MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 22 Coquettish mother

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Gu Yizhou thought and thought, Gu Yuanyuan didn't know it at all, and when he was thinking about it, the expression on his face didn't change at all, and Gu Yuanyuan didn't know that Erbao's brain hole had gone too far Already.

She decided to give Erbao a more understandable explanation: "Do you believe in changes in time and space?"

Gu Yizhou frowned: "What do you mean?"

Not human experiments?

Gu Yuanyuan used his mobile phone to search for a brief introduction of the movie and transferred it to Gu Yizhou: "This movie is about people from two different eras, and in each era, the rooms they lived in were coincident. One day Time and space have changed. People of two different ages live in the same room at the same time. "

After reading the introduction carefully, Gu Yizhou understood the meaning of Gu Yuanyuan somewhat.

In other words, she was separated from them at that time, and then disappeared because of changes in time and space, and she "traversed" more than twenty years later.

But if so, she should look like she used to be, not as young as she is now.

Gu Yuanyuan continued to explain: "At the same time as time and space have changed, time has also changed.‘ I ’’s time has gone back a few years, so I ’ve become like this.”

This is the reason for Gu Yuanyuan's own guess, and why Lu Wenchen appeared at this time. Gu Yuanyuan had a bold guess. Perhaps there are two space-times, and the two space-times overlap and overlap, so this happens.

If the characters in the book are not right, but the time is not right, Gu Yuanyuan will doubt whether he has worn the wrong book.

The overlapping of the two spatiotemporal spaces is too complicated. Simply simply, Erbao just believes that she is a mother-in-law and has not abandoned them.

Gu Yizhou groaned, and once again throws up a question: "Why did you rush to take us to move?"

Even if the news is lost later, it is because of the irreversible problem of time and space, so before.

Without that hastily moving house, they wouldn't have been separated, or even had a lot of time to pack.

There is always a cause.

I have to say that every question of Gu Yizhou was asked for ideas.

Gu Yuanyuan sighed, of course, can not tell the truth to Gu Yizhou, then Erbao will definitely feel guilty and uncomfortable, she pretended to be annoyed, and sighed: "Who makes mother look good, there is a badass harassment, so I have to You move. "

Gu Yizhou's face suddenly became very unsightly, he remembered. At that time, there was always a man who did not speak badly about Gu Yuanyuan.

A single young mother with four children, even with a face every day, still cannot hide her amazing beauty. Sometimes I was annoyed. Gu Yuanyuan even tried to dress herself up a bit ugly, but this is the case. There are still people there who can see the beauty hidden by makeup.

Later, those people were either scared away by Gu Yuanyuan with a knife, or they tried to get revenge on pranks. Slowly, they knew that the family was not easy to mess with, and no one dared to mess up.

He vaguely remembered that it was one afternoon and it was raining. She said to go out to buy something and let them wait at home. Later she went home and didn't come back long after. She changed her tenderness and looked very serious, and then let them clean up. The thing is to go to another city.

He didn't quite understand it then, and now thinking about it, combined with her-how could she be frightened and flustered if it was just ordinary harassment.

Gu Yizhou looked at Gu Yuanyuan, she refused to tell the truth, it must be the most important thing to conceal.

What could it be.

He was stubborn and wanted to know the answer, but he suddenly reacted. Her time had changed, so even knowing the reason why she had moved with them in the past would not help, but it only increased her annoyance.

Because he grows up, she can do a lot of things for her mother. She knows this and doesn't want him to think about these past things.

She was still the one who was gentle in her memory.

Gu Yizhou narrowed his eyes, drew his right hand under the table, and clenched quietly.

After a moment, he released his finger:

Never mind, he's grown up.

As a child, she guarded him.

Now, change him to protect her.

After a while, Gu Yizhou suddenly changed the topic: "How long does it take to shoot?"

Fortunately, Gu Yuanyuan has become accustomed to the span of Erbao's topic jumping, and was not surprised. I thought: "I don't have a lot of drama, it probably takes two months, but Xiao Si has to take more than three months."

