MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 42 Weird warrior

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Full Text No Ads Volume 19 Chapter 42 Weird Warriors


This is Li Yi's first reaction to seeing 'weapon fighters' take 'slaying dragons'. (Full text eBooks for free download)

Orange Wu 'Slaying the Dragon' is produced by the first demon **** Guyangus, and the drop rate is lower than that of 'Sword of Seal'. Although 'Anotherworld' has been open for a long time, it can kill players of Guyangus More and more, but Li Yi has never heard of, in addition to him, there is a second 'slaying dragon'.

Of course, the appearance of the second Dragon Slay is nothing. Gu Yan Gu Si will be killed every time he refreshes it. If luck is good enough, it will be normal.

What makes Li Yi feel abnormal is the profession of taking the 'slaying dragon' in front of him.

Not a Berserker, but a Weapon Soldier!

The silver light fell, the sword was cut, the whirlwind was cut, and the storm in the sky was broken. All the skills used by this guy now belong to the weapon and warrior category.

Could it be that this guy is playing dual fellow initiates? That ’s not right. If this is the case, he should use the “Furious” of the Berserker buff to increase his wrist strength. However, after watching this for so long, he has not found any skills of Berserker.

If you want to use this heavy weapon such as Dragon Slay, you must first increase your strength. Secondly, your occupation must be a Berserker, because only Berserker has the 'Furious' skill (temporarily increase 30 wrist power, 20% attack power, and reduce defense power by 20%. ), And want to learn 20 points of 'Furious' skills, the pre-question is to put 180 skill points of the crazy battle system.

How can a guy who has not used 'Furious' and only uses weapon fighter skills to wield 'Slay the Dragon'?

Li Yi was really shocked by the weapon fighter in front of him.

And also, who is this guy?

Looking at the figure of this guy in front of him, Li Yi always felt very familiar, until he saw him launch the purple "Killing Field", a name blurted out: "Blade King Five!"


Tu Long slashed on the White Rhino with heavy killing purple light. Nearly 300 million horror damage figures floated, and White Rhino died instantly. Full text without ads

Weapon fighters didn't seem to hear Li Yi's words, lowered his body, and unhurriedly packed up the body of White Rhino.

Overlord Five!

Li Yi looked at the back of the weapon fighter, his thoughts were more firm.

Judging from the figure, this guy is very similar to Overlord King Five. Although he is not wearing a king suit, he may be able to use a weapon fighter in the "killing field", and there are not many people in the overall service.

Li Yi stepped forward and said, "Are you Wang Wu?"

"Hey ..."

The weapon warrior laughed twice and continued to pack up the body of the White Rhinoceros. He used Tulong as a skinning knife, and dismembered the White Rhinoceros three or two times, leaving only one piece of fur and skeleton. Only when it was fully loaded into the backpack, it slowly turned around. Turned over, facing Li Yi directly.

The horned helmet blocked his true face, but physically, he was very similar to Overlord Five.

Li Yi took out a sealed fire sword and pointed at the weapon warrior: "Take off your helmet!


Now that the weapon fighter is out of combat, the 5 minute countdown has begun. Only when the time is up can Li Yi shoot at him.


The weapon warrior pointed Li Yi at Tu Long, extended his other hand, and provoked him with a provocative finger.

Li Yile was happy: "Ha ha ha ha, interesting."


The weapon fighter dragged Tu Long behind him and rushed towards Li Yi.

The current situation is that Li Yi cannot take the initiative to challenge him, but if the weapon fighter launches an attack first, then the 5-minute limit will automatically disappear.

"Beast Soul Sharing-Six-armed Monkey!"

Before the weapon warrior rushed up, Li Yi's body flickered, and he became a 'six-armed red-haired monkey', and immediately afterwards, his six hands held a sealed sword.


Li Yi took another bite in his mouth and equipped all seven seal swords.


Weapon fighters leaped high, stabbing Dragon Dragon with both hands.

This is a weapon fighter's signature skill-silver light falling.

The range of white light emitted from Tu Long reached 10 yards, which indicates that the weapon fighters have upgraded their ‘Silver Light Falling Blade’ skill to level 20. Only full-level skills have such a large attack range.


Li Yi stayed in place, Qidao Jianguang almost greeted at the same time.

哧哧 哧哧 ——

Jian Guang slashed on the weapon fighter, his body surface immediately appeared red mansions, at the same time the action was slightly slower, while the red mansions on his body became stronger and stronger.

When falling, the Silver Light Blade skill has the ‘Body’ effect. The more damage it takes during the launch, the stronger the skill's effect.

Li Yi finished his skills and set up seven swords to block.


The sound of Jin Tie's cross came, and the body of the weapon fighter was close to stillness, and Li Yi competed with each other. Until his body was completely wrapped in red awns, Li Yi smiled slightly and evaded after removing the sword.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The light of Yinguang's falling edge was blocked by Li Yi's seven swords.


Weapon fighters pierced the ground, creating a deep mark five meters wide.


Weapon warrior exploded a star above his head and hid Tu Long behind him. He wanted to launch a 'pull sword'.

"A thousand swords!"

Li Yi had long expected that he would use this trick, and rush to launch the ultimate swordsman's ultimate skill ‘Wan Jian Zong’ before he drew his sword.

哧哧 哧哧 哧 ——

Numerous air swords emerged in the air, taking weapon warriors as the center, and taking turns to kill ...

The knife was interrupted without being able to make it.

Although Li Yi ’s ‘Million Swords” is not as powerful as Augustus, each sword cuts out at least more than 30,000, and the entire set of Wan Swords cuts at least 1,000 swords.

The body of the weapon warrior is affected by the slashing of the air sword. During the vertical and horizontal launch of Wan Jian, the rigidity of the target body hit is 0, and no defense action can be performed at all.

哧哧 哧哧 哧 ——

Li Yi drew half of his sword, and the weapon warrior lay down.

With a wave of Li Yi, all the weather swords disappeared.

"Hey." The weapon warrior lay on the ground and laughed twice.

After the killing was successful, the ranking on the God War ranking immediately changed. Li Yi jumped from the third place to the first place, and the weapon fighter fell to the second place.


The transformation of Li Yi's six-armed monkey also ended at this time, and he changed back to the body.


The weapon fighter laughed twice and stood up from the ground.


The Dragon Slay in his hand points to Li Yi again.

Li Yi narrowed his eyes: "Take off your helmet, I will fight you!"

Weapon fighters still didn't answer ~ ~ but the purple gas started to diffuse nearby.

His killing area has started!


Weapon warrior's body spins up, warrior profession, weaponry is the strongest mystery ‘Cracking the Storm’!

The huge blue storm spread around the weapon fighters and surrounded Li Yi instantly.

The speed at which this guy is launching a 'crack in the sky' is several times faster than the previous King of Blades V!

"The field unfolds!"

Li Yi shouted, the golden mask began to spread around ...


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(Full text eBooks for free download)