MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 62 Divine King's Armor

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Volume 19 Chapter 62 God Armor

Starting from the tenth painting, I began to describe the lower kingdom of the **** king to select some mortals with good qualifications and bring them back to the mountains of gods, and in this inner temple, give them gods. ("")

Gradually, there are more and more mortals on the paintings that are given by the King of God to become gods, and more and more immortals and gods are on the hills of the gods.

The original peaceful and peaceful Protoss began to show many discordant actions due to the joining of the new gods.

Finally, a war broke out between the original god-man and the new god-man.

A primitive god-man was dissatisfied with the ‘God King’ who continued to make gods and convinced him to be fruitless. In this inner hall, he lied to the God King to take off the sacred armor, take off the scepter, and then launched a sneak attack to kill him.

The primitive god-man held a wand, put on a **** armor, and became the new 'God King'. Then, the second war of the gods broke out.

This is a battle of great disparity. The new ‘God King’ has killed almost all of the ‘New Gods’ with his own power.

The twenty-ninth painting describes that the new 'God King' advocated the extinction of the world in order to avoid the phenomenon that the 'New God Man' challenged the status of 'Original God Man'.

The creatures created by the 'God Creation God' will be completely obliterated. In this way, there will no longer be a 'New God Man'.

The claim of the new "God King" was endorsed by some primitive god-man, but some were also opposed. Among them, the opposition was led by the supreme **** of life ‘Alucia’ and death ’s ‘diaporo’.

What happened next is better understood, because there are also records on the continents of the gods, which are not much different from those described in the murals, but when the murals are nearing the end, the things described above have shocked Li Yi. ("")

The third Divine War broke out, and countless gods died in this battle. The war lasted for hundreds of years, until the King of God killed the 'God King's Staff' undead life. Time and space '.

In the thirty-ninth painting, which recorded the post-war events, Eluchia was expelled to ‘different time and space’. On the surface, it was the victory of the King of God. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

The last blow of Eluchia caused the King of God a very serious loss.

Originally, he kept his youth and gradually grew old. Like the God of Creation, he knew that he would die soon. However, how could he die willingly if the great cause of world destruction had not been completed?

At the last moment of disintegration, the King of God gave the ‘God King ’s Staff’ to the post-God ‘Kajura’ and let her take charge of the gods in the heavens until it returned.

The spirit of the **** king flew to the continents and disappeared ...

After the **** Kajura, according to its instructions, issued a ‘mission to God’.

The mural description ends here, and it comes to an end!

Dashan cried out, "I'm strangling. Are we really receiving the **** to become a god? Is it really for the return of the King of God?"

Li Yi nodded his head. From the mural, it is indeed the case. The soul of the **** king was reincarnated. In order to welcome it back, Kajura issued the so-called mission to become a god.

But after so long, the mystery that no one has become a **** can be explained clearly. Kajula has never welcomed the **** king, so naturally, no one will be promoted to god. Latest chapter of the church

Dashan Road said: "As long as you hold the staff of the King of God and wear the armor of the King of God, you have the ability to give God. If we get these two sets, is it OK?"

"He has a scepter, what about God Armor?"

Li Yi and Da Shan looked towards the front at almost the same time.

There is also an inner temple in the inner temple, which can be seen faintly and faintly. You can see the colorful light emitting.


Li Yi and Da Shan both shouted, looked at each other, and ran forward.



Li Yi stabbed all the way to the ground, and soon came to the gate of the inner hall. Looking inside, the small hall was in the middle of the air, and a pair of armors flashing with colorful lights.

"God's Armor!"

Dashan laughed loudly: "Sure enough here, ha ha ha ha ..."

Li Yi looked at the situation around him and determined that there was no danger, so he walked boldly towards the `` God King's Armor ''.




Just as Li Yi was approaching the `` God's Armor '', a violent thrust suddenly surged, causing him to fly out involuntarily.

Li Yi stood up and shook his head at the mountain: "There is a strong thrust and I can't get up."

Dashan tried to move forward, but, like Li Yi, he couldn't get close to the "God's Armor".

"Goddess, come out!"

Li Yi knocked on the orange bow, and the goddess of hunt got out of it.

Through the murals, Li Yi now knows that the goddess of hunting belongs to the ‘newly-born god-man’, which is the opposite force to the new ‘god king’ who advocates for extinction.

However, the "Goddess of Hunting" and the evil **** Ellucia are not a group. The reason is that the Goddess of Hunting pays more attention to mortals in the lower world, and it can also be said to associate with the dwarves.

As soon as the goddess of hunting reached out, the orange bow flew to her hand automatically.


A red meteor arrow shot towards 'God King's Armor' and stopped at a distance of no more than five meters when standing still.


Another yellow meteor arrow shot towards 'God King's Armor', again, staying at five meters in the air.

The goddess of hunting reluctantly shook his head at Li Yi.

"I know very little about Angela, but Kajula should know."

Li Yi nodded, poked at the scepter and ran back to find Kajura.

"My lord, you are here again when you make a contribution, tell me, what can you do to get close to the armor of the **** king?"

"Only true **** kings can. You don't dream."

"Evil God, I have exhausted my efforts to release you. You don't have to thank me in the slightest. Now I ask you, how can I get close to the armor of the King of God?"

"Give me the Staff of the King of God, and I will be close to the armor of the King of God."

"Go to your father's egg!"

Li Yi was waiting to press and the mountain behind him suddenly yelled, "Dark Wing, you see, the armor of the God King came out automatically ah ah ah ah ..."

A colorful divine light flashed in front of the two, and the powerful thrust caused the two of them to retreat involuntarily.

The armor of the **** king floated in the air ~ ~ and flew under them.

Rushed straight to the front door and quickly wore it out.

"Go, the armor is flying outside, chase it!"

Li Yi was so anxious that he even forced to ask Kajula and the evil spirits, and immediately chased out.

When Li Yi and Da Shan chased out, they saw three bodies at the door.

Ziling Piaoxue, Qianer, and BB Dong, all lay on the ground.

Brush ... Brush ... Brush!

God King's Armor floats in the mid-air not far away, and keeps spinning and jumping, looking very happy.

Below the armor of the **** king stood a thin green-skin monster.

Amazingly-Swordmaster Aragon!
