MTL - Pirate: I Shock the World From the Top-Chapter 25

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With someone's help, it is naturally easier in this small town.

"Fire Fist Ace arrived in this small town yesterday evening. He seems to be looking for someone."

"I wandered around the town all day today, but at this moment, I am in a small restaurant on the east side."

"Well, he eats a lot."

The man followed Jiang Liu, speaking quickly in a low voice, introducing Ace's situation.

Listening to these unnutritious words, the smile on Jiang Liu's face became even wider.

Along the way, they walked very quickly, and within a short while, they had already arrived at the small restaurant on the east side that the man mentioned.

The facade looked a little deserted, and the situation inside the restaurant was also clear at a glance.

The guests in twos and threes, Ace with black hair, was lying on his head in front of the dining table, snoring, with his nose shrinking and shrinking, and the plates next to him were piled up very high.

"Well, he fell asleep."

The man who reported the news looked at Ace with embarrassment.

Obviously just now, this guy was still eating and drinking full of energy, but he fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

"You can leave now."

Jiang Liu said with a smile, and walked towards Ace.

The man was stunned, and wanted to say something more, but Crocodile had already stretched out his hand and pushed him away, and Foxy also pulled out the firearm from his waist with a fierce expression.

"Didn't you hear? The boss told you to go!"

The man's face was angry at first, and then he seemed to think of something, then showed fear, turned and ran away.

He can't afford to mess with Joker's people, and he will die if he is not careful.

Jiang Liu walked slowly across from the snoring man with black hair and freckles on his face, and then sat down gently.

Crocodile and Foxy followed in behind him. With a light wave of his hand, the two understood the meaning and found a place to sit down.

No one disturbed Ace, and for a while, only the other party's soft snoring came out in the restaurant.

"We finally meet, Ace!"

Jiang Liu's eyes were complicated, quietly observing the young man in front of him.

Chapter 30 We Are Relatives

The restaurant was very quiet. The owner at the bar was watching Jiang Liu, Crocodile and the others curiously.

Subconsciously, he felt that this group of people was not easy to provoke.

Suddenly, Ace, who was lying on the table, trembled slightly, and the snot bubble on his nose burst with a "pop".

"Ah? I'm sorry, boss, I fell asleep just now."

Sleepy-eyed Ace said apologetically with a smile on his face.

The boss didn't reply, but when Ace raised his head, he saw the strange man sitting opposite him.

After being slightly taken aback, he subconsciously nodded in greeting.

"Boss, check out!"

Then, he waved and shouted to the boss at the bar.


At this moment, Jiang Liu smiled and spoke.

After a pause, his tone became heavier and he repeated it again.

"Ayes the fire fist!"

Hearing the other party call out his name and identity, Ace's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the man opposite again.

"Who are you?"

At the same time, the heart is also alert.

Above the sea, there is no shortage of people who are looking for the strong, who can take the other's head to raise their own value. For pirates, danger is almost everywhere.

And such a stranger who knows his identity is undoubtedly the most dangerous.


Jiang Liu spit out his name and said with a smile.

"I've been looking for you for a long time!"

As he spoke, he sighed and shook his head again.

"It's still twenty years ago when I saw you last time."

Hearing this, Ace was taken aback. He happened to be twenty years old this year. Did this man meet him twenty years ago? That is to say, when I was a baby?

This is too funny?

"Hahahaha, Your Excellency really likes to joke!"

"If it's okay, I'll go first!"

With that said, Ace stood up from his seat, his eyes scanning the sides.

A strange man wearing a grimace mask, wrapped himself in a cloak, and pointed his right hand at himself in a strange gesture.

Undoubtedly, these two men are in the same group as the man in front of them.

"Ace, I'm not joking!"

Jiang Liu said seriously.

And as Ace got up, Crocodile beside him also showed the golden hook between his left hands.

"Sit down, Fire Fist Ace."

