MTL - Pirate: I Shock the World From the Top-Chapter 270

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That is, kill the current general of Wano Country, that annoying black charcoal snake.

"Your Majesty's order is to completely conquer this country."


"Let this country of warriors be founded!"

Fujitora's serious words came.

Chapter 324 Sea Empire

Jiang Liu's administrative concept is undoubtedly very different from that of the world government.

The navy, which whitewashes the surface with false justice, puts the interests of the world's nobles above all living beings, which also makes the whole world form a strict ladder, which means the emergence of classes.

Looking at the belief that Dressrosa insists on, it puts the people in the heart, weakens the characteristics of nobility and class, and pursues to create a truly equal, democratic, and free country.

This is undoubtedly in line with the interests of most civilians in the world, and will also receive the support of the majority of parties.

And under the vast ocean of the people, the voice of the minority will be inaudible, and no matter whether it is the nobles of a country or what, they will be powerless to fight back.

"Is it the founding of the country?"

Jhin narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard such words.

As far as he knows, Wano Country has always been a country that has closed its communication channels with the outside world. The former leader of this country seems to be hiding from something.

But the purpose of the majesty I am serving now is to build the new world into a monolithic empire.

In this way, the founding of Wano Country is a certainty.

As long as Heitan Orochi is dealt with, and then talk to Wano Country's current minority opposition, Wano Country will soon settle down.

Even though he had joined Dressrosa for a short time, Jhin could already clearly appreciate the ferocity and ambition of this His Majesty.

Unlike Kaido who wants to become One Piece, Jiang Liu's purpose and vision have already seen the whole world.

Time continued to pass.

Years are always ruthless, it can change many things silently.

For example, the strength of the empire created by Jiang Liu, Wan Guo, Wano Country, and the stability of the two former Four Emperor-level powers.

In just six months, a lot has happened.

Such as the counter-insurgency work against Heitan Orochi, the search for the blood left by Kozuki Oden, and the agreement on the equality of all races finalized among all nations.

At the same time, this huge empire spanning the new world also has a new name for it.


With freedom as the symbol, democracy as the backbone, and equality as the main body, it is a powerful country that is inclusive and moderate, but possesses the power of a lion.

This is the first time that a powerful country has appeared in the world, and it will pose an extremely terrible threat to the world government.

At the same time, it also symbolizes Jiangliu's absolute dominance over the new world.

At this moment, everyone in the world is talking about the new Supreme King.

"Do you know what the world calls him now?"

"King of the world!"

"Half a year ago, he defeated Kaido and Bigum's two big pirate groups. After this period of development, his empire has already possessed quite terrifying combat power, and will even threaten the world government."

"Look what kind of characters he has under his command!"

"Golden Lion Shiki, Thunder God Enel, Shaker Rockdale, Doflamingo, Fujitora Issei, Aokiji and so on."

"In addition to the Vinsmoke family, the elves of the Lilliputian Kingdom, the samurai of the Wano Kingdom, all kinds of strange races in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms."

"The terrifying powerhouse who once belonged to the two Four Emperors, Katakuri, the Three Calamities, Fei Liubao!"

"This kind of Fredham is no longer something the navy can easily defeat!"

In the noisy tavern, the pirates were discussing fiercely, and the strong smell of rum filled the air.

This is Magic Valley Town, which is also the gathering place for pirates in the first half of the Great Channel.

"Jiang Liu, the king of the world, has almost ruled the entire new world. What does this mean? Do you know?"

Someone raised the bottle, stood up and shouted.

"It means that as soon as our group of pirates enters the sea of ​​dreams, the first thing we have to face is that powerful empire."

"Beyond the Four Emperors, even beyond the One Piece Roger."

"The feeling of suffocation and oppression of standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at the mountain will make people despair!"

"The pirate's dream is probably about to die!"

"Now, a new era has begun. We may call this era the era of maritime empire!"

Age of Empires at Sea? !

Such a new term stunned the pirates in the tavern.

"Being a pirate has no future!"

"Improving one's own strength and influence, establishing one's own territory on the sea, and ascending to the throne like the king of the world is our true belonging!"

The words were impassioned, but how can someone who can become a pirate and come here safely be a guy without a brain.

"Are you joking? The navy still controls the four seas, the first half of the great channel."

"And the new world, as you said, belongs to the king of the world."

"Establish a kingdom? Are you afraid that you will encounter severe beatings from these two parties, leaving no room for survival!"

"There are actually not many roads ahead of us now. Either continue to be our pirates, or join the king of the world to make contributions and overthrow this old world!"

"Yes! Think about it, if the world government and the navy are really doomed, what kind of status and rewards will those of us who joined Jiangliu early get?"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, the pirates quarreled for the future, and some even fought violently, resulting in bloodshed.

