MTL - People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets-Chapter 370 1 ** long still want to eat with me?

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Popular recommendation:

Eat and drink well.

The next step is to go to the K song and dance show.

After arranging a few hostesses to play with this Shimizu, Yu Izumi Juyou and Shiga Prefecture Chairman Kikuchi got together again.

"What do you think about Yu Quanjun?"

"That guy in Nagano is completely standing and talking without back pain, and he doesn't think about our difficulties when he talks. If a precedent for promotion and salary increase is set, it will definitely only make trouble more and more difficult."

"How can the young master who is standing at the top of the food chain understand this, let alone the head of the class, even if we are all common people's Chinese cabbage in his eyes!"

"So Shimizu-kun's approach is quite good, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, but who is more suitable to look for? In case it becomes self-defeating, it will add another handle!"

"Isn't that guy Watanabe diagnosed with liver cancer? His son will graduate soon, he will definitely agree!"

"That's true! And that kid Cao Jian is very self-motivated, why don't you take care of him?"


Shiga Prefecture.

Said Ben Sheng Bao Branch.

The vice president, Tadashi Watanabe, who has reached retirement age, hung up the phone and pondered for a long time.

Finally, a helpless sigh came out of his mouth.

I don't have much time left, and it is a kind of luck to be able to radiate the last residual heat of the club at this time!

at the same time.

President's Office.

Half of Cao Jianyang's buttocks were next to the chair, and his body was stretched straight, obviously looking a little nervous.

Masato Otsuka could see the heart of the grass clipper, he lit a cigarette, and said with concern from the senior: "You must be worried about this matter, grass clipper, right? But please think about it, why so many people in the club club. I chose you? It's because you are down-to-earth and self-motivated! There are very few opportunities to take responsibility for the society in this way. In the future, if you have made such a great sacrifice for the society, who else can stop you from becoming a peerless man? dragon?"

"I understand what the president means! But I want to know how long it will take to come out. After all... Yoko and I are already engaged, so..."

"According to the usual practice, it will take about three or five years!"

"Ah, so long?"

"Grass shears, you know Miss Yoko's family. Even if you get married, can you keep going with each other in your current situation? Three to five years is just a rough estimate. I'm just telling you the worst outcome. But wait for this. In the past, the society will use all relationships to weaken the consequences of this incident, and maybe it will come out within a year and a half."

"This... can I think about it?"

"Of course! But tonight, I want an answer from you. Also, it's my personal opinion, and it has nothing to do with the club. You know what I mean, right?"


In the country of Japan, there has always been a famous saying that it is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble child.

Just like the inheritance of surnames, the surname of each person from birth basically determines what a person will do in the future, as well as their status.

The one who kills the fish is most likely to kill the fish, no matter how talented he is in sports.

The biggest possibility for a ramen person in the future is to go home and inherit a ramen restaurant, no matter how much he hates making ramen.

After the Meiji era, the cultural reforms gave ordinary talents a chance to seize the opportunity to change their fate by reading and become the mainstay of society and elite talents.

But this elite also has obvious unspoken rules.

If you are a science and engineering elite, you will get generous treatment when you go to a big-handed company. According to the order of seniority, you will become a middle-class in the future.

If it is a scientific research talent, it is even more delicious. There are people who will arrange money, beauty and social status, so there is no need to worry about career.


Grass clippers are majoring in finance.

At that time, I heard that the financial industry has high income and is at the top of the food chain, so I studied hard and entered the Economics Department of Kyoto University.

I hope that after graduation, I will enter the financial industry, get ahead and gain fame and fortune.

After graduation.

The grass clipper has entered the most powerful insurance company in the financial circle. With full of enthusiasm, he has worked in the club year after year, hoping to change his destiny through hard work.

But over the years, he has found that the ideal is full and the reality is very backbone.

The same staff who came together, those who should have been promoted have long since been promoted to the level of ministers, and even if they were close to each other, they were also included in the position of section chief.

And he, transferred from this area to that area, from this county to which county, is now just the lowest level supervisor.


Those who were promoted are all direct or collateral lineages of major families.

From the Minister’s Office of the Ministry of Tibet to the Accounting Bureau, the Main Taxation Bureau, the Customs Bureau, the Financial Management Bureau, the Securities Bureau, the Banking Bureau, the International Finance Bureau, the Mint Bureau, the Printing Bureau, etc., the worst ones who can climb up are also poor disciples.

As for the major clubs in the financial industry, those who can climb to the position of minister or above are also the worst children of the poor family, or simply the heirs of major families.

Either from Keio University, Waseda or Todai University, the family either has a huge influence in the political arena, or in the financial and business worlds, has the ability to call the wind and rain.