Erbao has already recognized it. Is Sanbao still far away?

As soon as the thought passed, I heard Gu Yizhou saying, "Don't tell Shaoji your identity for the time being. After he separated from us, he fled to Shaolin Temple and developed a high fever. There are many things I don't remember."

"There is only one thing I remember very clearly." Gu Yizhou's eyes lightened slightly.

Gu Yuanyuan felt that the cake in his mouth was not so sweet: "I know, he thought I abandoned you."

This idea is deeply in Lin Shaosi's mind. This is a knot. After many years, it is not so easy to understand.

Gu Yuanyuan was happy again soon. Anyway, the second treasure had been recognized, and it was only a matter of time before the third treasure was recognized.

Not urgent.

In fact, Gu Yizhou still has a little selfishness. If Lin Shaosi confirms the identity of Gu Yuanyuan and solves the problem, next, who the Gu Yuanyuan lives with will be a big problem.

Based on his knowledge of Lin Shaosi, he will definitely rob him.

Well, I'll tell him later.

Gu Yizhou was not a talkative person since he was a child. He should have known everything, so after he didn't speak, the scene suddenly became cold.

But it is not embarrassing, but has a soothing warmth.

Gu Yuanyuan ate a delicious egg roll, which was restrained before. Now his son recognizes it, so there is no need to restrain it.

"Erbo, eat this, this is delicious." She lifted up a piece to feed him.

She did this very well, but she didn't realize it.

Gu Yizhou lifted his eyes, and those childhood memories poured in like the tide of the opening—

She likes to buy a variety of snacks for them. After buying, they will dismantle it first, try it for themselves, and let them watch next to each other. She always does this deliberately and sees them anxious, so I feed them one by one. Ask them if they are delicious.

Gu Yizhou stunned for two seconds before opening his mouth to catch her, watching her crooked smile.

"Is it delicious?"

He nodded, glanced over her face, immediately rose, walked silently to the glass wall, and silently looked at the courtyard with the lantern outside.

A pair of reddish eyes could be seen dimly on the bright glass.

Yuan Yuan Yuan faintly felt Gu Yizhou's emotional changes, and stood up to follow.

At this moment, the courtyard outside the glass wall suddenly ran in a man in a jacket, his clothes were a bit messy, he seemed to be looking for something, and looked anxious, not even they noticed in the glass wall.

"Erbo, let's go back." Whether it's a TV or a novel, this usually happens, and something must have happened. Although Gu Yuanyuan was curious to see the gossip, he didn't want to get out of hand.

In the unlikely event that Xia Zhixin came again, he should panic. Just met her son, she didn't want to spoil her mood.

Obviously, Gu Yizhou had a mentality of being a mother, tapping her jaw, agreeing to her words, then holding her hand. After feeling a little cold, she frowned, and fastened the button of the suit for Gu Yuanyuan.

"You are not well, don't catch cold."

When I was close, I was surprised that she was petite. In memory, I needed to look up every time I looked at her. Now I have changed.

Gu Yizhou suddenly smiled.

What followed then, Gu Yizhou frowned, "You haven't told me yet, how did you meet Lu Wenchen? What did he do to you?"

Words such as high fever, meningitis, and undernutrition slipped quickly, and his eyes became much colder.

Before Gu Yuanyuan had time to talk, Yu Guang found the shadows. The men in the courtyard saw them indoors and rushed over with surprise—

To be precise, it is the ancient Yuan yuan.

Then, Gu Yuanyuan saw him running madly here.

Gu Yizhou also saw that the mother and child looked at each other. Gu Yizhou's look was slightly complicated, and I probably didn't expect how to know the **** man everywhere.

"I don't know him." Gu Yuanyuan instantly understood what was in his eyes. The voice just fell, and an excited voice sounded--

"Yuan Yuan!"

Gu Yuanyuan shut up.

She turned back silently, looking at the pant-strapped young man with a look of "you who".

The man was in his twenties, with good facial features, high nose, bright eyes, but a handsome face was now distorted by anxiety, surprise, incredibleness, excitement and other emotions.

