teenager.

"You are Minato's apprentice, and Kai is my apprentice. The two of you just happen to get along a lot."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"No problem, master!"

Kay yelled.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina looked at each other with surprise and joy in their eyes.

This younger brother seems to be very good at wooing people. Compared with the other party, he seemed very honest.

A meal is very quiet, but quite warm.

Especially Kakashi, there was a burst of warmth in his heart. The death of his father Bai Fang and the death of his companion Obito all caused various changes in his heart.

Now he is at a fork in the road of life, confused and in a trance.

In the era of war and strife, many people in Konoha had already lost their parents, and they subconsciously chose to stay away from others and isolate themselves.

But at the same time, there is a touch of expectation for friendship and the warmth of family affection.

Whether it is Kai or Kakashi, they are all like this.

When the parents leave, they can rely on, and the only thing they look forward to is the fetters of friendship.

This is something that all people in the ninja world have experienced together.

On the second day, Jiang Liu's ninja ID and costumes were placed in front of him.

"Master Naruto personally authenticated and issued you a Chunin certificate."

"With his guarantee, you don't need to perform a series of complicated operations such as the Chunin exam."

Kakashi, who was wearing a fox face mask, said aloud.

Jiang Liu nodded: "This saves me a lot of trouble!"

"So, what about my job?"

There was hesitation in Kakashi's eyes, and then he said just now.

"Master Naruto arranged for you to go to the ninja school as a teacher."

Jiang Liu was stunned for a moment, raised his head and asked, "Teacher?"


"You need to be in charge of the morning classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and be responsible for teaching the students the three-sense art and the training of ninja theory knowledge."

Kakashi nodded.

"This really surprised me!"

Jiang Liu said with a sigh.

The first job after becoming a Chunin was to be a teacher instead of going out to perform tasks as a member of the ninja team.

"In addition, Master Hokage also said."

"When necessary, Uncle Shuiliu, you need to be Hokage's staff member, belonging to the administrative department, respond to his call, and go to handle some government affairs."

"The time is Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends."

Kakashi said again.

Jiang Liu smiled helplessly: "That's really busy work!"

"Master Hokage trusts you very much, Uncle Shuiliu."

Kakashi said.

Chapter 342 Contradictions

"We are brothers, Kakashi."

Jiang Liu raised his head and said with a smile.

Afterwards, he took the Chunin costume handed over by the other party.

A green waistcoat, swirl-print forehead protector, dark taupe off-the-shoulder vest, and a set of dark tights.

This outfit is naturally not very suitable in today's cold winter months. Although the area where Konoha is located, the climate is warm all year round, even in winter it is not so cold.

"You can take office today."

Kakashi said.

Then, his body flickered and he disappeared.

Although Kakashi is only a zhongnin today, his strength has begun to show well. His identity is Minato's personal Anbu ninja.

"Today is Tuesday!"

Jiang Liu sighed softly and looked up at the sky.

Snowflakes fluttered down one after another, white snow piled up on the ground, and there was a touch of coldness in the air.

"Then go and see what the working environment of Minato is like."

Putting on Konoha Chunin's costume, Jiang Liu walked towards Hokage's office building.

The Administration Department is an organization that assists Hokage in managing Konoha's government affairs, and Jiang Liu's department is here.

It is also located in the Hokage building, but the two elders, Mitomon Yan and Koharu, who are the consultants of Hokage, rarely stay here.

Therefore, the office also appears empty and clean.

Jiang Liu's report is very simple, there is a brother named Namikaze Minato, and his entry into the job went very smoothly. His identity is that of an intern consultant.

"The first function is to give Hokage some correct advice on his work."

"The second function is to act as a bridge with the country of fire, and accept the property allocated by the country to the village."

After understanding, Jiang Liu smiled and shook his head.

Compared with departments without any real power, he would prefer to go to the Anbu, the Medical Department, or the current Security Department.

After entering Minato's office, the elder brother was frowning and slowly flipping through the documents on the desk.

"What? Something troublesome?"

Jiang Liu poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it in front of Minato.

As the Minato of the Fourth Hokage, there is usually no one around to help. Kakashi is a junior, and knows nothing about government affairs, and is more of a guard.

His arrival will undoubtedly fill the functions of the staff next to Hokage, similar to Shizune next to Tsunade the Fifth.

"It's a little troublesome!"

"After World War Three, Konoha has a lot to do."

Namikaze Minato raised his head, let out a sigh of relief, and said with a sigh.

"The conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha clan is getting worse day by day."

"If this continues, I'm afraid it will affect the stability of the village."

Hearing the words, Jiang Liu shook his head and smiled, "Is it possible that those wealthy families are crowding out the Uchiha clan?"

Minato was taken aback when he heard the words, and became thoughtful again.

For a long time, the political correctness in the village has been that the Uchiha clan is arrogant and looks down on others. Therefore, the conflict between this clan and other clans is increasing day by day.

Today, it seems that the degree has deepened.

"Minato, you may not understand it because of your camp and identity."

"But I stand outside everyone, but I can see it clearly."

"From the first generation of Hokage to your generation, the four generations of Hokage, it can be said that they are all from the same faction."

"And Konoha Village was jointly founded by the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan."

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Under such circumstances, after a long time, problems will naturally arise."

"From Senju Bashirama, to his younger brother, to the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzane who are closely connected with the Senju clan, and to you again."

"You can say that they all belong to the same group and have a strong political support base."

After a pause, Jiang Liu took a breath while holding the hot tea.

"On the other hand, what about the Uchiha clan? What they have is only the authority of the Security Department. Even, as time goes by, their functions are still shrinking."

"If the same faction is in power for a long time, it will easily breed darkness, corruption, and even narrow plundering and hegemonic thinking."

"Minato, I don't believe you don't know about the root department."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato showed a surprised expression on his face: "Mizuliu, you have done a lot of preparation work? You know so many things."

"If you want to join the job, you must naturally understand the goals of your position and the environment you are in."

Jiang Liu laughed.

In his view, the overall environment of Muye Village is a process of fighting for power and profit. The giants are fighting, and the ninjas are also fighting.

Many tragedies are also produced in the struggle for power.

"So, in your opinion, what should I do? Can I ease the conflict between Uchiha and the village?"

Minato asked curiously.

He realized more and more that his younger brother had brought too many surprises.

"it's actually really easy."

Jiang Liu laughed.

"One, just give them what they want, but this is not easy. The main resistance comes from within the village, especially your faction."

Minato nodded in distress.

For him, this is indeed possible. After all, he was born as a commoner and sat in the Hokage position. He also hoped that the village would be stable and united.

But it's different for the Senshou clan, the teacher's teacher, the Three Hokages.

The current power of the Naruto faction has been achieved through generations of hard work and accumulation. How can it tolerate losing even a single cent?

"Second, as Hokage, show favor to Uchiha."

"At this critical moment, as Hokage's older brother, you can't pretend that you don't know. Otherwise, you're conniving at the opposition and further persecuting the Uchiha clan."