These **** have no interest in manufacturing at all. They form gangs, exclude dissidents, and completely control the financial circle. Ordinary people have no chance at all.

Is it difficult for a poor family to give birth to a noble child?


The ancestors of the grass clipper family are not very good, not even the poor family.

Because the poor family mainly refers to the declining nobles, big families, wealthy families, and famous families, not the poor families who are poor and white.

Just like the other branches of the Wu family, the children of the Chinese family, at least once owned houses and fertile fields, and they were considered poor families after they declined.

If you have never entered the political circle, even if your ancestors have some land, they are at best a commoner.

The grass clipper family tree has been turned over for seven or eight generations, but there is no relationship with the Chinese or the daimyo.

According to Edo's previous statement, a person like him is at best a refugee or a rogue.

Not even the common people!

In this country where family name and bloodline determine everything, the poor family has a door anyway, and they can enter the door of the financial circle and feel the ceiling, but below the common people, there is no door, and there is no qualification to talk about the ceiling.

A very long time.

The grass clippers regretted their choice of majoring in finance.

A person like him should choose science and engineering and become a technician, and he will not cross that threshold in the financial circle.

At least, according to the rules of society, if you are technically capable, you can touch the ceiling anyway.

But the financial circle is completely the territory of those bastards, and the common people can only do errands and run errands.

But now, there is a huge opportunity ahead.


Still don't agree? !

the next day.

The Kansai Headquarters Audit Division and the Ministry of Internal Affairs jointly established an investigation team and stationed at the Nippon Health Insurance Branch in Shiga Prefecture.

Didn't get any notice.

All members of the Shiga branch were temporarily asked to be questioned in the general meeting room.

After arranging these, Kitano Xiaotake sealed all the relevant files of the branch and started an audit review.

Sudden audit.

The branch was in a panic, and the staff were restless and concentrated in the general office, with panic and anxiety in their expressions.

at this time.

An old man suddenly stood up: "Senior Kitano!"

"My name is Masahiro Watanabe. During my years as president, I had to go abroad for treatment because of my cancer, so..."

the old man said.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground crying bitterly.

In 1510, he explained how during his years as the vice president, how to embezzle the assets of the club by making false accounts, accepting bribes and so on.

The accounts of up to 600 billion, each of which has a deposit, the investigation team was shocked to see it.

Kitano Xiaowu was so angry that he roared uncontrollably: "You **** Watanabe, as the president of the company, you actually guard yourself against theft. Are you worthy of the training of the club, and the trust of the society and the people?"

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"It's just you, how can you operate such a large amount of money, there must be someone to cooperate with you?"


A young man knelt down.

Cao Jianyang burst into tears and explained his crime.

It turned out that the grass clipper had become a strong girl with a good family background, and the two were engaged.

But from a humble background and a poor family, in order to give his girlfriend a perfect marriage, Caojian conspired with Watanabe to help him make false accounts and embezzle his property as the director of the financial department.

The witnesses are complete.

It can also be completely matched with the accounts of the loss of the company's assets.

The next step was the intervention of the Living Economics Investigation Section. After interrogation, the two criminals were taken into custody and awaiting the next judgment.

This is where things come to an end.

With emotion, Kitano Xiaowu bowed to the second right of Koike, the brave young man this time.

"This time I was able to investigate and deal with some rotten fish in the club. Thanks to Xiaochi, you have to be brave and responsible. Please continue to carry forward it well and do more for the club and society. Xiaochi-kun! Please do your best!"

"This is what I should do! I will definitely work hard!"

"Youxi! Youxi! The matter is over, and I should report back to the head office to report the situation to the president. The adults are very angry these days because of this, and now I can finally deliver it."

"Lord Kitano, walk slowly!"

with excitement.

The second right of Koike watched Kitano and his group leave.

Thinking of the encouragement to deal with, this time I let the club find a lot of black sheep. With such a big credit, I can always get a promotion and a salary increase!

Turn around to the club.

With one hundred and twenty times the excitement and excitement, Koike's second right was full of joy over justice over evil.


He felt something was wrong.

In the past, when he had a good relationship with himself, his eyes were very strange, and he seemed to have an inexplicable taste.

Why are you looking at me like this? !


It must be because of jealousy that I'm about to be promoted!

At this time.

The president Masahiro Otsuka shouted, "Kiichi-kun, please come to the office."


After entering.

With excitement, Xiaochi looked forward to the next reward.

Masahiro Otsuka didn't disappoint him either, he bowed deeply and said, "I really didn't expect Watanabe and the grass clippers to be such bastards. Thanks to your timely discovery, Koike, the club's assets have been avoided. bigger losses."