The man ran over in excitement, his eyes flushed, his voice hoarse: "Yuan Yuan, you ... how are you here?"

Ancient Yuan Yuan is inexplicable.

Even more inexplicable is that after the man has spoken, he will rush to hug her.

Gu Yuanyuan :! !! !!

She didn't flash because she knew Erbo would stop her.

Sure enough, Gu Yizhou's eyes were cold, and he pulled Gu Yuanyuan behind him, looking directly at the man: "Please take care of yourself."

The man stopped his body, and when he did not see Gu Yizhou, he said with a stern expression: "Yuan Yuan, are you so reluctant to see me?"

The voice choked softly, making people feel very uncomfortable, as if he didn't reply, it was cruel.

Gu Yuanyuan sighed, throwing a head from behind Gu Yizhou, helplessly said, "Uncle, who are you?"

A "uncle" made Gu Yizhou's mouth corner involuntarily.

The man on the opposite side didn't look much older than him.

The mother behind him called him Uncle.

Gu Yizhou: "..."

The man was stunned, and then said in a lower dumb voice: "I know you hate me, but I was ..."

There was a sound of footsteps at the door, followed by Shu Ran.

"I knew you were here, Xiao Yuanyuan, you are too innocent, you ... I rely on, brother, why are you here?"

Gu Yuanyuan: "?????"

She came out of Gu Yizhou in shock.

I go, the opposite man is Shu Ran's second brother? Why does she have a private relationship with her! !!

Gu Yuanyuan's mind is running out.

She remembered what she said when she was styling in Zhu Ya's shop. Shu Ran was the first two brothers. His eldest brother, Shu Ang, was married, and he was the next successor to the Shu family.

The second brother, Shu Ming, has a fiancee and has been away from home for many years, but he is not the same as Shu Ran. Shu Ran entered the entertainment industry because of filming, so he does not go home all year round.

Shu Ming likes to wander outside and do what she likes. There is no serious work, but it doesn't cost Shu penny a penny.

Gu Yuanyuan never expected that he would have a relationship with Shu Ming.

Since this is a plot npc, why didn't she come up with a plot introduction in her mind, she didn't know anything, she looked stunned, how could this be done? !!

"I ... Grandpa's birthday, I'll come back to see." Shu Ming retracted his disgraceful look. When facing Shu Ran, he had calmed down a lot, but Yu Guang kept looking at Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

"Don't you say you won't come back." Shu Ran frowned. "You came in through the main entrance?"

Shu Ming's coat was crumpled, and there was mud. It didn't look like he was coming in from the main entrance. He honestly answered, "I met my brother on the road, came back in his car, and then came in through the back door."

Shu Ran: "..."

He knows that his second brother is not very reliable, but when he returns to his family, the door doesn't go, but he wants to turn over the wall. This is a habit that he learned from!

I wanted to say a few words, but this was my brother, so I swallowed it back and rolled my eyes silently.

Shu Ming Shen said: "Xiao Ran, when I come back, don't tell your parents, I will leave quietly later, let alone shock Grandpa."

Shu Ran was speechless. Gu Yuanyuan and Gu Yizhou were beside him, displeased, "What the hell? Sister Yu also arrived just now. Since you are back, you can see someone."

-Yin Xiyu, Shu Ming's fiancee.

Unexpectedly, Shu Ming's face changed drastically, and she went to see Gu Yuanyuan violently: "Yuan Yuan, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything with her, I will find a way to terminate my engagement."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Shu Ran: "... ????"

Gu Yizhou silent.

For a moment, the atmosphere inside the elegant seat was extremely quiet, as if there was a tight string between them. Gu Yuanyuan gathered the eyes of the three men. She silently picked up the milk on the table and sipped it.

Meow, this can't stop feeding!

Heaven! Can you give me some information?

After drinking the milk, Gu Yuanyuan had a white beard on her lips. Gu Yizhou saw three question marks on her head. When the mother was caring, he handed a paper towel to Gu Yuanyuan, and she fainted towards Shu Ming. "This gentleman, as soon as you speak, you are going to terminate her engagement. May I ask, who are you? What is your relationship?"