A deep voice came from under the grimace mask.

At the same time, Foxy's eyes were fixed on Ace, and his right hand trembled suddenly.


The slow light suddenly attacked Ace.

The latter's complexion changed, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

With a flash of his figure, he avoided the oncoming light, and grabbed the river directly opposite him first.

The king is the first to capture the thief. These three people are all in one group, and it is obvious that the man in front of them is the leader. What made him feel strange was that the face of the other party was somewhat similar to his own.

But Ace also knows very well who his father is.

At this moment, Crocodile's figure flashed, and the golden hook in his left hand was in front of Ace, colliding with his fist.


Ace's expression changed slightly, and the other fist burst into flames with a snort.

This scene made the people in the restaurant and the boss standing at the bar widen their eyes and exclaimed.

In the next second, Ace punched out, and the flames suddenly expanded.

"fire punch!"

He controlled the intensity, and the size of the flame was about the size of the mouth of a basin.

But what shocked him was that the opponent's other hand waved out again, colliding with his flame.


Sand grains fly, flames sweep.

In front of Jiang Liu, grains of sand collided with flames, making a hissing sound.

"Who are you?!"

Ace shrank his eyes, looking at the man with a grimace mask in front of him, his eyes showed seriousness and doubt.

The only person who can use the rustling fruit is Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai. But the opponent, defeated by Luffy, has obviously been sent to the city of advancement.

So, who is the man in front of him?

What shocked him even more was the fear.

Seeing the conflict between the two sides, the man named Jiang Liu still sat there quietly, even his expression didn't change.

This means that the other party has extreme self-confidence.

"Sit down and talk, Fire Fist Ace."

The mysterious man in the grimace mask spoke coldly.

At the same time, Foxy's slow light struck again and touched Ace.

In an instant, Ace's pupils shrank, and his whole body froze there, showing a shocked and incredible expression on his face at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His time, this moment was actually delayed.

Seeing this scene, Crocodile was surprised and glanced at Foxy.

Although this kid is timid, timid, and wretched, his fruit ability is quite buggy. Even if he received that ray of light, he was afraid that the end would not be much better.

Thirty seconds later, Ace broke out of the sluggish state. He took a deep breath and looked solemnly at the trio in front of him.

"Who are you?"

The mysterious person who can use the ability of rustling fruit, the suspected Crocodile, the weird guy who controls the ability of time, and Jiang Liu who is still sitting there quietly in front of him.

"Ace, don't be wary and hostile towards us!"

"In this world, I am the only one who will never harm you!"

Jiang Liu said with a light smile, and after a slight pause, he spoke again.

"Because we are relatives!"

"A dearer relative than Newgate!"

Ace was taken aback, looking at the man in front of him, he really felt that the two were quite alike.

Could it be a long lost brother?

"Your name is Portgas D Ace, right?"

But soon, the man on the opposite side began to report himself, which also made Ace's mouth open and his eyes widen.

"And my full name."

When it came to this, Crocodile next to him listened attentively.

For many people, Jiang Liu is really too mysterious. His life experience, his strength, and his abilities are almost unsolved mysteries.

At this time, being able to know Jiang Liu's identity, even if it was just his full name and surname, was enough to make him feel excited.


"Portgas D Jiangliu!"

After uttering the short name, Ace was completely stunned, and Crocodile's pupils also shrank, and then his heart suddenly became clear.


Jiang Liu and Fire Fist Ace have the same surname?

So, are they father and son?

The same surname, but the difference is exactly 20 years, and Ace is also exactly 20 this year. There is no problem with this understanding.


Ace took a deep breath before looking brightly at the man in front of him.

"Lu Jiu, she's my sister."

Jiang Liu spoke again.

Ace's heart was shocked, and his complexion was extremely complicated at this moment.

He will not doubt the identity of the other party, because this kind of thing is also extremely secretive to him. In the world, few people know about his background.