"These are what Xiaochi should do, and I will definitely continue to work hard!"

"Youxi Youxi! The responsibility and bravery of Mr. Xiaochi is really admirable! That's right, since you have a sense of responsibility, Mr. Xiaochi, the club has a very important job for you to complete next, I don't know if you have no confidence?"

Happiness came so suddenly, even if it had been expected, Xiaochi's face couldn't help but heat up.

"On the first day he came to the club, Koike was ready to give out his soul for the club, so he must be confident to complete any work."

"Very good. That's right, because the club is about to set up an office in Huaxia, so it needs a very capable and responsible person to preside over the office. Koike-kun's performance in the sales department has always been very good..."

Go to Huaxia?

Host an office?

The second right of Xiaochi was half cold, and his head was buzzing. He couldn't hear what the president said behind him.

Where is Huaxia?

The club has come to trainees for further study last year, and he has learned a little bit out of curiosity.

Those trainees are all top talents from various universities in Huaxia, or are the children of some powerful people, but these guys would rather go out to work in restaurants after their training, and sleep in the basement at night, rather than going back.

Now let yourself go to Huaxia, isn't this a punishment?

"Jun Xiaochi, why is your face so bad? Is there something wrong with your body?"


"That's good! Pay more attention to your body recently, but don't delay your work. By the way, prepare for it in the next two days. The office should be established at the end of the month, and you and Hamao-kun will go there together."


Hearing the name, Xiaochi felt even more chilled.

Because of this, the first person he found was Minister Hamao Shin, but he was warned not to affect the reputation of the club.

"Master President..."

"Is there anything else? Don't you have confidence in yourself, Koike? Or do you want to defy the club's arrangements?"


Why is this happening?

the other side.

Naoo Nagano took the audit investigation document handed over by Kitano Xiaotake and glanced casually.

A vice president and a finance department supervisor.

Oh shit!

These guys are shameless.

Even pulling a cancer patient's top bag!

The tricky thing in it, Naoto Nagano can see it at a glance.

But in life, act stupid when it's time to act stupid, just like he has been acting stupid in front of Ikeda Sakurako.

Throw the report to Kitano.

Thinking of the time bomb of the second right of Koike, Naoo Dandan asked, "Do you know what's wrong with you, Kitano, when such a serious problem occurs in Shiga Prefecture?"


"It's an eventful time, and I don't like to see another Shiga Prefecture."


"What about the boy?"

"Throw it to Huaxia."

"I heard that the security in Huaxia is not very good!"

"The economy is poor, and the security is really not very good. I will let them pay attention to safety."

"Well. This exchange of clubs is related to future cooperation. We must pay attention to safety. If you have nothing else, just go out!"


Kitano Xiaotake bowed backwards and left.

Naoto Nagano lit a cigarette and looked at the list that Kurata Feiri had handed over on the table.

New school recruitment begins.

All kinds of relationships have been found.

Whether it is the Ministry of Tibet, the Central Bank, or some cadres of the local consortium, the constant phone calls are annoying.

But it is not easy for these people to directly reject them. As for the personal connections, it is only through this kind of bond that you can have me in you and you in me.

Picking up the phone, Naoto Nagano dialed a When the other side connected, he asked, "Zato-kun, I asked you to check that guy last time, did you have any looks?"

"It really made you guess. This kid is often taken care of by the Ampei forces at Seikei University. It should be almost as you expected."

"Nonsense. Ida Heng sent me such a person, how could there be no reason!"

"Then how are you going to arrange it?"

"Of course the spree is going to stay, what do you think!"

"It's really a good idea, but you can take care of straight man in the future!"

"The creepy pervert should die!"

hang up the phone.

Naoto Nagano couldn't help but laugh.

This guy Ida Heng has a deep scheming, and he knows this kind of thing to arrange people by his side, but with Ampere's chess piece, things are quite interesting.

After all, Kishi Nobuya's political background can be described as the first family.

This guy, Ida Yoko, bet on both sides, but he is a very good chess player.

bell bell bell.

The phone rang suddenly.

After being connected, the other party reported his identity and said: "Hello, President Nagano, I am Tenggu Dingji of the Accounting Bureau, because there are some things I want to talk to you about recently about the national public payment, see if you can find someone Time for us to meet?"

"Isn't this... the institute already agreed on this aspect before?"

"Ah! This... Mainly because I want to have a meal with President Nagano, so..."

A **** still wants to eat with me?

Why don't you look in the mirror and see the tentacles on your body!

"I'm sorry, because I'm too busy with work, so...a call came in, so I hung up first."