Shu Ming only noticed Gu Yizhou at this moment. When he saw that Gu Yizhou was holding Gu Yuanyuan's hand in a protective posture, his heart was like a knife cut. He did not answer Gu Yizhou, but said to Shu Ran: "Xiao Ran I heard that you came back to see Grandpa with Yuanyuan. I don't care how you know Yuanyuan, but she doesn't really like you. "

Then he turned to Gu Yuanyuan, and his eyes seemed to be distressed and hated by himself: "Yuan Yuan, it doesn't matter if you want to take revenge on me, but this is a matter between us, you don't take Xiaoran Involved, he is innocent, let alone punish me this way. "

After a pause, he said again, "I said, I will take care of the rest of your life, and this promise will never change."

Shu Ran: "?????"

Gu Yizhou: "..."

Gu Yuanyuan: "!!!"

Gu Yuanyuan is irritable online, and now she can be 80% sure that the second brother Shu Ran is the person whom the original owner knew.

And from what he can tell, the possibility that they are a couple ... is very high.


Gu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of a more terrible conclusion. The book did not tell who Gu Yuanyuan was with, nor did he explain who the four fathers were.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

She slowly raised her head and looked at Shu Ming with almost frightened eyes.

The cold air in Gu Yizhou's eyes gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his fingertips moved lightly, which was a subconscious movement of holding a scalpel. He said coldly, word by word, "I have no responsibility for her for the rest of her life. "

"Second Brother!" Shu Ran glanced at the ancient Yuanyuan. He was three big heads. "What the **** is going on? Do you know Xiaoyuanyuan?"

Shu Ming sighed and looked at Gu Yuanyuan affectionately and compassionately: "Xiao Ran, remember the key I borrowed from you last time, I went to pick up Yuan Yuan. She left home and had nowhere to go, so I Let her stay temporarily in your vacant house. "

Shu Ran went to see Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Don't look at me, I don't know!

Shu Ran made a pause gesture and took a deep breath: "You ... tell me first, what's your relationship!"

Shu Ming gently and firmly said four words: "I want to marry her."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

When Gu Yizhou stepped up, Gu Yuanyuan saw his fist clenched, startled, and quickly grabbed him: "Second treasure!"

One night, the two sons of the Shu family could not be let to Erlian.

Fearing to hurt her, Gu Yizhou stopped abruptly and asked her, "Do you know him?"

Gu Yuanyuan Mu faced: "Probably, maybe, maybe ..."

"I don't remember." Gu Yuanyuan's countless screaming chickens were screaming, just breaking the jar and looking at Shu Ming, "Uncle, look carefully, I am a minor, you are sure you are not wrong person?"

The author has something to say: The second child was born, Mimi ~

[Highlight]: Shu Ming is not his dad. As for who is his dad, he is still in the mind of the two parties ~

Tweet the serialized fantasy of raising the cubs by the friends, and the cute little ones who are interested can tweet: "Someone grabs my cub after wearing a book" by She 宓

Jin Yu dressed as a cannon fodder in a book. The female partner was stupid and poisonous. She gave her sister her dragon and phoenix as a bargaining chip, which led to her miserable end.

Jin Yu: "..."

Jin Yu, who took over the mess, needs to do two things:

First, take back the cubs and raise them well.

Second, find out the cub father and beat him.

Soon after, a group leader was stopped by two little cubs: "This road was opened by me, and this tree was planted by me. If I want to pass by, I will leave money for the road!"

Big guy: "... is it mentally handicapped?"

As soon as the words fell, the big brother's eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness when he felt pain.

Later, the big brother hugged a cub in each of his left and right hands.

The reporter asked Zauba: "Excuse me, how did my father chase my mother?"

The big brother panicked and was about to cover his mouth--

Male cub: "Dad didn't chase."

The big brother was relieved.

Female cub: "Mom sacked dad away!"

Big guy: "..."

Everyone: "!!!" 2k novel reading network