Jiang Liu is known as the king of the world and has established a brand new maritime empire, Fredham.

Such a feat surpasses any pirate, and the leader in the past has done something unprecedented.

More importantly, in the past six months, he has encountered many wars, but he has survived them all.

The World Government, combined with the Naval Forces, waged three major wars. The location is located in the waters near Dressrosa.

But the result is not good for the world government.

This also made the five aloof old men fully aware of it. In a short period of time, Jiang Liu has established a terrifying force capable of competing with the world.

In the new world, they have nothing to do with each other.

Today's Fredham is already a giant, spanning dozens of islands, with more than 200 conventional cruise ships.

Its shocking behavior radiates to the whole world and has a far-reaching impact, attracting countless people's admiration, yearning, and fanaticism.

So far, after the top war, the world has formed a new pattern.

At the same time, there was also Jiangliu's side.

It takes a long time to digest the huge territory, and today's Fredham has only initially formed a connecting chain.

Half a year is only enough time for this huge empire to initially enter the situation.

Follow-up politics, culture, and economy still need a lot of work to do.

But Jiang Liu at this moment is in the palace of Dressrosa, his eyes are serious.

"The world situation has changed because of me, so the portal that was once blurred has become a little clearer now?"

He stared at the weird door in the system interface, and murmured.

Chapter 325 The Door to Another World

This door in the system actually appeared a long time ago.

Specifically, it does not look like a door, but a three-dimensional structure in the shape of a swirl, as if leading to an extremely deep place.

And Jiang Liu's system is not an intelligent tool, so it can't answer his doubts.

There are only some short information streams to tell him that he can only unlock and get something after completing certain goals.

Now, the new world is unified by Jiangliu, and the Fredham Empire was created. This dark vortex door finally has a new reaction.

Within it, colorful rays of light emerged on the vortex arm, showing broken pictures one by one.

Jiang Liu condensed his voice and looked towards the door of the vortex, trying to get some information from these broken pictures.

He once guessed that this is the door to another world, maybe it is related to whether he can return to his previous life, or it may lead to other unknown places.

Now, the answer may soon be known.

Soon, on the arm of the vortex, colorful rays of light flickered countless broken pictures, flashing across quickly.

It was a patch of dense jungle, rolling sea, and blue sky.

Then, there is a huge village, the wooden structure somewhat resembles the architectural style of the Wano country, but there are no samurai on the streets.

"It's really another whole new world!"

Jiang Liu took a breath and sighed softly.

Not his original world, not pirates, but a strange place.

But until now, there are still few picture fragments, and he cannot obtain accurate information.

The screen continued to flicker, and then there were deserts, strange areas lined with huge rocks, and vast islands covered by mist.

In the end, in a broken picture, he saw a huge monster with nine tails, howling upwards, with a black-red energy ball in its mouth, resembling a fox.

"This is?!"

Jiang Liu widened his eyes, looked at the broken picture, and instantly realized what it was.

Although more than 30 years have passed, he can still remember the events of his last life very clearly, including the anime he saw.

And this nine-tailed fox that made him feel so familiar, he immediately recalled its name.

"Nine-tailed demon fox!"

At the same time, thinking of the pictures he had just obtained, the woods, the desert, the sea, and the misty islands, he immediately recalled them.

"It's the world of Naruto!"

Jiang Liu took a deep breath, his face flickering.

"So, once this vortex gate is formed, it will create a gate leading to the world of Naruto!"


Of course he knows about this anime. It's just that I didn't expect that this door could lead to that world again.

As one of the three migrant workers familiar in previous lives, Sea of ​​Dead Fire has a very high status in the minds of many people.

Jiang Liu naturally liked it very much, and none of the three animations fell behind.

"It's just that I don't know if I'm the only one who can go there, or."

Thinking of this, Jiang Liu's eyes flickered.

The difference between going alone and being able to lead others is huge, which will determine two completely different paths.

"And, that world is completely different from pirates!"

Muttering, Jiang Liu was remembering.

"A world of ninjutsu and blood."

"Similarly, it is also a world full of sorrow and hatred!"

There are many touching and buried truths among pirates, but Hokage is plotting, darkness, and a conspiracy that has been hidden for a long time.

He sat there lost in thought, and after a while, his eyes brightened.

In any case, if you can enter a magical world again, it is worth looking forward to. With the flood of memories, he soon saw familiar faces.

"It's just that I don't know when this door will be fully opened!"

Jiang Liu said softly.

He continued to look at the images flickering in the dark vortex, and the last thing he saw was a figure full of ice-cold aura, with three hooked jade slowly rotating in his eyes.