MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 276 Tinder

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"Is this river a deliberate design? The Gruid people have gradually made the world accept the devil fruit in this way..."

Qiubai pointed to a small artificial river made of stones running through the woods and said - if the kingdom can survive forever, then there is no doubt that the secret research results of devil fruit will not simply flow out. .

But after the fall of the kingdom, it will be different. Strength is a step to reveal the truth. The remnants of Ralph Drew dug this river. If the ripe devil fruit happens to fall into this river, then they will flow down the river. Being washed into the sea, and then being swept into the huge wind barrier by the current, the huge vortex will spray those small fruits into the air of tens of thousands of meters.

Eventually, Devil Fruits will land on clouds, in the sea, and on islands, scattered all over the world. There are always people who are not afraid of death who will eat this rather strange looking fruit, or they are too hungry, or think this fruit will be delicious, but it turns out that these people think too much, but At the cost of destroying their taste buds, they gain abilities never imagined.

As a result, there are shock people, burn people, rubber people, torn people, transparent people in the world...

Only one fruit will bear on a tree, and the uniqueness of the fruit and the incompatibility of power are still more in the sense of the magnificent nature, even if it is the gured who cultivated the devil fruit tree. Not necessarily understand all the principles.

Perhaps this experiment has not been completely completed. Judging from the number of devil fruit trees remaining on this island, it is difficult to imagine that the Gruid people have achieved directional cultivation-what kind of fruit is the fruit tree bearing? Accidentally, no one is sure what the ability is in the fruit before it matures, so they planted so many numbers for research.

Some trees do not have fruit, and if the properties of devil fruit are used as a guess, perhaps only after the previous fruit has completely disappeared, that representative power will return here and bear new fruit.

"Roger came here 20 years ago, but he didn't know what to do with that history and D's legacy, so what he did was to guide more people to come here, but I'm a bit different from the former One Piece ."

He's dynamic, purposeful, decisive and... reckless.

"Captain, see what I found?" Monet suddenly said to Qiubai.

Qiubai walked over to the fruit beside her, and then he saw a fruit hanging on it, "It seems that the regeneration of the devil fruit is really fast. People are just slow to discover.”

Of course, most of the Devil Fruits in the mountains and plains are not known to Qiubai, but he does know a small number of them. After all, he has read the Devil Fruits illustrated book as early as the time of the Don Quixote Pirates, and if he has read the illustrated book, Then he will definitely not forget the appearance of this fruit in front of him.

Qiubai stretched out his hand to pluck the ripe fruit, "Who could have imagined the enormous power contained in this thing?"

The devil fruit in his hand belonged to a pirate named Whitebeard a few months ago - the superhuman type devil fruit, the shock fruit.

"Unfortunately, I'm personally not interested in words like 'dominance' and 'dominance'." Qiu Bai dipped the fruit with one hand, and then he made an unexpected movement - he suddenly raised his arm , threw the fruit in the direction of the wind barrier, and with his strength, the fruit disappeared in an instant, even if he wanted to find it, he couldn't find it.

God knows where the eye of the wind will take it.


You don't need to look at Monet's expression, just listen to her tone and know that she is worshiping rather than blaming at this time - if you put the fruit of shock in front of you, how can any pirate be able to throw it away like this one?

This is equivalent to throwing a four emperor-level combat power at will.

"If the Devil Fruit became a power of patency, and people with that power could be seen everywhere, guess what?"

"Now, the fate of mankind is placed at a fork, and the end of a road is the collective leap of social civilization. The universal and miraculous ability will bring great convenience, allowing human society to move from the most Changes on a fundamental level, the 'Magic Kingdom' will be everywhere."

To sum it up simply, Qiu Bai's words are easy to understand, he is saying... "Devil Fruit is the primary productive force".

"The other way is, of course, much simpler and rude. There is often only one situation where advanced capabilities are first used—war, where the weak want to rely on new power to defeat the strong, while the strong want to bully the weak, and between countries. The war between the two might turn into a battle between the capable armies, so where does this road lead?"

"Towards destruction."

"Of course it's impossible for a human being to decide which way human beings will go. No matter which side they go to, it's the result of a 'collective choice'. If it's going to be more prosperous, then everyone will be happy. The restraint and self-discipline of intelligent creatures are worthy of praise; If you want to go to destruction, it is just another demonstration of selfish desires, and there is nothing to resent it."

"And what I have to do is very simple, that is, put this multiple-choice question in front of everyone. Chaos never makes choices, does not give directions, and does not give answers. I want to see the collective consciousness. What is the essence?"

Qiubai always calls himself a Chaos force, not because it sounds exciting, but because he is really Chaos. For comparison, what he wants to know is this - if all countries get nuclear weapons, can the nuclear balance be maintained?

So, his captain's orders were so natural.

He doesn't need to think about complicated things at all. He clearly knows how to do things here and now:

"Guys, have you seen this piece of forest? Pick the fruit. Those who want to eat can pick one to taste, but this should be done with caution. Personally, it is recommended to ask the person who has eaten the fruit what it tastes like before making a decision. The rest... see what I just did?"

"The people in the or the fire of a new civilization, or the harbinger of the end of the world, the devil fruit is just a devil fruit, the difference is only what choice the person who eats the fruit will make That's it.

Ability is only a means, and the human heart has been like that since ancient times.

"All?" Monet asked.

"All." Mr. Captain smiled and nodded.

——After all, Captain Qiubai is more aggressive than Captain Roger. He wants to throw hundreds of thousands of Devil Fruits into the sea.

Not only that, but he also wants to let the legacy of the Kingdom of Gruid be "swamped world". The next move of the pirate group has been decided. After all the things on the island are dealt with, he will develop the method of cultivating devil fruits. spread all over the world.

Civilians, pirates, navy, revolutionary army, spread out indiscriminately...

Brother Qiu is still a brother Qiu in the end.